Non-classical barbies

This is a lie, and you have your own interest. Real cowboys are disgusted with male striptease, and you are promoting it. You are obviously of European descent.
but in general there are almost no Europeans in America, this has already been discussed.
Of course I’m of European descent. All white people are of European descent.

And how am I promoting male striptease?
This is a lie, and you have your own interest. Real cowboys are disgusted with male striptease, and you are promoting it. You are obviously of European descent.
but in general there are almost no Europeans in America, this has already been discussed.

It was not discussed. You made that claim. With no backup or evidence. I am sure most of the posters here just assumed you were an idiot.

And the US population is 41% european descent.
Real cowboys? How in the hell do you know what a "real cowboy" is disgusted by? Do you know any real cowboys? Have you ever talked to a real cowboy?
Because I'm a cowboy at heart. Since childhood, bodybuilding cosmetic procedures were imposed on me, but I always chose only real sports. A cowboy in a thong looks as ridiculous as a trump on a horse
It was not discussed. You made that claim. With no backup or evidence. I am sure most of the posters here just assumed you were an idiot.

And the US population is 41% european descent.
I gave links to a scientific site with a scientific domain
Because I'm a cowboy at heart. Since childhood, bodybuilding cosmetic procedures were imposed on me, but I always chose only real sports. A cowboy in a thong looks as ridiculous as a trump on a horse

A cowboy at heart? LOL!! So in your heart you worked your ass off in all sorts of weather? In your heart you spent days working in heat, storms, snow and worse?

You know nothing about actual cowboys. You created your fantasy world based on what you saw on TV or in movies.
Because I'm a cowboy at heart. Since childhood, bodybuilding cosmetic procedures were imposed on me, but I always chose only real sports. A cowboy in a thong looks as ridiculous as a trump on a horse

Look, a lot of little boys wanted to be cowboys when they grew up. Most figured out it was impossible.

But being a "cowboy at heart" does not mean you know what actual cowboys think. You claim to know such things, which only makes you a liar.
Look, a lot of little boys wanted to be cowboys when they grew up. Most figured out it was impossible.

But being a "cowboy at heart" does not mean you know what actual cowboys think. You claim to know such things, which only makes you a liar.
Any normal guy will immediately understand the catch. Building up forms without real functionality is the same as liposuction. I realized this when I was 10 years old. It's disgusting.
Still a far cry from "almost no europeans" though isn't it?

And where do caucasians come from, if not Europe?
If I understand this term correctly. This is the pre-Aryan period of Europe and the Mediterranean, including the near east. Culturally, in addition to Europeans, there were also Hittites and Semites. Levant
Any normal guy will immediately understand the catch. Building up forms without real functionality is the same as liposuction. I realized this when I was 10 years old. It's disgusting.
My muscle is very functional, thank you very much. There’s a reason I’m the go-to guy when any heavy lifting is required at work.
Yes, I have no doubt that you are of European origin, you prove it with your stupid questions
If I understand this term correctly. This is the pre-Aryan period of Europe and the Mediterranean, including the near east. Culturally, in addition to Europeans, there were also Hittites and Semites. Levant
Ok. Whatever.

But it’s very well documented that the white people of America came here directly from Europe. All that about the original origin of Caucasians isn’t relevant to this discussion.

The initial British settlers of the colonies. Then the immigrants from Italy, Germany and Eastern Europe later.

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