Non-Violent Authoritarian/Anti-Semite regime.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
It might come as a SHOCKER.

But, Poland in the 1930's was ruled by anti-Semites, and Authoritarians.

This government KILLED Basically NOTHING. (Which should in fact be IMPOSSIBLE according to most Republicans & most Democrats I'm talking to here)

They DID for their people by PUTTING Polish interests AGAINST Jewish interests.

Jews were controlling huge vast tracts of the economy of Poland & SPOKE YIDDISH almost always a German language.

So, most Poles did NOT see Jews as Polish & also did NOT like going hungry as Jews got jobs.

Yes, So Poland did enact anti-Jewish boycotts & did in fact bar Jews from holding positions of power such as Laywers, or Government positions of power & Government jobs.

Actually, this government went onto be the FIRST real country to FIGHT the Nazis.

They did end up saving the most Jews with Zegota & Righteous Among the Nations.

So, NO I don't think Poles ever wanted to really kill Jews, but were STILL anti-Semites & Authoritarians just like Nazi Germany.

How can this be??????

Why did Germany & Poland END UP OPPOSITE in outcomes despite being both at the same time as anti-Semitic Authoritarians.

PLAIN & SIMPLE it's called Genetics & Germans have always been savage barbarians & that's by the savage barbaric standards of Western Europe.

So, yes I tend to think people West of Poland tend to be MORE VIOLENT regardless of government type.

Because of their DNA type they ARE often Predatory compared to Poles.
It might come as a SHOCKER.

But, Poland in the 1930's was ruled by anti-Semites, and Authoritarians.

This government KILLED Basically NOTHING. (Which should in fact be IMPOSSIBLE according to most Republicans & most Democrats I'm talking to here)

They DID for their people by PUTTING Polish interests AGAINST Jewish interests.

Jews were controlling huge vast tracts of the economy of Poland & SPOKE YIDDISH almost always a German language.

So, most Poles did NOT see Jews as Polish & also did NOT like going hungry as Jews got jobs.

Yes, So Poland did enact anti-Jewish boycotts & did in fact bar Jews from holding positions of power such as Laywers, or Government positions of power & Government jobs.

Actually, this government went onto be the FIRST real country to FIGHT the Nazis.

They did end up saving the most Jews with Zegota & Righteous Among the Nations.

So, NO I don't think Poles ever wanted to really kill Jews, but were STILL anti-Semites & Authoritarians just like Nazi Germany.

How can this be??????

Why did Germany & Poland END UP OPPOSITE in outcomes despite being both at the same time as anti-Semitic Authoritarians.

PLAIN & SIMPLE it's called Genetics & Germans have always been savage barbarians & that's by the savage barbaric standards of Western Europe.

So, yes I tend to think people West of Poland tend to be MORE VIOLENT regardless of government type.

Because of their DNA type they ARE often Predatory compared to Poles.


So you are saying that a nation smaller than the states of Texas, Alaska and Montana contains a people whose DNA is somehow genetically "superior" to all the tribes around them, although somehow we're supposed to believe in all the European migration all those years ago there was no mixing of genetics.

Sure, pal. That's not crazy or Hitleresque or anything. In the least. :eusa_shifty:

By the way, do you have any EVIDENCE for these superior genes, or like Hitler are you just declaring it so? Also you do realize that although you call yourself Catholic, the stuff you're espousing is deeply anti-Christian, right?
  • Thread starter
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  • #3
It might come as a SHOCKER.

But, Poland in the 1930's was ruled by anti-Semites, and Authoritarians.

This government KILLED Basically NOTHING. (Which should in fact be IMPOSSIBLE according to most Republicans & most Democrats I'm talking to here)

They DID for their people by PUTTING Polish interests AGAINST Jewish interests.

Jews were controlling huge vast tracts of the economy of Poland & SPOKE YIDDISH almost always a German language.

So, most Poles did NOT see Jews as Polish & also did NOT like going hungry as Jews got jobs.

Yes, So Poland did enact anti-Jewish boycotts & did in fact bar Jews from holding positions of power such as Laywers, or Government positions of power & Government jobs.

Actually, this government went onto be the FIRST real country to FIGHT the Nazis.

They did end up saving the most Jews with Zegota & Righteous Among the Nations.

So, NO I don't think Poles ever wanted to really kill Jews, but were STILL anti-Semites & Authoritarians just like Nazi Germany.

How can this be??????

Why did Germany & Poland END UP OPPOSITE in outcomes despite being both at the same time as anti-Semitic Authoritarians.

PLAIN & SIMPLE it's called Genetics & Germans have always been savage barbarians & that's by the savage barbaric standards of Western Europe.

So, yes I tend to think people West of Poland tend to be MORE VIOLENT regardless of government type.

Because of their DNA type they ARE often Predatory compared to Poles.


So you are saying that a nation smaller than the states of Texas, Alaska and Montana contains a people whose DNA is somehow genetically "superior" to all the tribes around them, although somehow we're supposed to believe in all the European migration all those years ago there was no mixing of genetics.

Sure, pal. That's not crazy or Hitleresque or anything. In the least. :eusa_shifty:

By the way, do you have any EVIDENCE for these superior genes, or like Hitler are you just declaring it so? Also you do realize that although you call yourself Catholic, the stuff you're espousing is deeply anti-Christian, right?

I can probably explain why Poles aren't so violent & politically retarded like Western Europeans.

I'd say Poland is in fact not just different, but very different from most Western Europeans in how the people have lived for the past 1,000 years.

1.) Eastern Europeans are probably not the same exact race as Western Europeans.
We tend to share totally different fathers, a lot of Eastern Europeans are R1a haplogroup & few are R1b. The inverse holds true for a lot of Western Europeans having a lot of R1b haplogroup & few R1a.

Also Eastern Europe DOES in the North have Finno-Ugric a Siberian / Chinese type of people correlating with N haplogrou;p; & Also Eastern Europe DOES in the South have a Middle Eastern / Ethiopian type mixture from E1b1b haplogroup.

So, Poles do tend to be less mixed than other Eastern Europeans & also NOT exactly the same people as Western Europe.

I'm overjoyed & personally think Poles should DISTANCE ourselves from nations West of us.

2.) Poles did in fact kind of practice eugenics, in that what they did in the region called "Kresy" Lithuanian elites were assimilated to Polish a lot & so were Ruthenian (Ukrainian - Cossack - Belarus) elites also assimilated, and inversely a lot of Polish lowlifes & criminals escaped Poland to move to Ukraine as "Cossacks"

Which is probably why in 2012 Poland was #3 in Europe for educational PISA scores just behind Estonia & Finland.

3.) Poland did have basically 1,000 years of war thrust upon them by being in the Middle of Europe & NOT otherwise protected in the mountains, or protected on Islands.

This means probably the "Foolish" & "Overly undisciplined" died a lot more, and also probably more "Very smart like Generals & other Intelligentsia were also probably more targeted as did Nazis had in Aktion AB & Soviets in Katyn Massacre.

The end result is amore uniform society & less foolish, undisciplined & also UNFORTUNATELY less very smart too.

4.) Poland did have basically 123 years without a nation, and therefor the ones who RESISTED Assimilation AKA Nationalists were the ones who survived more often.

A lot of the Liberal & Weak Poles became Russians, or Germans.

Polish language schools were ABOLISHED & therefor Russian & German was promoted.

Unfortunately this caused for a lot of very smart Poles to become Russian or German.
Fortunately this caused for a lot of traitors, Liberals, and other garbage to leave Poland.
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It might come as a SHOCKER.

But, Poland in the 1930's was ruled by anti-Semites, and Authoritarians.

This government KILLED Basically NOTHING. (Which should in fact be IMPOSSIBLE according to most Republicans & most Democrats I'm talking to here)

They DID for their people by PUTTING Polish interests AGAINST Jewish interests.

Jews were controlling huge vast tracts of the economy of Poland & SPOKE YIDDISH almost always a German language.

So, most Poles did NOT see Jews as Polish & also did NOT like going hungry as Jews got jobs.

Yes, So Poland did enact anti-Jewish boycotts & did in fact bar Jews from holding positions of power such as Laywers, or Government positions of power & Government jobs.

Actually, this government went onto be the FIRST real country to FIGHT the Nazis.

They did end up saving the most Jews with Zegota & Righteous Among the Nations.

So, NO I don't think Poles ever wanted to really kill Jews, but were STILL anti-Semites & Authoritarians just like Nazi Germany.

How can this be??????

Why did Germany & Poland END UP OPPOSITE in outcomes despite being both at the same time as anti-Semitic Authoritarians.

PLAIN & SIMPLE it's called Genetics & Germans have always been savage barbarians & that's by the savage barbaric standards of Western Europe.

