NONE of current REPUKES stand a chance against Obama

Lets vote for somebody instead of voting against them. Obama is terrible but we Reps lost the election because we did not run a leader. Where is the leader, I can't see him or her yet. None of the names that are out there have a chance. I like Trump for the sensational stuff he will bring to the party but not as president.

I know Trump dissed Ron Paul but that would make him a good choices as Ron Paul's VP so Trump could be the mouthpiece
Pure projection. Lock-step obedience and blind trust in assholes like Bush/Cheney/Palin/Paul is legendary on the right. You're like little playback machines repeating what you hear on Fixed News and AM hate radio.

STFU, asshole.

Am I the only person on the planet that thinks it is hilarious when two flip sides of the same Duopoly coin can always point out the flaws and brainwashing of the opposing side while NEVER seeing it in themselves! It's awesome! :cuckoo:


False equivalence. Reactionaries lie consistently to maintain the status quo, liberals rarely lie while attempting to invoke change and destroy the status quo.

You're confused as hell, like other "both parties are the same!" morons.

that right there is a lie

btw, while both parties are not the "same" they are both the problem
Dream on nimwit.

If the economy and the job situation doesn't improve just about anybody could beat OL'BO.

Its all about the economy stupid. Jeeze.

no no no...ya FUKTARD....
the economy is NOT 'the problem'....:cuckoo:
The Duopoly IS 'the problem'!:eusa_shhh:

Boy your an idiot.

The economy is the problem asswipe.

Its the only thing most Americans are looking at right now. That and jobs.

Your big DUOPOLY won't be on anyones radar when it comes time to vote.

Barry better hope and pray that by 2012 the economy and jobs are improving big time. If not he and his posse will be shown the door.

Oh, and BTW fucktard, you can fuck off.
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This guy spread his little winger buzzword "duopoly" around like a sufferer of tourettes spews out N bombs at an NAACP convention

We have yet another ignorant troll
Romney's religion won't matter much.


you're dreaming.....adding to the bible is as good as being a SATANIST....the South will never vote for Romney and so he will never serve a single day as president bc he will not win. If he does I will film myself hunting, shoooting, cooking, and eating a crow.....but don't worry it ain't going to happen!

Yea sure, like you're bright enough to hunt and kill a crow.
Pure projection. Lock-step obedience and blind trust in assholes like Bush/Cheney/Palin/Paul is legendary on the right. You're like little playback machines repeating what you hear on Fixed News and AM hate radio.

STFU, asshole.

Am I the only person on the planet that thinks it is hilarious when two flip sides of the same Duopoly coin can always point out the flaws and brainwashing of the opposing side while NEVER seeing it in themselves! It's awesome! :cuckoo:


False equivalence. Reactionaries lie consistently to maintain the status quo, liberals rarely lie while attempting to invoke change and destroy the status quo.

You're confused as hell, like other "both parties are the same!" morons.

Yeah the only things they have in common are supporting the drug war, love welfare, love social security, love the dept of education, love warmongering in the middle east and meddling when we don't warmonger, no gay marriage, both spend like there's no tomorrow, neither want border or port security, both want government involved in private industry.

So really that's it, tiny, minimal similarities.
Pure projection. Lock-step obedience and blind trust in assholes like Bush/Cheney/Palin/Paul is legendary on the right. You're like little playback machines repeating what you hear on Fixed News and AM hate radio.

STFU, asshole.

Am I the only person on the planet that thinks it is hilarious when two flip sides of the same Duopoly coin can always point out the flaws and brainwashing of the opposing side while NEVER seeing it in themselves! It's awesome! :cuckoo:


False equivalence. Reactionaries lie consistently to maintain the status quo, liberals rarely lie while attempting to invoke change and destroy the status quo.

You're confused as hell, like other "both parties are the same!" morons.

your response is laughable and more proof of my point that the libtards can always point the repukes flaws/brainwashing but can't see their yes you are soooo soo never ever get anything wrong....liberals rule the world :cuckoo:
Dream on nimwit.

If the economy and the job situation doesn't improve just about anybody could beat OL'BO.

Its all about the economy stupid. Jeeze.

no no no...ya FUKTARD....
the economy is NOT 'the problem'....:cuckoo:
The Duopoly IS 'the problem'!:eusa_shhh:

Boy your an idiot.

The economy is the problem asswipe.

Its the only thing most Americans are looking at right now. That and jobs.

Your big DUOPOLY won't be on anyones radar when it comes time to vote.

Barry better hope and pray that by 2012 the economy and jobs are improving big time. If not he and his posse will be shown the door.

Oh, and BTW fucktard, you can fuck off.

lol....your name is CLAUDETTE....XXXXXXXXXX....Insulting/family members breaks the rules, please refresh yourself with the rules of this board.
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Sure, no one can beat Obama.

I think they said the same stuff about Hillary. In 2004, no one could beat Howard Dean.

It gets old. Especially two years out.

And this is ignoring the inflation, the double digit real unemployment, Federal spending free, not to mention the current administrations efforts to completely destroy our health care system. You honestly think that a majority of Americans arent upset about at least one of those things????

This nation is going to have to seriously change between now and November 2012 for anyone NOT to beat Obama. It's possible. But considering his history at this, I think it's unlikely.

No, we will have a Republican President elected in 2012. The question is just who.
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Sure, no one can beat Obama.

