Nordstrom Stock Just Broke the Donald Trump Tweet Curse


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014

Donald Trump appears to have lost the power to move markets with a single tweet—and now his Twitter attacks may even be backfiring.

After the President blasted Nordstrom (JWN, +4.09%) in a tweet Wednesday morning condemning the retailer's decision to stop selling his daughter Ivanka Trump's brand, Nordstrom stock did something nobody expected: It surged.

Nordstrom Stock Just Broke the Donald Trump Tweet Curse

The biggest mistake Trump and the GOP keep making is that not everybody is as ignorant and stupid as their so called base is....and Trump needs to understand, them hicks in small town fuckville that follow his white ass on Twitter, shop at Walmart and thrift stores.....they're not the one's making your Brand them coins you and your family enjoy....I hope after all this is over, his intire family brand and name is gone from the American landscape

/---- Learn how to read a stock chart you nitwit. Nordstrom is off by $20 a share from it's November high. No one is going to invest in a company based on politics - well you would because you're an idiot. Three things drive the market - Fear, Greed and Uncertainty. If the stock sold off a few point then investors stepped in and picked up a bargain.
JWN Interactive Stock Chart | Nordstrom, Inc. Stock - Yahoo Finance[/QUOTE]
Investors can invest all the fuck they want....Trump shit is going down the tube and anyone supporting the bitch, if subject to protestors going elsewhere...stop trying to spin shit, we're not Trump people here
Tramp's Plan B


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