None of this stuff is affecting me so I don't care

This is what happens when people are conditioned to isolate themselves as individuals and think only about themselves and their needs.

What a miserable existence that must be. Zero empathy. How much such a person is missing in this short life.
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No one at my job cares about COVID-19 except one woman who insists on wearing a mask even when she's sitting alone in her office.

There are riots, I suppose, but nowhere near where I live and work.

I don't give a damn about black people and their problems, just like they don't give a damn about my problems as a white guy just trying to make a living.

None of this stuff has any impact on my life, so I don't care.
How typically conservative...not caring until something effects you.personally.
No one at my job cares about COVID-19 except one woman who insists on wearing a mask even when she's sitting alone in her office.

There are riots, I suppose, but nowhere near where I live and work.

I don't give a damn about black people and their problems, just like they don't give a damn about my problems as a white guy just trying to make a living.

None of this stuff has any impact on my life, so I don't care.
Spoken like a true republican.
This is what happens when people are conditioned to isolate themselves as individuals and think only about themselves and their needs.

What a miserable existence that must be. Zero empathy. How much such a person is missing in this short life.

So what do you expect anybody to do about it? The problems in the black communities are created by blacks. Why do they need whites or any other race or group of people to solve the problems they create?
This is what happens when people are conditioned to isolate themselves as individuals and think only about themselves and their needs.

What a miserable existence that must be. Zero empathy. How much such a person is missing in this short life.

So what do you expect anybody to do about it? The problems in the black communities are created by blacks. Why do they need whites or any other race or group of people to solve the problems they create?
I don't expect anything from people like you.
It's weird how Democrats knock down statues, kill people, loot stores and then complain I'm not being Christian enough when I say I don't care.

It's one thing to care about people who are in need or down in the dumps from no fault of their own, but it's another when people create trouble for themselves and then hold out their hand.

God helps those who help themselves, so religion has nothing to do with this.
This is what happens when people are conditioned to isolate themselves as individuals and think only about themselves and their needs.

What a miserable existence that must be. Zero empathy. How much such a person is missing in this short life.

So what do you expect anybody to do about it? The problems in the black communities are created by blacks. Why do they need whites or any other race or group of people to solve the problems they create?
I don't expect anything from people like you.

That's good, because you're not going to get it. Blacks have been conditioned to believe their plight is not their own doing. They are conditioned to believe that somebody must be there to always help them out; they cannot do for themselves, nor solve their own problems.

Now gee, how did they end up being like this? Who could have taught them such a thing?
This is what happens when people are conditioned to isolate themselves as individuals and think only about themselves and their needs.

What a miserable existence that must be. Zero empathy. How much such a person is missing in this short life.

So what do you expect anybody to do about it? The problems in the black communities are created by blacks. Why do they need whites or any other race or group of people to solve the problems they create?
I don't expect anything from people like you.

That's good, because you're not going to get it. Blacks have been conditioned to believe their plight is not their own doing. They are conditioned to believe that somebody must be there to always help them out; they cannot do for themselves, nor solve their own problems.

Now gee, how did they end up being like this? Who could have taught them such a thing?
It's been a group effort.

On one hand, we have the hardcore Left, which has chosen to enable their worst behaviors by coddling them and refusing to hold them fully accountable for their actions.

On the other hand, we have the Right, which has chosen to enable the worst behaviors of right wing racists by refusing to hold them fully accountable, and by refusing to understand the life experiences and perspectives of minorities.

So each end appears to be more than happy to make it easy on the other, and feed into the other.

For example, you'll deny any wrongdoings by your "side" in this, which only makes it easier for the other "side" to keep doing what they're doing.

I think it's possible you guys are are in cahoots. You can't possibly not see what you're creating.
No one at my job cares about COVID-19 except one woman who insists on wearing a mask even when she's sitting alone in her office.

There are riots, I suppose, but nowhere near where I live and work.

I don't give a damn about black people and their problems, just like they don't give a damn about my problems as a white guy just trying to make a living.

