Norquist book: IRS assault on Tea Party saved Obama's presidency

From August, 2011 (about the time supposedly the IRS was hurting the Tea Party?)

Tea Party Group FreedomWorks Plans Anti-Romney Rally

"After months of distancing himself from the tea party, suddenly Mitt Romney wants to be one of us.

That's right, the big-spending former governor who signed Massachusetts' very own version of ObamaCare is scheduled to take the stage this Sunday at a rally in Concord, NH to lecture real conservatives about limited government and fiscal responsibility.

FreedomWorks and tea party groups from around the region will be there. But not to hear more platitudes from an establishment hack posing as an outsider.

We'll be there to tell the real story about Mitt Romney, and to protest his record, which represents everything the tea party stands against.

After all, if we don't hold candidates accountable for their actions while in office, who will? If we let ourselves be used as pawns to provide cover for the establishment, then what is the point of having the tea party?
We're standing on principle, not politics. Will you join us?"

Stop pretending that Romney lost because the IRS prevented them from giving him their full support. lol
Neat, a book based on unproved speculation.

Specifically, "an administration ordered."

Thats the part theyve been trying to "prove," and havent yet done so thus no convictions. Remember?

Why is propoganda not easily avoided?

Confirmation bias feeds the ego, that's why.

I still like ya though.
Bush lied.
Nixon covered up Watergate.
Those were all unproven as well.
Your responsive knee jerk reaction tells all.

Norquist is probably right. It is certain the administration and Democrats used the IRS to suppress TP groups and mute the opposition ahead of the election. Was that enough to by itself to tip the election to Obozo, or was it illegal votes, intimidation, or other dirty tricks that did it? We may never know.
You have a loose definition of certain and incredibly (bad) guesswork re: your nixon/bush quip.

But your nickname is failsalot, failsalot.

He didn't use the word "certain," numskull.

Don't you feel stupid now?
Unfortunately he wont. He will spin and deflect to the next subject.
Neat, a book based on unproved speculation.

Specifically, "an administration ordered."

Thats the part theyve been trying to "prove," and havent yet done so thus no convictions. Remember?

Why is propoganda not easily avoided?

Confirmation bias feeds the ego, that's why.

I still like ya though.
Bush lied.
Nixon covered up Watergate.
Those were all unproven as well.
Your responsive knee jerk reaction tells all.

Norquist is probably right. It is certain the administration and Democrats used the IRS to suppress TP groups and mute the opposition ahead of the election. Was that enough to by itself to tip the election to Obozo, or was it illegal votes, intimidation, or other dirty tricks that did it? We may never know.
You have a loose definition of certain and incredibly (bad) guesswork re: your nixon/bush quip.

But your nickname is failsalot, failsalot.

He didn't use the word "certain," numskull.

Don't you feel stupid now?
Unfortunately he wont. He will spin and deflect to the next subject.
You used the word certain, spin and deflect that you hapless pair of morons. :lol:
Neat, a book based on unproved speculation.

Specifically, "an administration ordered."

Thats the part theyve been trying to "prove," and havent yet done so thus no convictions. Remember?

Why is propoganda not easily avoided?

Confirmation bias feeds the ego, that's why.

I still like ya though.
Bush lied.
Nixon covered up Watergate.
Those were all unproven as well.
Your responsive knee jerk reaction tells all.

Norquist is probably right. It is certain the administration and Democrats used the IRS to suppress TP groups and mute the opposition ahead of the election. Was that enough to by itself to tip the election to Obozo, or was it illegal votes, intimidation, or other dirty tricks that did it? We may never know.
You have a loose definition of certain and incredibly (bad) guesswork re: your nixon/bush quip.

But your nickname is failsalot, failsalot.

He didn't use the word "certain," numskull.

Don't you feel stupid now?
"It is certain"....

Its right in his post.

Oh shit.....wear that egg on your face.
What I wrote is certain. We have communication from Schumer and other Democrats to the IRS asking them to "do something" about TP groups. Lerner said she was "under tremendous pressure to do something" about them. It hardly gets more certain than that.
The Tea Party is dead. Get over it.

Not dead just out working for our livelihood, unlike you libtard vultures. We are still the same people with the same Christian ideals and we will be voting for the 'not Democrat' candidate in 2016. Be afraid, be very afraid!

its funny seeing them have all these wet dreams of how they are NOW the ones in the front driving the bus over people...if that isn't sick
Neat, a book based on unproved speculation.

Specifically, "an administration ordered."

Thats the part theyve been trying to "prove," and havent yet done so thus no convictions. Remember?

Why is propoganda not easily avoided?

Confirmation bias feeds the ego, that's why.

I still like ya though.
Bush lied.
Nixon covered up Watergate.
Those were all unproven as well.
Your responsive knee jerk reaction tells all.

Norquist is probably right. It is certain the administration and Democrats used the IRS to suppress TP groups and mute the opposition ahead of the election. Was that enough to by itself to tip the election to Obozo, or was it illegal votes, intimidation, or other dirty tricks that did it? We may never know.
You have a loose definition of certain and incredibly (bad) guesswork re: your nixon/bush quip.