I think they said the same stuff about Hillary. In 2004, no one could be Howard Dean.

It gets old. Especially two years out.

And this is ignoring the inflation, the double digit real unemployment, Federal spending free, not to mention the current administrations efforts to completely destroy our health care system. You honestly think that a majority of Americans arent upset about at least one of those things????

This nation is going to have to seriously change between now and November 2012 for anyone NOT to beat Obama. It's possible. But considering his history at this, I think it's unlikely.

No, we will have a Republican President elected in 2012. The question is just who.

this idiotic theory simply assumes the American public will forget that it was the repukes (Dick n Bush) who drove the economy off a is a hint for ya...we won't Obama has done a pretty crappy job in many respects but as of yet the candidates the repukes are lining up are a bunch of guaranteed LOSERS! They need someone new from out of nowhere if they are to take Obama ain't going to be Romney, Huckabee, Palin, or Paul...
you're dreaming.....adding to the bible is as good as being a SATANIST....the South will never vote for Romney and so he will never serve a single day as president bc he will not win. If he does I will film myself hunting, shoooting, cooking, and eating a crow.....but don't worry it ain't going to happen!

Yea sure, like you're bright enough to hunt and kill a crow.

killing a crow doesn't really require any intelligence whatsoever so for you to say that just proves how ignorant you are.
Sure, no one can beat Obama.

I think they said the same stuff about Hillary. In 2004, no one could be Howard Dean.

It gets old. Especially two years out.

And this is ignoring the inflation, the double digit real unemployment, Federal spending free, not to mention the current administrations efforts to completely destroy our health care system. You honestly think that a majority of Americans arent upset about at least one of those things????

This nation is going to have to seriously change between now and November 2012 for anyone NOT to beat Obama. It's possible. But considering his history at this, I think it's unlikely.

No, we will have a Republican President elected in 2012. The question is just who.

this idiotic theory simply assumes the American public will forget that it was the repukes (Dick n Bush) who drove the economy off a is a hint for ya...we won't Obama has done a pretty crappy job in many respects but as of yet the candidates the repukes are lining up are a bunch of guaranteed LOSERS! They need someone new from out of nowhere if they are to take Obama ain't going to be Romney, Huckabee, Palin, or Paul...

Oh I think the public will remember who drove it off a cliff although their view of it may be a lot different from yours.

I think they will also remember who's stimulous package didn't stimulate jack shit. All those shovel ready jobs that weren't, well, shovel ready.

Who took over two car companies and hosed the folks who had money invested in same so he could payback his Union buddies.

Who's "Historic" HC bs is going to drive up the cost of HC for those with insurance and add to the debt.

Oh I think the public will be remembering a lot of things.

Uppermost will be the economy and jobs. If those haven't improved, well Barry will be gone and whoever the Reps run will be the new Prez.
NONE of current REPUKES stand a chance against Obama

If George Bush can get re-elected for 2 terms based on his record, Obama has nothing to fear!
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this idiotic theory simply assumes the American public will forget that it was the repukes (Dick n Bush) who drove the economy off a is a hint for ya...we won't Obama has done a pretty crappy job in many respects but as of yet the candidates the repukes are lining up are a bunch of guaranteed LOSERS! They need someone new from out of nowhere if they are to take Obama ain't going to be Romney, Huckabee, Palin, or Paul...

You're dreaming if you think that Bush and Cheney had drove the economy off the cliff rather than a bipartisan effort. Funny, you complain about what you call the "Duopoly" and you sound like every other Democrat on the board.
NONE of current REPUKES stand a chance against Obama

If George Bush can get re-elected for 2 terms based on his record, Obama has nothing to fear!

Could you point out where President Bush:

had inflation
Had double digit "real" unemployment
Spent Trillions on special interests who supported his campaign while calling it a stimulus that didn't stimulate jack
Destroyed the health care system
Actively destroyed our power to be energy independent?

Now, don't get me wrong. President Bush had some problem. Immigration. Medicare prescription Entitlement. etc. But it was heaven on earth 5 years ago compared to today.
NONE of current REPUKES stand a chance against Obama

If George Bush can get re-elected for 2 terms based on his record, Obama has nothing to fear!
he only got "re-elected" ONCE, dumbass
"Coprolalia" comes from the Greek κόπρος (kopros) meaning "feces" and λαλιά (lalia) from lalein, "to talk."
NONE of current REPUKES stand a chance against Obama

If George Bush can get re-elected for 2 terms based on his record, Obama has nothing to fear!
he only got "re-elected" ONCE, dumbass
"Coprolalia" comes from the Greek κόπρος (kopros) meaning "feces" and λαλιά (lalia) from lalein, "to talk."
still a fucking moron
fuck off
NONE of current REPUKES stand a chance against Obama

If George Bush can get re-elected for 2 terms based on his record, Obama has nothing to fear!

Could you point out where President Bush:

had inflation
Had double digit "real" unemployment
Spent Trillions on special interests who supported his campaign while calling it a stimulus that didn't stimulate jack
Destroyed the health care system
Actively destroyed our power to be energy independent?

Now, don't get me wrong. President Bush had some problem. Immigration. Medicare prescription Entitlement. etc. But it was heaven on earth 5 years ago compared to today.
If life under the "Bush Administration" was "heaven," then how would you describe the Clinton Administration" where those same irresponsible "tax-and-spend" Democrats were actually running "BUDGET SURPLUSES?"
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