Norse woman identifies as a cat

Harmless but crazy. This young woman is wasting her life thinking that she is a cat. She tries to speak to people in her "cat language" which probably seriously limits her socially and professionally. It is definitely a mental disorder when it starts to interfere in your life and how you function.

as long as she is not dangerous, why should it matter so much what language she speaks or how she acts? She can speak to martians on planet q and the rest of the world can choose to ignore her, or they can try to learn more about her and interact with her so she is not so lonely and so she feels apart of this reality as well as her own. Maybe even learn from her how to escape the hardships, horrors and hates of this world and find one more peaceful and happy.

It is a sign of a mental illness when you need to escape from the real world into fantasy land and it starts to interfere in your life as a normally functioning human being! That is like the definition of mental illness!!! Lol. Now, we could go and say just about anything is "normal" if it makes someone feel they are escaping from reality. ANYTHING. You need to learn to cope with and deal with your reality in order to be a healthy and functional person. That is the reason WHY people do these things. They are unhealthy emotionally/mentally and cannot cope with reality.

People escape reality in books, movies, music, games, art, drugs, meditation. We escape reality in our dreams and imagination.
We would be very dull and uncreative if we did not escape a bit. We would truly go mad if we did not escape sometimes. Everyone needs to find a space and shut the rest of the world out and find a place of peace and happiness. Our vacations are escapes from reality of our day to day lives. We go on fantasy adventures and cruises to escape. We are willing to spend a great deal of money to find place so far from our reality and pretend we are in a different world or time. We role play with out spouses of loved ones.

The world is insane since we all fantasize and seek escape, even in our sleep.

The ones that don't that should be locked up as they are pressure cookers about to explode with no vent to blow off steam.

We vent, fantasize and escape on forums like this. How many pretend they know more or can solve the problems of the world by a few posts?

We all have our escapes, even over a cup of tea.
Harmless but crazy. This young woman is wasting her life thinking that she is a cat. She tries to speak to people in her "cat language" which probably seriously limits her socially and professionally. It is definitely a mental disorder when it starts to interfere in your life and how you function.

as long as she is not dangerous, why should it matter so much what language she speaks or how she acts? She can speak to martians on planet q and the rest of the world can choose to ignore her, or they can try to learn more about her and interact with her so she is not so lonely and so she feels apart of this reality as well as her own. Maybe even learn from her how to escape the hardships, horrors and hates of this world and find one more peaceful and happy.

It is a sign of a mental illness when you need to escape from the real world into fantasy land and it starts to interfere in your life as a normally functioning human being! That is like the definition of mental illness!!! Lol. Now, we could go and say just about anything is "normal" if it makes someone feel they are escaping from reality. ANYTHING. You need to learn to cope with and deal with your reality in order to be a healthy and functional person. That is the reason WHY people do these things. They are unhealthy emotionally/mentally and cannot cope with reality.

People escape reality in books, movies, music, games, art, drugs, meditation. We escape reality in our dreams and imagination.
We would be very dull and uncreative if we did not escape a bit. We would truly go mad if we did not escape sometimes. Everyone needs to find a space and shut the rest of the world out and find a place of peace and happiness. Our vacations are escapes from reality of our day to day lives. We go on fantasy adventures and cruises to escape. We are willing to spend a great deal of money to find place so far from our reality and pretend we are in a different world or time. We role play with out spouses of loved ones.

The world is insane since we all fantasize and seek escape, even in our sleep.

The ones that don't that should be locked up as they are pressure cookers about to explode with no vent to blow off steam.

We vent, fantasize and escape on forums like this. How many pretend they know more or can solve the problems of the world by a few posts?

We all have our escapes, even over a cup of tea.