So, yes I tend to think people West of Poland tend to be MORE VIOLENT regardless of government type.

Because of their DNA type they ARE often Predatory compared to Poles.


So you are saying that a nation smaller than the states of Texas, Alaska and Montana contains a people whose DNA is somehow genetically "superior" to all the tribes around them, although somehow we're supposed to believe in all the European migration all those years ago there was no mixing of genetics.

Sure, pal. That's not crazy or Hitleresque or anything. In the least. :eusa_shifty:

By the way, do you have any EVIDENCE for these superior genes, or like Hitler are you just declaring it so? Also you do realize that although you call yourself Catholic, the stuff you're espousing is deeply anti-Christian, right?

I can probably explain why Poles aren't so violent & politically retarded like Western Europeans.

I'd say Poland is in fact not just different, but very different from most Western Europeans in how the people have lived for the past 1,000 years.

1.) Eastern Europeans are probably not the same exact race as Western Europeans.
We tend to share totally different fathers, a lot of Eastern Europeans are R1a haplogroup & few are R1b. The inverse holds true for a lot of Western Europeans having a lot of R1b haplogroup & few R1a.

Also Eastern Europe DOES in the North have Finno-Ugric a Siberian type of people correlating with N haplogrou;p; & Also Eastern Europe DOES in the South have a Ethiopian type mixture from E1b1b haplogroup.

So, Poles do tend to be less mixed than other Eastern Europeans & also NOT exactly the same people as Western Europe.

I'm overjoyed & personally think Poles should DISTANCE ourselves from nations West of us.

2.) Poles did in fact kind of practice eugenics, in that what they did in the region called "Kresy" Lithuanian elites were assimilated to Polish a lot & so were Ruthenian (Ukrainian - Cossack - Belarus) elites also assimilated, and inversely a lot of Polish lowlifes & criminals escaped Poland to move to Ukraine as "Cossacks"

Which is probably why in 2012 Poland was #3 in Europe for educational PISA scores just behind Estonia & Finland.

3.) Poland did have basically 1,000 years of war thrust upon them by being in the Middle of Europe & NOT otherwise protected in the mountains, or protected on Islands.

This means probably the "Foolish" & "Overly undisciplined" died a lot more, and also probably more "Very smart like Generals & other Intelligentsia were also probably more targeted as did Nazis had in Aktion AB & Soviets in Katyn Massacre.

The end result is amore uniform society & less foolish, undisciplined & also UNFORTUNATELY less very smart too.

4.) Poland did have basically 123 years without a nation, and therefor the ones who RESISTED Assimilation AKA Nationalists were the ones who survived more often.

A lot of the Liberal & Weak Poles became Russians, or Germans.

Polish language schools were ABOLISHED & therefor Russian & German was promoted.

Unfortunately this caused for a lot of very smart Poles to become Russian or German.
Fortunately this caused for a lot of traitors, Liberals, and other garbage to leave Poland.

K serious question--even if any of this were true, which is a REALLY big stretch believe me--what does this have to do with you? Don't you live in New York, or so says your biography?

Again, even if it's true. SO WHAT, what's the end goal? Let's say you manage to convince 10 people that Poles are genetically superior.

  • Thread starter
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  • #5
It might come as a SHOCKER.

But, Poland in the 1930's was ruled by anti-Semites, and Authoritarians.

This government KILLED Basically NOTHING. (Which should in fact be IMPOSSIBLE according to most Republicans & most Democrats I'm talking to here)

They DID for their people by PUTTING Polish interests AGAINST Jewish interests.

Jews were controlling huge vast tracts of the economy of Poland & SPOKE YIDDISH almost always a German language.

So, most Poles did NOT see Jews as Polish & also did NOT like going hungry as Jews got jobs.

Yes, So Poland did enact anti-Jewish boycotts & did in fact bar Jews from holding positions of power such as Laywers, or Government positions of power & Government jobs.

Actually, this government went onto be the FIRST real country to FIGHT the Nazis.

They did end up saving the most Jews with Zegota & Righteous Among the Nations.

So, NO I don't think Poles ever wanted to really kill Jews, but were STILL anti-Semites & Authoritarians just like Nazi Germany.

How can this be??????

Why did Germany & Poland END UP OPPOSITE in outcomes despite being both at the same time as anti-Semitic Authoritarians.

PLAIN & SIMPLE it's called Genetics & Germans have always been savage barbarians & that's by the savage barbaric standards of Western Europe.

So, yes I tend to think people West of Poland tend to be MORE VIOLENT regardless of government type.

Because of their DNA type they ARE often Predatory compared to Poles.


So you are saying that a nation smaller than the states of Texas, Alaska and Montana contains a people whose DNA is somehow genetically "superior" to all the tribes around them, although somehow we're supposed to believe in all the European migration all those years ago there was no mixing of genetics.

Sure, pal. That's not crazy or Hitleresque or anything. In the least. :eusa_shifty:

By the way, do you have any EVIDENCE for these superior genes, or like Hitler are you just declaring it so? Also you do realize that although you call yourself Catholic, the stuff you're espousing is deeply anti-Christian, right?

I can probably explain why Poles aren't so violent & politically retarded like Western Europeans.

I'd say Poland is in fact not just different, but very different from most Western Europeans in how the people have lived for the past 1,000 years.

1.) Eastern Europeans are probably not the same exact race as Western Europeans.
We tend to share totally different fathers, a lot of Eastern Europeans are R1a haplogroup & few are R1b. The inverse holds true for a lot of Western Europeans having a lot of R1b haplogroup & few R1a.

Also Eastern Europe DOES in the North have Finno-Ugric a Siberian type of people correlating with N haplogrou;p; & Also Eastern Europe DOES in the South have a Ethiopian type mixture from E1b1b haplogroup.

So, Poles do tend to be less mixed than other Eastern Europeans & also NOT exactly the same people as Western Europe.

I'm overjoyed & personally think Poles should DISTANCE ourselves from nations West of us.

2.) Poles did in fact kind of practice eugenics, in that what they did in the region called "Kresy" Lithuanian elites were assimilated to Polish a lot & so were Ruthenian (Ukrainian - Cossack - Belarus) elites also assimilated, and inversely a lot of Polish lowlifes & criminals escaped Poland to move to Ukraine as "Cossacks"

Which is probably why in 2012 Poland was #3 in Europe for educational PISA scores just behind Estonia & Finland.

3.) Poland did have basically 1,000 years of war thrust upon them by being in the Middle of Europe & NOT otherwise protected in the mountains, or protected on Islands.

This means probably the "Foolish" & "Overly undisciplined" died a lot more, and also probably more "Very smart like Generals & other Intelligentsia were also probably more targeted as did Nazis had in Aktion AB & Soviets in Katyn Massacre.

The end result is amore uniform society & less foolish, undisciplined & also UNFORTUNATELY less very smart too.

4.) Poland did have basically 123 years without a nation, and therefor the ones who RESISTED Assimilation AKA Nationalists were the ones who survived more often.

A lot of the Liberal & Weak Poles became Russians, or Germans.

Polish language schools were ABOLISHED & therefor Russian & German was promoted.

Unfortunately this caused for a lot of very smart Poles to become Russian or German.
Fortunately this caused for a lot of traitors, Liberals, and other garbage to leave Poland.

K serious question--even if any of this were true, which is a REALLY big stretch believe me--what does this have to do with you? Don't you live in New York, or so says your biography?

Again, even if it's true. SO WHAT, what's the end goal? Let's say you manage to convince 10 people that Poles are genetically superior.


My genetics aren't New York, if even such a genetic heritage as "New York" exists????????????????

So, why don't you explain why Poles tend to not be going nuts doing SO MANY mass shootings, or serial killers , or major genocides LIKE (Anglo-Saxons) or why Poles don't go nuts promoting their OWN EXCTINCTION today?

Absolutely, I'd say Poles are genetically programmed to be a lot less violent, a lot more sensible politically & WAIT for it INTOLERANT of what they don't want for their future & government. THEY are THUS more Pollitically active.

A ton of Poles marched against ACTA / SOPA, and against Muslim refugees, and against tightening the Abortion.

NOW, WHY don't f&ck face Americans actively engage in politics like this, too busy EATING Pork Rinds & watching NASCAR go around in circles?????

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It might come as a SHOCKER.

But, Poland in the 1930's was ruled by anti-Semites, and Authoritarians.

This government KILLED Basically NOTHING. (Which should in fact be IMPOSSIBLE according to most Republicans & most Democrats I'm talking to here)

They DID for their people by PUTTING Polish interests AGAINST Jewish interests.

Jews were controlling huge vast tracts of the economy of Poland & SPOKE YIDDISH almost always a German language.

