Norse woman identifies as a cat

Female dogs sometimes eat their young. It is natural for us to also do so, right?
Not so much but it's natural to let them die in the snow when we can't feed them. Women have been doing that for eons.

Not so much? I posed a question based on fact. Are you willing to answer it?
We don't usually eat our own, that's not our nature.
Then the nature argument shouldn't b used in this discussion. Just because dogs walk around sniffing each others ass doesn't mean we should do it.

If she did not have have an escape, would you prefer she become suicidal or dangerous? Reality is not so great a place for some people or at some times.

After war, many people seek an escape of sorts. Some don't come back, others find a balance between two worlds. I escaped into my family and shut much of the world out for years. I would not listen to news or get involved in discussion beyond work, home and a bit of entertainment. Some never enter the horrors of the real world, they are protected by family and friends. How real is that?

She might have a brain injury, or ingested some poison or mold. There might be no other reality for her and she is happy where she is. You are not in her shoes and should give her some benefit for her individuality. We have hippies and bohemians that still live in the 60's. We have people that live beyond society off the grid and live off the land. To some that is insane. I've lived at the ends of the world and now thing anyone that chooses to live in the snow is insane, or too young to know better. You might think people willing to join the army and go to war is insane. We all have our standards of sanity.

Maybe people that spray paint their body and stand around as statues all day are insane? Maybe people that join fantasy role playing games are maybe it is just their way of escape and regrouping.

Maybe the world is insane and only those who can find escape and peace, their own nirvana are the same ones.

Good grief. You cannot be serious with all of this garbage. The woman needs a psychiatrist. There is nothing else for you to argue about.

The woman has a psychiatrist that says she might grow out of it. Maybe she will go into cat grooming or behaviorist. She might be a cat sitter or write books about cats. How do you know if she can be a productive person and still be a cat? She believes she has cat DNA, she has cat behavior, she has night vision.

It might be a fad of sorts or something she will live with her whole life, so what? Lycanthropy is a real syndrome that people manage to live with. Many shaman believe in animalism and being possessed by animals spirits. Tribes believe they descended from animals or birds. They manage to live productive lives.

If she want to wear cat ears on a head band, fuzzy gloves and wear of tail, who is she hurting? If she wants to walk on all fours and is afraid of dogs, what is the harm? A lot of people purr when satisfied or touched in tender ways. So what?

Maybe some her marbles are a bit out of place, but that does not mean she is missing any of them. She is not undergoing physical operations to replace her skin or bones. She is articulate enough in her language that she is making videos and giving interviews. She might turn her "cat" into a fortune and purr all the way to the bank.

How crazy can she really be?

There are people who have had themselves changed to look like cats before. I'm sure that's next on her list of productive things to do with her life. :rolleyes-41: She thinks she was supposed to be a cat. That is what she says.

Some people think they are barbie dolls and go through surgery to look like one. You don't know that they are not leading productive lives.

There are people born with strange formation or skin texture. Some people have forked tongues, some look like turtles, some have snake skin, some are covered in hair/fur, some have rather red to orange skin, some have multi coloured skin, some are born with no colour at all, some have fangs. Many of those people might have reason to feel they are part animal or not normal humans. They each have to find a way to live with their differences.
If she did not have have an escape, would you prefer she become suicidal or dangerous? Reality is not so great a place for some people or at some times.

After war, many people seek an escape of sorts. Some don't come back, others find a balance between two worlds. I escaped into my family and shut much of the world out for years. I would not listen to news or get involved in discussion beyond work, home and a bit of entertainment. Some never enter the horrors of the real world, they are protected by family and friends. How real is that?

She might have a brain injury, or ingested some poison or mold. There might be no other reality for her and she is happy where she is. You are not in her shoes and should give her some benefit for her individuality. We have hippies and bohemians that still live in the 60's. We have people that live beyond society off the grid and live off the land. To some that is insane. I've lived at the ends of the world and now thing anyone that chooses to live in the snow is insane, or too young to know better. You might think people willing to join the army and go to war is insane. We all have our standards of sanity.

Maybe people that spray paint their body and stand around as statues all day are insane? Maybe people that join fantasy role playing games are maybe it is just their way of escape and regrouping.