I think you realize that this is not the same thing at all. This woman needs psychiatric help! You are NOT helping her or people like her by feeding the delusions. You hurt them!
Harmless but crazy. This young woman is wasting her life thinking that she is a cat. She tries to speak to people in her "cat language" which probably seriously limits her socially and professionally. It is definitely a mental disorder when it starts to interfere in your life and how you function.

as long as she is not dangerous, why should it matter so much what language she speaks or how she acts? She can speak to martians on planet q and the rest of the world can choose to ignore her, or they can try to learn more about her and interact with her so she is not so lonely and so she feels apart of this reality as well as her own. Maybe even learn from her how to escape the hardships, horrors and hates of this world and find one more peaceful and happy.

It is a sign of a mental illness when you need to escape from the real world into fantasy land and it starts to interfere in your life as a normally functioning human being! That is like the definition of mental illness!!! Lol. Now, we could go and say just about anything is "normal" if it makes someone feel they are escaping from reality. ANYTHING. You need to learn to cope with and deal with your reality in order to be a healthy and functional person. That is the reason WHY people do these things. They are unhealthy emotionally/mentally and cannot cope with reality.

People escape reality in books, movies, music, games, art, drugs, meditation. We escape reality in our dreams and imagination.
We would be very dull and uncreative if we did not escape a bit. We would truly go mad if we did not escape sometimes. Everyone needs to find a space and shut the rest of the world out and find a place of peace and happiness. Our vacations are escapes from reality of our day to day lives. We go on fantasy adventures and cruises to escape. We are willing to spend a great deal of money to find place so far from our reality and pretend we are in a different world or time. We role play with out spouses of loved ones.

The world is insane since we all fantasize and seek escape, even in our sleep.

The ones that don't that should be locked up as they are pressure cookers about to explode with no vent to blow off steam.

We vent, fantasize and escape on forums like this. How many pretend they know more or can solve the problems of the world by a few posts?

We all have our escapes, even over a cup of tea.

I think you realize that this is not the same thing at all. This woman needs psychiatric help! You are NOT helping her or people like her by feeding the delusions. You hurt them!

If she did not have have an escape, would you prefer she become suicidal or dangerous? Reality is not so great a place for some people or at some times.

After war, many people seek an escape of sorts. Some don't come back, others find a balance between two worlds. I escaped into my family and shut much of the world out for years. I would not listen to news or get involved in discussion beyond work, home and a bit of entertainment. Some never enter the horrors of the real world, they are protected by family and friends. How real is that?

She might have a brain injury, or ingested some poison or mold. There might be no other reality for her and she is happy where she is. You are not in her shoes and should give her some benefit for her individuality. We have hippies and bohemians that still live in the 60's. We have people that live beyond society off the grid and live off the land. To some that is insane. I've lived at the ends of the world and now thing anyone that chooses to live in the snow is insane, or too young to know better. You might think people willing to join the army and go to war is insane. We all have our standards of sanity.

Maybe people that spray paint their body and stand around as statues all day are insane? Maybe people that join fantasy role playing games are maybe it is just their way of escape and regrouping.

Maybe the world is insane and only those who can find escape and peace, their own nirvana are the same ones.
Harmless but crazy. This young woman is wasting her life thinking that she is a cat. She tries to speak to people in her "cat language" which probably seriously limits her socially and professionally. It is definitely a mental disorder when it starts to interfere in your life and how you function.

as long as she is not dangerous, why should it matter so much what language she speaks or how she acts? She can speak to martians on planet q and the rest of the world can choose to ignore her, or they can try to learn more about her and interact with her so she is not so lonely and so she feels apart of this reality as well as her own. Maybe even learn from her how to escape the hardships, horrors and hates of this world and find one more peaceful and happy.

It is a sign of a mental illness when you need to escape from the real world into fantasy land and it starts to interfere in your life as a normally functioning human being! That is like the definition of mental illness!!! Lol. Now, we could go and say just about anything is "normal" if it makes someone feel they are escaping from reality. ANYTHING. You need to learn to cope with and deal with your reality in order to be a healthy and functional person. That is the reason WHY people do these things. They are unhealthy emotionally/mentally and cannot cope with reality.

