None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?

I worked for a guy who became a billionaire, he's on Forbes list and has been there for several years now. It was the best experience of my life.

First of all, he had the most unbeatable, winning, infectious "Can do" attitude of anyone I ever met. He started with an idea and a few borrowed dollar. Besides making himself rich, he's probably made at least 5,000 other people millionaires -- and I'm not exaggerating and probably underestimated by a few thousand.

You need to get familiar with wealthy people, know them, see what they're like.

The rather clichèd Horatio Alger anecdote you've provided seems to presume that the wish to accumulate boundless wealth is universal but I can assure you it is not. I've come to believe that most if not all those who reflexively toss out the "envy" accusation at those who resent excessive wealth are greed oriented and are thus incapable of understanding or believing that many if not most others wish or expect no more from life than a modestly comfortable (middle class) existence.

In my own example, my aspiration for wealth extends as far as the $30 ticket I play in the Australian Lottery every Christmas. Aside from that my leisure time is much too valuable to waste doing whatever it takes to accumulate great sums of money, which I really don't need to be happy and comfortable. Which I already am.

My parents survived the Great Depression. For them, and as they diligently taught us, a warm, comfortable home, food on the table and good health are all one needs to be happy -- provided one is not haunted by the demons of greed and gluttony. Which I am not.

I have a generous civil service pension, Social Security, Medicare and a nice stack of U.S. Savings Bonds. My home and car are paid for. I am not rich by some standards but I am very rich by others. And I know that, because rich is a relative condition. I have absolutely no need for millions of dollars, nor would I care to sacrifice my valuable leisure time in pursuit of more money than I need to be comfortable and happy. Which I am. And I am not at all unique in this orientation.

But I do very strongly resent the greedy bastards whose insatiable hunger for excessive wealth has resulted in the misery of so many ordinary Americans whose jobs, pensions and homes have been taken from them by the scheming maneuvers of those who figured out how to "fix" and exploit the System.

I don't envy those gluttonous people. I despise them. I'm not alone in that state of mind. And your apparent inability to understand that says more about you than you know.

you despise them? you don't even know them.

and as far as dropping pants goes, its not a matter of understanding, its a matter of being so full of bile because you missed the boat somewhere in life that its made you sick with hate or, burped up some warped Stockholm syndrome that makes you feel guilty for god knows what, so its easy for you to detach from some and part to others, that which you did not earn, it drives you to a powerful emotion with little reason attached.
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I'm not the one that feels we're being controlled by masters.

And therein lies your problem.
If you fear independence and liberty you are the one with the problem.
If you feel you have been a failure why blame others? Why not do something different? Scared?

why would I fear independence and liberty?
Me a failure?
Naah, I am a millionaire and have zero debts.

yeah I blame everyone else for my success!

But I do very strongly resent the greedy bastards whose insatiable hunger for excessive wealth has resulted in the misery of so many ordinary Americans whose jobs, pensions and homes have been taken from them by the scheming maneuvers of those who figured out how to "fix" and exploit the System.

The "system" is broken and therein lies the problem. Those taxbreaks that GE got to null out their taxes were NOT their fault. They learned to play the system.. You know WHO gave them the majority of those tax breaks? The greenish lefties did. MOST ALL of those subsidies come from $100 tax rebates for selling dishwashers, dryers. And generous discounts for making Wind turbines and massive power generators for hydro. YOU and the LEFT gave them those things. And the spectacle of watching convicted Socialists like Bernie Sanders KNOWINGLY fake outrage is just disgusting. Because HE KNOWS where those tax breaks came from..

So we AGREE about the corporate/govt problem but you missed the part where ALLOWING the FEDS to meddle in the market with your money attracted the vermin to Wash in the first place. So much so that even AFTER GE got that bad press for paying nothing -- a far left Prez rewarded Jeffrey Immelt with immediate access to the royal court.

SHUT THEM DOWN for crying out loud. STRIP the GOVT power to "invest" in the vermin and they'll go back to making an honest living.. Stop whining about the 2000 folks with wealth in this country. Find the source of the systemic problem. Strip Washington back to concentrating on the people's issues and stop the marketplace collusion. And make them live within THEIR means in Washington..

Then we'll chat about tax policy..
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Complete and utter horseshit, driven by fear and hatred.

Obama isn't anti-business...he's bailed out Wall Street..

that does not mean he is pro-business! Republicans are pro business. Do I really need to explain the difference to you??

dear that does not make him pro business either! May be over your head??

socialized medicine is nobodies definition of pro business except yours I'm afraid. Can I help you further?

WTF?? This is the bullshit that drives me crazy. You hate the man so you believe the lies and not the facts that are in front of your face.

it won't seem like BS if you learn the difference between capitalism and socialism. Sorry!!

