No US War for Israel. Remember the USS Liberty

It was deliberate to drag us into the Six Day War. They will not drag us in now.

We did not participate in the 6 day nor any other war Israel has been forced to fight.

Keep your pie hole closed till you know what you are talking about.
We did not participate in the 6 day nor any other war Israel has been forced to fight.

Keep your pie hole closed till you know what you are talking about.
the accusation that the US FOUGHT along with Israel is an
Islamo nazi meme. I read about it in the EXTENSIVE islamo
nazi propaganda leaflets that littered my childhood home-
town WAY back before 1960 and SINCE. Back then it seemed
to be a desperate islamo nazi excuse for the fact that Israel
won. Then it morphed into a program to convince US
citizens that Israel is a BURDEN on the USA which provides
Israel with an UNFAIR advantage over the victimized arabs
When ever a leftist want to express their hatred for can count on them dredging up the USS LIBERTY.

You could set your watch by it.

They have nothing else to bring up.
It's a major event to bring up. Why do Israel First people like you want to keep it under the rug.

"Allies" do not attack your Navy. It was a deliberate act by the savages that run the Israeli government.
Ethically, there is Far more reason to support Israel than Ukraine.. but…

A. The Obama/Biden policy has been to support and give tons of money to immoral Iran (a radical terrorist theocracy) to offset a dominant power in the region, even if it’s a far more humane Israel

B. Biden’s family business interests in Ukraine will insure they continue to get priority.

Overall, very bad and unethical foreign policy by Biden/Democrats, but that’s been what they’ve done for a long time
Once again, the USS Liberty was spying on Israel and the crew paid the price.
You post like you're one of the savages in the Tel Aviv government.

The trouble is that all the evidence shows that it was a deliberate act, and you seem comfortable with that. With friends like Israel we don't need any enemies.
You post like you're one of the savages in the Tel Aviv government.

The trouble is that all the evidence shows that it was a deliberate act, and you seem comfortable with that. With friends like Israel we don't need any enemies.
So Israel should be comfortable with another country spying on them. If a Russian ship was in our waters would we be justified in bombing it?
It's a major event to bring up. Why do Israel First people like you want to keep it under the rug.

"Allies" do not attack your Navy. It was a deliberate act by the savages that run the Israeli government.
It is one of MANY major events----just one and comparatively,
while serious because of loss of life----still pales in relation to
far more serious naval maritime events both before and after.
Why do you and yours shove MOST OF THE MARITIME tragedies
under the rug?
Once again, the USS Liberty was spying on Israel and the crew paid the price.
Maybe it was spying on both Israel and the others? If Israel had nothing to hide, if it had the moral high ground in the conflict, why were they worried about what their Number One Ally in The World heard on the radios?

You offer sophistry and BS, nothing more.

To show you how far the Johnson Administration was involved, he and Admiral McCain called back a flight of F-4 aircraft sent to defend the Liberty from attack.

Israel is also the main player in the 911 False Flag. You may consider them to be friends and an ally, but I sure as hell don't.
Maybe it was spying on both Israel and the others? If Israel had nothing to hide, if it had the moral high ground in the conflict, why were they worried about what their Number One Ally in The World heard on the radios?

You offer sophistry and BS, nothing more.

To show you how far the Johnson Administration was involved, he and Admiral McCain called back a flight of F-4 aircraft sent to defend the Liberty from attack.

Israel is also the main player in the 911 False Flag. You may consider them to be friends and an ally, but I sure as hell don't.
So you support Hamas. Shame on you.
That ship was spying on Israel.
So you can excuser them from attacking and killing Americans? The Israelis were so low life that they strafed the life rafts. The are getting what they give
Bla, bla, bla a bunch of accusations on the left and the right. Israel and Hamas made their decisions. It's on them. Isreal does not need our help with this issue. They are capable of waging war with Hamas with out our help.
With all the money we give them they should be able too
So you can excuser them from attacking and killing Americans? The Israelis were so low life that they strafed the life rafts. The are getting what they give
Are you still crying over ancient history?
A 60+ year old friendly fire incident & leftists ARE STILL using it to disguise their hatred for Israel.

It's grown quite boring over the decades! :sleeping-smiley-015:

The outrage is NOT over an accidental "friendly fire".
The Israelis deliberately fired upon a non-combatant ship.
The fact it was flying a US flag makes it deliberate, but even if it were the Egyptian ship, the Quasam as as claimed, that was a horse tender, and still totally illegal to attack.

There is no reason to "disguise" hatred for Israel.
Israel is not a legal country, and has always been guilty of mass murder and war crimes, going back to when Menachim Begin murdered 100 people by blowing up the King David Hotel with terrorist bombs smuggled into the basement kitchen area.
The Zionists claim they warned people so they could evacuate, and that has to be a lie, since they had tied up the kitchen staff where the bombs had been placed.
If that is not enough, then read about massacres like Deir Yassin.
Israel has the worst criminal track record of any country that ever existed.

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