None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?

Oh, Emm Gee.

It is not "stealing" to expect someone to pay their fair share of the taxes. It's just not.

The top 10% of all income earners pay 71% of all federal income taxes. The bottom 48% of all income earners pay NONE. What the hell are you yammering out parroting that stupid IDIOCY about "fair share"? Only in loony liberal land would a leftwing nutjob look at this and say oh sure, its those on top still not paying their fair share! If I never hear that phrase again it will be fine by me -but let's get real on this one. Someone sure as hell isn't paying their fair share -but it isn't those at the top footing the overwhelming bulk of all federal income taxes! It isn't the government OF the people, BY the people, FOR the people -when only SOME of the people are paying for it!

How can you POSSIBLY give a shit how out of control government gets in size, power, spending spree and unsustainable debt unless it is also YOUR money they are using to do it? Pretty easy to just sit back and say "uh, yeah government wants to take more money out of the private sector and go on another useless spending spree. No problem there as long as they take the money from Joe over there. He made more than I did anyway -yeah, government should hit him up for that because its only FAIR for him to foot the bills around here. He can afford it but MY money needs to stay right here in my pocket -and maybe government will figure out how to get a chunk of Joe's money in my pocket at the same time. Yeah, Joe owes ME to pay for what I want. Only FAIR if Joe pays for that. It was only FAIR that Joe paid for the last government spending spree too while I did nothing more than break a slight sweat holding a sign and chanting "fair share" so I didn't have to pay anything. Yeah, I did MY fair share right there buddy."

If it isn't your money at stake and worse yet, you have been stupidly brainwashed to believe that stealing from those at the top will somehow result with their money being shifted to your pocket and you have convinced yourself the wealthy still aren't paying their "fair share" -then you exist in this country as a PARASITE. No clue what parasites actually do to their victim do you? No clue what happens when the host's parasite load keeps growing, do you? Worse yet, it is clear you WANT to exist as a parasite -one that believes you are ENTITLED to personally benefit because someone else had more ambition than you, more creativity than you, busted their ass working an average 70 work week (which is the average work week of the rich), someone who made better decisions than you, someone just more successful at LIFE than you -all while chanting and parroting the liberal patter that these are the people we should envy, despise and work hard to strip of their wealth and oh, of course, insist are still not paying their "fair share".

We don't engage in class warfare because....gasp.........IT AIN'T OURS. I didn't create it, I didn't bust my ass to earn it, it was NOT stolen from me or you and it doesn't belong to me OR government. We aren't interested in punishing people for being ambitious, hard workers, creative, innovative by sitting on the side waiting for them to produce -and then swoop in and confiscate it. FAIR share is EVERYONE paying their fair share so it matters to ALL of us what the hell our government is doing with OUR money before asking for more of it! Wrap your brain around that one for a change!

You want FAIR? Then support doing away with taxing people on the fruits of their labor and what they have created -and replace it with the FAIR TAX which taxes people on what they CONSUME instead. Believe me, the rich would be paying exactly their fair share with that -but more importantly, so would YOU. So would everyone and as a result EVERYONE would have a stake in what our government does with that money and a LEGITIMATE opinion about it. If only some of us are footing all the bills and you are a parasite whose share is actually being paid by me and the rest of that 52% footing all the bills - then where do you get off believing YOUR opinion about whether government should take even more of MY money while leaving yours intact is equally valid as those whose money is at stake here? You really think parasites have a valid opinion about how much their victims will be bled? Never seen the results when that happens in nature, have you?

The difference between a liberal and a conservative is for example, in how they look at the mansion of a rich person with a sprawling estate. The liberal says "No one should be allowed to live like this." The conservative says "I wish I could live like this and I wish my son, my daughter, my parents, my friends, my neighbors, my lover and all their friends and relatives could all live like this." THAT highlights the FUNDAMENTAL difference between the two. And ALL policies each side favors flow from that fundamental difference in principle about what is and is not the proper role of government. Insisting the wealthy are still not paying their "fair share" in spite of the fact the top 10% pay 71% of all federal income taxes -is mind bogglingly OBSCENE! Truly. But it is entirely consistent with liberalism and liberals who will never believe the wealthy are paying their "fair share" until they are taxed down to middle class and denied the right to enjoy the fruits of their labor at all. Because they believe no one should be allowed to live like that -period. The only way to make sure no one does is by deciding government, our own creation, actually owns us all as slaves and therefore it is government that owns the fruits of our labor, not the slave who busted his ass to earn it and create it. I would truly rather lose a limb than be a liberal.