Maybe the world is insane and only those who can find escape and peace, their own nirvana are the same ones.

Good grief. You cannot be serious with all of this garbage. The woman needs a psychiatrist. There is nothing else for you to argue about.

The woman has a psychiatrist that says she might grow out of it. Maybe she will go into cat grooming or behaviorist. She might be a cat sitter or write books about cats. How do you know if she can be a productive person and still be a cat? She believes she has cat DNA, she has cat behavior, she has night vision.

It might be a fad of sorts or something she will live with her whole life, so what? Lycanthropy is a real syndrome that people manage to live with. Many shaman believe in animalism and being possessed by animals spirits. Tribes believe they descended from animals or birds. They manage to live productive lives.

If she want to wear cat ears on a head band, fuzzy gloves and wear of tail, who is she hurting? If she wants to walk on all fours and is afraid of dogs, what is the harm? A lot of people purr when satisfied or touched in tender ways. So what?

Maybe some her marbles are a bit out of place, but that does not mean she is missing any of them. She is not undergoing physical operations to replace her skin or bones. She is articulate enough in her language that she is making videos and giving interviews. She might turn her "cat" into a fortune and purr all the way to the bank.

Stop trying to lock her up. If she wants to tell the world she is a cat, let her.

How crazy can she really be?

She also says she uses her night vision to hunt mice at night. :cuckoo: Do you think she's eating the mice too?

There are pet mice and other rodent as well as bugs and foods you might turn your nose up at. There are human eating cats and mice eating humans. Cats eat cats, mice eat mice, humans eat humans. Squirrels and rabbits are rodents as well and humans eat them with gusto. We even eat bats. Many people eat mice and rats.

Cooking Rats and Mice

This is very odd, the way you are twisting and turning to come up with things to defend this crazy behavior. Why would you deny this person needs professional therapy? What if this was your child? What if you awoke in the night to find your child eating a live mouse? Would you just brush that off as being normal or something? Would there be no concern for your child and his or her future and life? This is just unhealthy and nothing more. It shows that the person has very poor coping skills. That's not a good thing and not something to be celebrated.

different is not insane. if she is not dangerous, why does she have to be treated or locked up for her beliefs. Most people that believe in religion and miracles by invisible people are more insane and sometimes more dangerous.

We have all seen stranger outfits in public that a pair of fuzzy ears, mittens and a tail and don't insist they are insane.

We have seen whole groups that are dog phobic, even to the point of violent.

We have seen horrors that so call religious or normal people do to others with some justification.

This is a girl that wants to believe she is a house cat.
Good grief. You cannot be serious with all of this garbage. The woman needs a psychiatrist. There is nothing else for you to argue about.

The woman has a psychiatrist that says she might grow out of it. Maybe she will go into cat grooming or behaviorist. She might be a cat sitter or write books about cats. How do you know if she can be a productive person and still be a cat? She believes she has cat DNA, she has cat behavior, she has night vision.

It might be a fad of sorts or something she will live with her whole life, so what? Lycanthropy is a real syndrome that people manage to live with. Many shaman believe in animalism and being possessed by animals spirits. Tribes believe they descended from animals or birds. They manage to live productive lives.

If she want to wear cat ears on a head band, fuzzy gloves and wear of tail, who is she hurting? If she wants to walk on all fours and is afraid of dogs, what is the harm? A lot of people purr when satisfied or touched in tender ways. So what?

Maybe some her marbles are a bit out of place, but that does not mean she is missing any of them. She is not undergoing physical operations to replace her skin or bones. She is articulate enough in her language that she is making videos and giving interviews. She might turn her "cat" into a fortune and purr all the way to the bank.

How crazy can she really be?

There are people who have had themselves changed to look like cats before. I'm sure that's next on her list of productive things to do with her life. :rolleyes-41: She thinks she was supposed to be a cat. That is what she says.

Some people think they are barbie dolls and go through surgery to look like one. You don't know that they are not leading productive lives.

There are people born with strange formation or skin texture. Some people have forked tongues, some look like turtles, some have snake skin, some are covered in hair/fur, some have rather red to orange skin, some have multi coloured skin, some are born with no colour at all, some have fangs. Many of those people might have reason to feel they are part animal or not normal humans. They each have to find a way to live with their differences.
Good grief. You cannot be serious with all of this garbage. The woman needs a psychiatrist. There is nothing else for you to argue about.

