Nobody could have fixed the economy in 4 years.....

All true. Nonetheless, there are policies that could have speeded up the recovery faster than we've seen thus far. Seems to me the policies that were tried were ineffective and in some cases counter productive.

toro and I have had this out before, and, while I agree asset bubbles take longer to unwind, considering Obama, a) had congress and had power that no president since fdr did legislatively, b) had congress and and regulatory stricture/structure, exec. orders and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ were his for the asking which he got, and his to manipulate, c) unlike say Reagan, his recession ended months after he took office, Reagan had to allow Volcker to continue his prgm. and enact another one, which = he fucked it up.

would housing be back where it was? hell no, no argument there,would we be at 5% unemployment? hell no, 6 and half? 7? yes, absolutely, but, the the rest of his platform that came with his ideological take on what America is and about, free market capitalism etc. hamstrung us all...and here we are.

This was all actually preordained and foretold, but no one wanted to acknowledge what he was and IS. period.

My guess is that unemployment might be 0.5% better without Obama's policies. (Though, it might be higher if the Tea Party were in power.)

But history tells us that recoveries from balance sheet recessions are long and slow. I see no reason why America would be any different. In fact, it might be slower because unlike other countries with balance sheet recessions, America has a much more difficult time devaluing its currency which helps alleviate the contraction.
I'd love--really love--to see the steel industry come back to America, and the china and glass companies, too. I've noticed the older things you can still get on ebay are a million times more beautiful than the cheapy all-look-just-the-same stuff you get these days imports from the orient. The thing I loved about American companies was excellence, beauty, variety, and form. Now, everything is a square gray box of tin or plastic. Yuk.

Romney said early on he'd be looking into restoring manufacturing, and I'm looking forward to the day. :thup:

Your post gives me a little hope we can haul ourselves back up where it brings jobs back home here in America.

You know, college is great, but some kids graduate and they just want to earn their own money and raise a family. If we could just put our noggins together and figure out how to make it happen for them, our future would brighten, I just know it.
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President Clinton in his speech last night stated that although he inherited a bad economy from Bush Sr., the economy that Obama received from Bush Jr. was much worse, and that no president, not him, nor any of his predecessors could have fixed the economy in only 4 years.

Maybe Obama's new slogan should be "saved in 4, fixed by 8".

Clinton says a lot of things, but most of it is false. Clinton did not inherit any recession. He inherited a growing economy, and managed to kill it in just eight short years. Clinton is beginning to believe his own propaganda. Consequently, his efforts to shore up Obama's failure to fix this economy, is just more smoke and mirrors from the master of smoke and mirrors.

The recession of July 1990 - March 1991 ended almost two years before Clinton took office. The next recession began March 2001, three months after Clinton left office. The economy was so flat during those last few months, that the experts had difficulty determining exactly when the recession actually started.

Clinton did enjoy a growing economy for most of his term. It was fueled by both the boom and the housing boom. The end of the boom, was the bust that caused the flat economy and the ensuing 2001 recession. The end of the housing boom was the bust that caused the 2003 recession and the 2007 recession. We were growing out of the 2007 recession when the financial crisis threw the economy back into recession.

Obama did inherit a recession, but that recession ended in June, 6 months after he took office. His ineptitude has managed to stall the recovery. And, he still does not realize that he is the architech of this slow recovery. If he gets reelected, he will change nothing, because he has learned nothing from his errors.
President Clinton in his speech last night stated that although he inherited a bad economy from Bush Sr., the economy that Obama received from Bush Jr. was much worse, and that no president, not him, nor any of his predecessors could have fixed the economy in only 4 years.

Maybe Obama's new slogan should be "saved in 4, fixed by 8".

:lol:same tired shit. if Obama cannot fix it the game is rigged or it cannot be fixed.....tissue?

he wasn't saying that...
President Clinton in his speech last night stated that although he inherited a bad economy from Bush Sr., the economy that Obama received from Bush Jr. was much worse, and that no president, not him, nor any of his predecessors could have fixed the economy in only 4 years.

Maybe Obama's new slogan should be "saved in 4, fixed by 8".