As for that WHACKO who thinks the rich don't create jobs and MOCKED the very idea -WOW stupid just doesn't look good on you honey although it is a perfect fit. Don't tell me the rich don't create jobs you MORON! OF COURSE THEY DO! Liberals have NO clue how the REAL WORLD works, NO understanding about the consequences for what they push and what they don't know about how the real world works is FAR more important than what they do know. NO ONE ELSE HAS THE MONEY TO DO IT BUT THE RICH. The poor NEED jobs, they don't create them. The middle class NEED jobs, very few create them for others.

Did you know that small business create 85% of all new jobs? Did you also know that 95% of all small businesses FAIL within 5 years? Did you know the owner of a successful small business will have failed on average three times before finally succeeding? Any clue what kind of character it really takes to repeatedly fail, pick yourself up and try again? And again? And again? And AGAIN? Any clue the left pushes policies that make it even MORE difficult for the very people we want to keep trying anyway? Because we all benefit when THEY succeed and our nation LOSES when they lose! No one benefits when they fail and when they close their doors not only do all the jobs in that business disappear, so does the government revenue that business was paying in taxes. But we have a President that has INCREASED the likelihood of failure for small business owners and only liberals just can't get why that is. Because they do NOT understand how the real world even works!

Since the left really does have NO clue where to look for the job creators, then I would expect to see some pretty stupid things come out of their mouths. My expectations are constantly exceeded.
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Agreed--then we wouldn't have this class that pays no income tax what-so-ever constantly calling for others to pay their fair share---

Are you aware that the reason the majority of "this class that pays no income tax" occupies that class is because they have no income? Are you aware that there is an unemployment crisis in America? And do you know that some working Americans earn so little that to impose a realistic income tax on them would cast them into abject poverty?

You should understand that the category of Americans who pay no taxes is not the poor or middle class but the super-rich. And if you doubt that I suggest you Google up the taxes paid by Exxon/Mobil and General Electric in recent years. And prepare yourself for shocking enlightenment.
I worked for a guy who became a billionaire, he's on Forbes list and has been there for several years now. It was the best experience of my life.

First of all, he had the most unbeatable, winning, infectious "Can do" attitude of anyone I ever met. He started with an idea and a few borrowed dollar. Besides making himself rich, he's probably made at least 5,000 other people millionaires -- and I'm not exaggerating and probably underestimated by a few thousand.

You need to get familiar with wealthy people, know them, see what they're like.

This Liberal Class Envy is poison and never leads to any good
Agreed--then we wouldn't have this class that pays no income tax what-so-ever constantly calling for others to pay their fair share---

Are you aware that the reason the majority of "this class that pays no income tax" occupies that class is because they have no income? Are you aware that there is an unemployment crisis in America? And do you know that some working Americans earn so little that to impose a realistic income tax on them would cast them into abject poverty?

You should understand that the category of Americans who pay no taxes is not the poor or middle class but the super-rich. And if you doubt that I suggest you Google up the taxes paid by Exxon/Mobil and General Electric in recent years. And prepare yourself for shocking enlightenment.

And a flat tax with zero loopholes for all dollars earned by every citizen with zero exceptions keeps 'the rich' you accuse of also paying no income taxes, paying zero how??
I worked for a guy who became a billionaire, he's on Forbes list and has been there for several years now. It was the best experience of my life.

First of all, he had the most unbeatable, winning, infectious "Can do" attitude of anyone I ever met. He started with an idea and a few borrowed dollar. Besides making himself rich, he's probably made at least 5,000 other people millionaires -- and I'm not exaggerating and probably underestimated by a few thousand.

You need to get familiar with wealthy people, know them, see what they're like.

This Liberal Class Envy is poison and never leads to any good
There are many things to be said about your obvious orientation, first of which is this notion of "class envy" is contrived nonsense which has become a commonly applied component of right-wing propaganda. Proof of this resides in the fact that there always has been a wealthy class in America but we never heard this "envy" mantra while the middle class enjoyed full participation in the American bounty they labored to produce. Now that the middle class is being incrementally disassembled and America is becoming a two class society resembling that of the Gilded Age a part of the right-wing propaganda strategy is to refer to what is reasoned protest as "class envy."

The proper term for what you are hearing from economically sabotaged America is legitimately angry resentment, not "envy." The collective wealth of the middle class has been plundered by nefarious Wall Street manipulators, ruthlessly greedy corporatists and crooked bankers, all of whom have been and are being facilitated by corrupted, mainly Republican legislators.