None of this stuff has any impact on my life, so I don't care.
Yup. Arizona is the “hotbed” of Wuhan virus. But nothing has really changed since April.

I also no longer give a damn if Democrat shit holes abolish their police. Shootings and murders are up 130% or more in black neighborhoods. They are killing each other like crazy. Maybe the Dems are on to something, let them kill each other off.

Yep. Every day, Democrats are killing other Democrats at an alarming rate. On the path we're on, Trump is sure to win re-eleciton because there won't be nearly as many Democrats left in the country. Of course, death never stopped them from voting in the past.

Besides greatly reducing their police forces across the country which will escalate crime and murders even more, the black Covid death rate is 2 to 1 over whites. We all know how most blacks vote.
This is what happens when people are conditioned to isolate themselves as individuals and think only about themselves and their needs.

What a miserable existence that must be. Zero empathy. How much such a person is missing in this short life.

So what do you expect anybody to do about it? The problems in the black communities are created by blacks. Why do they need whites or any other race or group of people to solve the problems they create?
I don't expect anything from people like you.

That's good, because you're not going to get it. Blacks have been conditioned to believe their plight is not their own doing. They are conditioned to believe that somebody must be there to always help them out; they cannot do for themselves, nor solve their own problems.

Now gee, how did they end up being like this? Who could have taught them such a thing?
It's been a group effort.

On one hand, we have the hardcore Left, which has chosen to enable their worst behaviors by coddling them and refusing to hold them fully accountable for their actions.

On the other hand, we have the Right, which has chosen to enable the worst behaviors of right wing racists by refusing to hold them fully accountable, and by refusing to understand the life experiences and perspectives of minorities.

So each end appears to be more than happy to make it easy on the other, and feed into the other.

For example, you'll deny any wrongdoings by your "side" in this, which only makes it easier for the other "side" to keep doing what they're doing.

I think it's possible you guys are are in cahoots. You can't possibly not see what you're creating.

As Ronald Reagan once said: There you go again......

You just coined a problem that I pointed out. Blacks are different. We need to understand their life experiences and prospectives, because they are so much different than everybody else.

Blacks created their own problems by constantly battling with the police. The solution is to stop fighting with the cops, and learn to respect authority like most everybody else. The blacks are burning and looting their cities, plugging up the streets, and pulling people out of their cars to beat the hell out of them. Some of those businesses will not reopen, and others will leave those black areas for higher grounds.

These are problems blacks created for blacks. It's up to blacks to solve their own problems by stop creating more.

This is what happens when people are conditioned to isolate themselves as individuals and think only about themselves and their needs.

What a miserable existence that must be. Zero empathy. How much such a person is missing in this short life.

So what do you expect anybody to do about it? The problems in the black communities are created by blacks. Why do they need whites or any other race or group of people to solve the problems they create?
I don't expect anything from people like you.

That's good, because you're not going to get it. Blacks have been conditioned to believe their plight is not their own doing. They are conditioned to believe that somebody must be there to always help them out; they cannot do for themselves, nor solve their own problems.

Now gee, how did they end up being like this? Who could have taught them such a thing?
It's been a group effort.

On one hand, we have the hardcore Left, which has chosen to enable their worst behaviors by coddling them and refusing to hold them fully accountable for their actions.

On the other hand, we have the Right, which has chosen to enable the worst behaviors of right wing racists by refusing to hold them fully accountable, and by refusing to understand the life experiences and perspectives of minorities.

So each end appears to be more than happy to make it easy on the other, and feed into the other.

For example, you'll deny any wrongdoings by your "side" in this, which only makes it easier for the other "side" to keep doing what they're doing.

I think it's possible you guys are are in cahoots. You can't possibly not see what you're creating.

As Ronald Reagan once said: There you go again......

You just coined a problem that I pointed out. Blacks are different. We need to understand their life experiences and prospectives, because they are so much different than everybody else.

Blacks created their own problems by constantly battling with the police. The solution is to stop fighting with the cops, and learn to respect authority like most everybody else. The blacks are burning and looting their cities, plugging up the streets, and pulling people out of their cars to beat the hell out of them. Some of those businesses will not reopen, and others will leave those black areas for higher grounds.