So, most Poles did NOT see Jews as Polish & also did NOT like going hungry as Jews got jobs.

Yes, So Poland did enact anti-Jewish boycotts & did in fact bar Jews from holding positions of power such as Laywers, or Government positions of power & Government jobs.

Actually, this government went onto be the FIRST real country to FIGHT the Nazis.

They did end up saving the most Jews with Zegota & Righteous Among the Nations.

So, NO I don't think Poles ever wanted to really kill Jews, but were STILL anti-Semites & Authoritarians just like Nazi Germany.

How can this be??????

Why did Germany & Poland END UP OPPOSITE in outcomes despite being both at the same time as anti-Semitic Authoritarians.

PLAIN & SIMPLE it's called Genetics & Germans have always been savage barbarians & that's by the savage barbaric standards of Western Europe.

So, yes I tend to think people West of Poland tend to be MORE VIOLENT regardless of government type.

Because of their DNA type they ARE often Predatory compared to Poles.


So you are saying that a nation smaller than the states of Texas, Alaska and Montana contains a people whose DNA is somehow genetically "superior" to all the tribes around them, although somehow we're supposed to believe in all the European migration all those years ago there was no mixing of genetics.

Sure, pal. That's not crazy or Hitleresque or anything. In the least. :eusa_shifty:

By the way, do you have any EVIDENCE for these superior genes, or like Hitler are you just declaring it so? Also you do realize that although you call yourself Catholic, the stuff you're espousing is deeply anti-Christian, right?

I can probably explain why Poles aren't so violent & politically retarded like Western Europeans.

I'd say Poland is in fact not just different, but very different from most Western Europeans in how the people have lived for the past 1,000 years.

1.) Eastern Europeans are probably not the same exact race as Western Europeans.
We tend to share totally different fathers, a lot of Eastern Europeans are R1a haplogroup & few are R1b. The inverse holds true for a lot of Western Europeans having a lot of R1b haplogroup & few R1a.

Also Eastern Europe DOES in the North have Finno-Ugric a Siberian type of people correlating with N haplogrou;p; & Also Eastern Europe DOES in the South have a Ethiopian type mixture from E1b1b haplogroup.

So, Poles do tend to be less mixed than other Eastern Europeans & also NOT exactly the same people as Western Europe.

I'm overjoyed & personally think Poles should DISTANCE ourselves from nations West of us.

2.) Poles did in fact kind of practice eugenics, in that what they did in the region called "Kresy" Lithuanian elites were assimilated to Polish a lot & so were Ruthenian (Ukrainian - Cossack - Belarus) elites also assimilated, and inversely a lot of Polish lowlifes & criminals escaped Poland to move to Ukraine as "Cossacks"

Which is probably why in 2012 Poland was #3 in Europe for educational PISA scores just behind Estonia & Finland.

3.) Poland did have basically 1,000 years of war thrust upon them by being in the Middle of Europe & NOT otherwise protected in the mountains, or protected on Islands.

This means probably the "Foolish" & "Overly undisciplined" died a lot more, and also probably more "Very smart like Generals & other Intelligentsia were also probably more targeted as did Nazis had in Aktion AB & Soviets in Katyn Massacre.

The end result is amore uniform society & less foolish, undisciplined & also UNFORTUNATELY less very smart too.

4.) Poland did have basically 123 years without a nation, and therefor the ones who RESISTED Assimilation AKA Nationalists were the ones who survived more often.

A lot of the Liberal & Weak Poles became Russians, or Germans.

Polish language schools were ABOLISHED & therefor Russian & German was promoted.

Unfortunately this caused for a lot of very smart Poles to become Russian or German.
Fortunately this caused for a lot of traitors, Liberals, and other garbage to leave Poland.

K serious question--even if any of this were true, which is a REALLY big stretch believe me--what does this have to do with you? Don't you live in New York, or so says your biography?

Again, even if it's true. SO WHAT, what's the end goal? Let's say you manage to convince 10 people that Poles are genetically superior.


My genetics aren't New York, if even such a genetic heritage as "New York" exists????????????????

So, why don't you explain why Poles tend to not be going nuts doing SO MANY mass shootings, or serial killers , or major genocides LIKE (Anglo-Saxons) or why Poles don't go nuts promoted their OWN EXCTINCTION today?

Absolutely, I'd say Poles do genetically programmed to be a lot less violent, a lot more sensible politically & WAIT for it INTOLERANT of what they don't want.

A ton of Poles marched against ACTA / SOPA, and against Muslim refugees, and against tightening the Abortion.

NOW, WHY don't f&ck face Americans actively engage in politics like this, too busy EATING Pork Rinds & watching NASCAR go around in circles?????

Okay listen, if you're trying to convince me how genetically superior the Poles are, and you just keep circling around your point over and over again like a broken record, that's not really making a case for your stunning intelligence is it? I mean that's not really proving to me that you are so genetically superior. Just giving you a tip there.

So I will try again.

Even SHOULD you convince people that Poles are genetically superior, so what? I mean what then, what comes of it? What's the end game? Or do you just enjoy the rush of self-superiority you get from telling yourself how genetically superior you are?

These are honest questions.
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #7
It might come as a SHOCKER.

But, Poland in the 1930's was ruled by anti-Semites, and Authoritarians.

This government KILLED Basically NOTHING. (Which should in fact be IMPOSSIBLE according to most Republicans & most Democrats I'm talking to here)

They DID for their people by PUTTING Polish interests AGAINST Jewish interests.

Jews were controlling huge vast tracts of the economy of Poland & SPOKE YIDDISH almost always a German language.

So, most Poles did NOT see Jews as Polish & also did NOT like going hungry as Jews got jobs.

Yes, So Poland did enact anti-Jewish boycotts & did in fact bar Jews from holding positions of power such as Laywers, or Government positions of power & Government jobs.

Actually, this government went onto be the FIRST real country to FIGHT the Nazis.

They did end up saving the most Jews with Zegota & Righteous Among the Nations.

So, NO I don't think Poles ever wanted to really kill Jews, but were STILL anti-Semites & Authoritarians just like Nazi Germany.

How can this be??????

Why did Germany & Poland END UP OPPOSITE in outcomes despite being both at the same time as anti-Semitic Authoritarians.

PLAIN & SIMPLE it's called Genetics & Germans have always been savage barbarians & that's by the savage barbaric standards of Western Europe.

So, yes I tend to think people West of Poland tend to be MORE VIOLENT regardless of government type.

Because of their DNA type they ARE often Predatory compared to Poles.


So you are saying that a nation smaller than the states of Texas, Alaska and Montana contains a people whose DNA is somehow genetically "superior" to all the tribes around them, although somehow we're supposed to believe in all the European migration all those years ago there was no mixing of genetics.

Sure, pal. That's not crazy or Hitleresque or anything. In the least. :eusa_shifty:

By the way, do you have any EVIDENCE for these superior genes, or like Hitler are you just declaring it so? Also you do realize that although you call yourself Catholic, the stuff you're espousing is deeply anti-Christian, right?

I can probably explain why Poles aren't so violent & politically retarded like Western Europeans.

I'd say Poland is in fact not just different, but very different from most Western Europeans in how the people have lived for the past 1,000 years.

1.) Eastern Europeans are probably not the same exact race as Western Europeans.
We tend to share totally different fathers, a lot of Eastern Europeans are R1a haplogroup & few are R1b. The inverse holds true for a lot of Western Europeans having a lot of R1b haplogroup & few R1a.

Also Eastern Europe DOES in the North have Finno-Ugric a Siberian type of people correlating with N haplogrou;p; & Also Eastern Europe DOES in the South have a Ethiopian type mixture from E1b1b haplogroup.

So, Poles do tend to be less mixed than other Eastern Europeans & also NOT exactly the same people as Western Europe.

I'm overjoyed & personally think Poles should DISTANCE ourselves from nations West of us.

2.) Poles did in fact kind of practice eugenics, in that what they did in the region called "Kresy" Lithuanian elites were assimilated to Polish a lot & so were Ruthenian (Ukrainian - Cossack - Belarus) elites also assimilated, and inversely a lot of Polish lowlifes & criminals escaped Poland to move to Ukraine as "Cossacks"

Which is probably why in 2012 Poland was #3 in Europe for educational PISA scores just behind Estonia & Finland.

3.) Poland did have basically 1,000 years of war thrust upon them by being in the Middle of Europe & NOT otherwise protected in the mountains, or protected on Islands.

This means probably the "Foolish" & "Overly undisciplined" died a lot more, and also probably more "Very smart like Generals & other Intelligentsia were also probably more targeted as did Nazis had in Aktion AB & Soviets in Katyn Massacre.