People are pissed off. Not envious. And if you are not among the super-rich you are busily carrying water for people who regard you as a useful idiot.
And a flat tax with zero loopholes for all dollars earned by every citizen with zero exceptions keeps 'the rich' you accuse of also paying no income taxes, paying zero how??
I haven't "accused" anyone of paying no income tax. I've identified two American corporate entities that made tens of billions of dollars in profits and paid zero income taxes -- but in fact received federal subsidies in the millions of taxpayer dollars.

As for your Libertarian "flat tax" fantasy, the problem with that is if we tax the fellow who earns $25,000 a flat ten percent, which is $2,500, we take food off his table and/or clothes off the backs of his kids. But the poor guy who earns $1,000,000 is left with a meager $900,000 to get by on.

That is why those of us who are not greedy, gluttonous bastards favor a progressive tax policy.
It's going to take a long time, but another 200 years...there will be no one left for the super-wealthy to soak money from and they'll realize (actually probably not) that the middle class served a purpose and was absolutely critical.

The end game of capitalism isn't "let everyone do well"'s "I want it all". I'm not vilifying capitalism. I'm a capitalist. But let's be honest, shall we?

If you realize that the end is about control in the hands of a small number (if not a single person) of people, then you realize that those few people aren't the ones doing the work. Efficient you say. Exploitation, I say. Again, capital markets are about just that - exploitation. For example, I learn that widgets cost $1 in China, but can be sold for $1000 in America. Is it my fault that I'm that lucky/smart? Is it my fault that Chinese workers are willing to produce widgets for .50 cents a week? Yes and no. I mean everyone ultimately decides what they can put up with...but you can't deny that pressures bear down on workers...pressures created by those with money and power.

So while wealthy people profit from the "fair system" that American people (both on their own and by instituting a government) have created, workers are being told they can't voice their anger that the wealthy aren't paying back a proportional amount to the American worker.

It's not class envy. It's called "I work my ass off and because you've got the power, I ain't getting shit."
We see it every day in the legal field. Someone has been totally and royally screwed by their boss - but they don't have the money to fight it. Evil wins. Opportunities are only available to the people who can take advantage of them. I'm not saying that people should be given handouts...just paid better for the work they ARE doing.

That's what's fucked up in this country. Employers always have the upper hand...and they've stolen run-away profits with that advantage.
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

But, I am rich.
I had this argument with a bleeding-heart liberal yesterday at the coffee my social club holds every other Sunday. She started in with "It's unfair that 80% of the wealth is held by" whatever tiny portion of the population she used, I forget what. She looked completely nonplussed when my response was, "Why? WHY is it 'unfair'?" I guess she thought it should just go without explanation.

I continued: Is it not also unfair for one person to do everything necessary to become a millionaire, and another to do none of that, and yet both of them have the same share of the wealth generated? She started stammering at that point.

Then I said, "Let me put it this way. Do you have a house?" Of course she didn't. She's a 23-year-old college student. "So you rent a little apartment instead. What kind of car do you drive?" It's an old beater her parents gave her. "Do you have any sort of savings or investments or retirement accounts?" Again, I knew she didn't, because she's a 23-year-old college student. "Well, I have a house, and a nice car, and all that stuff. Is it fair that I have those things, and you don't?"

Her answer: Well, yeah, I mean, you're a lot older than I am.

Exactly. I had already done all the things necessary to accumulate the extra wealth that I had and she didn't. Maybe in the same amount of time, she'll do those things too, and have the same things I have now. Or maybe she won't. Either way, it suddenly wasn't "unfair" when we were talking about a real person she knew and could see, instead of nameless, faceless "rich people".

The truth is that when we talk about the majority of wealth being in the hands of a minority of the population, we're usually talking about people over a certain age. There's nothing unfair about it when looked at that way, because they spent a long time working for it and acquiring it, and they weren't always in the "haves" column.

Could I have made other decisions and been a billionaire? I dunno, but I can certainly identify decisions that, made differently, would have meant I had a lot more wealth now than I do. I'm okay with the fact that my life and wealth are what they are due to my own choices, and I neither begrudge nor wish to punish others for having made different choices.
I worked for a guy who became a billionaire, he's on Forbes list and has been there for several years now. It was the best experience of my life.

First of all, he had the most unbeatable, winning, infectious "Can do" attitude of anyone I ever met. He started with an idea and a few borrowed dollar. Besides making himself rich, he's probably made at least 5,000 other people millionaires -- and I'm not exaggerating and probably underestimated by a few thousand.

