No Way Trump Will Agree To Meet With Mueller Now

Naming Trump as a co-conspirator in the Cohen case was absolutely the stupidest thing the DOJ could have done. All that did was make it clear they're after him even if they have to fabricate phony charges against him.

Now Trump can point out it was a political stunt and Mueller's team will try to trap Trump with perjury using Cohen's statements to his team.

Pretty stupid, Mueller. You and your band of Democrat sycophants will now be forced to produce a document and present it to Rosenstein in the Mid-Term election proving you're politically motivated or wait until after the Mid-Terms.

Either way you blew it, Mueller. You will never get Trump on perjury charges and if you had anything on Russian collusion it would've been leaked just like you leaked the McGahn interview.
Trump never intended to be deposed by Mueller. Because he can't stop lying. From beginning to end, Trump has lied about his affairs with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal and the hush money payments made to them. And Trump has had several lickspittles lie for him about all of it, too. Trump has changed his story so many times that when Trump and you parroting rubes point to Cohen as a liar, you actually risk creating a vortex of irony which could end the Universe.

A "perjury trap", contrary to what Giulian says (and he knows better), is when a prosecutor already knows the facts and asks the perpetrator a question which he is most likely to answer with a lie.

For instance, the current nominee to the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh crafted perjury traps for Bill Clinton. One example, “If Monica Lewinsky says that you inserted a cigar into her vagina while you were in the Oval Office area, would she be lying?” Another example, “If Monica Lewinsky says that you masturbated into a trashcan in your secretary’s office, would she be lying?”

They already knew the truth, and had the evidence to back it up, before they even asked the questions. And Kavanaugh phrased the questions in such a salacious manner to provoke Clinton into a denial.

A perjury trap is designed to corner a liar. They are not meant to corner a truth teller. They are not He Said vs He Said bullshit, as Giuliani so disingenuously implies.

This is the very same guy who now says a sitting President should not be deposed. That's why Trump wants him on the court.

So it isn't Mueller's fault Trump will refuse a deposition, dipshit. It's only the fault of one man. The Naked Emperor Donald J. Trump.
Naming Trump as a co-conspirator in the Cohen case was absolutely the stupidest thing the DOJ could have done. All that did was make it clear they're after him even if they have to fabricate phony charges against him.

Now Trump can point out it was a political stunt and Mueller's team will try to trap Trump with perjury using Cohen's statements to his team.

Pretty stupid, Mueller. You and your band of Democrat sycophants will now be forced to produce a document and present it to Rosenstein in the Mid-Term election proving you're politically motivated or wait until after the Mid-Terms.

Either way you blew it, Mueller. You will never get Trump on perjury charges and if you had anything on Russian collusion it would've been leaked just like you leaked the McGahn interview.

Not only that but now it's abundantly clear to everyone that this is a witch hunt and no one believes the bullshit Russia collusion story.
Trump never was going to sit with Mueller unless somehow forced.

Actually, if you care at all about real facts, until very recently, Trump was all for sitting down with Mueller and getting this over with and his attorneys were the ones against it, but like Ricky says, it all became very apparent this investigation is NOT about getting at facts or Russian election meddling, but trying to oust HIM. So Mueller has burned all his bridges.
I’m fully aware of Trumps public statements. My OPINION is that he is full of shit, just like with the tax returns.

Funny how some people care about Trump's statements and lawyers and tax returns, while others care about what he actually does, can do and is trying to do for the country.

I couldn't give a shit about what taxes Trump paid because whatever the truth, it won't help build a single bridge, create a single job or protect a single citizen in this country. Whatever is on Trump's tax return, the IRS knows, and they obviously didn't have a problem with any of it. That's all I need to know.
That’s a totally fair position to take and I appreciate the honesty. Only Judge politicians on their actions and policy views. Don’t worry about trust, lies, criminal activity, history, how they treat others or their personal lives... I get it. Just make sure you don’t use those arguments against your political opponents if you aren’t going to hold your own to those standards. Otherwise you will be a complete hypocrite.

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