NORAD - Cheyenne Mountain sealed up

NORAD is just being cautious. They kinda have to. It doesn't mean we're all gonna die. It's just the flu, remember?

Yeah, a flu that I was warned by my doctors could easily kill me.

The normal flu killed 34,000 last year.
Normal Flu kills just 0.01% of those infected... COVID-19 kills 5-15% of those infected and is 10 times more infectious than the common flu... and we have no immunity to it...

Wrong. We have no idea how many are infected. It's already been stated that 46 percent of those being found positive have no symptoms. So we know how many are dying but we don't know really how many have it so it could very well be LESS dangerous than the normal flu. They've even stated that the most contagious people are the ones without symptoms.

If you don't know how many people have it how do you determine the death rate from it?
I’m also going to venture that those who display no or very mild symptoms Rarely die from it.
NORAD - Cheyenne Mountain sealed up

Over 1000 US Military personnel are now sealed up in the mountain. These soldiers have been tested for COVID-19 and all are negative. This is our command and control center for all US FORCES.

FOX just reported that all command and control of US forces has been handed to NORAD command to keep us safe with staff who are not affected by COVID-19. We just observed how fast a Nuclear Aircraft Carrier was brought down and they want no part of it...

Everything points to very bad weeks ahead...

They didn't do this with the H1N1 virus. And so are they saying that this is the only way to keep from being infected? It is to lock ourselves up into a bunker.
This is all a hoax and they know it. But why are they going along with the program? If it were a true pandemic. The Dems will not be politicizing it. For some reason they are behaving as if they are immune from it.
I'm not in the military, and I'm not worry at all.

View attachment 319253

You go right on believing it is a hoax and see how that works out for you! Make sure that they don't put you on a respirator when they need to do so, that you prefer to just die instead!

As for myself and my grandson with leukemia, we would prefer to stick around.
NORAD is just being cautious. They kinda have to. It doesn't mean we're all gonna die. It's just the flu, remember?

Yeah, a flu that I was warned by my doctors could easily kill me.

The normal flu killed 34,000 last year.
Normal Flu kills just 0.01% of those infected... COVID-19 kills 5-15% of those infected and is 10 times more infectious than the common flu... and we have no immunity to it...

Wrong. We have no idea how many are infected. It's already been stated that 46 percent of those being found positive have no symptoms. So we know how many are dying but we don't know really how many have it so it could very well be LESS dangerous than the normal flu. They've even stated that the most contagious people are the ones without symptoms.

If you don't know how many people have it how do you determine the death rate from it?
I was citing published numbers from the CDC and WHO. I understand that we do not fully know the denominator number and untill we do, the numbers are a best guess.
The normal flu killed 34,000 last year.
We should beat that by the end of next week (April 18th), and with the rest of the year still to go.

On March 26th, we only had 150 deaths that day. We had 1331 yesterday.

Can you say 'exponential growth rate'?

NORAD - Cheyenne Mountain sealed up

Over 1000 US Military personnel are now sealed up in the mountain. These soldiers have been tested for COVID-19 and all are negative. This is our command and control center for all US FORCES.

FOX just reported that all command and control of US forces has been handed to NORAD command to keep us safe with staff who are not affected by COVID-19. We just observed how fast a Nuclear Aircraft Carrier was brought down and they want no part of it...

Everything points to very bad weeks ahead...

They didn't do this with the H1N1 virus. And so are they saying that this is the only way to keep from being infected? It is to lock ourselves up into a bunker.
This is all a hoax and they know it. But why are they going along with the program? If it were a true pandemic. The Dems will not be politicizing it. For some reason they are behaving as if they are immune from it.
I'm not in the military, and I'm not worry at all.

View attachment 319253

You go right on believing it is a hoax and see how that works out for you! Make sure that they don't put you on a respirator when they need to do so, that you prefer to just die instead!

As for myself and my grandson with leukemia, we would prefer to stick around.
NORAD - Cheyenne Mountain sealed up

Over 1000 US Military personnel are now sealed up in the mountain. These soldiers have been tested for COVID-19 and all are negative. This is our command and control center for all US FORCES.

FOX just reported that all command and control of US forces has been handed to NORAD command to keep us safe with staff who are not affected by COVID-19. We just observed how fast a Nuclear Aircraft Carrier was brought down and they want no part of it...

Everything points to very bad weeks ahead...

They didn't do this with the H1N1 virus. And so are they saying that this is the only way to keep from being infected? It is to lock ourselves up into a bunker.
This is all a hoax and they know it. But why are they going along with the program? If it were a true pandemic. The Dems will not be politicizing it. For some reason they are behaving as if they are immune from it.
I'm not in the military, and I'm not worry at all.

View attachment 319253

You go right on believing it is a hoax and see how that works out for you! Make sure that they don't put you on a respirator when they need to do so, that you prefer to just die instead!

As for myself and my grandson with leukemia, we would prefer to stick around.
The normal flu killed 34,000 last year.
We should beat that by the end of next week (April 18th), and with the rest of the year still to go.

On March 26th, we only had 150 deaths that day. We had 1331 yesterday.

Can you say 'exponential growth rate'?

View attachment 319333

With the denominator still unknown the number is pointless.

