No Zimmerman threads?'s my rant


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
This whole case is disgusting, and not only because there was a murder.

I think conservatives were duped in this case.
I think liberals and the media knew from day one this would result in a conviction and they brought in questions of gun ownership and "Florida's stand your ground law" just to cause a big scandal, because they don't like either option.
I don't think this case has anything to do with that crap.

I think the one scream on the tape is from a black person.
(that's probably why the media plays it all the time)
( Martins father said it wasn't him, his mother says it was)
If it is Martin, there would be little logical claim to self defense.
There's a good possibility that Zimmerman got sick of all the crime in the neighborhood (over 400 incidents)
and executed the next person he found that was up to no good.
There's also a possibility he had a run-in with Martin before.

If a person is going to execute someone and the victim yells for help in an inhabited area, it would be a logical tactic that the executioner would also yell for help.

Most of the credible witness accounts seem to be in Zimmerman's favor, but they all seem flimsy.

Zimmerman's case has some weak points.
* He can't say the kid didn't belong in the neighborhood
* He never showed evidence, or even accused Martin of committing a specific crime (other than attacking him)
* His story that Martin appeared out of the dark and clocked him is a little weak.

By Constitutional law, in an incident where one person is killed and the other claims self defense, the law would have to take the side of the survivor.
This could only be trumped by any witnesses or any forensic evidence.

The forensic evidence in this case that i've heard has been weak.
and misleading.

Two audio "experts" each agree with the family that hired them.
So i guess expert testimony doesn't mean crap.
The judge throws out all of them.

Unfortunately, our country no longer follows Constitutional law, we follow Marxist law,
and that law states that if you use a gun you're are automatically guilty.
also, black people receive preferential treatment at this time.

Zimmerman's lawyer is a no-name goof.
"knock knock, who is it?'s George Zimmerman"
...and that's when he's not tripping over his feet.
It seems to me no REAL lawyers wanted to take Zimmerman's losing case.

What we should be talking about is the obstruction of justice by the left.
They loaded his jury with women who they expect to be sympathetic to the stories about video games and skittles.
Why didn't they just ask people how they intended to vote? would have been the same thing.
THE REASON WHY they selected 5 "white" women and one black one was so they can say Zimmerman was convicted by a nearly all white jury.
As far as i'm concernced this case is already over.

We're just watching people put their beaks on TV, hoping to be famous "experts".

After the jury selection i saw an interview with Gloria Alred, ...she was claim ,...why wasn't she shrill?
Because she knows with this jury selection it will end in a conviction too, otherwise she would be giving everyone the what-for.

The left-wing blames white people for everything, then when there are no white people left, Zimmerman becomes an honorary white man.
The way the left-wingers think is, you are either a Socialist or you're a Nazi.
Since Zimmerman was carrying a gun and trying to fight crime, in their mind he's a Nazi.
In the mind of the Socialist, if someone kills you, you may file a police report and hope for justice.

I don't know , maybe Zimmerman deserves to go to jail.
I'm more upset over the way the court system is being run, and the media being caught telling lies to drum up emotional response over the case.

Every part of this case is sad.
Did the media really try to raise a discrimination case over Martin wearing a hoodie?
Are going to pretend that is not a common way to hide your identity?

Unfortunately, i think we will find the true guilty party in this incident is Martin's parents, who probably raised him to think it was cool to be a punk ass.
Did the media really try to raise a discrimination case over Martin wearing a hoodie?
Are going to pretend that is not a common way to hide your identity?

Unfortunately, i think we will find the true guilty party in this incident is Martin's parents, who probably raised him to think it was cool to be a punk ass.

sort of much more then that

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