Clinton says a lot of things, but most of it is false. Clinton did not inherit any recession. He inherited a growing economy, and managed to kill it in just eight short years. Clinton is beginning to believe his own propaganda. Consequently, his efforts to shore up Obama's failure to fix this economy, is just more smoke and mirrors from the master of smoke and mirrors.

The recession of July 1990 - March 1991 ended almost two years before Clinton took office. The next recession began March 2001, three months after Clinton left office. The economy was so flat during those last few months, that the experts had difficulty determining exactly when the recession actually started.

Clinton did enjoy a growing economy for most of his term. It was fueled by both the boom and the housing boom. The end of the boom, was the bust that caused the flat economy and the ensuing 2001 recession. The end of the housing boom was the bust that caused the 2003 recession and the 2007 recession. We were growing out of the 2007 recession when the financial crisis threw the economy back into recession.

Obama did inherit a recession, but that recession ended in June, 6 months after he took office. His ineptitude has managed to stall the recovery. And, he still does not realize that he is the architech of this slow recovery. If he gets reelected, he will change nothing, because he has learned nothing from his errors.

Total utter horse shit...

Fuelling two wars and giving tax cuts to the rich really helped, right?

The housing bubble started under Raygun when he got rid of regulations for building societies and it snowballed from there..

I love this question, and since you have such a strong opinion, I hope you have the answers:

Give me three things you would do to aid the recovery? Take your time...
All true. Nonetheless, there are policies that could have speeded up the recovery faster than we've seen thus far. Seems to me the policies that were tried were ineffective and in some cases counter productive.

toro and I have had this out before, and, while I agree asset bubbles take longer to unwind, considering Obama, a) had congress and had power that no president since fdr did legislatively, b) had congress and and regulatory stricture/structure, exec. orders and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ were his for the asking which he got, and his to manipulate, c) unlike say Reagan, his recession ended months after he took office, Reagan had to allow Volcker to continue his prgm. and enact another one, which = he fucked it up.

would housing be back where it was? hell no, no argument there,would we be at 5% unemployment? hell no, 6 and half? 7? yes, absolutely, but, the the rest of his platform that came with his ideological take on what America is and about, free market capitalism etc. hamstrung us all...and here we are.

This was all actually preordained and foretold, but no one wanted to acknowledge what he was and IS. period.

My guess is that unemployment might be 0.5% better without Obama's policies. (Though, it might be higher if the Tea Party were in power.)

But history tells us that recoveries from balance sheet recessions are long and slow. I see no reason why America would be any different. In fact, it might be slower because unlike other countries with balance sheet recessions, America has a much more difficult time devaluing its currency which helps alleviate the contraction.

*shrugs* thx for the response. ;)

I don't disagree that we would not be 'recovered', I disagree on your employment number and, whats more, on the issues we have had before us comprehensive scale, to wit-

his own policies or allowances have basically made it attractive for the banks et al to park money and earn in safety, instead of loan, after we have created the conditions that/to recapitalize/save them from their own misadventures to boot, I know you know this.

He has floated the housing market way past time, on a cornucopia of prgms that did nothing to help 'floor' it, which just keeps the wheels dug in, so any hang over adds to the drag we are experiencing now as well.

he has not been serious about jobs in a sense that, he just doesn't understand or doesn't want to, what fosters growth.

how many examples do we need? he told who was it charlie gibson(?) that raising taxes in a harsh economic environment wasn't wise, BUT, it was FAIR, he purposely and with forethought has hamstrung the energy sector from his federal perch, one of the few bright spots in the economy is the explosion in Private sector energy development, not that the EPA has not tried to unhinge that too, so add up this and the rest of it, he has not met with his cabinet or job council since jan., yes January, a hard edged vehement axe wielding rhetoric vis a vis biz, his total concentration on obamacare, if you think all of that is only worth a half a percent in unemployment, well, you are entitled to your opinion but I disagree, strongly.

and now here, to my point- he was not the man we needed.

some may think it unfair to ask someone who hasn't the tools to do a job that requires that which they do not have, well, not me.

he fully volunteered for and actively campaigned for the job, he is not performing, he refuses to learn and is hide bound to his viewpoint despite the results, which even in the asset bubble and balance sheet recession may be harder than most really is not germane in that in 4 years, we are in almost every context worse or just marginally better off than were we started, we elect and pay for performance, its not personal, it just
President Clinton in his speech last night stated that although he inherited a bad economy from Bush Sr., the economy that Obama received from Bush Jr. was much worse, and that no president, not him, nor any of his predecessors could have fixed the economy in only 4 years.