Oh goodie!!! A new troll!
Did you just get the internet and FINALLY realize you could make anonymous insults without anyone knowing it was you?? Your post makes it sound that way.

Lookie!! You make tons of assertions without SHIT to back it up.

Looking at the two of us, one of us has been published on the subject of the Russian economy and then again on the Russian Constitution. Then there's you.

I guarantee you I know more about socialism than you'll ever know if you put your crack pipe down now (you must be smoking something if you write such drivel) and started studying now.

Either prove your assertions or stop wasting everyone's time. Perhaps you've been reading Rabbi's posts and think that's how we do things around here. You can believe's not.
If you knew as much about socialism as you claim, you'd be opposed to seeing it here in the US.
Look genius, for most people this is not a personal issue regarding Obama.
We oppose his policies and ideology. It is your side that has had to resort to hanging it's hat on the race/hate angle.
As far as health's started already. Our employer health insurance is going away from a PPO to one where we will have $2500 per person per year deductible.
If Obama care kicks in most large employers including union members will lose their coverage. They will be told to go to the govt exchange. Obama care is set up to create a socialized single payer system of rationed ( efficiencies...Obama's word) care.
Senior citizens and expensive to care for patients will be denied care because it will cost the government too much.
that does not mean he is pro-business! Republicans are pro business. Do I really need to explain the difference to you??

dear that does not make him pro business either! May be over your head??

socialized medicine is nobodies definition of pro business except yours I'm afraid. Can I help you further?

it won't seem like BS if you learn the difference between capitalism and socialism. Sorry!!

Oh goodie!!! A new troll!
Did you just get the internet and FINALLY realize you could make anonymous insults without anyone knowing it was you?? Your post makes it sound that way.

Lookie!! You make tons of assertions without SHIT to back it up.

Looking at the two of us, one of us has been published on the subject of the Russian economy and then again on the Russian Constitution. Then there's you.

I guarantee you I know more about socialism than you'll ever know if you put your crack pipe down now (you must be smoking something if you write such drivel) and started studying now.

Either prove your assertions or stop wasting everyone's time. Perhaps you've been reading Rabbi's posts and think that's how we do things around here. You can believe's not.
If you knew as much about socialism as you claim, you'd be opposed to seeing it here in the US.
Look genius, for most people this is not a personal issue regarding Obama.
We oppose his policies and ideology. It is your side that has had to resort to hanging it's hat on the race/hate angle.
As far as health's started already. Our employer health insurance is going away from a PPO to one where we will have $2500 per person per year deductible.
If Obama care kicks in most large employers including union members will lose their coverage. They will be told to go to the govt exchange. Obama care is set up to create a socialized single payer system of rationed ( efficiencies...Obama's word) care.
Senior citizens and expensive to care for patients will be denied care because it will cost the government too much.

People are denied care now because it costs too much.
And therein lies your problem.
If you fear independence and liberty you are the one with the problem.
If you feel you have been a failure why blame others? Why not do something different? Scared?

why would I fear independence and liberty?
Me a failure?
Naah, I am a millionaire and have zero debts.

yeah I blame everyone else for my success!
Yeah....I suppose you whine about the "man' having control is because you are successful.
Look Pal, I may have been born during the day....Just not yesterday.

Cut the bullshit. If you were so successful why would you whine like a school girl all the time on here.
If you knew as much about socialism as you claim, you'd be opposed to seeing it here in the US.
Look genius, for most people this is not a personal issue regarding Obama.
We oppose his policies and ideology. It is your side that has had to resort to hanging it's hat on the race/hate angle.

obama is not even close to being a socialist...not even in the ballpark

unless you're a neocon whackjob....

..are you a neocon whackjob?
A socialist is what a Republican calls someone who is smarter than they are.
If you knew as much about socialism as you claim, you'd be opposed to seeing it here in the US.
Look genius, for most people this is not a personal issue regarding Obama.
We oppose his policies and ideology. It is your side that has had to resort to hanging it's hat on the race/hate angle.

obama is not even close to being a socialist...not even in the ballpark

unless you're a neocon whackjob....

..are you a neocon whackjob?
Really? How would you label a person who believes big government/central planning, ownership of wealth, high taxes, socialized medicine, deficit spending with no earthly way to repay debt, no respect or interest in the private sector, high energy costs, larger and more social spending programs, etc?.....Obama is all of these things. Yes, perfect examples of a freedom and liberty loving patriotic American.
Please. Obama is a fucking Bolshevik. It is his desire to see as many people dependent on government as possible.
Now,,try asking a legitimate question ....or fuck off. I have no time for bullshit childish games.
If you knew as much about socialism as you claim, you'd be opposed to seeing it here in the US.
Look genius, for most people this is not a personal issue regarding Obama.
We oppose his policies and ideology. It is your side that has had to resort to hanging it's hat on the race/hate angle.

obama is not even close to being a socialist...not even in the ballpark

unless you're a neocon whackjob....

