Nobody could have fixed the economy in 4 years.....

Bush Says Hi.

4 years later, 2 years with complete control of the entire US, and the only thing they can do is blame Bush for their EPIC FAILURES. :lol:



Come back to Earth brah. That, or learn math.
Clinton should stick to facts - It's not really fair to say NOBODY could have done it in 4 years - - I mean, did he really do a case study on EVERYONE?

I think what he really meant was that OBAMA coudn't do it. There is certainly a case study to prove that!
President Clinton in his speech last night stated that although he inherited a bad economy from Bush Sr., the economy that Obama received from Bush Jr. was much worse, and that no president, not him, nor any of his predecessors could have fixed the economy in only 4 years.
Reagan did.

Yeah...................he many times were taxes raised under his leadership?

Obama hasn't raised taxes YET.
President Clinton in his speech last night stated that although he inherited a bad economy from Bush Sr., the economy that Obama received from Bush Jr. was much worse, and that no president, not him, nor any of his predecessors could have fixed the economy in only 4 years.

Maybe Obama's new slogan should be "saved in 4, fixed by 8".

BULLSHIT! The entire economy could've been turned around in 2 years - no if, and's, or butt's about it.

And precisely what -- based on your knowledge of domestic and global economies and the nature, depth, breadth and complexity of the meltdown and its ripple effects -- leads you to that conclusion and timeline?

This information would be very helpful to me as I invest my clients' money and speak with other financial advisors who, like myself, are neck deep in this stuff seven days a week and admit to an inability to come to such clear conclusions about this incredibly complicated and still-unfolding disaster.

And if it's okay with you, I would forward your input to folks I know in the mutual fund/ETF industry who are struggling with this as well. Your assistance would allow them to make better investment decisions, because they are essentially in the same boat as I am - struggling daily with the breathtaking damage that decades of poor economic decision-making has wrought.

I look forward to your input and data. Links to any research and/or empirical data from which you drew for your conclusion would be helpful as well.

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President Clinton in his speech last night stated that although he inherited a bad economy from Bush Sr., the economy that Obama received from Bush Jr. was much worse, and that no president, not him, nor any of his predecessors could have fixed the economy in only 4 years.

Maybe Obama's new slogan should be "saved in 4, fixed by 8".

Clinton says a lot of things, but most of it is false. Clinton did not inherit any recession. He inherited a growing economy, and managed to kill it in just eight short years. Clinton is beginning to believe his own propaganda. Consequently, his efforts to shore up Obama's failure to fix this economy, is just more smoke and mirrors from the master of smoke and mirrors.

The recession of July 1990 - March 1991 ended almost two years before Clinton took office. The next recession began March 2001, three months after Clinton left office. The economy was so flat during those last few months, that the experts had difficulty determining exactly when the recession actually started.

Clinton did enjoy a growing economy for most of his term. It was fueled by both the boom and the housing boom. The end of the boom, was the bust that caused the flat economy and the ensuing 2001 recession. The end of the housing boom was the bust that caused the 2003 recession and the 2007 recession. We were growing out of the 2007 recession when the financial crisis threw the economy back into recession.

Obama did inherit a recession, but that recession ended in June, 6 months after he took office. His ineptitude has managed to stall the recovery. And, he still does not realize that he is the architech of this slow recovery. If he gets reelected, he will change nothing, because he has learned nothing from his errors.

Total utter horse shit...

Fuelling two wars and giving tax cuts to the rich really helped, right?

The housing bubble started under Raygun when he got rid of regulations for building societies and it snowballed from there..

I love this question, and since you have such a strong opinion, I hope you have the answers:

Give me three things you would do to aid the recovery? Take your time...

can I answer that

1. cut defense spending by being more isolationist

2. close the borders and deport illegals. they are using our health care system and infrastructure without paying their fair share

3. reduce layers of govt. get rid of DOE, HUD etc and give it to the states which already have those depts.

4. flat tax without loopholes

5. raise retierement age slightly ( sorry)

6. make it harder to get SSI and lower the benefits slightly

7. streamline medicare

8. reduce shaply foreign aid.

