Norquist book: IRS assault on Tea Party saved Obama's presidency

Neat, a book based on unproved speculation.

Specifically, "an administration ordered."

Thats the part theyve been trying to "prove," and havent yet done so thus no convictions. Remember?

Why is propoganda not easily avoided?

Confirmation bias feeds the ego, that's why.

I still like ya though.
Bush lied.
Nixon covered up Watergate.
Those were all unproven as well.
Your responsive knee jerk reaction tells all.

Norquist is probably right. It is certain the administration and Democrats used the IRS to suppress TP groups and mute the opposition ahead of the election. Was that enough to by itself to tip the election to Obozo, or was it illegal votes, intimidation, or other dirty tricks that did it? We may never know.
You have a loose definition of certain and incredibly (bad) guesswork re: your nixon/bush quip.

But your nickname is failsalot, failsalot.

He didn't use the word "certain," numskull.

Don't you feel stupid now?
"It is certain"....

Its right in his post.

Oh shit.....wear that egg on your face.
Obama certainly wasn't the first to use the IRS as a weapon.

Norquist book IRS assault on Tea Party saved Obama s presidency

The administration-ordered persecution of Tea Party groups shut down the movement in time to save President Obama's reelection and starve Republican Mitt Romney of the 4,262,296 votes needed to take the White House, according to an explosive new book from tax foe Grover Norquist.

In End The IRS Before It Ends Us, a clarion call for a new, fairer tax system, Norquist pieces together the IRS scandal and scholarly electoral studies to show that plot worked to stifle the expanding Tea Party movement in the nick of time to help Obama.

RELATED: Cause of Action presses IRS on taxpayer data shared with White House

"Had the Tea Party repeated and built on their activism of 2009 and 2010 in 2011 and 2012, Obama would have lost the election. What happened to the Tea Party boost? It didn't grow from 2010. It appeared to weaken," writes Norquist, president of the influential Americans for Tax Reform.

But, he adds, "The Tea Party didn't fall down the stairs. It was pushed."

I wonder if Norquist has any insight into the mysteries of Rosie ODonnell's inexplicable rotund physique?

Some speculate that such is due to an inordinate uptake of concentrated calories, compounded by a tendency to remain at rest. But, perhaps Grover could write a book informing us of the specifics... .


Such has always been the goal of the Ideological Left... its just that never before has the US Federal Government ever been so blatant about it and had such little opposition as a consequence. Which does NOT bode well for the viability of the United States as a free nation.

Lois Learner should already be in prison serving consecutive Life Terms for Each Count of the HUNDREDS of Counts of USURPING THE RIGHTS OF AMERICANS... yet the "Justice Department" is not even referring CHARGES, let alone mounting an investigation and THIS: DESPITE THE MOUNTAIN OF EVIDENCE THAT AN OVERT, ORGANIZED EFFORT WAS MADE BY INNUMERABLE PARTIES, WHO CONSPIRED TO DESTROY EVIDENCE OF HIGH-CRIMES AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES!

At this point, there should be SEVERAL IMPEACHMENT TRIALS IN PROGRESS TO REMOVE THE PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, ATTORNEY GENERAL... yet... not a dam' word can be found, so much as advancing the idea.

It's as if the people presently in the Legislature have absolutely NO IDEA what the purpose of the Legislature is, let alone the US Federal Government on the whole.
I thought the propaganda you people had settled on was that Romney lost because he wasn't conservative enough and the hard line conservative vote, as in Tea Party,

didn't turn out?

Comon, people. One myth at a time.
No that the propaganda people like yourself are putting out
Just wondering,when Obama himself got on national TV and condemned the IRS actions,was he making ups myth's?
You should take your own advice one myth at a time.
I thought the propaganda you people had settled on was that Romney lost because he wasn't conservative enough and the hard line conservative vote, as in Tea Party,

didn't turn out?

Comon, people. One myth at a time.
No that the propaganda people like yourself are putting out
Just wondering,when Obama himself got on national TV and condemned the IRS actions,was he making ups myth's?
You should take your own advice one myth at a time.

Obama is never wrong? Is that your new stance?
That was their plan ALL ALONG

Obama has used this government as a WEAPON against us. and his base cheered it. so we got a disgusting Tyrant as President and his administration has walked all over us...The damage they've done to us, I don't know if we'll ever get out from underneath it.
If Bush had used the IRS to squash grassroots organizations that opposed his policies, the Left would have rioted for impeachment. It would behoove them to consider that accepting the Obama Administration's abuses as legitimate uses of Executive Power will enable a Conservative President to use the same methods on them some day.
I thought the propaganda you people had settled on was that Romney lost because he wasn't conservative enough and the hard line conservative vote, as in Tea Party,

didn't turn out?

Comon, people. One myth at a time.
No that the propaganda people like yourself are putting out

No? Conservatives didn't claim Romney wasn't conservative enough? lol

Romney was too moderate.

Proponents: American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer, Robert Walsh of National Review, Erick Erickson of Red State

Conservative Explanations for Romney s Loss The Nation

Romney blasted after loss for not campaigning as a conservative

Romney blasted for not campaigning as a conservative The Daily Caller

Conservatives lambast Romney, vow to take over Republican Party

Conservatives lambast Romney vow to take over Republican Party TheHill

Shall I go on?
If Bush had used the IRS to squash grassroots organizations that opposed his policies, the Left would have rioted for impeachment. It would behoove them to consider that accepting the Obama Administration's abuses as legitimate uses of Executive Power will enable a Conservative President to use the same methods on them some day.