You need to get familiar with wealthy people, know them, see what they're like.

The rather clichèd Horatio Alger anecdote you've provided seems to presume that the wish to accumulate boundless wealth is universal but I can assure you it is not. I've come to believe that most if not all those who reflexively toss out the "envy" accusation at those who resent excessive wealth are greed oriented and are thus incapable of understanding or believing that many if not most others wish or expect no more from life than a modestly comfortable (middle class) existence.

In my own example, my aspiration for wealth extends as far as the $30 ticket I play in the Australian Lottery every Christmas. Aside from that my leisure time is much too valuable to waste doing whatever it takes to accumulate great sums of money, which I really don't need to be happy and comfortable. Which I already am.

My parents survived the Great Depression. For them, and as they diligently taught us, a warm, comfortable home, food on the table and good health are all one needs to be happy -- provided one is not haunted by the demons of greed and gluttony. Which I am not.

I have a generous civil service pension, Social Security, Medicare and a nice stack of U.S. Savings Bonds. My home and car are paid for. I am not rich by some standards but I am very rich by others. And I know that because rich is a relative condition. I have absolutely no need for millions of dollars, nor would I care to sacrifice my valuable leisure time in pursuit of more money than I need to be comfortable and happy. Which I am. And I am not at all unique in this orientation.

But I do very strongly resent the greedy bastards whose insatiable hunger for excessive wealth has resulted in the misery of so many ordinary Americans whose jobs, pensions and homes have been taken from them by the scheming maneuvers of those who figured out how to "fix" and exploit the System.

I don't envy those gluttonous people. I despise them. I'm not alone in that state of mind. And your apparent inability to understand that says more about you than you know.
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I had this argument with a bleeding-heart liberal yesterday at the coffee my social club holds every other Sunday. She started in with "It's unfair that 80% of the wealth is held by" whatever tiny portion of the population she used, I forget what. She looked completely nonplussed when my response was, "Why? WHY is it 'unfair'?" I guess she thought it should just go without explanation.

I continued: Is it not also unfair for one person to do everything necessary to become a millionaire, and another to do none of that, and yet both of them have the same share of the wealth generated? She started stammering at that point.

Then I said, "Let me put it this way. Do you have a house?" Of course she didn't. She's a 23-year-old college student. "So you rent a little apartment instead. What kind of car do you drive?" It's an old beater her parents gave her. "Do you have any sort of savings or investments or retirement accounts?" Again, I knew she didn't, because she's a 23-year-old college student. "Well, I have a house, and a nice car, and all that stuff. Is it fair that I have those things, and you don't?"

Her answer: Well, yeah, I mean, you're a lot older than I am.

Exactly. I had already done all the things necessary to accumulate the extra wealth that I had and she didn't. Maybe in the same amount of time, she'll do those things too, and have the same things I have now. Or maybe she won't. Either way, it suddenly wasn't "unfair" when we were talking about a real person she knew and could see, instead of nameless, faceless "rich people".

The truth is that when we talk about the majority of wealth being in the hands of a minority of the population, we're usually talking about people over a certain age. There's nothing unfair about it when looked at that way, because they spent a long time working for it and acquiring it, and they weren't always in the "haves" column.

Could I have made other decisions and been a billionaire? I dunno, but I can certainly identify decisions that, made differently, would have meant I had a lot more wealth now than I do. I'm okay with the fact that my life and wealth are what they are due to my own choices, and I neither begrudge nor wish to punish others for having made different choices.

After IS EVERYTHING! just ask that guy Jesus.:eusa_angel:
i worked for a guy who became a billionaire, he's on forbes list and has been there for several years now. It was the best experience of my life.

First of all, he had the most unbeatable, winning, infectious "can do" attitude of anyone i ever met. He started with an idea and a few borrowed dollar. Besides making himself rich, he's probably made at least 5,000 other people millionaires -- and i'm not exaggerating and probably underestimated by a few thousand.

You need to get familiar with wealthy people, know them, see what they're like.

This liberal class envy is poison and never leads to any good
there are many things to be said about your obvious orientation, first of which is this notion of "class envy" is contrived nonsense which has become a commonly applied component of right-wing propaganda. Proof of this resides in the fact that there always has been a wealthy class in america but we never heard this "envy" mantra while the middle class enjoyed full participation in the american bounty they labored to produce. Now that the middle class is being incrementally disassembled and america is becoming a two class society resembling that of the gilded age a part of the right-wing propaganda strategy is to refer to what is reasoned protest as "class envy."

the proper term for what you are hearing from economically sabotaged america is legitimately angry resentment, not "envy." the collective wealth of the middle class has been plundered by nefarious wall street manipulators, ruthlessly greedy corporatists and crooked bankers, all of whom have been and are being facilitated by corrupted, mainly republican legislators.