9. everyone should pay income taxes if even $20

10. this is going to get me in trouble. Raise taxes slightly on the rich

11. we may even need to raise taxes on everyone until the budget is balanced

12. stop all the outsourcing by making it attractive to hire US citizens

13. tariff on China mart products
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Clinton says a lot of things, but most of it is false. Clinton did not inherit any recession. He inherited a growing economy, and managed to kill it in just eight short years. Clinton is beginning to believe his own propaganda. Consequently, his efforts to shore up Obama's failure to fix this economy, is just more smoke and mirrors from the master of smoke and mirrors.

The recession of July 1990 - March 1991 ended almost two years before Clinton took office. The next recession began March 2001, three months after Clinton left office. The economy was so flat during those last few months, that the experts had difficulty determining exactly when the recession actually started.

Clinton did enjoy a growing economy for most of his term. It was fueled by both the boom and the housing boom. The end of the boom, was the bust that caused the flat economy and the ensuing 2001 recession. The end of the housing boom was the bust that caused the 2003 recession and the 2007 recession. We were growing out of the 2007 recession when the financial crisis threw the economy back into recession.

Obama did inherit a recession, but that recession ended in June, 6 months after he took office. His ineptitude has managed to stall the recovery. And, he still does not realize that he is the architech of this slow recovery. If he gets reelected, he will change nothing, because he has learned nothing from his errors.

Total utter horse shit...

Fuelling two wars and giving tax cuts to the rich really helped, right?

The housing bubble started under Raygun when he got rid of regulations for building societies and it snowballed from there..

I love this question, and since you have such a strong opinion, I hope you have the answers:

Give me three things you would do to aid the recovery? Take your time...

can I answer that

1. cut defense spending by being more isolationist

2. close the borders and deport illegals. they are using our health care system and infrastructure without paying their fair share

3. reduce layers of govt. get rid of DOE, HUD etc and give it to the states which already have those depts.

4. flat tax without loopholes

5. raise retierement age slightly ( sorry)

6. make it harder to get SSI and lower the benefits slightly

7. streamline medicare

8. reduce shaply foreign aid.

9. everyone should pay income taxes if even $20

10. this is going to get me in trouble. Raise taxes slightly on the rich

11. we may even need to raise taxes on everyone until the budget is balanced

12. stop all the outsourcing by making it attractive to hire US citizens

13. tariff on China mart products

thats pretty moderate... but It's a good start --- we can lean right from that --- I like it!
President Clinton in his speech last night stated that although he inherited a bad economy from Bush Sr., the economy that Obama received from Bush Jr. was much worse, and that no president, not him, nor any of his predecessors could have fixed the economy in only 4 years.

Maybe Obama's new slogan should be "saved in 4, fixed by 8".

BULLSHIT! The entire economy could've been turned around in 2 years - no if, and's, or butt's about it.

With each failure that you can no longer hide, you come up with more and more outrageous excuses.

Uh, what economic model to you base that upon?

The economy is in the dooldrums still because people aren't spending. (And when they do spend, they buy cheap Chinese made crap at Walmart.) Even those with jobs have taken an economic hit, companies aren't giving raises that match inflation, and people are carrying around more debt than they can pay off.

THAT'S why the economy is in such a rut.

Nothing could have been done in two years to fix that.

The two models that really apply here are the US in the Great Depression and Japan during the lost Decade of the 1990's. In neither of those cases, were the problems "fixed" in 2 years.

Second point- whenever we've gotten out of a recession, it has been because the Government stepped in and spent a lot of money on stimulus. Obama tried to do this, but was stymied at every turn. Even Reagan double national spending and tripled the national debt.

It's absolute insanity to think we can get out of a recession by cutting spending and giving more money to rich people when they have plenty.
I agree that this economy wasn't going to be fixed in four years. I think that people who believe otherwise don't understand the nature of the problem.

Having said that, I think Obama's and the Democrat's policies are slowing the recovery by creating uncertainty, more regulation and higher costs.

Ah, the "Ma, he's looking at me funny" defense of Wall Street. Krugman blew that one away in his column today.

We aren't recovering because you assholes destroyed the middle class in a get rich quick scheme.

Joe, you and Dickless are the two I will most like watching melt down in two ***** are stupid.

Wanna make a bet?