But your nickname is failsalot, failsalot.

He didn't use the word "certain," numskull.

Don't you feel stupid now?
"It is certain"....

Its right in his post.

Oh shit.....wear that egg on your face.
What I wrote is certain. We have communication from Schumer and other Democrats to the IRS asking them to "do something" about TP groups. Lerner said she was "under tremendous pressure to do something" about them. It hardly gets more certain than that.
What you did was....

Quote a guy who claimed that rabbi didnt even USE the word "certain,"

All the while, within his very post he quoted you doing just that.......

And within your quoting him, piled in and agreed with his uhh.....oversight shall we call it.

Another rabbifail, brought to you by the reigning champion, aka g.t.
I thought the propaganda you people had settled on was that Romney lost because he wasn't conservative enough and the hard line conservative vote, as in Tea Party,

didn't turn out?

Comon, people. One myth at a time.
No that the propaganda people like yourself are putting out
Just wondering,when Obama himself got on national TV and condemned the IRS actions,was he making ups myth's?
You should take your own advice one myth at a time.

Obama's M.O.: Do it, Condemn it loud and fast, quietly kill the DOJ investigation.
See folks, there's no 'there' there.
Bush lied.
Nixon covered up Watergate.
Those were all unproven as well.
Your responsive knee jerk reaction tells all.

Norquist is probably right. It is certain the administration and Democrats used the IRS to suppress TP groups and mute the opposition ahead of the election. Was that enough to by itself to tip the election to Obozo, or was it illegal votes, intimidation, or other dirty tricks that did it? We may never know.
You have a loose definition of certain and incredibly (bad) guesswork re: your nixon/bush quip.

But your nickname is failsalot, failsalot.

He didn't use the word "certain," numskull.

Don't you feel stupid now?
"It is certain"....

Its right in his post.

Oh shit.....wear that egg on your face.
What I wrote is certain. We have communication from Schumer and other Democrats to the IRS asking them to "do something" about TP groups. Lerner said she was "under tremendous pressure to do something" about them. It hardly gets more certain than that.
What you did was....

Quote a guy who claimed that rabbi didnt even USE the word "certain,"

All the while, within his very post he quoted you doing just that.......

And within your quoting him, piled in and agreed with his uhh.....oversight shall we call it.

Another rabbifail, brought to you by the reigning champion, aka g.t.
You fail in yoru post and you fail here.
You are FailKing 1.0 of USMB.
Dont even try to engage the actual subject. It's waay beyond you.
Norquist isn't so much anti-tax as anti-govt, imo. He's tied to the starve the beast philosophy, which is obviously a failure because the voters would rather let the beast eat their children's futures that starve the beast. And, I think that's true of most of the Tea Partiers too, because they never seriously coalesced around what it would take to actually get the deficits under control. Basically, we'd have to cap Medicaid and Medicare (single payor anyone, anyone, anyone?) AND raise taxes back to pre-W days. And THAT might not be enough.

I applaud guys like Tom Coburn who are least trying to be honest.
Norquist isn't so much anti-tax as anti-govt, imo. He's tied to the starve the beast philosophy, which is obviously a failure because the voters would rather let the beast eat their children's futures that starve the beast. And, I think that's true of most of the Tea Partiers too, because they never seriously coalesced around what it would take to actually get the deficits under control. Basically, we'd have to cap Medicaid and Medicare (single payor anyone, anyone, anyone?) AND raise taxes back to pre-W days. And THAT might not be enough.

I applaud guys like Tom Coburn who are least trying to be honest.
What "voters" would that be? The Obama Cell Phone Lady?
If Bush had used the IRS to squash grassroots organizations that opposed his policies, the Left would have rioted for impeachment. It would behoove them to consider that accepting the Obama Administration's abuses as legitimate uses of Executive Power will enable a Conservative President to use the same methods on them some day.

You would have defended Bush every step of the way.

Absolutely not. That's the difference between people, such as I, who respect The Constitution, and those, such as you, who embrace the Prog Ends Justify The Means mob tactics.

Nixon resigned; the GOP did not circle the wagons to help him destroy The Constitution...very different from how the Dems have colluded with Obama in the present day.
If you respected the Constitution youd require proof and a trial before propogandizing like you have about any Obama involvement in the IRS case.

Are you as stupid as you make yourself out to be?

The head of the IRS had more meetings in the White House than any other Department Head. Do you think they were talking ab out the price of tea in China? fucking moron!!
Norquist isn't so much anti-tax as anti-govt, imo. He's tied to the starve the beast philosophy, which is obviously a failure because the voters would rather let the beast eat their children's futures that starve the beast. And, I think that's true of most of the Tea Partiers too, because they never seriously coalesced around what it would take to actually get the deficits under control. Basically, we'd have to cap Medicaid and Medicare (single payor anyone, anyone, anyone?) AND raise taxes back to pre-W days. And THAT might not be enough.

I applaud guys like Tom Coburn who are least trying to be honest.