People escape reality in books, movies, music, games, art, drugs, meditation. We escape reality in our dreams and imagination.
We would be very dull and uncreative if we did not escape a bit. We would truly go mad if we did not escape sometimes. Everyone needs to find a space and shut the rest of the world out and find a place of peace and happiness. Our vacations are escapes from reality of our day to day lives. We go on fantasy adventures and cruises to escape. We are willing to spend a great deal of money to find place so far from our reality and pretend we are in a different world or time. We role play with out spouses of loved ones.

The world is insane since we all fantasize and seek escape, even in our sleep.

The ones that don't that should be locked up as they are pressure cookers about to explode with no vent to blow off steam.

We vent, fantasize and escape on forums like this. How many pretend they know more or can solve the problems of the world by a few posts?

We all have our escapes, even over a cup of tea.

I think you realize that this is not the same thing at all. This woman needs psychiatric help! You are NOT helping her or people like her by feeding the delusions. You hurt them!

If she did not have have an escape, would you prefer she become suicidal or dangerous? Reality is not so great a place for some people or at some times.

After war, many people seek an escape of sorts. Some don't come back, others find a balance between two worlds. I escaped into my family and shut much of the world out for years. I would not listen to news or get involved in discussion beyond work, home and a bit of entertainment. Some never enter the horrors of the real world, they are protected by family and friends. How real is that?

She might have a brain injury, or ingested some poison or mold. There might be no other reality for her and she is happy where she is. You are not in her shoes and should give her some benefit for her individuality. We have hippies and bohemians that still live in the 60's. We have people that live beyond society off the grid and live off the land. To some that is insane. I've lived at the ends of the world and now thing anyone that chooses to live in the snow is insane, or too young to know better. You might think people willing to join the army and go to war is insane. We all have our standards of sanity.

Maybe people that spray paint their body and stand around as statues all day are insane? Maybe people that join fantasy role playing games are maybe it is just their way of escape and regrouping.

Maybe the world is insane and only those who can find escape and peace, their own nirvana are the same ones.

Good grief! this particular woman is not playing a game. This is how she lives her life. Lol. She needs psychiatric intervention so that she can live a productive and fulfilling life. Your solution is to do nothing to help her and leave her in misery. People who suffer from psychiatric problems do not REALIZE that they are suffering from a psychiatric problem in many cases.

None of your above examples are as extreme as a person actually believing that he or she is another species! That is nuts!
Harmless but crazy. This young woman is wasting her life thinking that she is a cat. She tries to speak to people in her "cat language" which probably seriously limits her socially and professionally. It is definitely a mental disorder when it starts to interfere in your life and how you function.

as long as she is not dangerous, why should it matter so much what language she speaks or how she acts? She can speak to martians on planet q and the rest of the world can choose to ignore her, or they can try to learn more about her and interact with her so she is not so lonely and so she feels apart of this reality as well as her own. Maybe even learn from her how to escape the hardships, horrors and hates of this world and find one more peaceful and happy.

It is a sign of a mental illness when you need to escape from the real world into fantasy land and it starts to interfere in your life as a normally functioning human being! That is like the definition of mental illness!!! Lol. Now, we could go and say just about anything is "normal" if it makes someone feel they are escaping from reality. ANYTHING. You need to learn to cope with and deal with your reality in order to be a healthy and functional person. That is the reason WHY people do these things. They are unhealthy emotionally/mentally and cannot cope with reality.

People escape reality in books, movies, music, games, art, drugs, meditation. We escape reality in our dreams and imagination.
We would be very dull and uncreative if we did not escape a bit. We would truly go mad if we did not escape sometimes. Everyone needs to find a space and shut the rest of the world out and find a place of peace and happiness. Our vacations are escapes from reality of our day to day lives. We go on fantasy adventures and cruises to escape. We are willing to spend a great deal of money to find place so far from our reality and pretend we are in a different world or time. We role play with out spouses of loved ones.