Why, you'll just welch on it.
Nobody in the history of the world has ever stolen so much money and spent it in such a reckless way and managed to blame his incompetence on other people. Only 6% of the trillion dollar stimulus money went to so-called shovel ready jobs. The rest of it was a gigantic political payoff to crooked Obama supporters.

Bush Says Hi.

4 years later, 2 years with complete control of the entire US, and the only thing they can do is blame Bush for their EPIC FAILURES. :lol:

In all fairness they also blame the Tea Party. The Tea Party that has no power.
President Clinton in his speech last night stated that although he inherited a bad economy from Bush Sr., the economy that Obama received from Bush Jr. was much worse, and that no president, not him, nor any of his predecessors could have fixed the economy in only 4 years.

Maybe Obama's new slogan should be "saved in 4, fixed by 8".

BULLSHIT! The entire economy could've been turned around in 2 years - no if, and's, or butt's about it.

And precisely what -- based on your knowledge of domestic and global economies and the nature, depth, breadth and complexity of the meltdown and its ripple effects -- leads you to that conclusion and timeline?

This information would be very helpful to me as I invest my clients' money and speak with other financial advisors who, like myself, are neck deep in this stuff seven days a week and admit to an inability to come to such clear conclusions about this incredibly complicated and still-unfolding disaster.

And if it's okay with you, I would forward your input to folks I know in the mutual fund/ETF industry who are struggling with this as well. Your assistance would allow them to make better investment decisions, because they are essentially in the same boat as I am - struggling daily with the breathtaking damage that decades of poor economic decision-making has wrought.

I look forward to your input and data. Links to any research and/or empirical data from which you drew for your conclusion would be helpful as well.


One thing that could lead a person to think so is that is what Obama told us. Until of course he realized he couldn't stop the water from rising and the Earth from warming. Just because we told it what he was doing wouldn't work I guess that is more then enough reason for him to blame the party not in power. Excuses is all the left has to offer which is funny when we know what happened and can see the results.
Why hasn't the econony turned around is the question eh?

Gee I wonder. Could it be that the midlde class is the driving force behind the economy and the middle is not doing very well.

Lets see. The basis of most middle class Americans wealth is the equity in their homes. Now that hundreds of thousands of Americans are living in a home that they owe more than the house is worth,
Would that make anyone feel good about spending money, like on new appliances or furniture or a major home improvement project?

And of course many Americans don't even have their house anymore. How many of you will spend money to improve a rental property for someone else? Any of you. You think the lack of spending by the folks that lost their houses might be slowing the economy?

This is not a mystery. Until the housing market rebounds and people start feeling that the bottom has come and gone, no one is feeling good about their situation. And people that don't feel good about their economic situation are not going to be making a lot of purchases.

And the economy will drag along.

But why isn't the ultra rich pumping up the economy. They got all the damn money. Why are they not spending it hand over fist? Don't they want their money to trickle down to everyone else? Like the jobs they promised if only they could keep more of their billions.
Why hasn't the econony turned around is the question eh?

Gee I wonder. Could it be that the midlde class is the driving force behind the economy and the middle is not doing very well.

Lets see. The basis of most middle class Americans wealth is the equity in their homes. Now that hundreds of thousands of Americans are living in a home that they owe more than the house is worth,
Would that make anyone feel good about spending money, like on new appliances or furniture or a major home improvement project?

And of course many Americans don't even have their house anymore. How many of you will spend money to improve a rental property for someone else? Any of you. You think the lack of spending by the folks that lost their houses might be slowing the economy?

This is not a mystery. Until the housing market rebounds and people start feeling that the bottom has come and gone, no one is feeling good about their situation. And people that don't feel good about their economic situation are not going to be making a lot of purchases.

And the economy will drag along.

But why isn't the ultra rich pumping up the economy. They got all the damn money. Why are they not spending it hand over fist? Don't they want their money to trickle down to everyone else? Like the jobs they promised if only they could keep more of their billions.

Blame your dear leader for that...who wants to "invest" when they see Obama wants to RAISE THEIR TAXES..
Why hasn't the econony turned around is the question eh?

Gee I wonder. Could it be that the midlde class is the driving force behind the economy and the middle is not doing very well.

