Nobel PEACE Prize Update


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama's Record Since Winning the Nobel Peace Prize:

1. Armed Mexican Drug Cartels with thousands of automatic weapons and grenades, resulting in the deaths of over 350 ...and growing ... civilians

2. Armed 'Libyan Rebels' (Al Qaeida) with weapons used to overthrow and kill Qadaffi, giving Al Qaeida a safe haven

3. Taking the US to war on his own to help Al Qaeida take over Libya

4. Ran weapons out of Benghazi, Libya to 'Syrian Rebels'...who later became ISIS, invaded Iraq, and took over much of the country liberated at great cost by the US and allied militaries.

5. KILLED (heavily politicized and taken credit for by Obama) Usama Bin Laden

6. At the cost of millions of tax dollars trained 6 Syrian Rebels to fight Assad....5 of which have joined ISIS (with all their US-provided gear/weapons and training) and 1 who has been killed by Putin

7. Runs his own personal Drone Assassination program - HE controls the 'Kill List and only HE orders who lives or dies....while insisting terrorists deserve their Due Process Rights and their day in a US civilian court

8. Just made it possible for Iran to acquire the nuclear weapons they seek within the next 7 - 10 years, weapons with which they have sworn to destroy Israel and nuke the US...resulting in a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. a result of all of this:

"Thorbjorn Jagland, chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, said today that President Obama “really ought to consider” returning his Nobel Peace Prize Medal immediately, including the “really nice” case it came in." :p

Nobel Committee Asks Obama “Nicely” To Return Peace Prize
He has bombed 7 countries, droned americans to death and bombed a hospital.
That award means nothing.
Granted, I question whether the hospital was an accident. Something makes me think it was misinformation.
It is impossible to consider this organization credible.

They gave BO the prize before he had done anything.

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