None Dare call it Treason...

A. There have been documented guns there

B. Carrying in DC is illegal

Nowhere near the Capitol. They have been documented MILES AWAY.

You first. Moron. We have absolute evidence that the political class launched a coup attempt.

THAT is treason you buffoon.
I responded to another poster this:

"It's not treason.
"But soft coups on a sitting President is!!!"

I posted a link to him, not to you.

Now, what you post is:

"We have absolute evidence that the political class launched a coup attempt."

I have questions:
1. What Evidence
2. What "political class"
3. What "coup attempt"

If I infer correctly, you are suggesting the political class is the Democratic Party, and the coup was the 2020 election was stolen.

Your problem is the election of 2020 was not stolen and you have no evidence to support any coup.

BTW: The coup was not an Impeachment of trump.

BTW: The election of 2020 was not stolen, as more than 60 court decisions decided. Thus, your ignorance can be set aside sense the election was legal and you are sadly mistaken; it is a clear idiot-gram!
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Nowhere near the Capitol. They have been documented MILES AWAY.


Not to mention the fact that the secret service noted (as per Jan 6 testimony and audio) numerous weapons at the Ellipse...which means that those people were likely still carrying when they got to the Capitol.

Almost no one was searched at the Capitol so claiming no one was armed is bullshit.
I don't know what the fuck all that shit means.

If I'm gonna start some shit, I'm gonna start some shit that's gonna get deadly.

I would guess most people are in that position where if they think they're going to actually be committing insurrection, they're going to make it worth it, IF they are gonna actually try to overthrow something.

With fucking guns you goddamn idiot.

Now you can continue with your elephant shit or whatever the fuck you're talking about.
The idiots on Jan 6 thought it would be easy. Lots were whining while clearing the tear gas from their eyes

Wow, one person (Dennis Riggleman) has made the claim that the Jan 6th insurrection was at least a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 Election. All it takes is a second person to have Mark Meadows face an indictment for Treason.

Whether or not Meadows is facing a criminal grand jury is up to Meadows, if he admits he orchestrated the insurrection is will be up to him. If Riggleman has probative evidence Meadows will face a serious crime and at least will be known in our history as another Benedict Arnold.
FFS Rye Guy, 50 unarmed rednecks aren't overturning anything except maybe a few tables and chairs.
FFS Rye Guy, 50 unarmed rednecks aren't overturning anything except maybe a few tables and chairs.

Oddly over 990 people have been arrested for what they did in the Capitol and thousands more were part of it and didn't get arrested.

Oddly those "fifty" people managed to injure 140 cops and overcome police lines numerous times while sending dozens to the hospital

Fucking Trumper liars
I don't know what the fuck all that shit means.

If I'm gonna start some shit, I'm gonna start some shit that's gonna get deadly.

I would guess most people are in that position where if they think they're going to actually be committing insurrection, they're going to make it worth it, IF they are gonna actually try to overthrow something.

With fucking guns you goddamn idiot.

Now you can continue with your elephant shit or whatever the fuck you're talking about.
Civil War soldiers fought close-up, in grisly, deafening conditions.

"MANY SOLDIERS volunteered to “see the elephant,” a period metaphor for witnessing something exotic, outside the realm of everyday life. Volunteers might also have hoped that participating in the circus of war would confer some special status back home. In actuality, they could find combat invigorating, but more frequently they found it horrifying—and sometimes both. When the mass armies collided, they wreaked havoc on one another. Killing on an industrial scale had arrived."

In boot camp circa 1967 seeing the Elephant was to see a tour in Vietnam. Having to look what I heard of in boot camp I avoided combat, being smart I enlisted in the Navy and spent two years on a DD doing ASW in the Pacific. Awaiting deployment I spent time on USS BEXAR,

I spent time in port (32nd St.) in San Diego and had an experience reading the ink on the graffiti written by troops on the underside of their rack:

"Upon arrival, she proceeded to Korea where she took part in the Inchon (15 September) and Wonsan (25 October) landings and the evacuation of Chinnampo and Inchon. Departing the Far East on 6 January 1951 she proceeded to San Diego, arriving later in the month.

