Nonunion Ala. crews turned away from Sandy recovery

the union thing is, at the very least....being blown out of proportion, most likely....a misunderstanding....and could be just another.lie from the right....

Only ONE crew turned around and went had to do with paperwork as to work requirements. Non-Union Help in New Jersey Rejected

1. Unions are nasty bitter a-holes who do that stuff. I've seen it firsthand.

2. The system is out of whack if we're sending people back b/c of paperwork.

Get the fuck out of here? Really? unfuckingbelievable....

Why are people so set in their thinking that they would excuse that kind of thing? Why do they believe everything that these people say without checking it? Hell....I do that with liberal pundits like Maddow and Schultz when someone on here uses them as a source.

I take nothing at face value anymore. That's called CRITICAL THINKING!
the union thing is, at the very least....being blown out of proportion, most likely....a misunderstanding....and could be just another.lie from the right....

Only ONE crew turned around and went had to do with paperwork as to work requirements. Non-Union Help in New Jersey Rejected

1. Unions are nasty bitter a-holes who do that stuff. I've seen it firsthand.

2. The system is out of whack if we're sending people back b/c of paperwork.

No one was "sent back".
the union thing is, at the very least....being blown out of proportion, most likely....a misunderstanding....and could be just another.lie from the right....

Only ONE crew turned around and went had to do with paperwork as to work requirements. Non-Union Help in New Jersey Rejected

1. Unions are nasty bitter a-holes who do that stuff. I've seen it firsthand.

2. The system is out of whack if we're sending people back b/c of paperwork.

Your disdain is duly noted....and dismissed as irrelevant.

They didn't SEND them crew got confused and WENT back....did you read the Snopes article?
So in an emergency where they are desperate and need help they take non union members.
But if they were on strike and a non union member that ha a family to feed dare cross a picket line well just and fine and dandy to burn that scabs house down and beat him half to death.
Union members take the help for their families when they need help but when the non union worker needs a job screw him and his family.
God damn hypocrits.
Electric utilities in Alabama reported sending more than 600 employees to help restore power in states hit by Sandy.

Decatur Utilities later issued a statement on Friday that said: "To be clear, at no time were our crews 'turned away' from the utility in Seaside Heights."

OTH --- the fact is that one of crews staged in VA DID GET a request from IBEW suggesting that they needed to JOIN a union in order to enter the area.

And all I saw in response to that was a statement that NJ IBEW that said .. hey, we don't know where that letter came. Just like we don't know where the rocks thru your window or the nails in your tires came from ...

They were NOT NEEDED? Are you F-in joking??
So in an emergency where they are desperate and need help they take non union members.
But if they were on strike and a non union member that ha a family to feed dare cross a picket line well just and fine and dandy to burn that scabs house down and beat him half to death.
Union members take the help for their families when they need help but when the non union worker needs a job screw him and his family.
God damn hypocrits.

Changing the goalpost.....a Conservative standard when proven wrong about the topic at hand.
Same story out of Texas. And the dude I heard was very angry that his men went up driving hell bent for leather for two days to help out and they were turned away.

What's going on? Is this for true?

Get the fuck out of here? Really? unfuckingbelievable....

Why are people so set in their thinking that they would excuse that kind of thing? Why do they believe everything that these people say without checking it? Hell....I do that with liberal pundits like Maddow and Schultz when someone on here uses them as a source.

I take nothing at face value anymore. That's called CRITICAL THINKING!
I am actually shocked that Hannity would do such a thing. What a toad. My god.
So in an emergency where they are desperate and need help they take non union members.
But if they were on strike and a non union member that ha a family to feed dare cross a picket line well just and fine and dandy to burn that scabs house down and beat him half to death.
Union members take the help for their families when they need help but when the non union worker needs a job screw him and his family.
God damn hypocrits.

Basically Yes.
As a resident of he Jersey Shore I applaud our union workers in all trades who are working tirelessly to help our area from devastation. They are putting in 16 hour days and are cooperating with non union workers up here to help out. We also appreciate all the workers, union or not who have swarmed to our area to help us
The union utility worker who lives down the street from me said it is bull shit that anyone is being turned away. It is just another case of the right wing using a disaster to smear union workers
Whoops! That audio is from a Verizon strike in 2011.

Get the fuck out of here? Really? unfuckingbelievable....

Why are people so set in their thinking that they would excuse that kind of thing? Why do they believe everything that these people say without checking it? Hell....I do that with liberal pundits like Maddow and Schultz when someone on here uses them as a source.

I take nothing at face value anymore. That's called CRITICAL THINKING!
I am actually shocked that Hannity would do such a thing. What a toad. My god.

