None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?

I had this argument with a bleeding-heart liberal yesterday at the coffee my social club holds every other Sunday. She started in with "It's unfair that 80% of the wealth is held by" whatever tiny portion of the population she used, I forget what. She looked completely nonplussed when my response was, "Why? WHY is it 'unfair'?" I guess she thought it should just go without explanation.

I continued: Is it not also unfair for one person to do everything necessary to become a millionaire, and another to do none of that, and yet both of them have the same share of the wealth generated? She started stammering at that point.

Then I said, "Let me put it this way. Do you have a house?" Of course she didn't. She's a 23-year-old college student. "So you rent a little apartment instead. What kind of car do you drive?" It's an old beater her parents gave her. "Do you have any sort of savings or investments or retirement accounts?" Again, I knew she didn't, because she's a 23-year-old college student. "Well, I have a house, and a nice car, and all that stuff. Is it fair that I have those things, and you don't?"

Her answer: Well, yeah, I mean, you're a lot older than I am.

Exactly. I had already done all the things necessary to accumulate the extra wealth that I had and she didn't. Maybe in the same amount of time, she'll do those things too, and have the same things I have now. Or maybe she won't. Either way, it suddenly wasn't "unfair" when we were talking about a real person she knew and could see, instead of nameless, faceless "rich people".

The truth is that when we talk about the majority of wealth being in the hands of a minority of the population, we're usually talking about people over a certain age. There's nothing unfair about it when looked at that way, because they spent a long time working for it and acquiring it, and they weren't always in the "haves" column.

Could I have made other decisions and been a billionaire? I dunno, but I can certainly identify decisions that, made differently, would have meant I had a lot more wealth now than I do. I'm okay with the fact that my life and wealth are what they are due to my own choices, and I neither begrudge nor wish to punish others for having made different choices.

Vacuous argument at best. There are many layers that need to be discussed.

Your arguments is basically - "They made themselves rich from their own hard work and taking risks"...True of some, totally bollocks for a lot of others...

We won't even start on 'tax' breaks, not paying any tax at all, making a 'loss' so as not to pay tax, or whining about 'share holders' while the company makes a huge loss, but somehow the powers that be get multi-million dollar bonuses.

No, you argument is nothing but piffle....but then again, most of your posts are...
You're a special kind of moron.

I'm a moron and you're a retard...make a great pair..

Never trust a poster who indicates they're a 'patriot' in their avatar...Sure sign of a neocon whackjob loser....
Patriots of the USA are neocons?

Neocons are whackjobs?

What do you think a neocon is, exactly?

I find that anybody with the word, or part word," patriot" in their avatars to be an uber conservative. It appears that if they have that word in their avatar, they are somehow more "American" or more "true" to the American way of life. I also tend to find a direct correlation with those who use such monikers and IQ - the more "patriotic" the name, the lower the IQ...

As for neocon, are you talking it's orginal meaning, or what it as been bastardised into meaning?
And a flat tax with zero loopholes for all dollars earned by every citizen with zero exceptions keeps 'the rich' you accuse of also paying no income taxes, paying zero how??
I haven't "accused" anyone of paying no income tax. I've identified two American corporate entities that made tens of billions of dollars in profits and paid zero income taxes -- but in fact received federal subsidies in the millions of taxpayer dollars.

As for your Libertarian "flat tax" fantasy, the problem with that is if we tax the fellow who earns $25,000 a flat ten percent, which is $2,500, we take food off his table and/or clothes off the backs of his kids. But the poor guy who earns $1,000,000 is left with a meager $900,000 to get by on.

That is why those of us who are not greedy, gluttonous bastards favor a progressive tax policy.
Let's clarify that Mike. Cutting through the pejorative language you use reveals that you advocate someone who has NO (as in zip zilch, ZERO) financial stake in America, should have the same or more say in governing the country, as those who foot the bill. They should be able to vote themselves whatever they want from someone else's pocket, anytime they are the majority. That's the natural result of a pure democracy-the tyranny of the majority, which is exactly why the founders made America a REPUBLIC, instead. I like this idea better: if you receive government subsidies, for yourself, the business you own, if you are on welfare, or Social Security, or medicaid, or if you get your pay from the federal government, YOU don't get to vote in Federal elections. Those who get similar from the state don't get to vote in state elections. Those who actually pay the bills, get to decide how to spend the money. Sounds entirely fair to me!
Complete and utter horseshit, driven by fear and hatred.