The world is insane since we all fantasize and seek escape, even in our sleep.

The ones that don't that should be locked up as they are pressure cookers about to explode with no vent to blow off steam.

We vent, fantasize and escape on forums like this. How many pretend they know more or can solve the problems of the world by a few posts?

We all have our escapes, even over a cup of tea.

I think you realize that this is not the same thing at all. This woman needs psychiatric help! You are NOT helping her or people like her by feeding the delusions. You hurt them!

If she did not have have an escape, would you prefer she become suicidal or dangerous? Reality is not so great a place for some people or at some times.

After war, many people seek an escape of sorts. Some don't come back, others find a balance between two worlds. I escaped into my family and shut much of the world out for years. I would not listen to news or get involved in discussion beyond work, home and a bit of entertainment. Some never enter the horrors of the real world, they are protected by family and friends. How real is that?

She might have a brain injury, or ingested some poison or mold. There might be no other reality for her and she is happy where she is. You are not in her shoes and should give her some benefit for her individuality. We have hippies and bohemians that still live in the 60's. We have people that live beyond society off the grid and live off the land. To some that is insane. I've lived at the ends of the world and now thing anyone that chooses to live in the snow is insane, or too young to know better. You might think people willing to join the army and go to war is insane. We all have our standards of sanity.

Maybe people that spray paint their body and stand around as statues all day are insane? Maybe people that join fantasy role playing games are maybe it is just their way of escape and regrouping.

Maybe the world is insane and only those who can find escape and peace, their own nirvana are the same ones.

Good grief. You cannot be serious with all of this garbage. The woman needs a psychiatrist. There is nothing else for you to argue about.
Magna cum laude.
Has Harvard denied that he graduated Magna Cum Laude?

No grades to support their and his claim. It's not a matter of what had been denied, it's a matter of what hasn't been proven with verifiable evidence.

You want to believe whatever he says so you're willing to accept it when nothing has been provided. It's not about Harvard. It's about him and his lack of proof.
He doesn't have to release his grades. But Harvard would certainly lose a lot of credibility if they gave away the honor of magna cum laude incorrectly, and they refused to correct that mistake.

Then we shouldn't be expected to believe him.

If he's so proud of it, what's he afraid of? Have any of the white Presidents kept so much secret for so long? No.
A majority of Presidents never released their college transcripts.

Even one of your own on a leftist political hack website said info like that can't be found. You're speculating because you're afraid of what it would show.
Magna cum laude.
Has Harvard denied that he graduated Magna Cum Laude?

No grades to support their and his claim. It's not a matter of what had been denied, it's a matter of what hasn't been proven with verifiable evidence.

You want to believe whatever he says so you're willing to accept it when nothing has been provided. It's not about Harvard. It's about him and his lack of proof.
He doesn't have to release his grades. But Harvard would certainly lose a lot of credibility if they gave away the honor of magna cum laude incorrectly, and they refused to correct that mistake.

Then we shouldn't be expected to believe him.

If he's so proud of it, what's he afraid of? Have any of the white Presidents kept so much secret for so long? No.

My guess is that the transcripts show he applied as a foreign student to con the US into giving him aid for school.

He certainly doesn't want that to come out.


If he has nothing not hide, the self proclaimed most transparent President in history would show them.
Has Harvard denied that he graduated Magna Cum Laude?

No grades to support their and his claim. It's not a matter of what had been denied, it's a matter of what hasn't been proven with verifiable evidence.

You want to believe whatever he says so you're willing to accept it when nothing has been provided. It's not about Harvard. It's about him and his lack of proof.
He doesn't have to release his grades. But Harvard would certainly lose a lot of credibility if they gave away the honor of magna cum laude incorrectly, and they refused to correct that mistake.

Then we shouldn't be expected to believe him.

If he's so proud of it, what's he afraid of? Have any of the white Presidents kept so much secret for so long? No.
A majority of Presidents never released their college transcripts.

