Noam Chomsky: Republican party more dangerous than ISIS, North Korea


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Noam Chomsky: Republican Party More Dangerous than ISIS, North Korea
Left-wing academic Noam Chomsky has declared that the Republican Party is the “most dangerous organization in human history” for their stance on climate change.

Chomsky, still considered to be a darling of the left, told the BBC that, unlike ISIS or North Korea, the Republican Party is “dedicated to destroying the prospects for organized human existence.”


BBC Newsnight


TONIGHT: The Republican party is the most dangerous organisation in human history - Noam Chomsky tells #newsnight

11:10 AM - 10 May 2017


Well isn't this just a lovely statement coming from an Elite fk.


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Noam Chomsky: Republican Party More Dangerous than ISIS, North Korea
Left-wing academic Noam Chomsky has declared that the Republican Party is the “most dangerous organization in human history” for their stance on climate change.

Chomsky, still considered to be a darling of the left, told the BBC that, unlike ISIS or North Korea, the Republican Party is “dedicated to destroying the prospects for organized human existence.”


BBC Newsnight


TONIGHT: The Republican party is the most dangerous organisation in human history - Noam Chomsky tells #newsnight

11:10 AM - 10 May 2017


Well isn't this just a lovely statement coming from an Elite fk.

Well when the day comes when the GOP allow girls to be kidnapped and sold into slavery is the day someone could attempt to compare the GOP to ISIS\ISIL...

The day when gays are thrown pff the roofs by GOP leadership then the left can use that comparison...

The day the GOP behead someone because of religious differences then the limp dicks can claim the GOP is like ISIS\ISIL...

Until then the comparison is total bullshit like when the right does the same thing...
Noam Chomsky: Republican Party More Dangerous than ISIS, North Korea
Left-wing academic Noam Chomsky has declared that the Republican Party is the “most dangerous organization in human history” for their stance on climate change.

Chomsky, still considered to be a darling of the left, told the BBC that, unlike ISIS or North Korea, the Republican Party is “dedicated to destroying the prospects for organized human existence.”


BBC Newsnight


TONIGHT: The Republican party is the most dangerous organisation in human history - Noam Chomsky tells #newsnight

11:10 AM - 10 May 2017


Well isn't this just a lovely statement coming from an Elite fk.
He is right, the feral christer party of crackas is doing more damage to America then ISIS can or is able to do right now
Noam Chomsky: Republican Party More Dangerous than ISIS, North Korea
Left-wing academic Noam Chomsky has declared that the Republican Party is the “most dangerous organization in human history” for their stance on climate change.

Chomsky, still considered to be a darling of the left, told the BBC that, unlike ISIS or North Korea, the Republican Party is “dedicated to destroying the prospects for organized human existence.”


BBC Newsnight


TONIGHT: The Republican party is the most dangerous organisation in human history - Noam Chomsky tells #newsnight

11:10 AM - 10 May 2017


Well isn't this just a lovely statement coming from an Elite fk.
His type fascist don't seem to mind making the world look like this as they think they can remake it in their desired image.

By starting it with shit like this.
Oh they're just expressing their feelings. lmao < sarcasm>
Noam Chomsky: Republican Party More Dangerous than ISIS, North Korea
Left-wing academic Noam Chomsky has declared that the Republican Party is the “most dangerous organization in human history” for their stance on climate change.

Chomsky, still considered to be a darling of the left, told the BBC that, unlike ISIS or North Korea, the Republican Party is “dedicated to destroying the prospects for organized human existence.”


BBC Newsnight


TONIGHT: The Republican party is the most dangerous organisation in human history - Noam Chomsky tells #newsnight

11:10 AM - 10 May 2017


Well isn't this just a lovely statement coming from an Elite fk.

Well when the day comes when the GOP allow girls to be kidnapped and sold into slavery is the day someone could attempt to compare the GOP to ISIS\ISIL...

The day when gays are thrown pff the roofs by GOP leadership then the left can use that comparison...

The day the GOP behead someone because of religious differences then the limp dicks can claim the GOP is like ISIS\ISIL...

Until then the comparison is total bullshit like when the right does the same thing...

The ancient strategy of divide and conquer is masterfully used to herd us into intellectual, economic, spiritual, gender, and racial groups at conflict with one another in order for the powers that shouldn’t be to manipulate events for their purposes. This is nothing new… it’s been used by authoritarians throughout history to gain power over their subjects. Only today, the technocratic elite have been able to invade our minds leaving many clueless as to what’s happening around them.
Liberals are more like issis, they support the murder of innocent babies, and are intolerant of anyone that doesn't think the way they do 100%
The ancient strategy of divide and conquer is masterfully used to herd us into intellectual, economic, spiritual, gender, and racial groups at conflict with one another in order for the powers that shouldn’t be to manipulate events for their purposes. This is nothing new… it’s been used by authoritarians throughout history to gain power over their subjects. Only today, the technocratic elite have been able to invade our minds leaving many clueless as to what’s happening around them.
It is call "sleeping in the dust (confusion) of the earth". People who willingly live in lies or denial can't see things even when it is directly in front of them.