Lets see. The basis of most middle class Americans wealth is the equity in their homes. Now that hundreds of thousands of Americans are living in a home that they owe more than the house is worth,
Would that make anyone feel good about spending money, like on new appliances or furniture or a major home improvement project?

And of course many Americans don't even have their house anymore. How many of you will spend money to improve a rental property for someone else? Any of you. You think the lack of spending by the folks that lost their houses might be slowing the economy?

This is not a mystery. Until the housing market rebounds and people start feeling that the bottom has come and gone, no one is feeling good about their situation. And people that don't feel good about their economic situation are not going to be making a lot of purchases.

And the economy will drag along.

But why isn't the ultra rich pumping up the economy. They got all the damn money. Why are they not spending it hand over fist? Don't they want their money to trickle down to everyone else? Like the jobs they promised if only they could keep more of their billions.

Blame your dear leader for that...who wants to "invest" when they see Obama wants to RAISE THEIR TAXES..

nobody is going to spend money while Obama is president. He thinks that the economy can grow from the bottom up....
Why hasn't the econony turned around is the question eh?

Gee I wonder. Could it be that the midlde class is the driving force behind the economy and the middle is not doing very well.

Lets see. The basis of most middle class Americans wealth is the equity in their homes. Now that hundreds of thousands of Americans are living in a home that they owe more than the house is worth,
Would that make anyone feel good about spending money, like on new appliances or furniture or a major home improvement project?

And of course many Americans don't even have their house anymore. How many of you will spend money to improve a rental property for someone else? Any of you. You think the lack of spending by the folks that lost their houses might be slowing the economy?

This is not a mystery. Until the housing market rebounds and people start feeling that the bottom has come and gone, no one is feeling good about their situation. And people that don't feel good about their economic situation are not going to be making a lot of purchases.

And the economy will drag along.

But why isn't the ultra rich pumping up the economy. They got all the damn money. Why are they not spending it hand over fist? Don't they want their money to trickle down to everyone else? Like the jobs they promised if only they could keep more of their billions.

How has the housing market dragged down the economy? Let's say you are correct that prices are now below what people paid, which is true if they bought on the bubble.


As can be seen prices barely dropped below their adjust for inflation prices. So that means they went back to where they should have been had not the housing market been manipulated by politicians with derivatives and forced loans. One would think that should be a boom for most of the middle class. Yes the housing flippers and speculators took a bath but when you gamble you should also know you can lose, but Obama bailed them out.

Here is another reason that the housing situation should have been a boom for the middle class, even if they bought their home at the wrong time paying too much. BTW who in their right mind buys a home on a bubble? Oh right those who have no hope of paying it back regardless of the price. And I can hardly blame them, everyone wants a house and the government made it easy for them.

Why hasn't the econony turned around is the question eh?

Gee I wonder. Could it be that the midlde class is the driving force behind the economy and the middle is not doing very well.

Lets see. The basis of most middle class Americans wealth is the equity in their homes. Now that hundreds of thousands of Americans are living in a home that they owe more than the house is worth,
Would that make anyone feel good about spending money, like on new appliances or furniture or a major home improvement project?

And of course many Americans don't even have their house anymore. How many of you will spend money to improve a rental property for someone else? Any of you. You think the lack of spending by the folks that lost their houses might be slowing the economy?

This is not a mystery. Until the housing market rebounds and people start feeling that the bottom has come and gone, no one is feeling good about their situation. And people that don't feel good about their economic situation are not going to be making a lot of purchases.

And the economy will drag along.

But why isn't the ultra rich pumping up the economy. They got all the damn money. Why are they not spending it hand over fist? Don't they want their money to trickle down to everyone else? Like the jobs they promised if only they could keep more of their billions.

Blame your dear leader for that...who wants to "invest" when they see Obama wants to RAISE THEIR TAXES..

nobody is going to spend money while Obama is president. He thinks that the economy can grow from the bottom up....

yep, he believes his "visions" of transforming our country he supposedly loves are the only thing important and the hell with it if people are suffering

let him go folks, vote him OUT
Why hasn't the econony turned around is the question eh?

Gee I wonder. Could it be that the midlde class is the driving force behind the economy and the middle is not doing very well.