Even one of your own on a leftist political hack website said info like that can't be found. You're speculating because you're afraid of what it would show.
There have been 43 Presidents. You can't even find 3 of their transcripts. Let's see if you can. I'll wait.
People have believed they are wolves, vampires, demons, horses, they have others trapped in their body, they hear voices................
If that's true, and I believe it is, can society deem them insane or do we have to turn our society upside down to accommodate them?

If not harmful to themselves or others, just accept them as different. Red hair instead of brown. Colourful, quirky, unique, themselves
As long as there are no laws saying I have to accommodate their deviancy.
No it never happened as there is zero evidence for it. Anyways, make sure to keep saying things like that black people are on a Democrat plantation. The DNC a
Only a fool would take advice from you. DNC is the new plantation and blacks are starting to wise up.
Please keep that up :thup:
You really want us to stop reminding the blacks of their plight due to negligence by the Democrat Party, the people who created the KKK, implemented Jim Crow and you know the rest. Today you Democrats seek the same result by keeping them poor and voting Democrat, only your methods have changed.
No it never happened as there is zero evidence for it. Anyways, make sure to keep saying things like that black people are on a Democrat plantation. The DNC a
Only a fool would take advice from you. DNC is the new plantation and blacks are starting to wise up.
Please keep that up :thup:
You really want us to stop reminding the blacks of their plight due to negligence by the Democrat Party, the people who created the KKK, implemented Jim Crow and you know the rest. Today you Democrats seek the same result by keeping them poor and voting Democrat, only your methods have changed.
Just keep doing what you've been doing. Please. I think it's fantastic. :thup:
as long as she is not dangerous, why should it matter so much what language she speaks or how she acts? She can speak to martians on planet q and the rest of the world can choose to ignore her, or they can try to learn more about her and interact with her so she is not so lonely and so she feels apart of this reality as well as her own. Maybe even learn from her how to escape the hardships, horrors and hates of this world and find one more peaceful and happy.

It is a sign of a mental illness when you need to escape from the real world into fantasy land and it starts to interfere in your life as a normally functioning human being! That is like the definition of mental illness!!! Lol. Now, we could go and say just about anything is "normal" if it makes someone feel they are escaping from reality. ANYTHING. You need to learn to cope with and deal with your reality in order to be a healthy and functional person. That is the reason WHY people do these things. They are unhealthy emotionally/mentally and cannot cope with reality.

People escape reality in books, movies, music, games, art, drugs, meditation. We escape reality in our dreams and imagination.
We would be very dull and uncreative if we did not escape a bit. We would truly go mad if we did not escape sometimes. Everyone needs to find a space and shut the rest of the world out and find a place of peace and happiness. Our vacations are escapes from reality of our day to day lives. We go on fantasy adventures and cruises to escape. We are willing to spend a great deal of money to find place so far from our reality and pretend we are in a different world or time. We role play with out spouses of loved ones.

The world is insane since we all fantasize and seek escape, even in our sleep.

The ones that don't that should be locked up as they are pressure cookers about to explode with no vent to blow off steam.

We vent, fantasize and escape on forums like this. How many pretend they know more or can solve the problems of the world by a few posts?

We all have our escapes, even over a cup of tea.

I think you realize that this is not the same thing at all. This woman needs psychiatric help! You are NOT helping her or people like her by feeding the delusions. You hurt them!

If she did not have have an escape, would you prefer she become suicidal or dangerous? Reality is not so great a place for some people or at some times.

After war, many people seek an escape of sorts. Some don't come back, others find a balance between two worlds. I escaped into my family and shut much of the world out for years. I would not listen to news or get involved in discussion beyond work, home and a bit of entertainment. Some never enter the horrors of the real world, they are protected by family and friends. How real is that?

