No Wonder Children Are A Mess

Interesting how MAGAts are always dragging their sexual fantasies into threads.
Actually that are teachers teaching 8 year olds about their sexual fantasies. You loons denied it was happening but there are states becoming sanctuary states so children can transform without parents consent. Liberals accuse others of what they are doing.
Teachers like this have no business being around children.

Middle school teacher claims it's 'white supremacy' to oppose thievery: 'Burn this motherf----- to the ground'

How is it possible that this pathetic mistake of nature is allowed within 100 yards of any school or it's easily manipulated, students? Liberal teachers are indoctrinating our future and our future at this point is in big trouble. FJB
Teachers like this have no business being around children.

Middle school teacher claims it's 'white supremacy' to oppose thievery: 'Burn this motherf----- to the ground'

This teacher needs to be terminated, period.

"Hey, I got some thoughts about what's going on in the world," Cogdill said in 2020. "As a history teacher who cares about racial justice, I keep hearing people saying, like, 'I understand protesting, but I don't understand rioting and looting.' Let me just remind y'all, this country was literally built by Black people."

"Literally built by Black people"? Look, I don't intend on discounting the contributions that slave labor made to the foundation of this country but that statement is over the top. It reveals a stunning historical ignorance that is all too pervasive in the teaching community. Having raised six children, all in public schools, I have to admit that the one class I had to reteach my children the most was history. And I am so proud of them, when the teachers would tell them total bullshit they would throw it right back at them, evidence in hand.

I remember when my oldest son came home from school telling me that Columbus came to America when the world believed the earth was flat. I was livid, but thankfully, that day happened to be the evening a lunar eclipse was coming. I told him, you get to stay up an extra hour tonight and I will show you how your teacher is full of shit. That evening I pulled him out to the porch and we watched the lunar eclipse on a beautiful clear evening. As the moon crossed into the path of the earth's shadow I asked him, "what do you see"? And I got to give it to him, like all my children, he was smarter than a whip. "A curve", he said. I jumped for joy and asked him, if the earth was flat what would you see? He responded, "a straight line". My next statement was, "Do you think Columbus never saw a lunar eclipse?". Then I told him to go back and tell his teacher that they were full of shit. And yep, that is precisely what he did.

There are two problems here. First, we are so desperate for teachers we believe we have to allow freaks like described in the OP to mentor our children. Second, someone can get a degree in education and be totally ignorant as to American history, or history in general for that matter. The solution is simple. First, pay teachers more, property taxes be damned. Second, require them to have at least a fundamental knowledge of history. I mean I am all about STEM, but come on, if you don't know where we have been how the hell can you prepare for where we are going.
According to the title it is about kids being a mess
Because of the teachers. Look, if your kid's teacher is under 50, find another teacher. Colleges are turning out complete idiots with education majors. The school called me and my wife in for a meeting concerning our oldest son, a first grader. They wanted to fail him and we protested vehemently. They agreed to pass him to the second grade, but they told us we would have no input the next year. They assigned him to an old teacher, one that was eligible for retirement. He, with her help, kicked ass. Today, he has completed his Phd work with a top five institution in Material Science. Makes well over six figures and gives presentation around the world.

And that teacher, she hung around for several more years, in no small part, to teach our two other sons. To this day, when we run into her, she runs up and hugs our necks. All of my sons, each very successful in their own right, give as much credit to that teacher as they do us, and I will not argue with that. But the young teachers, they suck ass and I want them gone. The problem, universities that grant degrees to ignorant ass teachers.
Teachers like this have no business being around children.

Middle school teacher claims it's 'white supremacy' to oppose thievery: 'Burn this motherf----- to the ground'

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It's far more than one teacher. You should pay more attention

California school district accused of secretly counseling child to transition gender faces parents' wrath

FSTV-Fox-News-Magnet (1).jpg
How is it possible that this pathetic mistake of nature is allowed within 100 yards of any school or it's easily manipulated, students? Liberal teachers are indoctrinating our future and our future at this point is in big trouble. FJB
Take a good look at what this fruitcake CogdillDO is teaching your kids, you to StupidBro. And, he wonders why we have no use for him.
This teacher needs to be terminated, period.

"Hey, I got some thoughts about what's going on in the world," Cogdill said in 2020. "As a history teacher who cares about racial justice, I keep hearing people saying, like, 'I understand protesting, but I don't understand rioting and looting.' Let me just remind y'all, this country was literally built by Black people."

"Literally built by Black people"? Look, I don't intend on discounting the contributions that slave labor made to the foundation of this country but that statement is over the top. It reveals a stunning historical ignorance that is all too pervasive in the teaching community. Having raised six children, all in public schools, I have to admit that the one class I had to reteach my children the most was history. And I am so proud of them, when the teachers would tell them total bullshit they would throw it right back at them, evidence in hand.

I remember when my oldest son came home from school telling me that Columbus came to America when the world believed the earth was flat. I was livid, but thankfully, that day happened to be the evening a lunar eclipse was coming. I told him, you get to stay up an extra hour tonight and I will show you how your teacher is full of shit. That evening I pulled him out to the porch and we watched the lunar eclipse on a beautiful clear evening. As the moon crossed into the path of the earth's shadow I asked him, "what do you see"? And I got to give it to him, like all my children, he was smarter than a whip. "A curve", he said. I jumped for joy and asked him, if the earth was flat what would you see? He responded, "a straight line". My next statement was, "Do you think Columbus never saw a lunar eclipse?". Then I told him to go back and tell his teacher that they were full of shit. And yep, that is precisely what he did.

There are two problems here. First, we are so desperate for teachers we believe we have to allow freaks like described in the OP to mentor our children. Second, someone can get a degree in education and be totally ignorant as to American history, or history in general for that matter. The solution is simple. First, pay teachers more, property taxes be damned. Second, require them to have at least a fundamental knowledge of history. I mean I am all about STEM, but come on, if you don't know where we have been how the hell can you prepare for where we are going.
No public-school teacher would dare to teach real history; aka the Judeo-Christian history of America.

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