The end result is amore uniform society & less foolish, undisciplined & also UNFORTUNATELY less very smart too.

4.) Poland did have basically 123 years without a nation, and therefor the ones who RESISTED Assimilation AKA Nationalists were the ones who survived more often.

A lot of the Liberal & Weak Poles became Russians, or Germans.

Polish language schools were ABOLISHED & therefor Russian & German was promoted.

Unfortunately this caused for a lot of very smart Poles to become Russian or German.
Fortunately this caused for a lot of traitors, Liberals, and other garbage to leave Poland.

K serious question--even if any of this were true, which is a REALLY big stretch believe me--what does this have to do with you? Don't you live in New York, or so says your biography?

Again, even if it's true. SO WHAT, what's the end goal? Let's say you manage to convince 10 people that Poles are genetically superior.


My genetics aren't New York, if even such a genetic heritage as "New York" exists????????????????

So, why don't you explain why Poles tend to not be going nuts doing SO MANY mass shootings, or serial killers , or major genocides LIKE (Anglo-Saxons) or why Poles don't go nuts promoted their OWN EXCTINCTION today?

Absolutely, I'd say Poles do genetically programmed to be a lot less violent, a lot more sensible politically & WAIT for it INTOLERANT of what they don't want.

A ton of Poles marched against ACTA / SOPA, and against Muslim refugees, and against tightening the Abortion.

NOW, WHY don't f&ck face Americans actively engage in politics like this, too busy EATING Pork Rinds & watching NASCAR go around in circles?????

Okay listen, if you're trying to convince me how genetically superior the Poles are, and you just keep circling around your point over and over again like a broken record, that's not really making a case for your stunning intelligence is it? I mean that's not really proving to me that you are so genetically superior. Just giving you a tip there.

So I will try again.

Even SHOULD you convince people that Poles are genetically superior, so what? I mean what then, what comes of it? What's the end game? Or do you just enjoy the rush of self-superiority you get from telling yourself how genetically superior you are?

These are honest questions.

THIS thread isn't really so much about Polish superiority, JUST a tad bit.

It's a thread ACTUALLY designed to combat the CLAIMS from Republicans & Democrats that anti-Semitic Authoritarians ALWAYS go nuts mass-murdering because of Hitler.

I think I accurately portrayed here that NO the problem isn't anything OTHER than BAD GENES.

No matter what society, Capitalist free society, or Fascist it seems these (Anglo-Saxon) AKA English & German tribes tend to be FRIGGING NUTS.

Explain why I should think that I am a PROBLEM for being anti-Semitic & Authoritarian, when my Poles NEVER WERE the PROBLEM despite being anti-Semitic & Authoritarian.

Anglo-Saxons & their BAD GENES has ALWAYS BEEN the MAJOR problem with European peoples.

So you are saying that a nation smaller than the states of Texas, Alaska and Montana contains a people whose DNA is somehow genetically "superior" to all the tribes around them, although somehow we're supposed to believe in all the European migration all those years ago there was no mixing of genetics.

Sure, pal. That's not crazy or Hitleresque or anything. In the least. :eusa_shifty:

By the way, do you have any EVIDENCE for these superior genes, or like Hitler are you just declaring it so? Also you do realize that although you call yourself Catholic, the stuff you're espousing is deeply anti-Christian, right?

I can probably explain why Poles aren't so violent & politically retarded like Western Europeans.

I'd say Poland is in fact not just different, but very different from most Western Europeans in how the people have lived for the past 1,000 years.

1.) Eastern Europeans are probably not the same exact race as Western Europeans.
We tend to share totally different fathers, a lot of Eastern Europeans are R1a haplogroup & few are R1b. The inverse holds true for a lot of Western Europeans having a lot of R1b haplogroup & few R1a.

Also Eastern Europe DOES in the North have Finno-Ugric a Siberian type of people correlating with N haplogrou;p; & Also Eastern Europe DOES in the South have a Ethiopian type mixture from E1b1b haplogroup.

So, Poles do tend to be less mixed than other Eastern Europeans & also NOT exactly the same people as Western Europe.

I'm overjoyed & personally think Poles should DISTANCE ourselves from nations West of us.

2.) Poles did in fact kind of practice eugenics, in that what they did in the region called "Kresy" Lithuanian elites were assimilated to Polish a lot & so were Ruthenian (Ukrainian - Cossack - Belarus) elites also assimilated, and inversely a lot of Polish lowlifes & criminals escaped Poland to move to Ukraine as "Cossacks"

Which is probably why in 2012 Poland was #3 in Europe for educational PISA scores just behind Estonia & Finland.

3.) Poland did have basically 1,000 years of war thrust upon them by being in the Middle of Europe & NOT otherwise protected in the mountains, or protected on Islands.

This means probably the "Foolish" & "Overly undisciplined" died a lot more, and also probably more "Very smart like Generals & other Intelligentsia were also probably more targeted as did Nazis had in Aktion AB & Soviets in Katyn Massacre.

The end result is amore uniform society & less foolish, undisciplined & also UNFORTUNATELY less very smart too.

4.) Poland did have basically 123 years without a nation, and therefor the ones who RESISTED Assimilation AKA Nationalists were the ones who survived more often.

A lot of the Liberal & Weak Poles became Russians, or Germans.

Polish language schools were ABOLISHED & therefor Russian & German was promoted.

Unfortunately this caused for a lot of very smart Poles to become Russian or German.
Fortunately this caused for a lot of traitors, Liberals, and other garbage to leave Poland.

K serious question--even if any of this were true, which is a REALLY big stretch believe me--what does this have to do with you? Don't you live in New York, or so says your biography?

Again, even if it's true. SO WHAT, what's the end goal? Let's say you manage to convince 10 people that Poles are genetically superior.


My genetics aren't New York, if even such a genetic heritage as "New York" exists????????????????

So, why don't you explain why Poles tend to not be going nuts doing SO MANY mass shootings, or serial killers , or major genocides LIKE (Anglo-Saxons) or why Poles don't go nuts promoted their OWN EXCTINCTION today?

Absolutely, I'd say Poles do genetically programmed to be a lot less violent, a lot more sensible politically & WAIT for it INTOLERANT of what they don't want.

A ton of Poles marched against ACTA / SOPA, and against Muslim refugees, and against tightening the Abortion.

NOW, WHY don't f&ck face Americans actively engage in politics like this, too busy EATING Pork Rinds & watching NASCAR go around in circles?????

Okay listen, if you're trying to convince me how genetically superior the Poles are, and you just keep circling around your point over and over again like a broken record, that's not really making a case for your stunning intelligence is it? I mean that's not really proving to me that you are so genetically superior. Just giving you a tip there.

So I will try again.

Even SHOULD you convince people that Poles are genetically superior, so what? I mean what then, what comes of it? What's the end game? Or do you just enjoy the rush of self-superiority you get from telling yourself how genetically superior you are?

These are honest questions.

THIS thread isn't really so much about Polish superiority, JUST a tad bit.

It's a thread ACTUALLY designed to combat the CLAIMS from Republicans & Democrats that anti-Semitic Authoritarians ALWAYS go nuts mass-murdering because of Hitler.

I think I accurately portrayed here that NO the problem isn't anything OTHER than BAD GENES.

No matter what society, Capitalist free society, or Fascist it seems these (Anglo-Saxon) AKA English & German tribes tend to be FRIGGING NUTS.

Explain why I should think that I am a PROBLEM for being anti-Semitic & Authoritarian, when my Poles NEVER WERE the PROBLEM despite being anti-Semitic & Authoritarian.

Anglo-Saxons & their BAD GENES has ALWAYS BEEN the MAJOR problem with European peoples.

Dude, if you are Catholic, your thinking is a big, big, big ungodly problem, and it is hateful and eating your soul up. That I can guarantee you. Even if you never commit violence on a single human being, or even say a single impolite word to them. To go around thinking that God's creatures, made in His image, are "less than" due to whatever you've invented in your head is deeply, deeply sinful. It is looking at the pinnacle of God's creations and, on little evidence and based on NOTHING they have done, saying, nope, bad, faulted, wrong, lesser than.

Deeply sinful.

What you should do is repent. If you are one of these Catholics who knows the Bible hardly at all, I implore you to put down the Cathecism and pick up a Bible. I'm not kidding.

I will pray for you this morning in church as well. Man
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #9
I can probably explain why Poles aren't so violent & politically retarded like Western Europeans.

I'd say Poland is in fact not just different, but very different from most Western Europeans in how the people have lived for the past 1,000 years.

1.) Eastern Europeans are probably not the same exact race as Western Europeans.
We tend to share totally different fathers, a lot of Eastern Europeans are R1a haplogroup & few are R1b. The inverse holds true for a lot of Western Europeans having a lot of R1b haplogroup & few R1a.