Maybe Obama's new slogan should be "saved in 4, fixed by 8".

Clinton says a lot of things, but most of it is false. Clinton did not inherit any recession. He inherited a growing economy, and managed to kill it in just eight short years. Clinton is beginning to believe his own propaganda. Consequently, his efforts to shore up Obama's failure to fix this economy, is just more smoke and mirrors from the master of smoke and mirrors.

The recession of July 1990 - March 1991 ended almost two years before Clinton took office. The next recession began March 2001, three months after Clinton left office. The economy was so flat during those last few months, that the experts had difficulty determining exactly when the recession actually started.

Clinton did enjoy a growing economy for most of his term. It was fueled by both the boom and the housing boom. The end of the boom, was the bust that caused the flat economy and the ensuing 2001 recession. The end of the housing boom was the bust that caused the 2003 recession and the 2007 recession. We were growing out of the 2007 recession when the financial crisis threw the economy back into recession.

Obama did inherit a recession, but that recession ended in June, 6 months after he took office. His ineptitude has managed to stall the recovery. And, he still does not realize that he is the architech of this slow recovery. If he gets reelected, he will change nothing, because he has learned nothing from his errors.

Total utter horse shit...

Fuelling two wars and giving tax cuts to the rich really helped, right?

The housing bubble started under Raygun when he got rid of regulations for building societies and it snowballed from there..

I love this question, and since you have such a strong opinion, I hope you have the answers:

Give me three things you would do to aid the recovery? Take your time...

The housing bubble started under Raygun when he got rid of regulations for building societies and it snowballed from there..

:lol:holy shit thats funny, thx man.
President Clinton in his speech last night stated that although he inherited a bad economy from Bush Sr., the economy that Obama received from Bush Jr. was much worse, and that no president, not him, nor any of his predecessors could have fixed the economy in only 4 years.

Maybe Obama's new slogan should be "saved in 4, fixed by 8".

BULLSHIT! The entire economy could've been turned around in 2 years - no if, and's, or butt's about it.

With each failure that you can no longer hide, you come up with more and more outrageous excuses.
Clinton says a lot of things, but most of it is false. Clinton did not inherit any recession. He inherited a growing economy, and managed to kill it in just eight short years. Clinton is beginning to believe his own propaganda. Consequently, his efforts to shore up Obama's failure to fix this economy, is just more smoke and mirrors from the master of smoke and mirrors.

The recession of July 1990 - March 1991 ended almost two years before Clinton took office. The next recession began March 2001, three months after Clinton left office. The economy was so flat during those last few months, that the experts had difficulty determining exactly when the recession actually started.

Clinton did enjoy a growing economy for most of his term. It was fueled by both the boom and the housing boom. The end of the boom, was the bust that caused the flat economy and the ensuing 2001 recession. The end of the housing boom was the bust that caused the 2003 recession and the 2007 recession. We were growing out of the 2007 recession when the financial crisis threw the economy back into recession.

Obama did inherit a recession, but that recession ended in June, 6 months after he took office. His ineptitude has managed to stall the recovery. And, he still does not realize that he is the architech of this slow recovery. If he gets reelected, he will change nothing, because he has learned nothing from his errors.

Total utter horse shit...

Fuelling two wars and giving tax cuts to the rich really helped, right?

The housing bubble started under Raygun when he got rid of regulations for building societies and it snowballed from there..

I love this question, and since you have such a strong opinion, I hope you have the answers:

Give me three things you would do to aid the recovery? Take your time...

The housing bubble started under Raygun when he got rid of regulations for building societies and it snowballed from there..