"Scientific" Paper Finds Liberals "Uncooperative, Hostile, Troublesome, Socially Withdrawn, Manipulative"

Researchers who corrected a scientific paper claiming social conservatives are associated with psychoticism - when it was in fact liberals - are calling the correction “quite minor.”

The correction came three years after the paper claimed social liberals were linked with “Social Desirability,” and conservatives with authoritarianism.

The paper “Correlation not Causation: The Relationship Between Personality Traits and Political Ideologies” was released in October 2013. The researchers admitted the results were “exactly reversed,” in a correction in January, which was first reported by Power Line Blog.

The researchers had expected conservatives to be more likely to exhibit traits of “psychoticism,” which they defined as “uncooperative, hostile, troublesome, and socially withdrawn,” as well as “manipulative.”

Their initial findings reported just that.

“In line with our expectations, [psychoticism] P (positively related to tough-mindedness and authoritarianism) is associated with social conservatism and conservative military attitudes,” the original paper stated. “Intriguingly, the strength of the relationship between P and political ideology differs across sexes. P’s link with social conservatism is stronger for females while its link with military attitudes is stronger for males.”

“We also find individuals higher in Neuroticism are more likely to be economically liberal,” the paper said. “Furthermore, Neuroticism is completely unrelated to social ideology, which has been the focus of many in the field. Finally, those higher in Social Desirability are also more likely to express socially liberal attitudes.”

However, the authors of the paper, Virginia Commonwealth University researchers Brad Verhulst and Lindon Eaves and Pennsylvania State University researcher Peter Hatemi, had to issue a correction after learning the findings were exactly the opposite.

"Scientific" Paper Finds Liberals "Uncooperative, Hostile, Troublesome, Socially Withdrawn, Manipulative" | Zero Hedge
Chomsky is right, neither Isis nor North Korea has access to the military power and industrial output that the US has. Conservatives have a hugely inflated fear of things that aren't really large threats to the US. Republicans reject science, transfer wealth from the poor to the wealthy, force the poor to live without healthcare, food, housing. And now they've chosen an 8 year old orange child that throws temper trantrums daily as their dear leader. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

LIberals are DEMOCRATS 9 out of 10

Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
As a clinical and forensic psychiatrist, Lyle Rossiter has treated over 1,500 patients and examined over 2,700 civil and criminal cases. Turning his hand to political psychopathology, the author of The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness, has diagnosed an alarming percentage of the population as suffering from the grotesque form of mental derangement known by some as moonbattery.

Among Rossiter's observations:

Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded. Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity — as liberals do. A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population — as liberals do. And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which over-regulates and over-taxes the nation's citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state — as liberals do.The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.
Basically liberalism is a willful failure to mature beyond adolescence that can have catastrophic consequences for society. With luck, the official diagnosis of this disease by a mental health professional will facilitate the search for a cure.
Yo, the Socialist Democrats will pull any Nut-Case out of a closet, as long as they bash Republicans!!!

Typical Democrat Below:
Noam Chomsky: Republican Party More Dangerous than ISIS, North Korea
Left-wing academic Noam Chomsky has declared that the Republican Party is the “most dangerous organization in human history” for their stance on climate change.

Chomsky, still considered to be a darling of the left, told the BBC that, unlike ISIS or North Korea, the Republican Party is “dedicated to destroying the prospects for organized human existence.”


BBC Newsnight


TONIGHT: The Republican party is the most dangerous organisation in human history - Noam Chomsky tells #newsnight

11:10 AM - 10 May 2017


Well isn't this just a lovely statement coming from an Elite fk.
His type fascist don't seem to mind making the world look like this as they think they can remake it in their desired image.

By starting it with shit like this.
Proof positive our form of Socialism is the Best in the World; the poor get EBT cards and can have steak and lobster, afterward.
Noam Chomsky: Republican Party More Dangerous than ISIS, North Korea
Left-wing academic Noam Chomsky has declared that the Republican Party is the “most dangerous organization in human history” for their stance on climate change.

Chomsky, still considered to be a darling of the left, told the BBC that, unlike ISIS or North Korea, the Republican Party is “dedicated to destroying the prospects for organized human existence.”


BBC Newsnight


TONIGHT: The Republican party is the most dangerous organisation in human history - Noam Chomsky tells #newsnight

11:10 AM - 10 May 2017


Well isn't this just a lovely statement coming from an Elite fk.
His type fascist don't seem to mind making the world look like this as they think they can remake it in their desired image.

By starting it with shit like this.
Proof positive our form of Socialism is the Best in the World; the poor get EBT cards and can have steak and lobster, afterward.
I doubt they can eat very well the rest of the time if that is what they spend a portion of there food money for.

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