NOAA cooking the books on climate change


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Holly Smokes


January 29, 2016
300 scientists send letter to Congress accusing NOAA of cooking the books on climate change
ByRick Moran

One of the least reliable sources for data on climate change is the US federal government. Now, a group of 300 scientists and academics want Congress to investigate the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for cooking the books on climate data in order to erase the pause in the rise in temperature cited by, among other sources, the IPCC.

Incredibly, the NOAA accumulated data by measuring the water temperature from the engine intake valves of ocean going cargo ships. The scientists want Congress to investigate whether the agency violated the Data Quality Act, which seeks to insure the accurate dissemination of scientific information to the public.

Daily Caller:


This is a blatant attempt to politicize science by the administration and should be exposed for the dishonest research it is. The only question is who at NOAA was behind the attempt to whitewash the termperature hiatus and whose orders they were acting under.

There is yet to be a credible scientific explanation for the lack of rising temperatures despite models saying there should have been close to a one degree increase over the last 17 years. NOAA's attempt to create an explanation out of whole cloth only shows the desperation of climate hysterics who are vigorously denying the facts in front of their face.

Read more:

Funnily enough economists, among 'other experts', signed the letter.

Of the 300 letter signers, 150 had doctorates in a related field. Signers also included: 25 climate or atmospheric scientists, 23 geologists, 18 meteorologists, 51 engineers, 74 physicists, 20 chemists and 12 economists. Additionally, one signer was a Nobel Prize winning physicist and two were astronauts.

I suppose the rest of the signers were accountants, lawyers and bloggers.
Only in America would the Chairman of the House Science Committee be a batshit crazy flat earther.

Update: Rep. Lamar Smith Ramps Up His Climate Conspiracy

I can’t stress enough just how distant from reality Smith is here. His view is literally that NOAA is purposely doctoring results to make it seem as if the planet is warming. After NOAA announced it wouldn't kowtow to such nonsense, Smith’s office released this statement:

It was inconvenient for this administration that climate data has clearly showed no warming for the past two decades. The American people have every right to be suspicious when NOAA alters data to get the politically correct results they want and then refuses to reveal how those decisions were made. NOAA needs to come clean about why they altered the data to get the results they needed to advance this administration’s extreme climate change agenda. The agency has yet to identify any legal basis for withholding these documents. The Committee intends to use all tools at its disposal to undertake its Constitutionally-mandated oversight responsibilities.
what I dont understand is why NOAA doesnt just obey the law and release the information requested. surely even if some of it is sketchy and embarrassing, the overall progression to the Pause Buster paper would be defendable. wouldnt it?
Well I guess Im the asshole here!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Even NASA admits there is a pause.........but now, the AGW alarmists, once in love with the NASA people, now discount them as some rogue government agency.:gay:The hard core k00ks were always referencing NASA.......but not anymore!!:coffee:

NASA admits the pause in global warming continues

These people.........if anybody wavers from the established hysteria, they are outed by the members of the religion.

Yup. once the past data is overwritten the believers trust that it is gone and never to be remembered. today's data is only a stepping stone to the 'truth' that will surely come tomorrow.
Some of those scientist that are feed up with the NOAA/NASA bastardization of data are now speaking out. They are shunned by the faithful ( as seen in this thread) without a shred of proof or supporting documentation that is replicatable and testable.. Now why would that be? Because NOAA and NASA refuse to give up the raw unaltered data (if it exists any longer - hint of the CRU dumping the real data after they made it meet their expectations)..

But there is hope.. the hand written documents of not so long ago are kept in the library of congress and are being scanned in to a data abase by private companies and NGO's. The raw data from the US CRN and other computer generated equipment is being downloaded daily by about thirty NGO's and many other science enthusiasts.

NOAA and NASA have a huge problem. UAH and RSS, which are near surface or at surface measurements accurate to 0.02 deg C as balloon data sets show, which are done daily to verify the satellite data veracity. (they actually use science to quantify their results) These show the HCN so badly damaged that its divergence is now over +2 - 3 deg C. That is some massive adjusting!