People are pissed off. Not envious. And if you are not among the super-rich you are busily carrying water for people who regard you as a useful idiot.

i worked for a guy who became a billionaire, he's on forbes list and has been there for several years now. It was the best experience of my life.

First of all, he had the most unbeatable, winning, infectious "can do" attitude of anyone i ever met. He started with an idea and a few borrowed dollar. Besides making himself rich, he's probably made at least 5,000 other people millionaires -- and i'm not exaggerating and probably underestimated by a few thousand.

You need to get familiar with wealthy people, know them, see what they're like.

This liberal class envy is poison and never leads to any good
there are many things to be said about your obvious orientation, first of which is this notion of "class envy" is contrived nonsense which has become a commonly applied component of right-wing propaganda. Proof of this resides in the fact that there always has been a wealthy class in america but we never heard this "envy" mantra while the middle class enjoyed full participation in the american bounty they labored to produce. Now that the middle class is being incrementally disassembled and america is becoming a two class society resembling that of the gilded age a part of the right-wing propaganda strategy is to refer to what is reasoned protest as "class envy."

the proper term for what you are hearing from economically sabotaged america is legitimately angry resentment, not "envy." the collective wealth of the middle class has been plundered by nefarious wall street manipulators, ruthlessly greedy corporatists and crooked bankers, all of whom have been and are being facilitated by corrupted, mainly republican legislators.

People are pissed off. Not envious. And if you are not among the super-rich you are busily carrying water for people who regard you as a useful idiot.


Queefing again?

I thought I smelled something...

I had this argument with a bleeding-heart liberal yesterday at the coffee my social club holds every other Sunday. She started in with "It's unfair that 80% of the wealth is held by" whatever tiny portion of the population she used, I forget what. She looked completely nonplussed when my response was, "Why? WHY is it 'unfair'?" I guess she thought it should just go without explanation.

I continued: Is it not also unfair for one person to do everything necessary to become a millionaire, and another to do none of that, and yet both of them have the same share of the wealth generated? She started stammering at that point.

Then I said, "Let me put it this way. Do you have a house?" Of course she didn't. She's a 23-year-old college student. "So you rent a little apartment instead. What kind of car do you drive?" It's an old beater her parents gave her. "Do you have any sort of savings or investments or retirement accounts?" Again, I knew she didn't, because she's a 23-year-old college student. "Well, I have a house, and a nice car, and all that stuff. Is it fair that I have those things, and you don't?"

Her answer: Well, yeah, I mean, you're a lot older than I am.

Exactly. I had already done all the things necessary to accumulate the extra wealth that I had and she didn't. Maybe in the same amount of time, she'll do those things too, and have the same things I have now. Or maybe she won't. Either way, it suddenly wasn't "unfair" when we were talking about a real person she knew and could see, instead of nameless, faceless "rich people".

The truth is that when we talk about the majority of wealth being in the hands of a minority of the population, we're usually talking about people over a certain age. There's nothing unfair about it when looked at that way, because they spent a long time working for it and acquiring it, and they weren't always in the "haves" column.

Could I have made other decisions and been a billionaire? I dunno, but I can certainly identify decisions that, made differently, would have meant I had a lot more wealth now than I do. I'm okay with the fact that my life and wealth are what they are due to my own choices, and I neither begrudge nor wish to punish others for having made different choices.
she's a 23 year old college student. More than likely she's been handed the liberal view on these matters all of her school aged life. She's been taught to expect things. She's been told she is entitled. She's been told that people of means are unfair and greedy and have so compassion for the less fortunate. I have a niece who was a college student and a flaming liberal. She thought all these things. Now that she's earned her degree has to pay for things such as housing transportation, etc, she no longer tows the liberal line. As a matter of fact she's a very bright person but still had to ask me why her friends from college don;t talk to her anymore. I told her very simply that some of them have kept their political leanings while yours have swung right. The people you once shared your liberalism with have no tolerance for any other viewpoint.
My niece now knows she has to go out and earn the things she needs and wants.
that is your thought not mine.

I am for a pure flat tax with no deductions at all.
Everyone pays exactly the same percentage of their income, ALL income even capital gains.