You would have defended Bush every step of the way.
If Bush had used the IRS to squash grassroots organizations that opposed his policies, the Left would have rioted for impeachment. It would behoove them to consider that accepting the Obama Administration's abuses as legitimate uses of Executive Power will enable a Conservative President to use the same methods on them some day.

YEP. instead they cheered them on. Because it was their fellow countrymen and women they hated
That was their plan ALL ALONG

Obama has used this government as a WEAPON against us. and his base cheered it. so we got a disgusting Tyrant as President and his administration has walked all over us...The damage they've done to us, I don't know if we'll ever get out from underneath it.

It's like people live in their own little fantasy world.
People like these RWnuts who invariably make excuses and shift blame for their defeats are the best possible examples one can find to go under the heading


and under the category of

failure to take personal responsibility.
If Bush had used the IRS to squash grassroots organizations that opposed his policies, the Left would have rioted for impeachment. It would behoove them to consider that accepting the Obama Administration's abuses as legitimate uses of Executive Power will enable a Conservative President to use the same methods on them some day.
Proving Obama had something to do with it is supposed to come BEFORE saying shit like this.
Also, the elephant in the room was always that they werent supposed to qualify as tax exempt if they were political based groups.

Yet not getting the tax exemption, targeted or not, hurt the oh so political "tea party" to the point it hurt them in a Presidential election?

Hmmmmmmm Doctor Spock. Hmmmmm

Of course, morons like you would have us believe that and the HuffingtonPost are not political organizations. The criteria is whether they are "partisan," meaning do they contribute to politicians or give them endorsements like the NAACP does, and the answer is a resounding "no."
Angry old people like you have no place within intelligent discourse. You should stop wasting your time in these discussions, all you're doing is driving yourself MAD. Look at ya.

Is that really the best "logic" you got?
Also, the elephant in the room was always that they werent supposed to qualify as tax exempt if they were political based groups.

Yet not getting the tax exemption, targeted or not, hurt the oh so political "tea party" to the point it hurt them in a Presidential election?

Hmmmmmmm Doctor Spock. Hmmmmm

Of course, morons like you would have us believe that and the HuffingtonPost are not political organizations. The criteria is whether they are "partisan," meaning do they contribute to politicians or give them endorsements like the NAACP does, and the answer is a resounding "no."
Angry old people like you have no place within intelligent discourse. You should stop wasting your time in these discussions, all you're doing is driving yourself MAD. Look at ya.

Is that really the best "logic" you got?
This is your second response to this same post.

If Bush had used the IRS to squash grassroots organizations that opposed his policies, the Left would have rioted for impeachment. It would behoove them to consider that accepting the Obama Administration's abuses as legitimate uses of Executive Power will enable a Conservative President to use the same methods on them some day.

You would have defended Bush every step of the way.

Absolutely not. That's the difference between people, such as I, who respect The Constitution, and those, such as you, who embrace the Prog Ends Justify The Means mob tactics.

Nixon resigned; the GOP did not circle the wagons to help him destroy The Constitution...very different from how the Dems have colluded with Obama in the present day.
If Bush had used the IRS to squash grassroots organizations that opposed his policies, the Left would have rioted for impeachment. It would behoove them to consider that accepting the Obama Administration's abuses as legitimate uses of Executive Power will enable a Conservative President to use the same methods on them some day.

You would have defended Bush every step of the way.

Absolutely not. That's the difference between people, such as I, who respect The Constitution, and those, such as you, who embrace the Prog Ends Justify The Means mob tactics.

Nixon resigned; the GOP did not circle the wagons to help him destroy The Constitution...very different from how the Dems have colluded with Obama in the present day.
If you respected the Constitution youd require proof and a trial before propogandizing like you have about any Obama involvement in the IRS case.
the people who supports the Democrat party today will be our downfall. they don't hold any of their party to any standards what so ever. they can lie, cheat, steal they don't care. hell they can even drown women, be a Grand Wizard in the KKK. THEY don't give a crap
the people who supports the Democrat party today will be our downfall. they don't hold any of their party to any standards what so ever. they can lie, cheat, steal they don't care. hell they can even drown women, be a Grand Wizard in the KKK. THEY don't give a crap
And you're as dumb as a bag of hammers. The fuck is your point?
If Bush had used the IRS to squash grassroots organizations that opposed his policies, the Left would have rioted for impeachment. It would behoove them to consider that accepting the Obama Administration's abuses as legitimate uses of Executive Power will enable a Conservative President to use the same methods on them some day.

You would have defended Bush every step of the way.

Absolutely not. That's the difference between people, such as I, who respect The Constitution, and those, such as you, who embrace the Prog Ends Justify The Means mob tactics.

Nixon resigned; the GOP did not circle the wagons to help him destroy The Constitution...very different from how the Dems have colluded with Obama in the present day.
If you respected the Constitution youd require proof and a trial before propogandizing like you have about any Obama involvement in the IRS case.

Sigh. I respect grammar and punctuation nearly as much as The Constitution.

I also respect rational thought. The Obama Administration has gone to extreme lengths to cover up and prevent a proper investigation. Despite that, enough information has leaked out so that a Thinking Person can see that this abuse of power is beyond anything Nixon did.
The Tea Party is dead. Get over it.

Not dead just out working for our livelihood, unlike you libtard vultures. We are still the same people with the same Christian ideals and we will be voting for the 'not Democrat' candidate in 2016. Be afraid, be very afraid!

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