Zone1 Noah's Ark

I believe in the literal, 24 hour days. "“And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.” One evening + one morning = one day.

I also believe that there were a minimum of two of every animal on earth and that man and dinosaurs did co-exist for a time. The Bible speaks of the "behemoth" and the "leviathan." For the writers of the Bible to write about such beasts indicates that they witnessed them.

The Nile crocodile and the hippopotamus are the leviathan and the behemoth.

Have you ever heard of fossils?
Stool - wooden seat with no back.
Stool - poop.

It can mean different things.

Ark in English has many meanings.

"noun: A large box with a flat lid.
noun: (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) Noah's ark: the ship built by Noah to save his family and a collection of animals from the deluge.
noun: Something affording protection; safety, shelter, refuge.
noun: (figuratively) The body as a vessel.
noun: A spacious type of boat with a flat bottom.
noun: (Judaism) The Ark of the Covenant.
noun: (Judaism) A decorated cabinet at the front of a synagogue, in which Torah scrolls are kept.
noun: (biblical) The boat built by the Biblical Noah to carry himself and the animals of the planet during the Flood.
noun: (biblical) The chest carried by the Hebrews containing the stone tablets carved with the Ten Commandments."

Some of these terms for "ark" mean a box. Some don't.

It can mean something affording protection. It can mean a vessel. It can mean the Ark of the Covenant.

To suggest that it CAN mean a box that it DOES mean a box is ridiculous and ignores how language works.

So, is that all you've got? Because if it is, then the Ark is NOT a box.
The instructions are plain. The ark was a box shaped structure, 450' x 75' x 45'.
Stool - wooden seat with no back.
Stool - poop.

It can mean different things.

Ark in English has many meanings.

"noun: A large box with a flat lid.
noun: (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) Noah's ark: the ship built by Noah to save his family and a collection of animals from the deluge.
noun: Something affording protection; safety, shelter, refuge.
noun: (figuratively) The body as a vessel.
noun: A spacious type of boat with a flat bottom.
noun: (Judaism) The Ark of the Covenant.
noun: (Judaism) A decorated cabinet at the front of a synagogue, in which Torah scrolls are kept.
noun: (biblical) The boat built by the Biblical Noah to carry himself and the animals of the planet during the Flood.
noun: (biblical) The chest carried by the Hebrews containing the stone tablets carved with the Ten Commandments."

Some of these terms for "ark" mean a box. Some don't.

It can mean something affording protection. It can mean a vessel. It can mean the Ark of the Covenant.

To suggest that it CAN mean a box that it DOES mean a box is ridiculous and ignores how language works.

So, is that all you've got? Because if it is, then the Ark is NOT a box.
Right, it's a myth.

Glad we got that settled.
Show me the ones in the story.
Genesis 6
14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.
15 And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.
16 A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it.
Genesis 6
14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.
15 And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.
16 A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it.

Okay, so which bit says "it's a box"?

I don't see it.

I see the word "ark", I know you've decided an ark is just a box. But THIS TEXT DOES NOT SAY IT'S A BOX.

You're trying to take other times when "ark" has been used and seen that at times it's been used to describe a box, so you're saying it must be a box.

So when we have "the doctor sat on the wooden stool", because "stool" has been used in he past to mean poo poo, it MUST MEAN POO POO. So, you read "the doctor sat on the wooden poo poo".

Great logic.
Okay, so which bit says "it's a box"?

I don't see it.

I see the word "ark", I know you've decided an ark is just a box. But THIS TEXT DOES NOT SAY IT'S A BOX.

You're trying to take other times when "ark" has been used and seen that at times it's been used to describe a box, so you're saying it must be a box.

So when we have "the doctor sat on the wooden stool", because "stool" has been used in he past to mean poo poo, it MUST MEAN POO POO. So, you read "the doctor sat on the wooden poo poo".

Great logic.
The ark was shaped like a long box as is suggested by the dimensions.

  1. box-shaped
    Box-shaped refers to anything that resembles a box or has a shape that is similar to a box, such as being cubical, rectangular or square. It generally signifies a three-dimensional object with flat, equilateral sides and sharp 90-degree angles.

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Sixty lines of the Ark Tablet go into great detail on the design of the boat and the materials, including sufficient details of its dimensions and construction to enable a copy to be attempted. The tablet describes essentially a very large coracle or kuphar and made of rope on a wooden frame. The design was effectively very large scale version of coracles used until the mid-twentieth century in Iraq. However, the quantities specified were enormous. The tablet described enough palm-fibre rope, wooden ribs and stanchions to build a coracle 3,600 square meters in area, almost two-thirds the size of a soccer field, with walls six metres high. If the amount of rope described were laid out in a single line, it would be 500 km long. Because the hull was to be made of fibrous rope, bitumen was specified in the tablet to waterproof the boat.[1]
The Ark looked something like this.

Sixty lines of the Ark Tablet go into great detail on the design of the boat and the materials, including sufficient details of its dimensions and construction to enable a copy to be attempted. The tablet describes essentially a very large coracle or kuphar and made of rope on a wooden frame. The design was effectively very large scale version of coracles used until the mid-twentieth century in Iraq. However, the quantities specified were enormous. The tablet described enough palm-fibre rope, wooden ribs and stanchions to build a coracle 3,600 square meters in area, almost two-thirds the size of a soccer field, with walls six metres high. If the amount of rope described were laid out in a single line, it would be 500 km long. Because the hull was to be made of fibrous rope, bitumen was specified in the tablet to waterproof the boat.[1]

Sixty lines of the Ark Tablet go into great detail on the design of the boat and the materials, including sufficient details of its dimensions and construction to enable a copy to be attempted. The tablet describes essentially a very large coracle or kuphar and made of rope on a wooden frame. The design was effectively very large scale version of coracles used until the mid-twentieth century in Iraq. However, the quantities specified were enormous. The tablet described enough palm-fibre rope, wooden ribs and stanchions to build a coracle 3,600 square meters in area, almost two-thirds the size of a soccer field, with walls six metres high. If the amount of rope described were laid out in a single line, it would be 500 km long. Because the hull was to be made of fibrous rope, bitumen was specified in the tablet to waterproof the boat.[1]
Finkel concluded that a full-size 'ark' (of that design) would be impossible to build.

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