She might have a brain injury, or ingested some poison or mold. There might be no other reality for her and she is happy where she is. You are not in her shoes and should give her some benefit for her individuality. We have hippies and bohemians that still live in the 60's. We have people that live beyond society off the grid and live off the land. To some that is insane. I've lived at the ends of the world and now thing anyone that chooses to live in the snow is insane, or too young to know better. You might think people willing to join the army and go to war is insane. We all have our standards of sanity.

Maybe people that spray paint their body and stand around as statues all day are insane? Maybe people that join fantasy role playing games are maybe it is just their way of escape and regrouping.

Maybe the world is insane and only those who can find escape and peace, their own nirvana are the same ones.

Good grief. You cannot be serious with all of this garbage. The woman needs a psychiatrist. There is nothing else for you to argue about.

The woman has a psychiatrist that says she might grow out of it. Maybe she will go into cat grooming or behaviorist. She might be a cat sitter or write books about cats. How do you know if she can be a productive person and still be a cat? She believes she has cat DNA, she has cat behavior, she has night vision.

It might be a fad of sorts or something she will live with her whole life, so what? Lycanthropy is a real syndrome that people manage to live with. Many shaman believe in animalism and being possessed by animals spirits. Tribes believe they descended from animals or birds. They manage to live productive lives.

If she want to wear cat ears on a head band, fuzzy gloves and wear of tail, who is she hurting? If she wants to walk on all fours and is afraid of dogs, what is the harm? A lot of people purr when satisfied or touched in tender ways. So what?

Maybe some her marbles are a bit out of place, but that does not mean she is missing any of them. She is not undergoing physical operations to replace her skin or bones. She is articulate enough in her language that she is making videos and giving interviews. She might turn her "cat" into a fortune and purr all the way to the bank.

Stop trying to lock her up. If she wants to tell the world she is a cat, let her.

How crazy can she really be?
It is a sign of a mental illness when you need to escape from the real world into fantasy land and it starts to interfere in your life as a normally functioning human being! That is like the definition of mental illness!!! Lol. Now, we could go and say just about anything is "normal" if it makes someone feel they are escaping from reality. ANYTHING. You need to learn to cope with and deal with your reality in order to be a healthy and functional person. That is the reason WHY people do these things. They are unhealthy emotionally/mentally and cannot cope with reality.

People escape reality in books, movies, music, games, art, drugs, meditation. We escape reality in our dreams and imagination.
We would be very dull and uncreative if we did not escape a bit. We would truly go mad if we did not escape sometimes. Everyone needs to find a space and shut the rest of the world out and find a place of peace and happiness. Our vacations are escapes from reality of our day to day lives. We go on fantasy adventures and cruises to escape. We are willing to spend a great deal of money to find place so far from our reality and pretend we are in a different world or time. We role play with out spouses of loved ones.

The world is insane since we all fantasize and seek escape, even in our sleep.

The ones that don't that should be locked up as they are pressure cookers about to explode with no vent to blow off steam.

We vent, fantasize and escape on forums like this. How many pretend they know more or can solve the problems of the world by a few posts?

We all have our escapes, even over a cup of tea.

I think you realize that this is not the same thing at all. This woman needs psychiatric help! You are NOT helping her or people like her by feeding the delusions. You hurt them!

If she did not have have an escape, would you prefer she become suicidal or dangerous? Reality is not so great a place for some people or at some times.

After war, many people seek an escape of sorts. Some don't come back, others find a balance between two worlds. I escaped into my family and shut much of the world out for years. I would not listen to news or get involved in discussion beyond work, home and a bit of entertainment. Some never enter the horrors of the real world, they are protected by family and friends. How real is that?

She might have a brain injury, or ingested some poison or mold. There might be no other reality for her and she is happy where she is. You are not in her shoes and should give her some benefit for her individuality. We have hippies and bohemians that still live in the 60's. We have people that live beyond society off the grid and live off the land. To some that is insane. I've lived at the ends of the world and now thing anyone that chooses to live in the snow is insane, or too young to know better. You might think people willing to join the army and go to war is insane. We all have our standards of sanity.