But of course. We little people can't expect this MONSTER government to CUT BACK. oh no. their answer to everything. RAISE YOUR TAXES. Because working all of four months JUST to pay for running this stinking Monster isn't enough on your backs
You have a loose definition of certain and incredibly (bad) guesswork re: your nixon/bush quip.

But your nickname is failsalot, failsalot.

He didn't use the word "certain," numskull.

Don't you feel stupid now?
"It is certain"....

Its right in his post.

Oh shit.....wear that egg on your face.
What I wrote is certain. We have communication from Schumer and other Democrats to the IRS asking them to "do something" about TP groups. Lerner said she was "under tremendous pressure to do something" about them. It hardly gets more certain than that.
What you did was....

Quote a guy who claimed that rabbi didnt even USE the word "certain,"

All the while, within his very post he quoted you doing just that.......

And within your quoting him, piled in and agreed with his uhh.....oversight shall we call it.

Another rabbifail, brought to you by the reigning champion, aka g.t.
You fail in yoru post and you fail here.
You are FailKing 1.0 of USMB.
Dont even try to engage the actual subject. It's waay beyond you.
Your failure to show my failure is....

Yet again...

Another rabbi fail.

Whereas, i clearly spread the egg across both you and babybrat's faces by pointing to the fact that you undeniably used the term "certain"

I got something.
You got nothing.

GT wins. Master of the Universe. HOO RAH
Everytime the gop tried to privatize soc sec or medicare, the VOTERS punished them. Every damn time. Even Reagan compromised and raised taxes. Every damn time. So get real or sod off.
He didn't use the word "certain," numskull.

Don't you feel stupid now?
"It is certain"....

Its right in his post.

Oh shit.....wear that egg on your face.
What I wrote is certain. We have communication from Schumer and other Democrats to the IRS asking them to "do something" about TP groups. Lerner said she was "under tremendous pressure to do something" about them. It hardly gets more certain than that.
What you did was....

Quote a guy who claimed that rabbi didnt even USE the word "certain,"

All the while, within his very post he quoted you doing just that.......

And within your quoting him, piled in and agreed with his uhh.....oversight shall we call it.

Another rabbifail, brought to you by the reigning champion, aka g.t.
You fail in yoru post and you fail here.
You are FailKing 1.0 of USMB.
Dont even try to engage the actual subject. It's waay beyond you.
Your failure to show my failure is....

Yet again...

Another rabbi fail.

Whereas, i clearly spread the egg across both you and babybrat's faces by pointing to the fact that you undeniably used the term "certain"

I got something.
You got nothing.

GT wins. Master of the Universe. HOO RAH
Yes, little man. You are a legend in your own mind.
"It is certain"....

Its right in his post.

Oh shit.....wear that egg on your face.
What I wrote is certain. We have communication from Schumer and other Democrats to the IRS asking them to "do something" about TP groups. Lerner said she was "under tremendous pressure to do something" about them. It hardly gets more certain than that.
What you did was....

Quote a guy who claimed that rabbi didnt even USE the word "certain,"

All the while, within his very post he quoted you doing just that.......

And within your quoting him, piled in and agreed with his uhh.....oversight shall we call it.

Another rabbifail, brought to you by the reigning champion, aka g.t.
You fail in yoru post and you fail here.
You are FailKing 1.0 of USMB.
Dont even try to engage the actual subject. It's waay beyond you.
Your failure to show my failure is....

Yet again...

Another rabbi fail.

Whereas, i clearly spread the egg across both you and babybrat's faces by pointing to the fact that you undeniably used the term "certain"

I got something.
You got nothing.

GT wins. Master of the Universe. HOO RAH
Yes, little man. You are a legend in your own mind.
And i get laid by a gorgeous blonde with huge tits whenever I see fit.

Life is good, rabbifail. Life is good.
Everytime the gop tried to privatize soc sec or medicare, the VOTERS punished them. Every damn time. Even Reagan compromised and raised taxes. Every damn time. So get real or sod off.

Reagan was 25 YEARS ago. we are living in this day and age. some of you should try it
What I wrote is certain. We have communication from Schumer and other Democrats to the IRS asking them to "do something" about TP groups. Lerner said she was "under tremendous pressure to do something" about them. It hardly gets more certain than that.
What you did was....

Quote a guy who claimed that rabbi didnt even USE the word "certain,"

All the while, within his very post he quoted you doing just that.......

And within your quoting him, piled in and agreed with his uhh.....oversight shall we call it.

Another rabbifail, brought to you by the reigning champion, aka g.t.
You fail in yoru post and you fail here.
You are FailKing 1.0 of USMB.
Dont even try to engage the actual subject. It's waay beyond you.
Your failure to show my failure is....

Yet again...

Another rabbi fail.

Whereas, i clearly spread the egg across both you and babybrat's faces by pointing to the fact that you undeniably used the term "certain"

I got something.
You got nothing.

GT wins. Master of the Universe. HOO RAH
Yes, little man. You are a legend in your own mind.
And i get laid by a gorgeous blonde with huge tits whenever I see fit.

Life is good, rabbifail. Life is good.
Yes of course you do.
LOL! What a joke you are.

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