..are you a neocon whackjob?
Really? How would you label a person who believes big government/central planning, ownership of wealth, high taxes, socialized medicine, deficit spending with no earthly way to repay debt, no respect or interest in the private sector, high energy costs, larger and more social spending programs, etc?.....Obama is all of these things. Yes, perfect examples of a freedom and liberty loving patriotic American.
Please. Obama is a fucking Bolshevik. It is his desire to see as many people dependent on government as possible.
Now,,try asking a legitimate question ....or fuck off. I have no time for bullshit childish games.

Then why is every one of your whackjob posts full of insane shit that you can't backup?

1. Every government in the world involves central planning. Find one (in the top 100 countries that is) that doesn't and I'll buy you a lollipop. You can't. But you won't admit it.

2. Not only that, but our country has ALWAYS placed restrictions on imports and exports since the beginning of the whole country. Denying that would make you look idiotic.

3. Obama has NEVER supported taking away private property or forced work on anyone.

4. Obama has NEVER attempted to take over the means of production of the GDP. Even the auto bailout that involved the US government merely had the government in an INVESTMENT role. Not day to day operations. Today we don't own the car company either.

Fucking get a life you worthless pile of excrement. You don't know the meaning of socialist (as proven by your supposed examples) and you should have all access to the internet it's making you even MORE stupid.
If you knew as much about socialism as you claim, you'd be opposed to seeing it here in the US.
Look genius, for most people this is not a personal issue regarding Obama.
We oppose his policies and ideology. It is your side that has had to resort to hanging it's hat on the race/hate angle.

obama is not even close to being a socialist...not even in the ballpark

unless you're a neocon whackjob....

..are you a neocon whackjob?
Really? How would you label a person who believes big government/central planning, ownership of wealth, high taxes, socialized medicine, deficit spending with no earthly way to repay debt, no respect or interest in the private sector, high energy costs, larger and more social spending programs, etc?.....Obama is all of these things. Yes, perfect examples of a freedom and liberty loving patriotic American.
Please. Obama is a fucking Bolshevik. It is his desire to see as many people dependent on government as possible.
Now,,try asking a legitimate question ....or fuck off. I have no time for bullshit childish games.

What you say, is simply not true....end of story...
Oh goodie!!! A new troll!
Did you just get the internet and FINALLY realize you could make anonymous insults without anyone knowing it was you?? Your post makes it sound that way.

Lookie!! You make tons of assertions without SHIT to back it up.

Looking at the two of us, one of us has been published on the subject of the Russian economy and then again on the Russian Constitution. Then there's you.

I guarantee you I know more about socialism than you'll ever know if you put your crack pipe down now (you must be smoking something if you write such drivel) and started studying now.

Either prove your assertions or stop wasting everyone's time. Perhaps you've been reading Rabbi's posts and think that's how we do things around here. You can believe's not.
If you knew as much about socialism as you claim, you'd be opposed to seeing it here in the US.
Look genius, for most people this is not a personal issue regarding Obama.
We oppose his policies and ideology. It is your side that has had to resort to hanging it's hat on the race/hate angle.
As far as health's started already. Our employer health insurance is going away from a PPO to one where we will have $2500 per person per year deductible.
If Obama care kicks in most large employers including union members will lose their coverage. They will be told to go to the govt exchange. Obama care is set up to create a socialized single payer system of rationed ( efficiencies...Obama's word) care.
Senior citizens and expensive to care for patients will be denied care because it will cost the government too much.

People are denied care now because it costs too much.

Yep and Obamacare does ABSOLUTELY nothing to lower costs.
The only people I see who are dependent on the government are on social security or military pensions.

Which one of those are you going to cut off?
A socialist is what a Republican calls someone who is smarter than they are.

Ah, there it is again; the intellectual and moral arrogance of the Left. Must be a sad existence, with that pseudo-intellectual pretentiousness being all you losers have to feel "superior" about. Incidentally, I'm not a republican; I simply despise the democrat party, and everything it stands for.
A socialist is what a Republican calls someone who is smarter than they are.

Ah, there it is again; the intellectual and moral arrogance of the Left. Must be a sad existence, with that pseudo-intellectual pretentiousness being all you losers have to feel "superior" about. Incidentally, I'm not a republican; I simply despise the democrat party, and everything it stands for.

And I despise the Republican Party and everything it stands for.

But anyone who calls the Democratic Party or Obama "socialist" is an idiot. Obama is barely to the left of George Bush.

Requiring everyone to buy for profit health insurance is not socialism.

It's super capitalism......or car insurance.

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