Agreed--then we wouldn't have this class that pays no income tax what-so-ever constantly calling for others to pay their fair share---:cuckoo:

It just doesn't make sense that many Americans have resorted to taxing another class whom already pay 95% of the entire tax base in this country to pay more. This is the top 10% earners in this country--and the top 5% pay 67% of the 95%.

What has this country come to--when we're O.K. with punishing success--while rewarding failure. We might as well refer to this country as the LAND OF NO OPPORTUNITY.

This administration is the most anti-business administration in the history of the United States. He's out there continually threatening business with higher taxes--in return they have tucked in like a turtle and are waiting for the threat to leave.

Complete and utter horseshit, driven by fear and hatred.

Obama isn't anti-business...he's bailed out Wall Street...tried to push an infrastructure plan that relies on corporations...and his healthcare plan pushed more people INTO buying private insurance.

WTF?? This is the bullshit that drives me crazy. You hate the man so you believe the lies and not the facts that are in front of your face.
Obama's policies have systematically shut down the private sector. Hence the reason statistical unemployment is 9% and real unemployment is over 15%.
The so called infrastructure plan is just a redux of stimulus one and two. Ya know ....those non existent shovel ready projects....
We do not need government to interfere with what the private sector should be doing but for the meddling of the Obama admin, is not being done.
Road projects and the like should be ongoing. BUt are not because politicians have squandered tax revenues. They got torpedoed by an economic downturn and there went the projected revenues. The bottom dropped out.
I cite the issue in North Carolina. This state collects 32.5 cents per gallon of gasoline. This is one of the highest fuel taxes in the country. All that money and the jerks in the state Capitol have told the residents that there no money to fund road and bridge projects. Yet they can "find" the money to fund mass transit schemes that end up costing money to operate.
Now the federal government wants to suddenly "find" half a trillion dollars for infrastructure. Money the country does not have. Obama wants the Congress to simply "pass this bill" No way to pay for it.
This is not the time the federal reserve should be printing dollars that are essentially worthless leaving the people of this country with more debt. No more.
Obama can have his stimulus on one condition. He finds an equal amount of budget cuts in other areas to make up the difference. NO TAX INCREASE!
Government must learn fiscal discipline!
Agreed--then we wouldn't have this class that pays no income tax what-so-ever constantly calling for others to pay their fair share---:cuckoo:

It just doesn't make sense that many Americans have resorted to taxing another class whom already pay 95% of the entire tax base in this country to pay more. This is the top 10% earners in this country--and the top 5% pay 67% of the 95%.

What has this country come to--when we're O.K. with punishing success--while rewarding failure. We might as well refer to this country as the LAND OF NO OPPORTUNITY.

This administration is the most anti-business administration in the history of the United States. He's out there continually threatening business with higher taxes--in return they have tucked in like a turtle and are waiting for the threat to leave.

Complete and utter horseshit, driven by fear and hatred.

Obama isn't anti-business...he's bailed out Wall Street...tried to push an infrastructure plan that relies on corporations...and his healthcare plan pushed more people INTO buying private insurance.

WTF?? This is the bullshit that drives me crazy. You hate the man so you believe the lies and not the facts that are in front of your face.
Obama's policies have systematically shut down the private sector. Hence the reason statistical unemployment is 9% and real unemployment is over 15%.
The so called infrastructure plan is just a redux of stimulus one and two. Ya know ....those non existent shovel ready projects....
We do not need government to interfere with what the private sector should be doing but for the meddling of the Obama admin, is not being done.
Road projects and the like should be ongoing. BUt are not because politicians have squandered tax revenues. They got torpedoed by an economic downturn and there went the projected revenues. The bottom dropped out.
I cite the issue in North Carolina. This state collects 32.5 cents per gallon of gasoline. This is one of the highest fuel taxes in the country. All that money and the jerks in the state Capitol have told the residents that there no money to fund road and bridge projects. Yet they can "find" the money to fund mass transit schemes that end up costing money to operate.
Now the federal government wants to suddenly "find" half a trillion dollars for infrastructure. Money the country does not have. Obama wants the Congress to simply "pass this bill" No way to pay for it.
This is not the time the federal reserve should be printing dollars that are essentially worthless leaving the people of this country with more debt. No more.
Obama can have his stimulus on one condition. He finds an equal amount of budget cuts in other areas to make up the difference. NO TAX INCREASE!
Government must learn fiscal discipline!

My dog has produced more shovel ready projects than Obama.

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