Obama isn't anti-business...he's bailed out Wall Street...tried to push an infrastructure plan that relies on corporations...and his healthcare plan pushed more people INTO buying private insurance.

WTF?? This is the bullshit that drives me crazy. You hate the man so you believe the lies and not the facts that are in front of your face.
Obama's policies have systematically shut down the private sector. Hence the reason statistical unemployment is 9% and real unemployment is over 15%.
The so called infrastructure plan is just a redux of stimulus one and two. Ya know ....those non existent shovel ready projects....
We do not need government to interfere with what the private sector should be doing but for the meddling of the Obama admin, is not being done.
Road projects and the like should be ongoing. BUt are not because politicians have squandered tax revenues. They got torpedoed by an economic downturn and there went the projected revenues. The bottom dropped out.
I cite the issue in North Carolina. This state collects 32.5 cents per gallon of gasoline. This is one of the highest fuel taxes in the country. All that money and the jerks in the state Capitol have told the residents that there no money to fund road and bridge projects. Yet they can "find" the money to fund mass transit schemes that end up costing money to operate.
Now the federal government wants to suddenly "find" half a trillion dollars for infrastructure. Money the country does not have. Obama wants the Congress to simply "pass this bill" No way to pay for it.
This is not the time the federal reserve should be printing dollars that are essentially worthless leaving the people of this country with more debt. No more.
Obama can have his stimulus on one condition. He finds an equal amount of budget cuts in other areas to make up the difference. NO TAX INCREASE!
Government must learn fiscal discipline!

My dog has produced more shovel ready projects than Obama.
The Pet industry thanks you... ;)
Agreed--then we wouldn't have this class that pays no income tax what-so-ever constantly calling for others to pay their fair share---

Are you aware that the reason the majority of "this class that pays no income tax" occupies that class is because they have no income? Are you aware that there is an unemployment crisis in America? And do you know that some working Americans earn so little that to impose a realistic income tax on them would cast them into abject poverty?

You should understand that the category of Americans who pay no taxes is not the poor or middle class but the super-rich. And if you doubt that I suggest you Google up the taxes paid by Exxon/Mobil and General Electric in recent years. And prepare yourself for shocking enlightenment.

Reading comprehension problem kicking in again? It seems to be wide spread among liberals and must constitute a hazard to your life on a daily basis.

The bottom 48% of all INCOME earners pay NO federal income tax on the money THEY earn. Got that? They HAVE a job and they EARN an income which means they are making money -but nearly half of everyone with a job who earns an income are paying NO federal income taxes on what they EARN while insisting the top 10% of all income earners who pay 71% of all federal income taxes are STILL not paying their "fair share". In 1999 the top 10% paid 66% of all federal income taxes and today the top 10% pay 71% of all of them. When do you REALLY think they are paying their "fair share" here?

I am sick of hearing MORONS who have NO clue what they are even talking about turn around and claim the discussion involves unemployed people or people living on welfare when no one is talking about either of those groups at all! WTF? We aren't talking about destitute, poor people here but nearly half the people who have a JOB and earn an income! People who don't earn an income CAN'T pay income tax idiot and no one, absolutely NO ONE is even talking about that group of people! We are talking ONLY about the FACT that nearly half the people who DO have a job and DO earn an income are paying NO federal income tax at all -while insisting the top 10% footing the bill for 71% of all federal income taxes are the ones who are really not paying their "fair share".

