Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

The more accurate description of faith is people paying attention to God's ways, not so much to please Him but to become the best version of oneself living life abundantly--and in peace and harmony--despite the chaotic world surging around them.
Yeah, not so much. If you guys were actually paying attention to "his" teachings things would be a whole lot different.
In the West, it has been centuries since government theocracies. Governments do not want religious beliefs as a check to their policies, and religions do not want government as a check to theirs. Separation works best.
You might want to review the history of the Anglican Church in Ireland. It worked closely with the government to suppress Catholicism.
Yeah, not so much. If you guys were actually paying attention to "his" teachings things would be a whole lot different.
Who are "You guys?" a group...are those without faith doing any better?

Each baby is born without any knowledge of what came before. All that, including 1+1=2, must be learned. We are all in different stages of learning, and that includes knowledge of faith and religion. Unfortunately, the government goes all out in making sure the teaching of that knowledge doesn't happen in the majority of schools.

Perhaps more time should be spent learning these teachings.
You might want to review the history of the Anglican Church in Ireland. It worked closely with the government to suppress Catholicism.
Even so, it was not a theocracy,; it was more like still trying to separate itself from earlier ways that had lasted for centuries. No change comes about with a simple snap of the fingers.
It's like looking at a whole bunch of people waiting to be taken up into the sky.

Relax. It is no more terrifying than those who believe in a flat earth or no moon landing. It has only been a little under two hundred years that "Rapture" has captured the imaginations of a few denominations. The "King James English" translations can be a hoot when one does not study the original Biblical language(s) and its metaphors.

Be not afraid. Smile, shake your head, and move on.
Where the head of state is head of the church?
That wasn't quite how it worked, either. There were heads of State and there were heads of Church. There were plenty of instances where the two did not get along. The most obvious one is with Henry VIII, but there were others.
That wasn't quite how it worked, either. There were heads of State and there were heads of Church. There were plenty of instances where the two did not get along. The most obvious one is with Henry VIII, but there were others.
Are you telling me Henry Vlll was not head of the Church of England?
Are you telling me Henry Vlll was not head of the Church of England?
I am saying in the beginning Henry VIII and the head of Church (the Pope) worked together. The Pope denied him a divorce and Henry broke away from the Church and went his own way with six wives instead of one.
Not "horrified but it's sad to watch you kids wasting your lives working to please some imaginary sky being in the hopes of being included in his mythical "afterlife". There are so many better ways to spend your time.
And you are now preaching your religion.

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