Between August 1951 and December 1953 Bexar made two more Far Eastern tours in support of Korean operations (August 1951 - May 1952 and July–December 1953). During the latter she served as flagship for Operation Big Switch, the movement of prisoners from Koje Do to Inchon, Korea.

Many of those who I read came home in a bag.

He's not falling for anything. They know what they are saying are lies. Same as they knew Russian Collusion was a lie. These people are pathological liars and their only purpose is to sow hatred, division and to undermine our Democracy.
I wasn't talking to anyone specific... I was speaking to libs in denial...
Civil War soldiers fought close-up, in grisly, deafening conditions.

"MANY SOLDIERS volunteered to “see the elephant,” a period metaphor for witnessing something exotic, outside the realm of everyday life. Volunteers might also have hoped that participating in the circus of war would confer some special status back home. In actuality, they could find combat invigorating, but more frequently they found it horrifying—and sometimes both. When the mass armies collided, they wreaked havoc on one another. Killing on an industrial scale had arrived."

In boot camp circa 1967 seeing the Elephant was to see a tour in Vietnam. Having to look what I heard of in boot camp I avoided combat, being smart I enlisted in the Navy and spent two years on a DD doing ASW in the Pacific. Awaiting deployment I spent time on USS BEXAR,

I spent time in port (32nd St.) in San Diego and had an experience reading the ink on the graffiti written by troops on the underside of their rack:

"Upon arrival, she proceeded to Korea where she took part in the Inchon (15 September) and Wonsan (25 October) landings and the evacuation of Chinnampo and Inchon. Departing the Far East on 6 January 1951 she proceeded to San Diego, arriving later in the month.

Between August 1951 and December 1953 Bexar made two more Far Eastern tours in support of Korean operations (August 1951 - May 1952 and July–December 1953). During the latter she served as flagship for Operation Big Switch, the movement of prisoners from Koje Do to Inchon, Korea.

Many of those who I read came home in a bag.

Your histrionics are noted
I wasn't talking to anyone specific... I was speaking to libs in denial...
They aren't in denial. They know that they are lying. They are all pusuing an agenda, most consciously and some unconsciouly.
Look at everything they stand for. Their entire agenda opposes anything good, righteous or wholesome.

They know what they are doing. They are following The Path of EVIL.
Whether they pretend to be unware or not is immaterial....such people will eventually end up in the bowels of an eternal Hell.

I'm glad there is a Hell for such people.
And people deserve to go there.
Repeating your bullshit over and over doesn't change trespassing into insurrection or treason, dip shit.

I'm glad you finally get the fucking point.
They really don't care. They know they are lying. All they care about is "The Agenda" "Optics" "The Narrative"
Lying and worshipping Evil are part of everyday life for Libs.
Repeating your bullshit over and over doesn't change trespassing into insurrection or treason, dip shit.

I'm glad you finally get the fucking point.

They really don't care. They know they are lying. All they care about is "The Agenda" "Optics" "The Narrative"
Lying and worshipping Evil are part of everyday life for Libs.
You and the rest of the kooks continue to beat the same drum without an iota of facts or evidence.

The January 6, 2021 insurrection was an evil violent attack on the Constitution and American Patriots; it's not a walk in the park or a nonviolent protest. It has nothing to do with the BLM or the Special Committee or the Democratic Party. It is the scum of trumpanzees and assholes like you too - dishonest anarchists who post the same damn lies over and over again.
The treason was the stolen election that Congress refused to investigate,
60 + court decisions, many decided by the triers of facts who were nominated by trump and put on the bench by Republican Senators find your post to prove the election wasn't stolen.

Your post is an echo of a BIG LIE and a Conspiracy Theory both fictions made up by trump.

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