You SERIOUSLY need a fact checker buddy. The top ONE PERCENT of all income earners pay more than 1/3 of ALL federal income taxes all by themselves. So much for your stupid bullshit claim. We don't tax the WEALTH of people in this country. We tax what people EARN and CREATE. Want to change our system so government can just start confiscating what people OWN as well as what they EARN in order to prevent people from even becoming wealthy? Don't bother answering, its a rhetorical question because everyone knows where a liberal stands on that one. You want the super rich you seem to think are paying no taxes (already incredibly stupid opinion that is contradicted by the facts) -then get behind changing our system from taxing what someone has CREATED and EARNED to one that taxes what someone CONSUMES. Believe me, the super rich would be paying their "fair share" with that -and so would YOU along with everyone else.

Oh gee, turns out the discussion you jumped into actually has nothing to do with people who don't have a job -but ONLY about people who DO have a job. And the fact that nearly half of everyone with a job and earning an income pays NO federal income tax! But insist it is those footing the bill for the overwhelming majority of federal income taxes already who still aren't paying their "fair" share. That isn't the same situation you were expounding and opining on whatsoever -something you probably should have double checked before getting all self-righteous, huffy and arrogant, huh.
I worked for a guy who became a billionaire, he's on Forbes list and has been there for several years now. It was the best experience of my life.

First of all, he had the most unbeatable, winning, infectious "Can do" attitude of anyone I ever met. He started with an idea and a few borrowed dollar. Besides making himself rich, he's probably made at least 5,000 other people millionaires -- and I'm not exaggerating and probably underestimated by a few thousand.

You need to get familiar with wealthy people, know them, see what they're like.

The rather clichèd Horatio Alger anecdote you've provided seems to presume that the wish to accumulate boundless wealth is universal but I can assure you it is not. I've come to believe that most if not all those who reflexively toss out the "envy" accusation at those who resent excessive wealth are greed oriented and are thus incapable of understanding or believing that many if not most others wish or expect no more from life than a modestly comfortable (middle class) existence.

In my own example, my aspiration for wealth extends as far as the $30 ticket I play in the Australian Lottery every Christmas. Aside from that my leisure time is much too valuable to waste doing whatever it takes to accumulate great sums of money, which I really don't need to be happy and comfortable. Which I already am.

My parents survived the Great Depression. For them, and as they diligently taught us, a warm, comfortable home, food on the table and good health are all one needs to be happy -- provided one is not haunted by the demons of greed and gluttony. Which I am not.

I have a generous civil service pension, Social Security, Medicare and a nice stack of U.S. Savings Bonds. My home and car are paid for. I am not rich by some standards but I am very rich by others. And I know that, because rich is a relative condition. I have absolutely no need for millions of dollars, nor would I care to sacrifice my valuable leisure time in pursuit of more money than I need to be comfortable and happy. Which I am. And I am not at all unique in this orientation.

But I do very strongly resent the greedy bastards whose insatiable hunger for excessive wealth has resulted in the misery of so many ordinary Americans whose jobs, pensions and homes have been taken from them by the scheming maneuvers of those who figured out how to "fix" and exploit the System.

I don't envy those gluttonous people. I despise them. I'm not alone in that state of mind. And your apparent inability to understand that says more about you than you know.

In essence than, you hate anyone with more ambition, leadership, ability, and willingness to take risks, than you have. In fact, you hate them so much, that you want what they have achieved taken from them and their families, and given to others who lack the requisite personal qualities for achievement themselves.

I started with no more advantages than you, but even with the late start I got because I chose to serve my country, I have achieved far more than your stated achievement. I don't begrudge that late start; among other things the leadership and discipline I learned have served me well in civilian life. Leadership has economic value, discipline makes it easier to defer gratification, and save and invest what you might spend; and when one has faced death, repeatedly, a little financial risk is not so frightening a thing. You may hate me, you may resent me, but I have done nothing more sinister nor criminal than take advantage of the skills and opportunities life has presented me. I haven't always won; I've lost, as well, but I've won more than I lost. A free society rewards those who risk capital; it's fundamental economics. Your problem is that you can't stand the idea of someone having more than someone else, but you can never have that in any society other than a command economy (no matter what you CALL it). There's always going to be someone smarter, stronger, better, or more disciplined than most of the herd; and given any kind of economic freedom they will rise above the rest. That will happen, no matter how much the herd revels in mediocrity, and scorns achievement.

