Norquist book: IRS assault on Tea Party saved Obama's presidency

Republicans bowing to pressure from guys like Norquist is why we have the deficits we have.

It is notable that Norquist made them pledge to no new taxes, but did not make them pledge to no new spending.

Which is why the debt soared under a GOP Congress and White House.
Hmmmm, no. Multi-trillion dollar social programs like ACA are the reason we have deficits.

Because there were never any deficits before the ACA. The GOP Congress and White House never ran any deficits.

Oh, wait...

Speaking of expensive medical entitlement programs, Medicare D was a trillion dollar medical entitlement program added by the Republicans. And, unlike the ACA, had no provisions in it to pay for itself.
I thought Obama won because of free stuff and voter fraud

This is just a variation on the "Because gifts" bogus meme.

It just doesn't occur to the crooked mind that one lost because one simply sucks. The crooked mind rationalizes the only way it could have been beaten was through cheating.

Psychological projection.
Ya mean like the Bush Selection?
Yes, exactly like that.

Norquist is a titty baby sore loser.

Republicans bowing to pressure from guys like Norquist is why we have the deficits we have.
Hmm Norwuist is in favor of reducing spending. If pols bowed to pressure from him there would be no deficits. Instead pols bow to the likes of Pelosi and Obama and keep increasing the deficit.
Hmmmm, no. Multi-trillion dollar social programs like ACA are the reason we have deficits.

Because there were never any deficits before the ACA. The GOP Congress and White House never ran any deficits.

Oh, wait...

Speaking of expensive medical entitlement programs, Medicare D was a trillion dollar medical entitlement program added by the Republicans. And, unlike the ACA, had no provisions in it to pay for itself.
Abd Dems opposed. Because it didnt spend enough. And the only entitlement program to come in under projections.
Most of the Republicans in Congress, after taking an oath to the constitution, and receiving taxpayer funds for their pay, signed a pledge to the head of a coke brothers funded think tank to not raise taxes, and the conservaloons on this thread see nothing wrong with this.
So the Republicans pander to the "no new taxes" crowd with Norquist's pledge. Meanwhile, they continue the time-honored tradition of buying votes with more government gifts.

No new taxes, more spending. A winning electoral formula every time.

Then they whine when the Democrats win "because gifts". :badgrin:

We take you now to Newt "Moon Base" Gingrich as he whines about prolific Democratic spending practices...
With the boomers retiring, there's not going to be any cutting of spending. Any entitlement reform has to include new revenues. Even Coburn's proposal included higher premiums for the more affluent, and even that plan was never fully vetted as to it's "math" concerning how much it'd reduce deficits.
Democrats: Tax and spend.

Republicans: Borrow and spend.

Wake up, America! The only time we see you taking that government nipple out of your mouth is to whine about the government spending too much!

"Take away my deductions, credits, and exemptions so everyone can have lower tax rates and a balanced budget? I DON'T THINK SO!!!"
"A higher retirement age since we are living decades longer than our ancestors who established Social Security as an insurance plan for people who lived beyond the mean life expectancy of 60? I DON'T THINK SO!!!"
Hmmmm, no. Multi-trillion dollar social programs like ACA are the reason we have deficits.

Because there were never any deficits before the ACA. The GOP Congress and White House never ran any deficits.

Oh, wait...

Speaking of expensive medical entitlement programs, Medicare D was a trillion dollar medical entitlement program added by the Republicans. And, unlike the ACA, had no provisions in it to pay for itself.
I said "programs like ACA." That includes boondoggles like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, welfare, yada, yada, yada.
I need my child tax credits, my mortgage interest deduction, my employer-sponsored health insurance tax exemption, and my solar panel tax credit. Take that motherfucking leech's Obamaphone away from him and add ten points to each income tax bracket! Then borrow the rest from China.

Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.
Democrats: Tax and spend.

Republicans: Borrow and spend.

Wake up, America! The only time we see you taking that government nipple out of your mouth is to whine about the government spending too much!

"Take away my deductions, credits, and exemptions so everyone can have lower tax rates and a balanced budget? I DON'T THINK SO!!!"

Other then the last 3 months have not the democrats been in power for the last 8 years? Why in the hell do you keep harping on Republicans? WTF is wrong with you?
I thought the propaganda you people had settled on was that Romney lost because he wasn't conservative enough and the hard line conservative vote, as in Tea Party,

didn't turn out?

Comon, people. One myth at a time.
No that the propaganda people like yourself are putting out

No? Conservatives didn't claim Romney wasn't conservative enough? lol

Romney was too moderate.

Proponents: American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer, Robert Walsh of National Review, Erick Erickson of Red State

Conservative Explanations for Romney s Loss The Nation

Romney blasted after loss for not campaigning as a conservative

Romney blasted for not campaigning as a conservative The Daily Caller

Conservatives lambast Romney, vow to take over Republican Party

Conservatives lambast Romney vow to take over Republican Party TheHill

Shall I go on?

Now isn't that precious? It's premise wasn't acdepted, so it runs to validate ab element of the premise on the absurd notion that because that element is accurate within a narrow context... The premise is incontrovertible!

Lol... You literally can't make this crap up
Looks like a drunk post there, smooth.
Democrats: Tax and spend.

Republicans: Borrow and spend.

Wake up, America! The only time we see you taking that government nipple out of your mouth is to whine about the government spending too much!

"Take away my deductions, credits, and exemptions so everyone can have lower tax rates and a balanced budget? I DON'T THINK SO!!!"

Other then the last 3 months have not the democrats been in power for the last 8 years? Why in the hell do you keep harping on Republicans? WTF is wrong with you?
Noones been in charge. We've had bitter fillibisterring gridlock since what....2006?

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