Zone1 Non-Binary Teen Upset because "They" Weren't Allowed to Wear a Suit to Prom

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
1. It's a private school and they can do what they want and make all the rules they want to whether people like it or not.

2. Or course she was banned from prom because it was also a Christian school and Christians don't follow delusions, but follow the Bible.

you didn't mention that it was a christian private school and from my experience...satan is always trying to get his representatives on earth's feet in the door. I've seen it a number of times. Good for the school saying no but you see what happened..the little attention seeker still got in the national news.
you didn't mention that it was a christian private school and from my experience...satan is always trying to get his representatives on earth's feet in the door. I've seen it a number of times. Good for the school saying no but you see what happened..the little attention seeker still got in the national news.

I agree but actually I did say that it was a Christian private school in the OP just in different sentences.
1. It's a private school and they can do what they want and make all the rules they want to whether people like it or not.

2. Or course she was banned from prom because it was also a Christian school and Christians don't follow delusions, but follow the Bible.

Question: If someone claims to be "nonbinary" then they're telling the world that they aren't one sex or the other. Yet they always insist on dressing in garb that represents the sex that they AREN'T. If they were truly "nonbinary" then it wouldn't matter what garb they wear. So it's clear, in this case, that the GIRL is seeking attention and notoriety. Anything to foster confusion and discord.
1. It's a private school and they can do what they want and make all the rules they want to whether people like it or not.

2. Or course she was banned from prom because it was also a Christian school and Christians don't follow delusions, but follow the Bible. know pantsuits have been a thing for decades right? And now, Lauren Bacall
That's not the point though. It was part of the dress code for her to wear a dress.
Actually it wasn't. School clothes permitted pantsuits. Special events were up to the parents.

This has been discussed on other boards last week.
Actually it wasn't. School clothes permitted pantsuits. Special events were up to the parents.

This has been discussed on other boards last week.

This exact story? Also it looks like it was allowed during the day for regular wear.
Question: If someone claims to be "nonbinary" then they're telling the world that they aren't one sex or the other. Yet they always insist on dressing in garb that represents the sex that they AREN'T. If they were truly "nonbinary" then it wouldn't matter what garb they wear. So it's clear, in this case, that the GIRL is seeking attention and notoriety. Anything to foster confusion and discord.

I thought she was saying she wasn't a 1 or a 0.
you didn't mention that it was a christian private school and from my experience...satan is always trying to get his representatives on earth's feet in the door. I've seen it a number of times. Good for the school saying no but you see what happened..the little attention seeker still got in the national news.
That's not Satan .
That's Stan
Fine fellow and always polite and well mannered .
1. It's a private school and they can do what they want and make all the rules they want to whether people like it or not.

2. Or course she was banned from prom because it was also a Christian school and Christians don't follow delusions, but follow the Bible.

They? Were there two?

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