Some people find riches more easily and quickly than others; some are born with the proverbial silver spoon, some have athletic or artistic talent; why, many of them make more in a year than I will ever make. Do I envy them? Do I hate them? Do I think it should be taken away from them? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I might as well hate my neighbor, because he won the lottery. No, the problem with your concept of "fairness", is that life itself is not "fair", the real world is not "fair", but you have the moral and intellectual arrogance to presume that society should be remade in the SUPPOSED perfection of your own image. Well, the truth is, that you are NOT my moral or intellectual superior (though that presumption of "superiority" (a rather smug one at that) is a common failing among the Left). I believe in rewarding merit; you believe in rewarding those who share your moral and political beliefs. Hateful? I hate only those who wish to steal what I have honestly earned; you, on the other hand, hate anyone who has more than you think he "needs". Who the hell are YOU, to decide that? Who made you GOD? Who made YOU the arbiter of what's "fair"? No, I'm afraid you and your fellow Leftists have tried to appoint yourselves to that position, a position you have done nothing to earn. and for which you are no better qualified than anyone else, including me.
Why are you defending billionaires?

Only a liberal could not answer that question!! Ans: because billionaires like Gate and Jobs create millions of jobs and 1000's of products like the kind that got us from the stone age to here!

They are our saviors and heros.
Complete and utter horseshit, driven by fear and hatred.

Obama isn't anti-business...he's bailed out Wall Street...tried to push an infrastructure plan that relies on corporations...and his healthcare plan pushed more people INTO buying private insurance.

WTF?? This is the bullshit that drives me crazy. You hate the man so you believe the lies and not the facts that are in front of your face.
Obama's policies have systematically shut down the private sector. Hence the reason statistical unemployment is 9% and real unemployment is over 15%.
The so called infrastructure plan is just a redux of stimulus one and two. Ya know ....those non existent shovel ready projects....
We do not need government to interfere with what the private sector should be doing but for the meddling of the Obama admin, is not being done.
Road projects and the like should be ongoing. BUt are not because politicians have squandered tax revenues. They got torpedoed by an economic downturn and there went the projected revenues. The bottom dropped out.
I cite the issue in North Carolina. This state collects 32.5 cents per gallon of gasoline. This is one of the highest fuel taxes in the country. All that money and the jerks in the state Capitol have told the residents that there no money to fund road and bridge projects. Yet they can "find" the money to fund mass transit schemes that end up costing money to operate.
Now the federal government wants to suddenly "find" half a trillion dollars for infrastructure. Money the country does not have. Obama wants the Congress to simply "pass this bill" No way to pay for it.
This is not the time the federal reserve should be printing dollars that are essentially worthless leaving the people of this country with more debt. No more.
Obama can have his stimulus on one condition. He finds an equal amount of budget cuts in other areas to make up the difference. NO TAX INCREASE!
Government must learn fiscal discipline!

My dog has produced more shovel ready projects than Obama. dog sometimes poops where he's not supposed to .
Obama's policies have systematically shut down the private sector. Hence the reason statistical unemployment is 9% and real unemployment is over 15%.
The so called infrastructure plan is just a redux of stimulus one and two. Ya know ....those non existent shovel ready projects....
We do not need government to interfere with what the private sector should be doing but for the meddling of the Obama admin, is not being done.
Road projects and the like should be ongoing. BUt are not because politicians have squandered tax revenues. They got torpedoed by an economic downturn and there went the projected revenues. The bottom dropped out.
I cite the issue in North Carolina. This state collects 32.5 cents per gallon of gasoline. This is one of the highest fuel taxes in the country. All that money and the jerks in the state Capitol have told the residents that there no money to fund road and bridge projects. Yet they can "find" the money to fund mass transit schemes that end up costing money to operate.
Now the federal government wants to suddenly "find" half a trillion dollars for infrastructure. Money the country does not have. Obama wants the Congress to simply "pass this bill" No way to pay for it.
This is not the time the federal reserve should be printing dollars that are essentially worthless leaving the people of this country with more debt. No more.
Obama can have his stimulus on one condition. He finds an equal amount of budget cuts in other areas to make up the difference. NO TAX INCREASE!
Government must learn fiscal discipline!