:lol:holy shit thats funny, thx man.

How 'bout answering the last part.
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President Clinton in his speech last night stated that although he inherited a bad economy from Bush Sr., the economy that Obama received from Bush Jr. was much worse, and that no president, not him, nor any of his predecessors could have fixed the economy in only 4 years.

Maybe Obama's new slogan should be "saved in 4, fixed by 8".

BULLSHIT! The entire economy could've been turned around in 2 years - no if, and's, or butt's about it.

With each failure that you can no longer hide, you come up with more and more outrageous excuses.

:eusa_boohoo: Right and you are an expert and have all the facts :eusa_boohoo:
Clinton says a lot of things, but most of it is false. Clinton did not inherit any recession. He inherited a growing economy, and managed to kill it in just eight short years. Clinton is beginning to believe his own propaganda. Consequently, his efforts to shore up Obama's failure to fix this economy, is just more smoke and mirrors from the master of smoke and mirrors.

The recession of July 1990 - March 1991 ended almost two years before Clinton took office. The next recession began March 2001, three months after Clinton left office. The economy was so flat during those last few months, that the experts had difficulty determining exactly when the recession actually started.

Clinton did enjoy a growing economy for most of his term. It was fueled by both the boom and the housing boom. The end of the boom, was the bust that caused the flat economy and the ensuing 2001 recession. The end of the housing boom was the bust that caused the 2003 recession and the 2007 recession. We were growing out of the 2007 recession when the financial crisis threw the economy back into recession.

Obama did inherit a recession, but that recession ended in June, 6 months after he took office. His ineptitude has managed to stall the recovery. And, he still does not realize that he is the architech of this slow recovery. If he gets reelected, he will change nothing, because he has learned nothing from his errors.

Total utter horse shit...

Fuelling two wars and giving tax cuts to the rich really helped, right?

The housing bubble started under Raygun when he got rid of regulations for building societies and it snowballed from there..

I love this question, and since you have such a strong opinion, I hope you have the answers:

Give me three things you would do to aid the recovery? Take your time...

The housing bubble started under Raygun when he got rid of regulations for building societies and it snowballed from there..

:lol:holy shit thats funny, thx man.

True story
Total utter horse shit...

Fuelling two wars and giving tax cuts to the rich really helped, right?

The housing bubble started under Raygun when he got rid of regulations for building societies and it snowballed from there..

I love this question, and since you have such a strong opinion, I hope you have the answers:

Give me three things you would do to aid the recovery? Take your time...

The housing bubble started under Raygun when he got rid of regulations for building societies and it snowballed from there..

:lol:holy shit thats funny, thx man.

How 'bout answering the last part.

he won't. He's trolling....
Nobody in the history of the world has ever stolen so much money and spent it in such a reckless way and managed to blame his incompetence on other people. Only 6% of the trillion dollar stimulus money went to so-called shovel ready jobs. The rest of it was a gigantic political payoff to crooked Obama supporters.
Nobody in the history of the world has ever stolen so much money and spent it in such a reckless way and managed to blame his incompetence on other people. Only 6% of the trillion dollar stimulus money went to so-called shovel ready jobs. The rest of it was a gigantic political payoff to crooked Obama supporters.

Bush Says Hi.
Nobody in the history of the world has ever stolen so much money and spent it in such a reckless way and managed to blame his incompetence on other people. Only 6% of the trillion dollar stimulus money went to so-called shovel ready jobs. The rest of it was a gigantic political payoff to crooked Obama supporters.

Bush Says Hi.

4 years later, 2 years with complete control of the entire US, and the only thing they can do is blame Bush for their EPIC FAILURES. :lol:
Nobody in the history of the world has ever stolen so much money and spent it in such a reckless way and managed to blame his incompetence on other people. Only 6% of the trillion dollar stimulus money went to so-called shovel ready jobs. The rest of it was a gigantic political payoff to crooked Obama supporters.

Bush Says Hi.

4 years later, 2 years with complete control of the entire US, and the only thing they can do is blame Bush for their EPIC FAILURES. :lol:



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