Noaa Says We're Now At The 3rd Warmest Year For 2014(stall Keeps Going!)

Old Rock’s idea of scientific disputation: "Links, you silly asshole".

Drunk tonight, Old Rocks? Been hittin' the bottle again, have we? Did you kick the dog and slap the old lady when you got back from the union hall meeting tonight? Listen idiot, I don't care how many blathering marxist morons line up behind the warmie agenda. They're borg. They think with a single mind. They do what they're pressured to do and what they're told to do. They've lined up behind insidious lies before. "Global cooling" was the one before "global warming". From coolie to warmie in 35 years. That's quite a trick. And they want us to believe their noses don't grow another inch every time they open their lying mouths.

How about that cause they lined up behind in the 20's and 30's? The one that had academia's staunchest support. The one that saw doctoral programs at Harvard, Yale, The University of Chicago, and other top-tier universities. It was called "eugenics". Familiar with that cause, moron? Small wonder Hitler had no problem with it. Western academics were lined up like a bunch of bleating sheep, proselytizing the idea of murdering genetic undesirables.

You're just another borg. You lie on the Internet because that's what you've been told to do. You lie about being a graduate in some earth science or other but you always come across as crass, stupid, intolerant and dogmatic. So people should give you any credibility, right? Wrong.

No links, no credibility. As you have failed to even once link a credible source for your opinions, I will amend that description of you. Silly willfully ignorant asshole. Feel better?

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Real science from real scientists, not idiots on an internet message board.

Links reaffirming the fact that you're a foulmouthed moron? The're all all over this web site. Every time you post you reaffirm that.
Old Rock’s idea of scientific disputation: "Links, you silly asshole".

Drunk tonight, Old Rocks? Been hittin' the bottle again, have we? Did you kick the dog and slap the old lady when you got back from the union hall meeting tonight? Listen idiot, I don't care how many blathering marxist morons line up behind the warmie agenda. They're borg. They think with a single mind. They do what they're pressured to do and what they're told to do. They've lined up behind insidious lies before. "Global cooling" was the one before "global warming". From coolie to warmie in 35 years. That's quite a trick. And they want us to believe their noses don't grow another inch every time they open their lying mouths.

How about that cause they lined up behind in the 20's and 30's? The one that had academia's staunchest support. The one that saw doctoral programs at Harvard, Yale, The University of Chicago, and other top-tier universities. It was called "eugenics". Familiar with that cause, moron? Small wonder Hitler had no problem with it. Western academics were lined up like a bunch of bleating sheep, proselytizing the idea of murdering genetic undesirables.

You're just another borg. You lie on the Internet because that's what you've been told to do. You lie about being a graduate in some earth science or other but you always come across as crass, stupid, intolerant and dogmatic. So people should give you any credibility, right? Wrong.

No links, no credibility. As you have failed to even once link a credible source for your opinions, I will amend that description of you. Silly willfully ignorant asshole. Feel better?

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Real science from real scientists, not idiots on an internet message board.

I have provided you links and paths to data sets. But because they do not fit your agenda you dismiss them.. I am finding out that several warmers are just paid shills for the Obama administration, paid posters to spread disinformation in an effort to keep the lie alive...
Old Rock’s idea of scientific disputation: "Links, you silly asshole".

Drunk tonight, Old Rocks? Been hittin' the bottle again, have we? Did you kick the dog and slap the old lady when you got back from the union hall meeting tonight? Listen idiot, I don't care how many blathering marxist morons line up behind the warmie agenda. They're borg. They think with a single mind. They do what they're pressured to do and what they're told to do. They've lined up behind insidious lies before. "Global cooling" was the one before "global warming". From coolie to warmie in 35 years. That's quite a trick. And they want us to believe their noses don't grow another inch every time they open their lying mouths.

How about that cause they lined up behind in the 20's and 30's? The one that had academia's staunchest support. The one that saw doctoral programs at Harvard, Yale, The University of Chicago, and other top-tier universities. It was called "eugenics". Familiar with that cause, moron? Small wonder Hitler had no problem with it. Western academics were lined up like a bunch of bleating sheep, proselytizing the idea of murdering genetic undesirables.