Lets see. The basis of most middle class Americans wealth is the equity in their homes. Now that hundreds of thousands of Americans are living in a home that they owe more than the house is worth,
Would that make anyone feel good about spending money, like on new appliances or furniture or a major home improvement project?

And of course many Americans don't even have their house anymore. How many of you will spend money to improve a rental property for someone else? Any of you. You think the lack of spending by the folks that lost their houses might be slowing the economy?

This is not a mystery. Until the housing market rebounds and people start feeling that the bottom has come and gone, no one is feeling good about their situation. And people that don't feel good about their economic situation are not going to be making a lot of purchases.

And the economy will drag along.

But why isn't the ultra rich pumping up the economy. They got all the damn money. Why are they not spending it hand over fist? Don't they want their money to trickle down to everyone else? Like the jobs they promised if only they could keep more of their billions.

Blame your dear leader for that...who wants to "invest" when they see Obama wants to RAISE THEIR TAXES..

nobody is going to spend money while Obama is president. He thinks that the economy can grow from the bottom up....

the Obamas are quite wealthy. Why don't libs vilify them? :confused:
Blame your dear leader for that...who wants to "invest" when they see Obama wants to RAISE THEIR TAXES..

nobody is going to spend money while Obama is president. He thinks that the economy can grow from the bottom up....

the Obamas are quite wealthy. Why don't libs vilify them? :confused:

I am just curious in how they got so wealthy? I didn't think a community organizer would be paid very well.
Why hasn't the econony turned around is the question eh?

Gee I wonder. Could it be that the midlde class is the driving force behind the economy and the middle is not doing very well.

Lets see. The basis of most middle class Americans wealth is the equity in their homes. Now that hundreds of thousands of Americans are living in a home that they owe more than the house is worth,
Would that make anyone feel good about spending money, like on new appliances or furniture or a major home improvement project?

And of course many Americans don't even have their house anymore. How many of you will spend money to improve a rental property for someone else? Any of you. You think the lack of spending by the folks that lost their houses might be slowing the economy?

This is not a mystery. Until the housing market rebounds and people start feeling that the bottom has come and gone, no one is feeling good about their situation. And people that don't feel good about their economic situation are not going to be making a lot of purchases.

And the economy will drag along.

But why isn't the ultra rich pumping up the economy. They got all the damn money. Why are they not spending it hand over fist? Don't they want their money to trickle down to everyone else? Like the jobs they promised if only they could keep more of their billions.

How has the housing market dragged down the economy? Let's say you are correct that prices are now below what people paid, which is true if they bought on the bubble.


As can be seen prices barely dropped below their adjust for inflation prices. So that means they went back to where they should have been had not the housing market been manipulated by politicians with derivatives and forced loans. One would think that should be a boom for most of the middle class. Yes the housing flippers and speculators took a bath but when you gamble you should also know you can lose, but Obama bailed them out.

Here is another reason that the housing situation should have been a boom for the middle class, even if they bought their home at the wrong time paying too much. BTW who in their right mind buys a home on a bubble? Oh right those who have no hope of paying it back regardless of the price. And I can hardly blame them, everyone wants a house and the government made it easy for them.


before I got a housemate and we got a mortgage together I always had plenty of money. Now that we have a house I can't get ahead. I even make more money than before.

I'm tellin' ya.

A house is a money pit.

We bought our house for $165K. Now it's worth $151

That's not too bad , but I have sunk so much money into repairs and renovations and still can't keep up with everything.

don't buy a house.

Invest in stocks and booze!

and classic cars and fallen women. :cool:
President Clinton in his speech last night stated that although he inherited a bad economy from Bush Sr., the economy that Obama received from Bush Jr. was much worse, and that no president, not him, nor any of his predecessors could have fixed the economy in only 4 years.

Maybe Obama's new slogan should be "saved in 4, fixed by 8".

Considering the FACT that Obama added TRILLIONS to our debt in his first three years, I can understand the admission that Obama can't fix the economy. Obama can't fix it AT ALL.

Ryan's plan take 30years to balance the budget. It requires REDUCTION of deficit spending...something that Obama-boy just does not underfuckinstand!

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