The HCN is so badly jacked up its utterly useless for scientific purposes. To date, it is estimated that one data set has had over 400 changes in the last 30 years.. This is precisely why we are attempting to regain the original data. and many of the data sets already rebuilt are so badly adjusted that many are 3-4 deg C higher than the original reading in rural settings and older data has been decreased by that same amount.. The HCN IS CRAP!

Even Anthony Watts used the unadjusted data from the sites in his assessment of UHI. This power point presentation lays out the damage pretty nicely..
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February 18, 2017
Democrats’ Real Global Warming Fraud Revealed
By Dennis T. Avery

The Democrats are devastated by their recent lost elections. They will be even more devastated as we learn the details of their massive global warming fraud.

Dr. John Bates, a former high level NOAA scientist, set off a furor by revealing that a recent NOAA paper, which claimed global warming hadn’t “paused” during the past 20 years, was fraudulent. The paper was timed to undergird Obama’s signing of the hugely expensive Paris climate agreement.

This is only a tiny fraction of the climate fraud.

Fortunately, high-tech research has finally sorted out the “mystery factor” in our recent climate changes—and it’s mostly not CO2. Even redoubling carbon dioxide, by itself, would raise earth’s temperature only 1.1 degree. That’s significant, but not dangerous.

CERN, the world’s top particle physics laboratory, just found that our big, abrupt climate changes are produced by variations in the sun’s activity. That’s the same sun the modelers had dismissed as “unchanging.” CERN says the sun’s variations interact with cosmic rays to create more or fewer of earth’s heat-shielding clouds. The IPCC had long admitted it couldn’t model clouds--and now the CERN experiment says the clouds are the earth’s thermostats!

In 2000, for example, the sun was strong, and few cosmic rays hit the earth. Therefore, skies were sunny, the earth warmed and crops grew abundantly. The Little Ice Age sun was far weaker and its heavy overcast clouds deflected more of the solar heat back into space. The earth went cold and the weather became highly unstable. Huge numbers of both humans and animals starved, due to extreme droughts, massive floods and untimely frosts.

We haven’t seen the likes of that extreme weather in the past 150 years!

The Old Masters paintings in the world’s museums are mute testimony to this cycling. The Medieval Warming’s paintings show mostly sunny skies. The Little Ice Age skies are shown as heavily overcast. London held ice fairs on the Thames—and once an elephant was led across on the river’s ice!

Henrick Svensmark, a Danish astrophysicist, proposed the cosmic ray-cloud connection in 2008, after ultraviolet light quickly produced huge numbers of tiny cloud seeds in his “cloud chamber.” The climate modelers dismissed Svensmark, saying his cloud seed particles were too small, and would just evaporate in the open air.

Now, CERN has unraveled the earth’s cloud chemistry--and confirmed Svensmark’s theory--with their Large Hadron Collider producing the “cosmic rays.” CERN found that the climate modelers totally failed to understand the interaction of electrically charged cloud particles created by the cosmic rays, which produced one or two orders of magnitude more clouds. The ionized clouds also reflected more heat back into space—and lasted longer. CERN’s lead author, Ken Carslaw, said in the CERN Courier (December 2016) that all the projections of the climate models should thus be revised downward.


This was all created by the political Left. which so famously “cares more” about people. A U.K. Member of Parliament told us 20 years ago that he was astounded to have constituents demanding that he rise their taxes “to save the planet!” The Left has ridden that tax-gathering horse literally to death. Meanwhile:

  • Europe overpays for Russian gas, and so is burning more coal than ever.
  • London’s new smog is created by burning wood pellets instead of natural gas,because gas prices have tripled to pay “renewable” subsidies.
  • South Australia has suffered five recent electrical black-outs because it closed its last coal-fired power plant. (Their wind turbines don’t turn when the wind dies.) One blackout caused $1 billion in losses; molten steel hardened in the suddenly-dead furnaces.
  • Millions of Third World women die from tending open fires in their huts, for lack of kerosene or electricity. Their governments are denied financing for urgently needed coal-fired power plants when the world has ample coal.
The climate modelers made a perhaps-honest mistake by assuming a warmer world would hold more moisture in its atmosphere, thus amplifying the greenhouse effect. That’s how those guesses about radical future warmings were created. But NASA data have shown no increased atmospheric moisture. Nor did the government-sponsored modelers correct their mistake.

