Nonunion Ala. crews turned away from Sandy recovery

I hear that union thugs are beating up non-union relief workers and burning their cars. NJ Union workers are blocking the streets and preventing food and water from reaching starving children. Union Thugs are also torturing puppies and kittens

I hate those union bastards ...we need to BAN ALL UNIONS
OMG, those horrid union workers. Are there pictures of the gore?

Gee, there was another story linked in the article you forgot to link on here. Wonder why?

They WERE ASK to join a UNION. Not threatened, just ask. So they went home.

Decatur Utilities verifies claims workers were asked to affiliate with union before aiding storm victims (update) |

learn to read, crackers, it's the coming thing

Confusion causes utility crew to return from recovery effort - WAFF-TV: News, Weather and Sports for Huntsville, AL

General Manager Ray Hardin appeared on Fox Business Channel Friday morning saying, "We were presented documents from IBEW that required our folks to affiliate with the unions and that was something we could not agree to.

Late Friday at a press conference, Hardin said the documents actually came from Electric Cities of Alabama, a coalition of the state's municipally owned utilities.

Bottom line, it appears now that Decatur Utilities wrongly assumed they would have to agree to the union contract before traveling to New Jersey to help with recovery efforts. The IBEW said in times of crisis, help is welcomed from union and non-union utility workers.

Hardin said as they waited for confirmation on the documents, crews received word that Seaside Heights had received the assistance they needed from other sources

if they knew how to read, they wouldn't have driven 1000 miles for nothing


classmates of yours, fuckwit?
I find it sad that they turned around and went home. After Wilma, we got quite a few crews from Alabama on our street and they were very welcome.

Most people in Alabama, contrary to popular opinion, aren't idiots or coldhearted.
Another NaziCon fail...

Not really. You can see by this thread that the drooling mouth breathers believe it.

Ravi, question please.

Do you approve the use of the insult "Nazi"...(____fill in the blank) by proven dems/libs/leftwingers (take your pick)?

Just curious.
It doesn't bother me any more than it bothers me when the rightwinglooons do it.

What bothers me is when people post flat out lies and the gullible nutters believe them no matter how many times the lies are shown to be lies.
Not really. You can see by this thread that the drooling mouth breathers believe it.

Ravi, question please.

Do you approve the use of the insult "Nazi"...(____fill in the blank) by proven dems/libs/leftwingers (take your pick)?

Just curious.
It doesn't bother me any more than it bothers me when the rightwinglooons do it.

What bothers me is when people post flat out lies and the gullible nutters believe them no matter how many times the lies are shown to be lies.

Ditto...and thanks for responding. :D
What hysterical fools these right winging nutters are.

They'll believe anything as long as it jibes with their prejudices and conceits.
I saw a guy come in the store last night with a union proud shirt....He used food stamps.
Unions up in New Jersey are turning away help because the people are NON union.

The union said,

Fuck that!
Fuck you
Snot nosed
Deep shit
Douche bad
Prick sucker

Some of them rebs will believe his ass, they live and die for dumb shit. Dumb shit, now that's another bad word to add to my list.

sean hannity..... Now that's another bad word. ( sean hannity )

Fuck him
Fuck that shit!
Snot nosed
Deep shit
Douche bad
Prick sucker :D

Ok! y'all can believe that too......:badgrin:
Actually, the non union workers were offered jobs in other places.

Like I said, they're pissed that they won't get the glory jobs.

Yeah, they went to New York where they were welcomed.
God Damned union thugs worried about their precious overtime.
I am from that region. I am well versed on how these unions work.
I was a member of the Painters and Finishers Union in NYC....In the Union Hall they had these lists of products we were not supposed to buy and stores we were not supposed to patronize.
All because the businesses were not union or refused to bow and kiss the pinky rings of the union bosses.
Growing up in the NY Metro area made me despise unions for their coercive tactics, threats, intimidation, blocking streets and roadways and pushy picketers.
Well...I suppose people have the right to choose who they take help from. Right?

Sure, if it's the PEOPLE choosing.

All I see is union THUGS making that choice.

You should ask the 6.4 MILLION people without power.
notice how the left avoids this ongoing story like the plague. Shows the down and dirty, Selfish side of Unions and their members.

Like I said last night in another thread. Unions stopped helping all workers long ago. They helped get Labor laws passed, and helped get safety Guidelines with the power of Law, but since then all they help is themselves, and their own Greedy membership at the cost of the 80% of us who are not lucky enough to be in the Club with them, and often at the cost of the Viability of the very industry they are in.
1. The marathon has been cancelled...two days ago.

2. the union thing is, at the very least....being blown out of proportion, most likely....a misunderstanding....and could be just another.lie from the right....

Only ONE crew turned around and went had to do with paperwork as to work requirements.

Here's a fact check on the issue. Non-Union Help in New Jersey Rejected
You know this has been proven false in about 15 different threads, right?

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