Noam Chomsky: 'The Republican Party Has Become the Most Dangerous Organization in World History'

Noam Chomsky: 'The Republican Party Has Become the Most Dangerous Organization in World History'

The outright ignorance of 60 million people will jeopardize the other 7 billion humans on Earth, in too many ways to count.
The Russians and Wikileaks are hoping a Trump presidency drastically weakens the U.S., so we have less say in what happens to the other 7 billion people on the planet. We'll have to wait and see.
Someone's ass is still hurting. Keep posting crap. You are a dancing monkey that entertains me.
Seems me and Trump have something in common
Noam Chomsky: 'The Republican Party Has Become the Most Dangerous Organization in World History'

The outright ignorance of 60 million people will jeopardize the other 7 billion humans on Earth, in too many ways to count.
Poor little liberals. Crying and squalling after receiving the biggest electoral defeat in living memory.

Why should anyone pay attention to you? Normal people know you'll just keep complaining and whining no matter what we say. Since you're no longer in a position to do harm to the country, there's no point in paying attention to you. You're just not worth the trouble.
Like OMG Trump won an election and like the entire planet will be destroyed in a fireball and we'll all be burned alive like O..M..G
Like OMG Trump won an election and like the entire planet will be destroyed in a fireball and we'll all be burned alive like O..M..G
What is going to happen when p.o.shit trump and Republicans begin their return to 1847, the Russians and Chinese will take the roll of world leaders because the rest of the world has already signed on to the Global Warming treaty. The US pulling out will simply signal to the rest of humanity that it is time to cut the US loose and embrace these other powers. Which some countries are already doing.
What is going to happen when p.o.shit trump and Republicans begin their return to 1847, the Russians and Chinese will take the roll of world leaders because the rest of the world has already signed on to the Global Warming treaty. The US pulling out will simply signal to the rest of humanity that it is time to cut the US loose and embrace these other powers. Which some countries are already doing.

The sky is falling!! The sky is falling!!
Conservatives and knowledge are mortal enemies. They are humanity's ostriches, always look for the next pile of sand to bury their heads in.

Chomsky hit the bullseye and the media around the world as well as other world leaders need to squash p.o.shit trump before he and the colony of lepers get going.

So you believe Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge are innocent of slaughtering 3 million people?

Noam Chomsky: 'The Republican Party Has Become the Most Dangerous Organization in World History'

The outright ignorance of 60 million people will jeopardize the other 7 billion humans on Earth, in too many ways to count.

It's a shame that so many people worldwide will have to suffer at the hands of the murderous and fascist Repug Party, like the thousands of innocent Iraqis that were killed by the war criminals Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld.

Liberalism, freedom, and decency will win in the long run. If you look at the long arc of history, it always does. The evil reign of the Repug Party will eventually come to an end, but it will be a marathon, not a sprint.
You sound pussy whipped....
Noam Chomsky: 'The Republican Party Has Become the Most Dangerous Organization in World History'

The outright ignorance of 60 million people will jeopardize the other 7 billion humans on Earth, in too many ways to count.

Amen! Sadly, ignorant NaziCons will be the last ones to realize that. It's not hard to understand how the German people were hoodwinked by Adolf Hitler.

At this point I think these people would love to see this piece.of.shit become a new dictator and American democracy to end. They're tired of having to 'allow' other people to have rights.
I love the way leftwing douche bags always reveal their secret fantasies to us.
Conservatives and knowledge are mortal enemies. They are humanity's ostriches, always look for the next pile of sand to bury their heads in.

Chomsky hit the bullseye and the media around the world as well as other world leaders need to squash p.o.shit trump before he and the colony of lepers get going.

So you believe Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge are innocent of slaughtering 3 million people?

Noam Chomsky: 'The Republican Party Has Become the Most Dangerous Organization in World History'

The outright ignorance of 60 million people will jeopardize the other 7 billion humans on Earth, in too many ways to count.

It's a shame that so many people worldwide will have to suffer at the hands of the murderous and fascist Repug Party, like the thousands of innocent Iraqis that were killed by the war criminals Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld.

Liberalism, freedom, and decency will win in the long run. If you look at the long arc of history, it always does. The evil reign of the Repug Party will eventually come to an end, but it will be a marathon, not a sprint.
You sound pussy whipped....
He needs to go back to his safe space before he melts.
Noam Chomsky: 'The Republican Party Has Become the Most Dangerous Organization in World History'

The outright ignorance of 60 million people will jeopardize the other 7 billion humans on Earth, in too many ways to count.

Your suggestion that all those who voted for Trump are ignorant is foolish and indefensible. Trump voters included a mixture of highly educated people, people of average intelligence and some who were below average. The same thing goes for Clinton voters. I voted for Trump. I also have an MBA and JD (Juris Doctorate) and passed the Bar on my first attempt. Most of my friends voted for Trump and most of them have advanced degrees.

The difference between Trump voters and Clinton voters appears to have less to do with their intelligence than it has to do with their news sources and individual priorities. There are Trump supporters who are absolutely brilliant and there are Clinton supporters who are absolutely brilliant; therefore, their political preferences are based upon factors separate from their intellectual status.

You made two mistakes with your post. First, you think the opinion of one man (Chomsky) is somehow dispositive. It isn't. His opinion is one of many and there are most likely many millions of people – some far more intelligent than he is – who would disagree with him. Second, your belief that you are intellectually superior to all those who voted for Trump shows you to be nothing but an arrogant fool.
Noam Chomsky is a self -righteous moron, your typical asshole liberal
This is your brain on drugs. Noam Chomsky is the most quoted man on earth. Only stupid a stupid Republican would make such a statement. And this one is really thick. She does not even know what nationality she is.
Noam Chomsky: 'The Republican Party Has Become the Most Dangerous Organization in World History'

The outright ignorance of 60 million people will jeopardize the other 7 billion humans on Earth, in too many ways to count.
I don't give a damn about the Saudi's, African's, or Australian's. I don't care if China goes bankrupt, or if Japan blew itself to kingdom come.

I don't wish anyone ill, but I'm a realist. In this world, we have a lot of people who want to do nothing but kill Americans. Period.

Young Sow Kimberly over in Korea comes to mind, as do all radical Islamists. And if you think Putin had the power to kill 60 million Americans with no repercusions, and that he would not do it, then you are just plain STUPID.

There are millions of African Americans who would love to see the white population decrease, just as there are millions of white Americans who would love to see the minority population decrease.

Humans don't know how to be kind to one another, there are to many races, to many ideas and to many differing beliefs.

I'll take my chances with Americans, and the rest of the world can go fuck itself for all I care. In case you didn't know, and you probably don't, because the government, and my paycheck probably pays for your family. You take care of your family first, then your friends, then your neighbors, then you can worry bout your town, your county, your state, your country, and the world comes in dead last.

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