The woman has a psychiatrist that says she might grow out of it. Maybe she will go into cat grooming or behaviorist. She might be a cat sitter or write books about cats. How do you know if she can be a productive person and still be a cat? She believes she has cat DNA, she has cat behavior, she has night vision.

It might be a fad of sorts or something she will live with her whole life, so what? Lycanthropy is a real syndrome that people manage to live with. Many shaman believe in animalism and being possessed by animals spirits. Tribes believe they descended from animals or birds. They manage to live productive lives.

If she want to wear cat ears on a head band, fuzzy gloves and wear of tail, who is she hurting? If she wants to walk on all fours and is afraid of dogs, what is the harm? A lot of people purr when satisfied or touched in tender ways. So what?

Maybe some her marbles are a bit out of place, but that does not mean she is missing any of them. She is not undergoing physical operations to replace her skin or bones. She is articulate enough in her language that she is making videos and giving interviews. She might turn her "cat" into a fortune and purr all the way to the bank.

Stop trying to lock her up. If she wants to tell the world she is a cat, let her.

How crazy can she really be?

She also says she uses her night vision to hunt mice at night. :cuckoo: Do you think she's eating the mice too?

There are pet mice and other rodent as well as bugs and foods you might turn your nose up at. There are human eating cats and mice eating humans. Cats eat cats, mice eat mice, humans eat humans. Squirrels and rabbits are rodents as well and humans eat them with gusto. We even eat bats. Many people eat mice and rats.

Cooking Rats and Mice

This is very odd, the way you are twisting and turning to come up with things to defend this crazy behavior. Why would you deny this person needs professional therapy? What if this was your child? What if you awoke in the night to find your child eating a live mouse? Would you just brush that off as being normal or something? Would there be no concern for your child and his or her future and life? This is just unhealthy and nothing more. It shows that the person has very poor coping skills. That's not a good thing and not something to be celebrated.

different is not insane. if she is not dangerous, why does she have to be treated or locked up for her beliefs. Most people that believe in religion and miracles by invisible people are more insane and sometimes more dangerous.

We have all seen stranger outfits in public that a pair of fuzzy ears, mittens and a tail and don't insist they are insane.

We have seen whole groups that are dog phobic, even to the point of violent.

We have seen horrors that so call religious or normal people do to others with some justification.

This is a girl that wants to believe she is a house cat.

Hello 1984, you have arrived.

Apparently it ain't unusual for the voices in your head to tell you that your sexual organs are bogus and your species might even have been misrepresented. People are peculiar but DNA remains constant and not subject to speculation. In primitive societies peculiar people and schizophrenics might have been stoned to death or worshiped depending on the day of the month or the moon cycle.

People throughout history have been cutting off body parts so they can be part of the other sex, same way they have been engaged in same sex marriage for thousands of years. Identity and love are not bound to your perception of male and female. Cross gender and same sex love has been natural since the dawn of recorded history. Species dysphoria, gender dysphoria and homosexuality are seen in human and animals like. It is unnatural to think it does not.
Female dogs sometimes eat their young. It is natural for us to also do so, right?


It a matter of survival like in syria, it can be. Even in american history it has been done.

and yes there are times when a bitch will eat her young

Reasons a Mother Dog Would Eat Her Young

Women for a number of reason will kill their infants and children and it might be physiological not mental in some cases. Not the norm, but it does happen to reject a newborn or child. Why do you think safe drop off places were created to leave an infant, no questions.

Not everyone is hardwired the same. That does not mean they are insane.

To us, killing a rape victims might be insane. To some aborting the fetus of rape seems monsterous. For others the idea of having a child of a rapist is crazy, especially if they have to share custody of the child with their rapist and be tied to him for life, a constant reminder of the attack.

different is not always insane. People have to find their own happiness and make their own choices while being true to themselves
The woman has a psychiatrist that says she might grow out of it. Maybe she will go into cat grooming or behaviorist. She might be a cat sitter or write books about cats. How do you know if she can be a productive person and still be a cat? She believes she has cat DNA, she has cat behavior, she has night vision.