Maybe people that spray paint their body and stand around as statues all day are insane? Maybe people that join fantasy role playing games are maybe it is just their way of escape and regrouping.

Maybe the world is insane and only those who can find escape and peace, their own nirvana are the same ones.

Good grief. You cannot be serious with all of this garbage. The woman needs a psychiatrist. There is nothing else for you to argue about.

The woman has a psychiatrist that says she might grow out of it. Maybe she will go into cat grooming or behaviorist. She might be a cat sitter or write books about cats. How do you know if she can be a productive person and still be a cat? She believes she has cat DNA, she has cat behavior, she has night vision.

It might be a fad of sorts or something she will live with her whole life, so what? Lycanthropy is a real syndrome that people manage to live with. Many shaman believe in animalism and being possessed by animals spirits. Tribes believe they descended from animals or birds. They manage to live productive lives.

If she want to wear cat ears on a head band, fuzzy gloves and wear of tail, who is she hurting? If she wants to walk on all fours and is afraid of dogs, what is the harm? A lot of people purr when satisfied or touched in tender ways. So what?

Maybe some her marbles are a bit out of place, but that does not mean she is missing any of them. She is not undergoing physical operations to replace her skin or bones. She is articulate enough in her language that she is making videos and giving interviews. She might turn her "cat" into a fortune and purr all the way to the bank. How crazy can she really be?

Stop trying to lock her up. If she wants to tell the world she is a cat, let her.

How crazy can she really be?

Might grow out of it? She's 20 years old! She says she is going to live her life like a cat. Who said anything about locking her up? She needs psychiatric treatment.
I can accept that not everyone fits that mold and that people are different. Some people want to dye their hair an unusual color, be Goth, wear their pants below their waste like prisoners who want to be cornholed do. I get it.

That your avatar is a cat doesn't make you insane. That people wear costumes of cats doesn't make them insane. If someone likes cat food, while unusual, I don't know that it makes them insane. However, someone that thinks they ARE a cat is a different story. I draw the line between insane on this issue where people go from acting like a cat may act in certain situations to something think they are one.

While their may not be a threat, per se, the problem comes in when someone is allowed to believe they can be something they can never be. It doesn't matter how hard that idiot tries, they can never be a cat. To allow them to believe it is ridiculous.
The democrat party consists of fringe groups. Feminists, GBLT, Environmentalist, Code Pink, Communists, Occupy Wall Street, Fascists, Liberals, Progressives, BLM, Transgenders, white people who say they are black to name a few and now Democrats are welcoming people who think they are cats, bats or rats. Everyone of those fringe groups demand special accommodation and the Democrats are only too happy to write regulations or pass laws forcing the rest of us to bow to their demands. Just to keep Democrats in power.
It is a sign of a mental illness when you need to escape from the real world into fantasy land and it starts to interfere in your life as a normally functioning human being! That is like the definition of mental illness!!! Lol. Now, we could go and say just about anything is "normal" if it makes someone feel they are escaping from reality. ANYTHING. You need to learn to cope with and deal with your reality in order to be a healthy and functional person. That is the reason WHY people do these things. They are unhealthy emotionally/mentally and cannot cope with reality.

People escape reality in books, movies, music, games, art, drugs, meditation. We escape reality in our dreams and imagination.
We would be very dull and uncreative if we did not escape a bit. We would truly go mad if we did not escape sometimes. Everyone needs to find a space and shut the rest of the world out and find a place of peace and happiness. Our vacations are escapes from reality of our day to day lives. We go on fantasy adventures and cruises to escape. We are willing to spend a great deal of money to find place so far from our reality and pretend we are in a different world or time. We role play with out spouses of loved ones.

The world is insane since we all fantasize and seek escape, even in our sleep.

The ones that don't that should be locked up as they are pressure cookers about to explode with no vent to blow off steam.

We vent, fantasize and escape on forums like this. How many pretend they know more or can solve the problems of the world by a few posts?

