Norm Chomsky scoffs at Trump/Russia collusion, points out the REAL problem

Hillary spent more money than trump by a huge margin. Also something like 400+ of the S&P 500 companies actively supported her. Silicon Valley went ga-ga for her. 3/4 of a billion dollars.

I know the exception doesn’t disprove the rule and money in elections is s problem but with a massive enough upswell like we saw in 2016 it can be beaten.

But what solution is there? Money is speech. It’s an impossible dilemma. And I believe that’s why some of the branches of our Federal government were intended to be appointed.
Do you believe it would be impossible to stop big business from influencing our elected officials by contributing massive amounts to their campaigns?

I think the wealthy have influence. We have been crippled in our response by the pretense that they don’t. Our founders were smarter than you and me and set up checks on this but they have been discarded over the years. Today the last of them are under attack...the electoral college, an equal senate and single member districts.
You think the founders weren’t familiar with this problem? They faced corporations with private armies and navies who could mint coins and aristocrats who owned entire countries. They knew what they were doing.
I recently read that when the government first allowed corporations to form, it was made illegal for these corporations to be involved in any way, with politics, or elections, or gvt causes.... they were not permitted to be involved, PERIOD.

My oh my, how things have changed.... now corporations are "individual people", except when it comes to prosecuting them for crimes.... :(
No, corporations are legal "persons", as are trusts and governments themselves...."Individuals" are people.

Black's Law Dictionary - Free Online Legal Dictionary
Trump got A LOT of free TV advertising from the News media, more than anyone in the campaigns, all combined together...

Trump also got the FREE Russian help with Trolls and Bots, and wikileaks help, and Trump also got all the money that Robert Mercer put in to help him in a back door manner, and Trump got the illegal Russian oligarch money spent on the NRA advertising for him and against Hillary, and Trump got the illegal campaign help from the National Enquirer...

And let us not forget Cambridge Analytica and their help, with stolen lists of Face book users.

so, please spare us that lie of Trump's that his campaign spent less.... maybe out of his own pocket he spent less, but others were spending the money on him, ILLEGALLY.

Yeah, somehow the overwhelmingly negative coverage actually helped Trump win the election. Screaming homophobe, misogynist, RACIST at everyone who doesn't immediately ditch Christianity and convert to the cult of radical social justice is a great way to win the hearts and minds of average white voters.
He calls the idea Hillary being beaten by Russians “a farce”. Anyone with any sense (or good will) knows that. And the point that the House and Senate and so many state elections followed the wave would make any thinking person pause.
Want to know who openly interfered in American politics with traitorous Democrats help? Mexico.

Watch El Presedente Calderon viciously attack American states and demand open immigration...and watch Democrats give him a standing ovation.


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