I'm not surprised in the least....file this right along with his broken promise to do water boarding for the Wounded Warriors charity.
As a resident of he Jersey Shore I applaud our union workers in all trades who are working tirelessly to help our area from devastation. They are putting in 16 hour days and are cooperating with non union workers up here to help out. We also appreciate all the workers, union or not who have swarmed to our area to help us
The union utility worker who lives down the street from me said it is bull shit that anyone is being turned away. It is just another case of the right wing using a disaster to smear union workers

Where ever the story came from, it obviously has some validity.
And this kind of thing is expected from union labor. Unions tend to be territorial.
I am willing to make a wager that if unionized companies did in fact turn away non union labor from out of state, the governor of NJ would have heard about it and slammed the door on it.
With that said, it is entirely possible that the union companies may have initially tried to reject non-union help but quickly retreated knowing full well that the wrath of the governor would be forthcoming.
Let's just say at this point everyone is playing "nice" now.
As a resident of he Jersey Shore I applaud our union workers in all trades who are working tirelessly to help our area from devastation. They are putting in 16 hour days and are cooperating with non union workers up here to help out. We also appreciate all the workers, union or not who have swarmed to our area to help us
The union utility worker who lives down the street from me said it is bull shit that anyone is being turned away. It is just another case of the right wing using a disaster to smear union workers

Where ever the story came from, it obviously has some validity.
And this kind of thing is expected from union labor. Unions tend to be territorial.
I am willing to make a wager that if unionized companies did in fact turn away non union labor from out of state, the governor of NJ would have heard about it and slammed the door on it.
With that said, it is entirely possible that the union companies may have initially tried to reject non-union help but quickly retreated knowing full well that the wrath of the governor would be forthcoming.
Let's just say at this point everyone is playing "nice" now.

let's just say the story is bullshit, has been debunked thoroughly and anyone who continues to believe it is a either a fool or so rabidly anti-union that they can't face reality.

you people crack me up.
As a resident of he Jersey Shore I applaud our union workers in all trades who are working tirelessly to help our area from devastation. They are putting in 16 hour days and are cooperating with non union workers up here to help out. We also appreciate all the workers, union or not who have swarmed to our area to help us
The union utility worker who lives down the street from me said it is bull shit that anyone is being turned away. It is just another case of the right wing using a disaster to smear union workers

Where ever the story came from, it obviously has some validity.
And this kind of thing is expected from union labor. Unions tend to be territorial.
I am willing to make a wager that if unionized companies did in fact turn away non union labor from out of state, the governor of NJ would have heard about it and slammed the door on it.
With that said, it is entirely possible that the union companies may have initially tried to reject non-union help but quickly retreated knowing full well that the wrath of the governor would be forthcoming.
Let's just say at this point everyone is playing "nice" now.

the tooth fairy story has the same validity because, after all, it came from somewhere. :eusa_hand:
As a resident of he Jersey Shore I applaud our union workers in all trades who are working tirelessly to help our area from devastation. They are putting in 16 hour days and are cooperating with non union workers up here to help out. We also appreciate all the workers, union or not who have swarmed to our area to help us
The union utility worker who lives down the street from me said it is bull shit that anyone is being turned away. It is just another case of the right wing using a disaster to smear union workers

Where ever the story came from, it obviously has some validity.
And this kind of thing is expected from union labor. Unions tend to be territorial.
I am willing to make a wager that if unionized companies did in fact turn away non union labor from out of state, the governor of NJ would have heard about it and slammed the door on it.
With that said, it is entirely possible that the union companies may have initially tried to reject non-union help but quickly retreated knowing full well that the wrath of the governor would be forthcoming.
Let's just say at this point everyone is playing "nice" now.

It is not true.....the power company denies it, the union denies it and the utility from Alabama says it did not happen

The only ones swearing by it are right wing union haters
Phone calls from the Alabama utility workers. Hello.
IBEW releases lies, distortions and BS.
Slashed tires on many Southern Company vehicles with Alabama tags. NO where for these men to stay as word is out that anyone that harbors them will pay.
NY and NJ are bought by the unions.
Threats on the ground are the reality there now.
Why else are these workers headed home?
Unions=threats, intimidation and violence.

You arrived at USMB stupid,

and it's been downhill ever since.

I always pile drive running backs with a downhill angle.
importing this so as not to hijack a thread....

It would have been back on in two, had non-unioners been allowed in. :eusa_whistle:

they were allowed... they chose to leave rather than work under our state rules.

aren't you the ones who are all about states' rights?


so what you are saying is..... they only would allow union members to help with the disaster recovery........

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