These are problems blacks created for blacks. It's up to blacks to solve their own problems by stop creating more.

View attachment 361351
As predicted.
No one at my job cares about COVID-19 except one woman who insists on wearing a mask even when she's sitting alone in her office.

There are riots, I suppose, but nowhere near where I live and work.

I don't give a damn about black people and their problems, just like they don't give a damn about my problems as a white guy just trying to make a living.

None of this stuff has any impact on my life, so I don't care.
I'm with you. I moved to somewhere where we see a negro maybe once a month just travelling through.
No protests no looting and burning.
My neighbors are locked and loaded.
They don't dare come anywhere near us.
No one at my job cares about COVID-19 except one woman who insists on wearing a mask even when she's sitting alone in her office.

There are riots, I suppose, but nowhere near where I live and work.

I don't give a damn about black people and their problems, just like they don't give a damn about my problems as a white guy just trying to make a living.

None of this stuff has any impact on my life, so I don't care.
I'm with you. I moved to somewhere where we see a negro maybe once a month just travelling through.
No protests no looting and burning.
My neighbors are locked and loaded.
They don't dare come anywhere near us.

I can go days and never see a black person.
And when I do they're usually well heeled and of like mind.
No one at my job cares about COVID-19 except one woman who insists on wearing a mask even when she's sitting alone in her office.

There are riots, I suppose, but nowhere near where I live and work.

I don't give a damn about black people and their problems, just like they don't give a damn about my problems as a white guy just trying to make a living.

None of this stuff has any impact on my life, so I don't care.
You are part of the problem. Even more that the tards who post here because you actually know better.
"To know to do good, and to do it not, it is a sin unto you" But you don't care.

That is Christ's comndenation of the Church at Laodicea
No one at my job cares about COVID-19 except one woman who insists on wearing a mask even when she's sitting alone in her office.

There are riots, I suppose, but nowhere near where I live and work.

I don't give a damn about black people and their problems, just like they don't give a damn about my problems as a white guy just trying to make a living.

None of this stuff has any impact on my life, so I don't care.

Do you still claim to be a Christian?

Aside from the way it was out it's pretty Christian way of being. You render unto Cesar what's Cesar's and obay the law. I kind of think like the OP, but it bothers me less. We all put a mast on at work because the school district says we have to so I do and go on about my day. When I go in I grab my keys, wallet, pocket knife and now, a mask. I think it's dumb, but I will do it out of consideration to the people around me. Far as the riots go, the folks who did all that and the folks who are still doing it have overplayed their hand and those people are what will be voted on in November.
No one at my job cares about COVID-19 except one woman who insists on wearing a mask even when she's sitting alone in her office.

There are riots, I suppose, but nowhere near where I live and work.

I don't give a damn about black people and their problems, just like they don't give a damn about my problems as a white guy just trying to make a living.

None of this stuff has any impact on my life, so I don't care.
I'm with you. I moved to somewhere where we see a negro maybe once a month just travelling through.
No protests no looting and burning.
My neighbors are locked and loaded.
They don't dare come anywhere near us.

I can go days and never see a black person.
And when I do they're usually well heeled and of like mind.

You have no idea how lucky you are.
No one at my job cares about COVID-19 except one woman who insists on wearing a mask even when she's sitting alone in her office.

There are riots, I suppose, but nowhere near where I live and work.

I don't give a damn about black people and their problems, just like they don't give a damn about my problems as a white guy just trying to make a living.

None of this stuff has any impact on my life, so I don't care.
I'm with you. I moved to somewhere where we see a negro maybe once a month just travelling through.
No protests no looting and burning.
My neighbors are locked and loaded.
They don't dare come anywhere near us.

I can go days and never see a black person.
And when I do they're usually well heeled and of like mind.

You have no idea how lucky you are.

Oh I know alright.
We spent good money to move into this area for just that reason.

Reading the crime report makes ya think you're living in Mayberry.

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