Also Eastern Europe DOES in the North have Finno-Ugric a Siberian type of people correlating with N haplogrou;p; & Also Eastern Europe DOES in the South have a Ethiopian type mixture from E1b1b haplogroup.

So, Poles do tend to be less mixed than other Eastern Europeans & also NOT exactly the same people as Western Europe.

I'm overjoyed & personally think Poles should DISTANCE ourselves from nations West of us.

2.) Poles did in fact kind of practice eugenics, in that what they did in the region called "Kresy" Lithuanian elites were assimilated to Polish a lot & so were Ruthenian (Ukrainian - Cossack - Belarus) elites also assimilated, and inversely a lot of Polish lowlifes & criminals escaped Poland to move to Ukraine as "Cossacks"

Which is probably why in 2012 Poland was #3 in Europe for educational PISA scores just behind Estonia & Finland.

3.) Poland did have basically 1,000 years of war thrust upon them by being in the Middle of Europe & NOT otherwise protected in the mountains, or protected on Islands.

This means probably the "Foolish" & "Overly undisciplined" died a lot more, and also probably more "Very smart like Generals & other Intelligentsia were also probably more targeted as did Nazis had in Aktion AB & Soviets in Katyn Massacre.

The end result is amore uniform society & less foolish, undisciplined & also UNFORTUNATELY less very smart too.

4.) Poland did have basically 123 years without a nation, and therefor the ones who RESISTED Assimilation AKA Nationalists were the ones who survived more often.

A lot of the Liberal & Weak Poles became Russians, or Germans.

Polish language schools were ABOLISHED & therefor Russian & German was promoted.

Unfortunately this caused for a lot of very smart Poles to become Russian or German.
Fortunately this caused for a lot of traitors, Liberals, and other garbage to leave Poland.

K serious question--even if any of this were true, which is a REALLY big stretch believe me--what does this have to do with you? Don't you live in New York, or so says your biography?

Again, even if it's true. SO WHAT, what's the end goal? Let's say you manage to convince 10 people that Poles are genetically superior.


My genetics aren't New York, if even such a genetic heritage as "New York" exists????????????????

So, why don't you explain why Poles tend to not be going nuts doing SO MANY mass shootings, or serial killers , or major genocides LIKE (Anglo-Saxons) or why Poles don't go nuts promoted their OWN EXCTINCTION today?

Absolutely, I'd say Poles do genetically programmed to be a lot less violent, a lot more sensible politically & WAIT for it INTOLERANT of what they don't want.

A ton of Poles marched against ACTA / SOPA, and against Muslim refugees, and against tightening the Abortion.

NOW, WHY don't f&ck face Americans actively engage in politics like this, too busy EATING Pork Rinds & watching NASCAR go around in circles?????

Okay listen, if you're trying to convince me how genetically superior the Poles are, and you just keep circling around your point over and over again like a broken record, that's not really making a case for your stunning intelligence is it? I mean that's not really proving to me that you are so genetically superior. Just giving you a tip there.

So I will try again.

Even SHOULD you convince people that Poles are genetically superior, so what? I mean what then, what comes of it? What's the end game? Or do you just enjoy the rush of self-superiority you get from telling yourself how genetically superior you are?

These are honest questions.

THIS thread isn't really so much about Polish superiority, JUST a tad bit.

It's a thread ACTUALLY designed to combat the CLAIMS from Republicans & Democrats that anti-Semitic Authoritarians ALWAYS go nuts mass-murdering because of Hitler.

I think I accurately portrayed here that NO the problem isn't anything OTHER than BAD GENES.

No matter what society, Capitalist free society, or Fascist it seems these (Anglo-Saxon) AKA English & German tribes tend to be FRIGGING NUTS.

Explain why I should think that I am a PROBLEM for being anti-Semitic & Authoritarian, when my Poles NEVER WERE the PROBLEM despite being anti-Semitic & Authoritarian.

Anglo-Saxons & their BAD GENES has ALWAYS BEEN the MAJOR problem with European peoples.

Dude, if you are Catholic, your thinking is a big, big, big ungodly problem, and it is hateful and eating your soul up. That I can guarantee you. Even if you never commit violence on a single human being, or even say a single impolite word to them. To go around thinking that God's creatures, made in His image, are "less than" due to whatever you've invented in your head is deeply, deeply sinful. It is looking at the pinnacle of God's creations and, on little evidence and based on NOTHING they have done, saying, nope, bad, faulted, wrong, lesser than.

Deeply sinful.

What you should do is repent. If you are one of these Catholics who knows the Bible hardly at all, I implore you to put down the Cathecism and pick up a Bible. I'm not kidding.

I will pray for you this morning in church as well. Man

I am a Catholic RAISED but I'm a bit of a skeptical Agnostic, and while I do lean towards the existence towards some kind of God, or Gods, or heck Goddess, or Goddesses.

It seems pretty impossible to PROVE & also pretty FUTILE to spend time to actually think ONE RELIGIION IS IT & Everybody else is going to Hell.

If that's true, how does that make YOUR GOD any better than ME????????????

Actually judging by the Biblical story of Phinehas WE AREN"T supposed to be MIXING with different groups, According to God.

So, absolutely IF YOU WISH to play such & then therefor GOD sounds A LOT like ME.
K serious question--even if any of this were true, which is a REALLY big stretch believe me--what does this have to do with you? Don't you live in New York, or so says your biography?

Again, even if it's true. SO WHAT, what's the end goal? Let's say you manage to convince 10 people that Poles are genetically superior.


My genetics aren't New York, if even such a genetic heritage as "New York" exists????????????????

So, why don't you explain why Poles tend to not be going nuts doing SO MANY mass shootings, or serial killers , or major genocides LIKE (Anglo-Saxons) or why Poles don't go nuts promoted their OWN EXCTINCTION today?

Absolutely, I'd say Poles do genetically programmed to be a lot less violent, a lot more sensible politically & WAIT for it INTOLERANT of what they don't want.

A ton of Poles marched against ACTA / SOPA, and against Muslim refugees, and against tightening the Abortion.

NOW, WHY don't f&ck face Americans actively engage in politics like this, too busy EATING Pork Rinds & watching NASCAR go around in circles?????

Okay listen, if you're trying to convince me how genetically superior the Poles are, and you just keep circling around your point over and over again like a broken record, that's not really making a case for your stunning intelligence is it? I mean that's not really proving to me that you are so genetically superior. Just giving you a tip there.

So I will try again.

Even SHOULD you convince people that Poles are genetically superior, so what? I mean what then, what comes of it? What's the end game? Or do you just enjoy the rush of self-superiority you get from telling yourself how genetically superior you are?

These are honest questions.

THIS thread isn't really so much about Polish superiority, JUST a tad bit.

It's a thread ACTUALLY designed to combat the CLAIMS from Republicans & Democrats that anti-Semitic Authoritarians ALWAYS go nuts mass-murdering because of Hitler.

I think I accurately portrayed here that NO the problem isn't anything OTHER than BAD GENES.

No matter what society, Capitalist free society, or Fascist it seems these (Anglo-Saxon) AKA English & German tribes tend to be FRIGGING NUTS.

Explain why I should think that I am a PROBLEM for being anti-Semitic & Authoritarian, when my Poles NEVER WERE the PROBLEM despite being anti-Semitic & Authoritarian.

Anglo-Saxons & their BAD GENES has ALWAYS BEEN the MAJOR problem with European peoples.

Dude, if you are Catholic, your thinking is a big, big, big ungodly problem, and it is hateful and eating your soul up. That I can guarantee you. Even if you never commit violence on a single human being, or even say a single impolite word to them. To go around thinking that God's creatures, made in His image, are "less than" due to whatever you've invented in your head is deeply, deeply sinful. It is looking at the pinnacle of God's creations and, on little evidence and based on NOTHING they have done, saying, nope, bad, faulted, wrong, lesser than.

Deeply sinful.

What you should do is repent. If you are one of these Catholics who knows the Bible hardly at all, I implore you to put down the Cathecism and pick up a Bible. I'm not kidding.

I will pray for you this morning in church as well. Man

I am a Catholic RAISED but I'm a bit of a skeptical Agnostic, and while I do lean towards the existence towards some kind of God, or Gods, or heck Goddess, or Goddesses.

It seems pretty impossible to PROVE & also pretty FUTILE to spend time to actually think ONE RELIGIION IS IT & Everybody else is going to Hell.

If that's true, how does that make YOUR GOD any better than ME????????????

Actually judging by the Biblical story of Phinehas WE AREN"T supposed to be MIXING with different groups, According to God.

