Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

The time I got out of bed
What I said to my wife
What I am typing right now
When I will go for a walk
What I will read
What I will write in my journal
What I will play on my guitar
What I will make in my woodshop
And you think the above are things religion controls?
Gods don't do anything and are not family or friend since they never actually interact with you
You cannot assert that because you haven't a clue of God's interactions with me.

The best you can say is: God is not your family and not your friend since He has never actually interacted with you.

Speak only for yourself, not for others.
You cannot assert that because you haven't a clue of God's interactions with me.

The best you can say is: God is not your family and not your friend since He has never actually interacted with you.

Speak only for yourself, not for others.

No one can prove they interacted with a god.

For all I know you were just talking to yourself like Augustine did in his Soliloquies
You said that there is no freedom from government
Try not paying your taxes, driving by your own rules, setting up a business, etc. Compare what government allows to what religion allows and then determine where one lives more freely.
Try not paying your taxes, driving by your own rules, setting up a business, etc. Compare what government allows to what religion allows and then determine where one lives more freely.

None of that has anything to do with the parts of my life that the government does not affect at all.

Even your religion says to follow the laws of governing authorities and the god of the bible even takes credit for establishing those government authorities.

Romans 13:1-7

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed,

I only have Caesar's law ( government) to follow and I don't believe a god is responsible for them but society is.
Opiate of the masses. There is a separation of church and state written into the US Constitution because there is no freedom of religion without freedom from religion.
I'm pretty sure that's not what they intended that to mean.
Not "horrified but it's sad to watch you kids wasting your lives working to please some imaginary sky being in the hopes of being included in his mythical "afterlife". There are so many better ways to spend your time.
That's because you don't understand any of it. But you do believe in natural selection, right? Because according to natural selection if belief in God offered no functional advantage, it would have disappeared long ago.
Seems to me that religions tend to seek political power to support their beliefs, i.e., a theocracy. Got an example of what you say actually being the case?
That's odd because the only real "theocracies" established in the 20th century were established by atheists.
Hinduism is a very inclusive religion and has had numerous offshoots from it, including Buddism, Jainism, and Sikhism. So far as I know, only Christianity and Islam actively recruit adherents, often violently, and are exclusive, you are either a Christian or Muslim or you're not. Hindus, Jews and pagans were exactly the opposite and, as such, much more peaceful.
To say there a lot of beliefs out there, lets break this down.

1. If there is a God, he has ancient origins. He is either a God of the past and present, and future or he is not God. This limits the field of surviving ancient religions significantly. For example, the gods of the Romans and Greeks is no longer a valid religion followed today, so those gods can be said to have died a long time ago.

2. This leaves religions based on the Torah, an ancient document. What else is there? Maybe Hinduism, but this is mostly a regional religion in Asia and not much of a world wide following.
Does the validity of religion depend on how many adherants it has, or the geographical location? If Pastafarrianism had more followers than Christianity, would it be a more valid religion?

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