Noooow hear this. NFL teams will be compensated with higher draft choices if they hire negroes as coaches or GMs.

As a minority myself I find this highly offensive. Sounds like Roger Goodell is saying if a team hires me they'll be at a disadvantage so team will need to be compensated with draft picks. F U Roger Goodell. I don't need your help. I can make it on my own.
Just more white liberal patronizing the "little folks".
Let them eat cake
The NFL has alienated many of its hardcore football fans by pandering to Women, Blacks and all the PC, Woke, SJW NONSENSE they can think up. It is an effort to expand their audience and generate more REVENUE. It may backfire as many are getting tired of the anti American protests the league allows and actually supports with money extorted from them. Then there are all the rule changes not even the players, coaches, nor even the referees can keep up with. The constant penalties and interruption to play are maddening.

It is now a flawed, watered down, annoying product. People don't like to pay money and give their valuable time to be annoyed.
I don’t see many teams changing who they pick for coaching slots to move up in the third round

Draft picks are highly coveted by GMs. No doubt you'll a see a team hire a QB coach, who has no real function, just to land a 4th round pick. This is worst idea, and a racist one, that I've seen a long time. As I pointed out I'm a minority. I don't charity to help me get a job. I don't want any job that only hires me because of my skin color.
I don’t see many teams changing who they pick for coaching slots to move up in the third round

Exactly. As the OP stated, this is a "PROPOSAL". Which means that it has not been put into practice.

Franchise owners, with the input of football operations executives, will always make the final decision on who is appointed to head coaching and general manager positions.

And in most cases, those jobs will continue to go to those who "look like" the team owner.
Qualifications are secondary.
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