So, absolutely IF YOU WISH to play such & then therefor GOD sounds A LOT like ME.

I can shoot that down very quickly, since you asked. You're not particularly brilliant, and God made the entire universe by speaking it into existence.

Have you ever been to the eye doctor and looked at the images of your eyes that they take.


He's better than you. How I know you're not very brilliant, just one way? You said something boneheaded like you're as good as God. Really, a really dumb thing to say. You can't even make a rock.
My genetics aren't New York, if even such a genetic heritage as "New York" exists????????????????

So, why don't you explain why Poles tend to not be going nuts doing SO MANY mass shootings, or serial killers , or major genocides LIKE (Anglo-Saxons) or why Poles don't go nuts promoted their OWN EXCTINCTION today?

Absolutely, I'd say Poles do genetically programmed to be a lot less violent, a lot more sensible politically & WAIT for it INTOLERANT of what they don't want.

A ton of Poles marched against ACTA / SOPA, and against Muslim refugees, and against tightening the Abortion.

NOW, WHY don't f&ck face Americans actively engage in politics like this, too busy EATING Pork Rinds & watching NASCAR go around in circles?????

Okay listen, if you're trying to convince me how genetically superior the Poles are, and you just keep circling around your point over and over again like a broken record, that's not really making a case for your stunning intelligence is it? I mean that's not really proving to me that you are so genetically superior. Just giving you a tip there.

So I will try again.

Even SHOULD you convince people that Poles are genetically superior, so what? I mean what then, what comes of it? What's the end game? Or do you just enjoy the rush of self-superiority you get from telling yourself how genetically superior you are?

These are honest questions.

THIS thread isn't really so much about Polish superiority, JUST a tad bit.

It's a thread ACTUALLY designed to combat the CLAIMS from Republicans & Democrats that anti-Semitic Authoritarians ALWAYS go nuts mass-murdering because of Hitler.

I think I accurately portrayed here that NO the problem isn't anything OTHER than BAD GENES.

No matter what society, Capitalist free society, or Fascist it seems these (Anglo-Saxon) AKA English & German tribes tend to be FRIGGING NUTS.

Explain why I should think that I am a PROBLEM for being anti-Semitic & Authoritarian, when my Poles NEVER WERE the PROBLEM despite being anti-Semitic & Authoritarian.

Anglo-Saxons & their BAD GENES has ALWAYS BEEN the MAJOR problem with European peoples.

Dude, if you are Catholic, your thinking is a big, big, big ungodly problem, and it is hateful and eating your soul up. That I can guarantee you. Even if you never commit violence on a single human being, or even say a single impolite word to them. To go around thinking that God's creatures, made in His image, are "less than" due to whatever you've invented in your head is deeply, deeply sinful. It is looking at the pinnacle of God's creations and, on little evidence and based on NOTHING they have done, saying, nope, bad, faulted, wrong, lesser than.

Deeply sinful.

What you should do is repent. If you are one of these Catholics who knows the Bible hardly at all, I implore you to put down the Cathecism and pick up a Bible. I'm not kidding.

I will pray for you this morning in church as well. Man

I am a Catholic RAISED but I'm a bit of a skeptical Agnostic, and while I do lean towards the existence towards some kind of God, or Gods, or heck Goddess, or Goddesses.

It seems pretty impossible to PROVE & also pretty FUTILE to spend time to actually think ONE RELIGIION IS IT & Everybody else is going to Hell.

If that's true, how does that make YOUR GOD any better than ME????????????

Actually judging by the Biblical story of Phinehas WE AREN"T supposed to be MIXING with different groups, According to God.

So, absolutely IF YOU WISH to play such & then therefor GOD sounds A LOT like ME.

I can shoot that down very quickly, since you asked. You're not particularly brilliant, and God made the entire universe by speaking it into existence.

Have you ever been to the eye doctor and looked at the images of your eyes that they take.


He's better than you. How I know you're not very brilliant, just one way? You said something boneheaded like you're as good as God. Really, a really dumb thing to say. You can't even make a rock.

My REFERENCE for GOD being like me.

It obviously went over your head

If God thinks ALL Non-Christians are to be sent to Hell, just because he didn't show himself enough, is ACTUALLY a lot WORSE than anything I'm doing.

I don't want to punish, anybody, I DO HOWEVER NOT like certain groups, because they tend to be FRIGGING NUTS & Violent.

Yeah, I do tend to think people outside of Poland & a few of it's neighbors do tend to be FRIGGING NUTS & VIOLENTin comparison.

If you WANT to know what I believe, I believe that the ENTIRE Universe is an ORGANISM & EVERYTHING is God.

We DO PLAY GOD, we have the ability to create, to destroy, and so forth.

We ARE Carbon Star Dust from the beginning of the Universe & We DO GO BACK to the Universe, somehow our energy & matter will ALWAYS LIVE ON this is ACCORDING to SCIENCE which states that energy / matter cannot be created, nor destroyed.
Okay listen, if you're trying to convince me how genetically superior the Poles are, and you just keep circling around your point over and over again like a broken record, that's not really making a case for your stunning intelligence is it? I mean that's not really proving to me that you are so genetically superior. Just giving you a tip there.

So I will try again.

Even SHOULD you convince people that Poles are genetically superior, so what? I mean what then, what comes of it? What's the end game? Or do you just enjoy the rush of self-superiority you get from telling yourself how genetically superior you are?

These are honest questions.

THIS thread isn't really so much about Polish superiority, JUST a tad bit.

It's a thread ACTUALLY designed to combat the CLAIMS from Republicans & Democrats that anti-Semitic Authoritarians ALWAYS go nuts mass-murdering because of Hitler.

I think I accurately portrayed here that NO the problem isn't anything OTHER than BAD GENES.

No matter what society, Capitalist free society, or Fascist it seems these (Anglo-Saxon) AKA English & German tribes tend to be FRIGGING NUTS.

Explain why I should think that I am a PROBLEM for being anti-Semitic & Authoritarian, when my Poles NEVER WERE the PROBLEM despite being anti-Semitic & Authoritarian.

Anglo-Saxons & their BAD GENES has ALWAYS BEEN the MAJOR problem with European peoples.

Dude, if you are Catholic, your thinking is a big, big, big ungodly problem, and it is hateful and eating your soul up. That I can guarantee you. Even if you never commit violence on a single human being, or even say a single impolite word to them. To go around thinking that God's creatures, made in His image, are "less than" due to whatever you've invented in your head is deeply, deeply sinful. It is looking at the pinnacle of God's creations and, on little evidence and based on NOTHING they have done, saying, nope, bad, faulted, wrong, lesser than.

Deeply sinful.

What you should do is repent. If you are one of these Catholics who knows the Bible hardly at all, I implore you to put down the Cathecism and pick up a Bible. I'm not kidding.

I will pray for you this morning in church as well. Man

I am a Catholic RAISED but I'm a bit of a skeptical Agnostic, and while I do lean towards the existence towards some kind of God, or Gods, or heck Goddess, or Goddesses.

It seems pretty impossible to PROVE & also pretty FUTILE to spend time to actually think ONE RELIGIION IS IT & Everybody else is going to Hell.

If that's true, how does that make YOUR GOD any better than ME????????????

Actually judging by the Biblical story of Phinehas WE AREN"T supposed to be MIXING with different groups, According to God.

So, absolutely IF YOU WISH to play such & then therefor GOD sounds A LOT like ME.

I can shoot that down very quickly, since you asked. You're not particularly brilliant, and God made the entire universe by speaking it into existence.

Have you ever been to the eye doctor and looked at the images of your eyes that they take.


He's better than you. How I know you're not very brilliant, just one way? You said something boneheaded like you're as good as God. Really, a really dumb thing to say. You can't even make a rock.

My REFERENCE for GOD being like me.

It obviously went over your head

If God thinks ALL Non-Christians are to be sent to Hell, just because he didn't show himself enough, is ACTUALLY a lot WORSE than anything I'm doing.

I don't want to punish, anybody, I DO HOWEVER NOT like certain groups, because they tend to be FRIGGING NUTS & Violent.

Yeah, I do tend to think people outside of Poland & a few of it's neighbors do tend to be FRIGGING NUTS & VIOLENTin comparison.

If you WANT to know what I believe, I believe that the ENTIRE Universe is an ORGANISM & EVERYTHING is God.

We DO PLAY GOD, we have the ability to create, to destroy, and so forth.

We DO GO BACK to the Universe, somehow our energy & matter will ALWAYS LIVE ON this is ACCORDING to SCIENCE which states that energy / matter cannot be created, nor destroyed.

