Face It, Sean Hannity Was Right!

Fox News is a lot more accurate than CNN.
95% of the world thinks your propaganda and you are crazy. There was no election steal, no vaccine hoax, masks work 70% effective, Trump is just a Con Man and you are a missinformed rube. They are opinion and their opinion is based on total crap.
Hillary never used it. Wrong again and always.... And it hasn't been discredited, sounds just like what you would expect. Trump is the worst business man ever a total con man. Without James call me she would have won the election. Trump was so lucky and the country was so unlucky.
It took me less than a minute to find an article which disproves your allegation that Hillary never used the Steele Dossier. Plus it doesn’t even come from a right wing source.

Plus these other articles punch holes in your statement.

95% of the world thinks your propaganda and you are crazy. There was no election steal, no vaccine hoax, masks work 70% effective, Trump is just a Con Man and you are a missinformed rube. They are opinion and their opinion is based on total crap.
I provided you with plenty of articles to back up my opinions.

You can try to find the truth or you can ignore it and keep believing the bullshit the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party (the liberal media) has fed you.

You say masks are 70% effective. Most masks are nowhere near that effective as shown in this article. You will probably argue you know more than the EPA which ran these tests on masks.

When I am in public and see someone wearing a mask I look at how it is fitting their face. In most cases they would be as well off holding a handkerchief up to their mouth and nose.

I provided you with plenty of articles to back up my opinions.

You can try to find the truth or you can ignore it and keep believing the bullshit the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party (the liberal media) has fed you.

You say masks are 70% effective. Most masks are nowhere near that effective as shown in this article. You will probably argue you know more than the EPA which ran these tests on masks.

When I am in public and see someone wearing a mask I look at how it is fitting their face. In most cases they would be as well off holding a handkerchief up to their mouth and nose.

Noses stick out unprotected from many a masked wearer.
Noses stick out unprotected from many a masked wearer.
I have seen a lot of that. You can be wearing the best mask but if you don’t wear it properly it will do little good.
I have seen a lot of that. You can be wearing the best mask but if you don’t wear it properly it will do little good.
Even if Joe Biden wasn’t suffering from dementia he would still be the worst President in modern history. Putting Joe through the stress of holding the toughest job in the world when he lacks whatever mental sharpness he once had is in my option elder abuse.
Even if Joe Biden wasn’t suffering from dementia he would still be the worst President in modern history. Putting Joe through the stress of holding the toughest job in the world when he lacks whatever mental sharpness he once had is in my option elder abuse.
Mental sharpness? Good Ole Joe. didnt get that moniker because was sharp, that if for sure...
It took me less than a minute to find an article which disproves your allegation that Hillary never used the Steele Dossier. Plus it doesn’t even come from a right wing source.

Plus these other articles punch holes in your statement.

All that came out after the election sorry lol.
I provided you with plenty of articles to back up my opinions.

You can try to find the truth or you can ignore it and keep believing the bullshit the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party (the liberal media) has fed you.

You say masks are 70% effective. Most masks are nowhere near that effective as shown in this article. You will probably argue you know more than the EPA which ran these tests on masks.

When I am in public and see someone wearing a mask I look at how it is fitting their face. In most cases they would be as well off holding a handkerchief up to their mouth and nose.

Breaking news! Crummy cloth masks don't work that great... Far from what you started out with.
Breaking news! Crummy cloth masks don't work that great... Far from what you started out with.
Most people are wearing crummy cloth masks. They don’t work. You would be better off putting a diaper on your face. Keep in mind most people don’t know how to fit the mask properly.


"Fox News' Sean Hannity struck a decidedly different tone the night before the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol than he did while on air the morning of the incident. The panel is "specifically focused" at this time on text messages it has in its possession—dating from December 31, 2020 to January 20, 2021—between Hannity and Trump, White House staff and Trump's legal team.

In one, Hannity wrote that he was "very worried about the next 48 hours." In another to former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, Hannity wrote: "Pence pressure. WH counsel will leave." -- and -- “I do NOT see January 6 happening the way he is being told. After the 6 th. He should announce will lead the nationwide effort to reform voting integrity. Go to Fl and watch Joe mess up daily. Stay engaged. When he speaks people will listen.”

Before I mock the lunacy and utter full of shitness of conservatives; let me just say -- How pathetic do you have to be as a president; to rely so heavily on TV show hosts for advice?? Anyhoo, Hannity was right, Jan 6th did not happen the way he and his cult leader were told.....but what were they being told?? What was supposed to happen? And how did they think storming the Capitol in an effort to intimidate Mike Pence was supposed to help?? And why did Hannity claim he was worried?? Worried about what?? He didn't look worried once he got in front of that camera...I guess he is just an actor, playing a role....but most politicians do that too...including his cult leader.....

However, Sean should not testify or cooperate with this committee in any way...he should follow the lead of folks like Hillary and others who totally ignored subpoenas and never testified before a Congressional committee -- because they knew it was all a sham.....matter of fact, congressional committees should be against the law unless they are approved by Trump or some other trusted patriot....as our Constitution commands....
How did you get that Hannity or anyone in this text string was planning what happened regarding the capitol riots? You're making a decent sized leap there arent you? And that leap is based solely on the fact that you want to believe that's what happened.
He is right about how wrong the riots and destruction committed by the left for 2 solid years are....I'll admit that January 6 was a bad thing and the people that did it need to pay a very severe price.....The democrats should come out and admit the same about antifa.

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