Can you say exponential infection rate? You could easily say that with every single person we KNOW that has it 3 others don't know they have it. That would mean you need to multiply the denominator by 4. That brings down the death rate to the level of the flu.
With the denominator still unknown the number is pointless.
Can you say exponential infection rate? You could easily say that with every single person we KNOW that has it 3 others don't know they have it. That would mean you need to multiply the denominator by 4. That brings down the death rate to the level of the flu.
Not if you calculate the death rate by *resolved cases* instead of total infections, which is how you should calculate it.

My point about exponential growth rate is that comparing the current ONGOING COVID19 PANDEMIC to annual flus that have run their course is that it is apples vrs oranges, in that one is still growing and the other is not.
If anybody in this country ever paid attention in school, they would know the difference in a geometric growth rate and an exponential growth rate. I have yet to see a single person EVER get it right.
We have good news on the horizen. University of pitburg have a vaccine in the testing stage and Stanford has an antibody test. Other antibodies of those who have already recovered could soon be helping others. There is hope and i pray we get this thing under control and go on to have a great summer.
NORAD - Cheyenne Mountain sealed up

Over 1000 US Military personnel are now sealed up in the mountain. These soldiers have been tested for COVID-19 and all are negative. This is our command and control center for all US FORCES.

FOX just reported that all command and control of US forces has been handed to NORAD command to keep us safe with staff who are not affected by COVID-19. We just observed how fast a Nuclear Aircraft Carrier was brought down and they want no part of it...

Everything points to very bad weeks ahead...

and ppl still think alex is a conspiracy lmfao
& those who do think that " most Trump hating idiots have no idea while the headlines tell them day after day connecting the dots is pretty hard for the zombie infected.
It appears that things are about to get very real for most Americans...

Oh, I think for most Americans it has been very real. The elite pricks and their minions in the media they are going to get their wakeup call.
If anybody in this country ever paid attention in school, they would know the difference in a geometric growth rate and an exponential growth rate. I have yet to see a single person EVER get it right.
We have good news on the horizen. University of pitburg have a vaccine in the testing stage and Stanford has an antibody test. Other antibodies of those who have already recovered could soon be helping others. There is hope and i pray we get this thing under control and go on to have a great summer.

It is NEVER going away and there can never be a vaccine for a VIRUS that ahs already mutated as of a few days ago 40 times.. THIS IS HERE FOREVER it is a BIOLOGICAL WEAPON this is your invisible 911 yes the virus is real yes it will kill you ----the rest went over hte populations head until we wake up bitch and complain over all the rihts we LOST then and here again it will be the same only 200 x's worse don't worry whatever you think is a conspiracy lmfao oh u won't have a chance to deny it when htis thing blow wide open.


They're coming for you LOL.
Mainland China reported 30 new coronavirus cases on Saturday, up from 19 a day earlier as the number of cases involving travellers from abroad as well as local transmissions increased, highlighting the difficulty in stamping out the outbreak.
If anybody in this country ever paid attention in school, they would know the difference in a geometric growth rate and an exponential growth rate. I have yet to see a single person EVER get it right.
We have good news on the horizen. University of pitburg have a vaccine in the testing stage and Stanford has an antibody test. Other antibodies of those who have already recovered could soon be helping others. There is hope and i pray we get this thing under control and go on to have a great summer.

It is NEVER going away and there can never be a vaccine for a VIRUS that ahs already mutated as of a few days ago 40 times.. THIS IS HERE FOREVER it is a BIOLOGICAL WEAPON this is your invisible 911 yes the virus is real yes it will kill you ----the rest went over hte populations head until we wake up bitch and complain over all the rihts we LOST then and here again it will be the same only 200 x's worse don't worry whatever you think is a conspiracy lmfao oh u won't have a chance to deny it when htis thing blow wide open.


They're coming for you LOL.
Mainland China reported 30 new coronavirus cases on Saturday, up from 19 a day earlier as the number of cases involving travellers from abroad as well as local transmissions increased, highlighting the difficulty in stamping out the outbreak.
Well I guess we will see. I hope you are wrong.
Mainland China reported 30 new coronavirus cases on Saturday, up from 19 a day earlier as the number of cases involving travellers from abroad as well as local transmissions increased, highlighting the difficulty in stamping out the outbreak.



If anybody in this country ever paid attention in school, they would know the difference in a geometric growth rate and an exponential growth rate. I have yet to see a single person EVER get it right.
We have good news on the horizen. University of pitburg have a vaccine in the testing stage and Stanford has an antibody test. Other antibodies of those who have already recovered could soon be helping others. There is hope and i pray we get this thing under control and go on to have a great summer.

It is NEVER going away and there can never be a vaccine for a VIRUS that ahs already mutated as of a few days ago 40 times.. THIS IS HERE FOREVER it is a BIOLOGICAL WEAPON this is your invisible 911 yes the virus is real yes it will kill you ----the rest went over hte populations head until we wake up bitch and complain over all the rihts we LOST then and here again it will be the same only 200 x's worse don't worry whatever you think is a conspiracy lmfao oh u won't have a chance to deny it when htis thing blow wide open.


They're coming for you LOL.
Mainland China reported 30 new coronavirus cases on Saturday, up from 19 a day earlier as the number of cases involving travellers from abroad as well as local transmissions increased, highlighting the difficulty in stamping out the outbreak.
Well I guess we will see. I hope you are wrong.

I wish we were -------- Just have to pay close close attention it happens under false waves of BS often. Also, if the virus doesn't get us roped in the Economy will either way . Rope us into Gov. control.

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