You can't create crap. Are you kidding? What can you create? If you're lucky you MIGHT be able to get a woman pregnant. You didn't create the sperm in your testes, you didn't create any of the fingernails that baby will grow. As I said, you can't even make a rock. So what are you talking about "create". Now destroy, I will give you that. Humans have quite the knack for destruction.

When you destroy, however, you have no say over a human's ultimate destiny. You can't create, you aren't able to judge that creations' eternal destiny. That is for God alone, the Creator. He gets to judge. You might not like it, but you can't change it.
THIS thread isn't really so much about Polish superiority, JUST a tad bit.

It's a thread ACTUALLY designed to combat the CLAIMS from Republicans & Democrats that anti-Semitic Authoritarians ALWAYS go nuts mass-murdering because of Hitler.

I think I accurately portrayed here that NO the problem isn't anything OTHER than BAD GENES.

No matter what society, Capitalist free society, or Fascist it seems these (Anglo-Saxon) AKA English & German tribes tend to be FRIGGING NUTS.

Explain why I should think that I am a PROBLEM for being anti-Semitic & Authoritarian, when my Poles NEVER WERE the PROBLEM despite being anti-Semitic & Authoritarian.

Anglo-Saxons & their BAD GENES has ALWAYS BEEN the MAJOR problem with European peoples.

Dude, if you are Catholic, your thinking is a big, big, big ungodly problem, and it is hateful and eating your soul up. That I can guarantee you. Even if you never commit violence on a single human being, or even say a single impolite word to them. To go around thinking that God's creatures, made in His image, are "less than" due to whatever you've invented in your head is deeply, deeply sinful. It is looking at the pinnacle of God's creations and, on little evidence and based on NOTHING they have done, saying, nope, bad, faulted, wrong, lesser than.

Deeply sinful.

What you should do is repent. If you are one of these Catholics who knows the Bible hardly at all, I implore you to put down the Cathecism and pick up a Bible. I'm not kidding.

I will pray for you this morning in church as well. Man

I am a Catholic RAISED but I'm a bit of a skeptical Agnostic, and while I do lean towards the existence towards some kind of God, or Gods, or heck Goddess, or Goddesses.

It seems pretty impossible to PROVE & also pretty FUTILE to spend time to actually think ONE RELIGIION IS IT & Everybody else is going to Hell.

If that's true, how does that make YOUR GOD any better than ME????????????

Actually judging by the Biblical story of Phinehas WE AREN"T supposed to be MIXING with different groups, According to God.

So, absolutely IF YOU WISH to play such & then therefor GOD sounds A LOT like ME.

I can shoot that down very quickly, since you asked. You're not particularly brilliant, and God made the entire universe by speaking it into existence.

Have you ever been to the eye doctor and looked at the images of your eyes that they take.


He's better than you. How I know you're not very brilliant, just one way? You said something boneheaded like you're as good as God. Really, a really dumb thing to say. You can't even make a rock.

My REFERENCE for GOD being like me.

It obviously went over your head

If God thinks ALL Non-Christians are to be sent to Hell, just because he didn't show himself enough, is ACTUALLY a lot WORSE than anything I'm doing.

I don't want to punish, anybody, I DO HOWEVER NOT like certain groups, because they tend to be FRIGGING NUTS & Violent.

Yeah, I do tend to think people outside of Poland & a few of it's neighbors do tend to be FRIGGING NUTS & VIOLENTin comparison.

If you WANT to know what I believe, I believe that the ENTIRE Universe is an ORGANISM & EVERYTHING is God.

We DO PLAY GOD, we have the ability to create, to destroy, and so forth.

We DO GO BACK to the Universe, somehow our energy & matter will ALWAYS LIVE ON this is ACCORDING to SCIENCE which states that energy / matter cannot be created, nor destroyed.

You can't create crap. Are you kidding? What can you create? If you're lucky you MIGHT be able to get a woman pregnant. You didn't create the sperm in your testes, you didn't create any of the fingernails that baby will grow. As I said, you can't even make a rock. So what are you talking about "create". Now destroy, I will give you that. Humans have quite the knack for destruction.

When you destroy, however, you have no say over a human's ultimate destiny. You can't create, you aren't able to judge that creations' eternal destiny. That is for God alone, the Creator. He gets to judge. You might not like it, but you can't change it.

OFF TOPIC, this is NOT Theology.

This is about WHY, Poland didn't end up killing so many when it was an Authoritarian anti-Semitic country UNDER Jozef Beck.

George W. Bush the exact opposite a Zionist, Neocon, Antifa kind of Liberal, anti-Authoritarian type guy KILLED a lot more PEOPLE than that.

Keep in mind George W. Bush is an ANGLO-SAXON.

But, if you must know...
Human's Ultimate destinity is dictated by the actions of Humans.

We can Nuke ourselves to destruction, we could also create Space-Crafts & colonized Space. (This is a unknown)

What is in fact known is I DO HAVE Free will to ALTER the face of the Earth, I can, or don't have to cut down a tree, kill a Deer, or not kill a Deer.
We can make friends, and make enemies, and everything in between.
We can create babies, or not create babies, and so forth.

I'd say ABSOLUTELY this is in fact PLAYING GOD in small doses.
Dude, if you are Catholic, your thinking is a big, big, big ungodly problem, and it is hateful and eating your soul up. That I can guarantee you. Even if you never commit violence on a single human being, or even say a single impolite word to them. To go around thinking that God's creatures, made in His image, are "less than" due to whatever you've invented in your head is deeply, deeply sinful. It is looking at the pinnacle of God's creations and, on little evidence and based on NOTHING they have done, saying, nope, bad, faulted, wrong, lesser than.

Deeply sinful.

What you should do is repent. If you are one of these Catholics who knows the Bible hardly at all, I implore you to put down the Cathecism and pick up a Bible. I'm not kidding.

I will pray for you this morning in church as well. Man

I am a Catholic RAISED but I'm a bit of a skeptical Agnostic, and while I do lean towards the existence towards some kind of God, or Gods, or heck Goddess, or Goddesses.

It seems pretty impossible to PROVE & also pretty FUTILE to spend time to actually think ONE RELIGIION IS IT & Everybody else is going to Hell.

If that's true, how does that make YOUR GOD any better than ME????????????

Actually judging by the Biblical story of Phinehas WE AREN"T supposed to be MIXING with different groups, According to God.

So, absolutely IF YOU WISH to play such & then therefor GOD sounds A LOT like ME.

I can shoot that down very quickly, since you asked. You're not particularly brilliant, and God made the entire universe by speaking it into existence.

Have you ever been to the eye doctor and looked at the images of your eyes that they take.


He's better than you. How I know you're not very brilliant, just one way? You said something boneheaded like you're as good as God. Really, a really dumb thing to say. You can't even make a rock.

My REFERENCE for GOD being like me.

It obviously went over your head

If God thinks ALL Non-Christians are to be sent to Hell, just because he didn't show himself enough, is ACTUALLY a lot WORSE than anything I'm doing.

I don't want to punish, anybody, I DO HOWEVER NOT like certain groups, because they tend to be FRIGGING NUTS & Violent.

Yeah, I do tend to think people outside of Poland & a few of it's neighbors do tend to be FRIGGING NUTS & VIOLENTin comparison.

If you WANT to know what I believe, I believe that the ENTIRE Universe is an ORGANISM & EVERYTHING is God.

We DO PLAY GOD, we have the ability to create, to destroy, and so forth.

We DO GO BACK to the Universe, somehow our energy & matter will ALWAYS LIVE ON this is ACCORDING to SCIENCE which states that energy / matter cannot be created, nor destroyed.

You can't create crap. Are you kidding? What can you create? If you're lucky you MIGHT be able to get a woman pregnant. You didn't create the sperm in your testes, you didn't create any of the fingernails that baby will grow. As I said, you can't even make a rock. So what are you talking about "create". Now destroy, I will give you that. Humans have quite the knack for destruction.

When you destroy, however, you have no say over a human's ultimate destiny. You can't create, you aren't able to judge that creations' eternal destiny. That is for God alone, the Creator. He gets to judge. You might not like it, but you can't change it.

OFF TOPIC, this is NOT Theology.

This is about WHY, Poland didn't end up killing so many when it was an Authoritarian anti-Semitic country UNDER Jozef Beck.

George W. Bush the exact opposite a Zionist, Neocon, Antifa kind of Liberal, anti-Authoritarian type guy KILLED a lot more PEOPLE than that.

Keep in mind George W. Bush is an ANGLO-SAXON.

But, if you must know...
Human's Ultimate destinity is dictated by the actions of Humans.

We can Nuke ourselves to destruction, we could also create Space-Crafts & colonized Space. (This is a unknown)

What is in fact known is I DO HAVE Free will to ALTER the face of the Earth, I can, or don't have to cut down a tree, kill a Deer, or not kill a Deer.
We can make friends, and make enemies, and everything in between.
We can create babies, or not create babies, and so forth.