My dog has produced more shovel ready projects than Obama.
The Pet industry thanks you... ;)


That's a whole bunch of typing signifying nothing.

The only thing you typed worth mentioning was the last line: "Government must learn fiscal discipline!"

The rest is your rabid hatred of Obama at the pleasure of the Republican party. Grow a pair...think for yourself...and stop fixating on Obama.

You failed to address any of the points I listed. Why? Because you can't.
See there's a lot that I don't like about unlike you...I'm not a biased shill.
But he's not the anti-capitalist you claim he is. Not that I think anyone will ever wake you from your hate-filled stupor. Just to let you know, people like me see through your bullshit.

And feel free to pooperscoop after yourself. It's the personally responsible thing to do.
I worked for a guy who became a billionaire, he's on Forbes list and has been there for several years now. It was the best experience of my life.

First of all, he had the most unbeatable, winning, infectious "Can do" attitude of anyone I ever met. He started with an idea and a few borrowed dollar. Besides making himself rich, he's probably made at least 5,000 other people millionaires -- and I'm not exaggerating and probably underestimated by a few thousand.

You need to get familiar with wealthy people, know them, see what they're like.

The rather clichèd Horatio Alger anecdote you've provided seems to presume that the wish to accumulate boundless wealth is universal but I can assure you it is not. I've come to believe that most if not all those who reflexively toss out the "envy" accusation at those who resent excessive wealth are greed oriented and are thus incapable of understanding or believing that many if not most others wish or expect no more from life than a modestly comfortable (middle class) existence.

In my own example, my aspiration for wealth extends as far as the $30 ticket I play in the Australian Lottery every Christmas. Aside from that my leisure time is much too valuable to waste doing whatever it takes to accumulate great sums of money, which I really don't need to be happy and comfortable. Which I already am.

My parents survived the Great Depression. For them, and as they diligently taught us, a warm, comfortable home, food on the table and good health are all one needs to be happy -- provided one is not haunted by the demons of greed and gluttony. Which I am not.

I have a generous civil service pension, Social Security, Medicare and a nice stack of U.S. Savings Bonds. My home and car are paid for. I am not rich by some standards but I am very rich by others. And I know that, because rich is a relative condition. I have absolutely no need for millions of dollars, nor would I care to sacrifice my valuable leisure time in pursuit of more money than I need to be comfortable and happy. Which I am. And I am not at all unique in this orientation.

But I do very strongly resent the greedy bastards whose insatiable hunger for excessive wealth has resulted in the misery of so many ordinary Americans whose jobs, pensions and homes have been taken from them by the scheming maneuvers of those who figured out how to "fix" and exploit the System.

I don't envy those gluttonous people. I despise them. I'm not alone in that state of mind. And your apparent inability to understand that says more about you than you know.

In essence than, you hate anyone with more ambition, leadership, ability, and willingness to take risks, than you have. In fact, you hate them so much, that you want what they have achieved taken from them and their families, and given to others who lack the requisite personal qualities for achievement themselves.

I started with no more advantages than you, but even with the late start I got because I chose to serve my country, I have achieved far more than your stated achievement. I don't begrudge that late start; among other things the leadership and discipline I learned have served me well in civilian life. Leadership has economic value, discipline makes it easier to defer gratification, and save and invest what you might spend; and when one has faced death, repeatedly, a little financial risk is not so frightening a thing. You may hate me, you may resent me, but I have done nothing more sinister nor criminal than take advantage of the skills and opportunities life has presented me. I haven't always won; I've lost, as well, but I've won more than I lost. A free society rewards those who risk capital; it's fundamental economics. Your problem is that you can't stand the idea of someone having more than someone else, but you can never have that in any society other than a command economy (no matter what you CALL it). There's always going to be someone smarter, stronger, better, or more disciplined than most of the herd; and given any kind of economic freedom they will rise above the rest. That will happen, no matter how much the herd revels in mediocrity, and scorns achievement.