We all have our escapes, even over a cup of tea.

I think you realize that this is not the same thing at all. This woman needs psychiatric help! You are NOT helping her or people like her by feeding the delusions. You hurt them!

If she did not have have an escape, would you prefer she become suicidal or dangerous? Reality is not so great a place for some people or at some times.

After war, many people seek an escape of sorts. Some don't come back, others find a balance between two worlds. I escaped into my family and shut much of the world out for years. I would not listen to news or get involved in discussion beyond work, home and a bit of entertainment. Some never enter the horrors of the real world, they are protected by family and friends. How real is that?

She might have a brain injury, or ingested some poison or mold. There might be no other reality for her and she is happy where she is. You are not in her shoes and should give her some benefit for her individuality. We have hippies and bohemians that still live in the 60's. We have people that live beyond society off the grid and live off the land. To some that is insane. I've lived at the ends of the world and now thing anyone that chooses to live in the snow is insane, or too young to know better. You might think people willing to join the army and go to war is insane. We all have our standards of sanity.

Maybe people that spray paint their body and stand around as statues all day are insane? Maybe people that join fantasy role playing games are maybe it is just their way of escape and regrouping.

Maybe the world is insane and only those who can find escape and peace, their own nirvana are the same ones.

Good grief. You cannot be serious with all of this garbage. The woman needs a psychiatrist. There is nothing else for you to argue about.

The woman has a psychiatrist that says she might grow out of it. Maybe she will go into cat grooming or behaviorist. She might be a cat sitter or write books about cats. How do you know if she can be a productive person and still be a cat? She believes she has cat DNA, she has cat behavior, she has night vision.

It might be a fad of sorts or something she will live with her whole life, so what? Lycanthropy is a real syndrome that people manage to live with. Many shaman believe in animalism and being possessed by animals spirits. Tribes believe they descended from animals or birds. They manage to live productive lives.

If she want to wear cat ears on a head band, fuzzy gloves and wear of tail, who is she hurting? If she wants to walk on all fours and is afraid of dogs, what is the harm? A lot of people purr when satisfied or touched in tender ways. So what?

Maybe some her marbles are a bit out of place, but that does not mean she is missing any of them. She is not undergoing physical operations to replace her skin or bones. She is articulate enough in her language that she is making videos and giving interviews. She might turn her "cat" into a fortune and purr all the way to the bank.

Stop trying to lock her up. If she wants to tell the world she is a cat, let her.

How crazy can she really be?

There are people who have had themselves changed to look like cats before. I'm sure that's next on her list of productive things to do with her life. :rolleyes-41: She thinks she was supposed to be a cat. That is what she says.
I can accept that not everyone fits that mold and that people are different. Some people want to dye their hair an unusual color, be Goth, wear their pants below their waste like prisoners who want to be cornholed do. I get it.

That your avatar is a cat doesn't make you insane. That people wear costumes of cats doesn't make them insane. If someone likes cat food, while unusual, I don't know that it makes them insane. However, someone that thinks they ARE a cat is a different story. I draw the line between insane on this issue where people go from acting like a cat may act in certain situations to something think they are one.

While their may not be a threat, per se, the problem comes in when someone is allowed to believe they can be something they can never be. It doesn't matter how hard that idiot tries, they can never be a cat. To allow them to believe it is ridiculous.
The democrat party consists of fringe groups. Feminists, GBLT, Environmentalist, Code Pink, Communists, Occupy Wall Street, Fascists, Liberals, Progressives, BLM, Transgenders, white people who say they are black to name a few and now Democrats are welcoming people who think they are cats, bats or rats. Everyone of those fringe groups demand special accommodation and the Democrats are only too happy to write regulations or pass laws forcing the rest of us to bow to their demands. Just to keep Democrats in power.

The wet dream Democrat candidate is a transgender, bisexual, hermaphrodite. It doesn't know what gender it is, doesn't know what gender it's attracted to, and was born with parts of both sexes.

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