I'd say ABSOLUTELY this is in fact PLAYING GOD in small doses.

Dude you asked me why your anti-Semitism is a problem for you, remember? And I answered. It's a problem for your soul. That's the answer. The hatred eats at your soul. I mean obviously, look at the damage you are doing! You declared right here that YOU ARE ON PAR WITH GOD.

How do you think most Poles would take that assertion?
I am a Catholic RAISED but I'm a bit of a skeptical Agnostic, and while I do lean towards the existence towards some kind of God, or Gods, or heck Goddess, or Goddesses.

It seems pretty impossible to PROVE & also pretty FUTILE to spend time to actually think ONE RELIGIION IS IT & Everybody else is going to Hell.

If that's true, how does that make YOUR GOD any better than ME????????????

Actually judging by the Biblical story of Phinehas WE AREN"T supposed to be MIXING with different groups, According to God.

So, absolutely IF YOU WISH to play such & then therefor GOD sounds A LOT like ME.

I can shoot that down very quickly, since you asked. You're not particularly brilliant, and God made the entire universe by speaking it into existence.

Have you ever been to the eye doctor and looked at the images of your eyes that they take.


He's better than you. How I know you're not very brilliant, just one way? You said something boneheaded like you're as good as God. Really, a really dumb thing to say. You can't even make a rock.

My REFERENCE for GOD being like me.

It obviously went over your head

If God thinks ALL Non-Christians are to be sent to Hell, just because he didn't show himself enough, is ACTUALLY a lot WORSE than anything I'm doing.

I don't want to punish, anybody, I DO HOWEVER NOT like certain groups, because they tend to be FRIGGING NUTS & Violent.

Yeah, I do tend to think people outside of Poland & a few of it's neighbors do tend to be FRIGGING NUTS & VIOLENTin comparison.

If you WANT to know what I believe, I believe that the ENTIRE Universe is an ORGANISM & EVERYTHING is God.

We DO PLAY GOD, we have the ability to create, to destroy, and so forth.

We DO GO BACK to the Universe, somehow our energy & matter will ALWAYS LIVE ON this is ACCORDING to SCIENCE which states that energy / matter cannot be created, nor destroyed.

You can't create crap. Are you kidding? What can you create? If you're lucky you MIGHT be able to get a woman pregnant. You didn't create the sperm in your testes, you didn't create any of the fingernails that baby will grow. As I said, you can't even make a rock. So what are you talking about "create". Now destroy, I will give you that. Humans have quite the knack for destruction.

When you destroy, however, you have no say over a human's ultimate destiny. You can't create, you aren't able to judge that creations' eternal destiny. That is for God alone, the Creator. He gets to judge. You might not like it, but you can't change it.

OFF TOPIC, this is NOT Theology.

This is about WHY, Poland didn't end up killing so many when it was an Authoritarian anti-Semitic country UNDER Jozef Beck.

George W. Bush the exact opposite a Zionist, Neocon, Antifa kind of Liberal, anti-Authoritarian type guy KILLED a lot more PEOPLE than that.

Keep in mind George W. Bush is an ANGLO-SAXON.

But, if you must know...
Human's Ultimate destinity is dictated by the actions of Humans.

We can Nuke ourselves to destruction, we could also create Space-Crafts & colonized Space. (This is a unknown)

What is in fact known is I DO HAVE Free will to ALTER the face of the Earth, I can, or don't have to cut down a tree, kill a Deer, or not kill a Deer.
We can make friends, and make enemies, and everything in between.
We can create babies, or not create babies, and so forth.

I'd say ABSOLUTELY this is in fact PLAYING GOD in small doses.

Dude you asked me why your anti-Semitism is a problem for you, remember? And I answered. It's a problem for your soul. That's the answer. The hatred eats at your soul. I mean obviously, look at the damage you are doing! You declared right here that YOU ARE ON PAR WITH GOD.

How do you think most Poles would take that assertion?

A.) This thread's intention is to PROVE that anti-Semite Authoritarians DON'T NECESSARILY have to kill a lot of people, contrary to the OPINIONS of BOTH Republicans & Democrats.

B.) I am an Anti-Semitic Authoritarian, I tend to think it's about BALANCE, and right now Liberal Neocon Zionism Freedom is A LOT WORSE because that's the way the scales have tipped TOO FAR.

C.) I didn't say I'm on par with God, first I said HOW is God better than me if he sends BILLIONS of Non-Christians to Hell, Secondly I didn't say I'm on par with God, I said that BASICALLY Free-Willl does dictate the future, and WE ALL therefor play a role & it is in fact kind of like God. NOT to the extent, but it does in fact alter things.
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I am a Catholic RAISED but I'm a bit of a skeptical Agnostic, and while I do lean towards the existence towards some kind of God, or Gods, or heck Goddess, or Goddesses.

It seems pretty impossible to PROVE & also pretty FUTILE to spend time to actually think ONE RELIGIION IS IT & Everybody else is going to Hell.

If that's true, how does that make YOUR GOD any better than ME????????????

Actually judging by the Biblical story of Phinehas WE AREN"T supposed to be MIXING with different groups, According to God.

So, absolutely IF YOU WISH to play such & then therefor GOD sounds A LOT like ME.

I can shoot that down very quickly, since you asked. You're not particularly brilliant, and God made the entire universe by speaking it into existence.

Have you ever been to the eye doctor and looked at the images of your eyes that they take.


He's better than you. How I know you're not very brilliant, just one way? You said something boneheaded like you're as good as God. Really, a really dumb thing to say. You can't even make a rock.

My REFERENCE for GOD being like me.

It obviously went over your head

If God thinks ALL Non-Christians are to be sent to Hell, just because he didn't show himself enough, is ACTUALLY a lot WORSE than anything I'm doing.

I don't want to punish, anybody, I DO HOWEVER NOT like certain groups, because they tend to be FRIGGING NUTS & Violent.

Yeah, I do tend to think people outside of Poland & a few of it's neighbors do tend to be FRIGGING NUTS & VIOLENTin comparison.

If you WANT to know what I believe, I believe that the ENTIRE Universe is an ORGANISM & EVERYTHING is God.

We DO PLAY GOD, we have the ability to create, to destroy, and so forth.

We DO GO BACK to the Universe, somehow our energy & matter will ALWAYS LIVE ON this is ACCORDING to SCIENCE which states that energy / matter cannot be created, nor destroyed.

You can't create crap. Are you kidding? What can you create? If you're lucky you MIGHT be able to get a woman pregnant. You didn't create the sperm in your testes, you didn't create any of the fingernails that baby will grow. As I said, you can't even make a rock. So what are you talking about "create". Now destroy, I will give you that. Humans have quite the knack for destruction.

When you destroy, however, you have no say over a human's ultimate destiny. You can't create, you aren't able to judge that creations' eternal destiny. That is for God alone, the Creator. He gets to judge. You might not like it, but you can't change it.

OFF TOPIC, this is NOT Theology.

This is about WHY, Poland didn't end up killing so many when it was an Authoritarian anti-Semitic country UNDER Jozef Beck.

George W. Bush the exact opposite a Zionist, Neocon, Antifa kind of Liberal, anti-Authoritarian type guy KILLED a lot more PEOPLE than that.

Keep in mind George W. Bush is an ANGLO-SAXON.

But, if you must know...
Human's Ultimate destinity is dictated by the actions of Humans.

We can Nuke ourselves to destruction, we could also create Space-Crafts & colonized Space. (This is a unknown)

What is in fact known is I DO HAVE Free will to ALTER the face of the Earth, I can, or don't have to cut down a tree, kill a Deer, or not kill a Deer.
We can make friends, and make enemies, and everything in between.
We can create babies, or not create babies, and so forth.

I'd say ABSOLUTELY this is in fact PLAYING GOD in small doses.

Dude you asked me why your anti-Semitism is a problem for you, remember? And I answered. It's a problem for your soul. That's the answer. The hatred eats at your soul. I mean obviously, look at the damage you are doing! You declared right here that YOU ARE ON PAR WITH GOD.

How do you think most Poles would take that assertion?

TOLERANCE might be a "Cute" feeling...

Tolerance of GENOCIDE is a problem.

Tolerance of other CULTURES replacing your own culture is a problem.

If you ask me it's the major frigging problem in this World.

TAKE Germans they went from TOLERATING Hitler looting, and shooting as a "Racialist" to the DEMISE of Germany.
Now went onto TOLERATING Merkel bringing in tons of "Refugees" as an "Anti-Racialist" to the DEMISE of Germany, AGAIN.

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