Instead, perhaps lured by big headlines and lavish government “research” grants, they continued to claim overheated disaster lay ahead. A skeptical House Science Committee subpoenaed Karl’s research data right after the fraud was published, but President Obama’s Commerce Secretary blocked the subpoena.

That’s unlikely to happen with Donald Trump in the White House. He’s already expressed his doubt about the CO2 theory, and his administration will likely pursue the Karl fraud even as it extols CERN’s new high-tech climate change findings.

The Left has demanded we pay proper attention to the science. Now it’s their turn.

Read more: Articles: Democrats’ Real Global Warming Fraud Revealed
What a fucking liar that author is. From beginning to end.

  • Millions of Third World women die from tending open fires in their huts, for lack of kerosene or electricity. Their governments are denied financing for urgently needed coal-fired power plants when the world has ample coal.
Those people do not have the money for coal fired plants. Not only that, many of them are in areas that have little to no coal. And solar and wind are far cheaper for them, in any case.
Has anyone sought to refute CERN's findings?.

What findings? CERN made no findings that affected climate. CERN said nothing like what American_Jihad dishonestly claimed, through his copy and paste of some other denier's open fraud.

Remember, all denier cult leaders lie, all the time. They are literally the most dishonest humans to ever walk planet earth. If someone willingly follows them, that cult follower is therefore also dishonest.

What CERN did do is show cosmic rays can seed clouds. Which everyone already knew. That's as far as CERN went. They certainly made no claims about climate.

However, it's been proven that there is no correlation between cosmic rays and cloud cover. Cosmic rays go up, go down, yet there are no changes in cloud cover. There's simply no shortage of earthly-created nucleation particles, so a few more or less nucleation particles from cosmic rays is meaningless.

Naturally, since the "cosmic rays affect climate" theory has been so soundly debunked, deniers claim it to be absolute gospel truth. It's part of that "lie about everything!" life philosophy of theirs. Every bit of the science says that deniers are lying, therefore deniers have to always lie about every bit of the science.
The Left has demanded we pay proper attention to the science. Now it’s their turn.

We can tell you get a tingle up your Stalinist leg, when you think about sending scientists and other EnemiesOfThePeople to the Gulag.

Almost all deniers are open Stalinists like you now. They literally want everyone who disagrees with TheParty to be killed or imprisoned.

On behalf of the all the free people of the world, let me tell you denier Stalinist shitstains to pound sand. It didn't turn out well for the Russian commies. It won't turn out well for you.
I said: Nope.. They're to busy jumping to conclusions and name calling..

And along comes the deranged cat lady;
"We can tell you get a tingle up your Stalinist leg, when you think about sending scientists and other EnemiesOfThePeople to the Gulag.

Almost all deniers are open Stalinists like you now. They literally want everyone who disagrees with TheParty to be killed or imprisoned."

Now she is openly calling for the jailing and killing of those who don't believe her cult religion.

Proof positive of my assessment of total mental breakdown of alarmists...
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Billy, you have twice claimed to have a college degree in atmospheric physics while repeatedly demonstrating a sub-high school level familiarity with the basics. You're a self-confessed liar. You have made hundreds of unsubstantiated assertions here - you are FAMOUS for the lack of links or other evidence for your idiotic claims. So, why should anyone here pay ANY attention to anything you say?
Huge change from 2006..........millions of more Americans are aware of the rigging of the data.

How do we know?

Because the last 3 presidential elections, "climate change" came up exactly zero times in the debates. Because......nobody gives a shit about global warming anymore compared to about 20 other concerns that weigh far more heavily on their minds. In other words..........real concerns. Not even a debatable fact.:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Only the few mental cases who are climate change obsessed think otherwise......MAYBE about 1% of the country.:2up:

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