You're just another borg. You lie on the Internet because that's what you've been told to do. You lie about being a graduate in some earth science or other but you always come across as crass, stupid, intolerant and dogmatic. So people should give you any credibility, right? Wrong.

No links, no credibility. As you have failed to even once link a credible source for your opinions, I will amend that description of you. Silly willfully ignorant asshole. Feel better?

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Real science from real scientists, not idiots on an internet message board.

I have provided you links and paths to data sets. But because they do not fit your agenda you dismiss them.. I am finding out that several warmers are just paid shills for the Obama administration, paid posters to spread disinformation in an effort to keep the lie alive...

How many warmie lobbyists are there in Washington? Thousands. These cretins want to rob the treasury of every penny that's in it. They're unconscionable marxist bastards.
Old Rock’s idea of scientific disputation: "Links, you silly asshole".

Drunk tonight, Old Rocks? Been hittin' the bottle again, have we? Did you kick the dog and slap the old lady when you got back from the union hall meeting tonight? Listen idiot, I don't care how many blathering marxist morons line up behind the warmie agenda. They're borg. They think with a single mind. They do what they're pressured to do and what they're told to do. They've lined up behind insidious lies before. "Global cooling" was the one before "global warming". From coolie to warmie in 35 years. That's quite a trick. And they want us to believe their noses don't grow another inch every time they open their lying mouths.

How about that cause they lined up behind in the 20's and 30's? The one that had academia's staunchest support. The one that saw doctoral programs at Harvard, Yale, The University of Chicago, and other top-tier universities. It was called "eugenics". Familiar with that cause, moron? Small wonder Hitler had no problem with it. Western academics were lined up like a bunch of bleating sheep, proselytizing the idea of murdering genetic undesirables.

You're just another borg. You lie on the Internet because that's what you've been told to do. You lie about being a graduate in some earth science or other but you always come across as crass, stupid, intolerant and dogmatic. So people should give you any credibility, right? Wrong.

No links, no credibility. As you have failed to even once link a credible source for your opinions, I will amend that description of you. Silly willfully ignorant asshole. Feel better?

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Real science from real scientists, not idiots on an internet message board.

Hey shill, here’s a link for you, from last year. The Mail did a great piece exposing the BBC, NASA, and other warmie mouthpieces in reminding us that these institutions were predicting in 2008, that the polar ice cap would be gone by 2014. Whoopsie! Not only is the polar ice cap still here, and healthy, and thriving, but it gained 533,000 square miles of new ice last year. Explain that, genius! The polar bear population is stable and doing well, as are populations of all other species depending on a healthy arctic habitat. And all the BULLSHIT propaganda we heard from Washington’s mouthpieces, academia, and the MSM about how we’d destroyed the arctic. It should make any sane person want to wretch.

Close and personal for me is the fact that they expose the NASA-funded National Snow and Ice Data Center for the corrupt, lying, warmie mouthpiece it is. I’ve followed those crooks for the past several years, ever since they started publishing data on warming trends based on readings from hundreds of monitoring stations around Canada and the US. How did they collate their data? How did they predict the world was getting warmer? By ignoring the colder monitoring stations that’d bring the average down! You call that “science”? They also cooked all their books regarding the polar ice cap, but since 533,000 square miles of new ice is rather difficult to hide, they changed their books to reflect the new reality…then kept their mouths shut about what they’d done. You call that “science”? I call it criminality. Shills like you don’t belong on the web; you belong in a prison cell.

And now it s global COOLING Return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 29 in a year Daily Mail Online
Iceland’s Bardarbunga Volcano.. Last time it erupted (1783) it iced the Northern hemisphere for 3 years.. Threat level moved to Orange or eruption watch... air space closed...

The Bardarbunga eruption could yet be a fizzle – the climatic damage caused by the eruption very much depends on the scale of the eruption, the amount of sulphates and ash hurled into the atmosphere, and even the direction of upper atmospheric wind patterns.

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