Some people find riches more easily and quickly than others; some are born with the proverbial silver spoon, some have athletic or artistic talent; why, many of them make more in a year than I will ever make. Do I envy them? Do I hate them? Do I think it should be taken away from them? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I might as well hate my neighbor, because he won the lottery. No, the problem with your concept of "fairness", is that life itself is not "fair", the real world is not "fair", but you have the moral and intellectual arrogance to presume that society should be remade in the SUPPOSED perfection of your own image. Well, the truth is, that you are NOT my moral or intellectual superior (though that presumption of "superiority" (a rather smug one at that) is a common failing among the Left). I believe in rewarding merit; you believe in rewarding those who share your moral and political beliefs. Hateful? I hate only those who wish to steal what I have honestly earned; you, on the other hand, hate anyone who has more than you think he "needs". Who the hell are YOU, to decide that? Who made you GOD? Who made YOU the arbiter of what's "fair"? No, I'm afraid you and your fellow Leftists have tried to appoint yourselves to that position, a position you have done nothing to earn. and for which you are no better qualified than anyone else, including me.
Mike K's attitude is typical of union people. They want to be paid as much as the union can extort from the employer but want to live and look as though they are the regular working guy. Most union people when approached by management about a promotion that would make them a foreman or even a manager will turn it down because they would rather hang with their buddies in the union hall and local gin mill than make something better of themselves. These union people also look down on anyone who leaves the union fold to go to new and higher positions. Then we get bullshit like this " I don't want the money".....Get outta town you lying sack of shit......If someone had offered him plant manager and $120k he'd have taken it.....
Most people who see retired people still in their 50's and drawing a pension that allows them to own two homes as rich. Most of us can get by with just one home and we're working!!!!!
Complete and utter horseshit, driven by fear and hatred.

Obama isn't anti-business...he's bailed out Wall Street..

that does not mean he is pro-business! Republicans are pro business. Do I really need to explain the difference to you??

.tried to push an infrastructure plan that relies on corporations...

dear that does not make him pro business either! May be over your head??

and his healthcare plan pushed more people INTO buying private insurance.

socialized medicine is nobodies definition of pro business except yours I'm afraid. Can I help you further?

WTF?? This is the bullshit that drives me crazy. You hate the man so you believe the lies and not the facts that are in front of your face.

it won't seem like BS if you learn the difference between capitalism and socialism. Sorry!!
Complete and utter horseshit, driven by fear and hatred.

Obama isn't anti-business...he's bailed out Wall Street..

that does not mean he is pro-business! Republicans are pro business. Do I really need to explain the difference to you??

.tried to push an infrastructure plan that relies on corporations...

dear that does not make him pro business either! May be over your head??

and his healthcare plan pushed more people INTO buying private insurance.

socialized medicine is nobodies definition of pro business except yours I'm afraid. Can I help you further?

WTF?? This is the bullshit that drives me crazy. You hate the man so you believe the lies and not the facts that are in front of your face.

it won't seem like BS if you learn the difference between capitalism and socialism. Sorry!!

Oh goodie!!! A new troll!
Did you just get the internet and FINALLY realize you could make anonymous insults without anyone knowing it was you?? Your post makes it sound that way.

Lookie!! You make tons of assertions without SHIT to back it up.

Looking at the two of us, one of us has been published on the subject of the Russian economy and then again on the Russian Constitution. Then there's you.

I guarantee you I know more about socialism than you'll ever know if you put your crack pipe down now (you must be smoking something if you write such drivel) and started studying now.

Either prove your assertions or stop wasting everyone's time. Perhaps you've been reading Rabbi's posts and think that's how we do things around here. You can believe's not.
And therein lies your problem.
If you fear independence and liberty you are the one with the problem.
If you feel you have been a failure why blame others? Why not do something different? Scared?[/QUOTE]

yes the liberal will often be a loser who wants to steal money from others, through governemnt, at the point of a gun because he is lazy and fearful.

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