It might be a fad of sorts or something she will live with her whole life, so what? Lycanthropy is a real syndrome that people manage to live with. Many shaman believe in animalism and being possessed by animals spirits. Tribes believe they descended from animals or birds. They manage to live productive lives.

If she want to wear cat ears on a head band, fuzzy gloves and wear of tail, who is she hurting? If she wants to walk on all fours and is afraid of dogs, what is the harm? A lot of people purr when satisfied or touched in tender ways. So what?

Maybe some her marbles are a bit out of place, but that does not mean she is missing any of them. She is not undergoing physical operations to replace her skin or bones. She is articulate enough in her language that she is making videos and giving interviews. She might turn her "cat" into a fortune and purr all the way to the bank.

How crazy can she really be?

There are people who have had themselves changed to look like cats before. I'm sure that's next on her list of productive things to do with her life. :rolleyes-41: She thinks she was supposed to be a cat. That is what she says.

Some people think they are barbie dolls and go through surgery to look like one. You don't know that they are not leading productive lives.

There are people born with strange formation or skin texture. Some people have forked tongues, some look like turtles, some have snake skin, some are covered in hair/fur, some have rather red to orange skin, some have multi coloured skin, some are born with no colour at all, some have fangs. Many of those people might have reason to feel they are part animal or not normal humans. They each have to find a way to live with their differences.
The woman has a psychiatrist that says she might grow out of it. Maybe she will go into cat grooming or behaviorist. She might be a cat sitter or write books about cats. How do you know if she can be a productive person and still be a cat? She believes she has cat DNA, she has cat behavior, she has night vision.

It might be a fad of sorts or something she will live with her whole life, so what? Lycanthropy is a real syndrome that people manage to live with. Many shaman believe in animalism and being possessed by animals spirits. Tribes believe they descended from animals or birds. They manage to live productive lives.

If she want to wear cat ears on a head band, fuzzy gloves and wear of tail, who is she hurting? If she wants to walk on all fours and is afraid of dogs, what is the harm? A lot of people purr when satisfied or touched in tender ways. So what?

Maybe some her marbles are a bit out of place, but that does not mean she is missing any of them. She is not undergoing physical operations to replace her skin or bones. She is articulate enough in her language that she is making videos and giving interviews. She might turn her "cat" into a fortune and purr all the way to the bank.

Stop trying to lock her up. If she wants to tell the world she is a cat, let her.

How crazy can she really be?

She also says she uses her night vision to hunt mice at night. :cuckoo: Do you think she's eating the mice too?

There are pet mice and other rodent as well as bugs and foods you might turn your nose up at. There are human eating cats and mice eating humans. Cats eat cats, mice eat mice, humans eat humans. Squirrels and rabbits are rodents as well and humans eat them with gusto. We even eat bats. Many people eat mice and rats.

Cooking Rats and Mice

This is very odd, the way you are twisting and turning to come up with things to defend this crazy behavior. Why would you deny this person needs professional therapy? What if this was your child? What if you awoke in the night to find your child eating a live mouse? Would you just brush that off as being normal or something? Would there be no concern for your child and his or her future and life? This is just unhealthy and nothing more. It shows that the person has very poor coping skills. That's not a good thing and not something to be celebrated.

different is not insane. if she is not dangerous, why does she have to be treated or locked up for her beliefs. Most people that believe in religion and miracles by invisible people are more insane and sometimes more dangerous.

We have all seen stranger outfits in public that a pair of fuzzy ears, mittens and a tail and don't insist they are insane.

We have seen whole groups that are dog phobic, even to the point of violent.

We have seen horrors that so call religious or normal people do to others with some justification.

This is a girl that wants to believe she is a house cat.

Hello 1984, you have arrived.


I'm not big brother making everyone conform. I like to see individuals and uniqueness in people. I love the diversity in the world.........well most of it. I like to try to understand people not like myself and learn something about them or from them. I think everyone should find their own dance. I don't believe in a one size fits all world.

I was not raised like others my age and I enjoyed my freedom. I was never told how to think or what to do. I was not given limits. I was allowed to master many diverse skills and fortunately my children have found their own way to do the same.

I prefer everyone to be unique and to think for themselves. I also believe people have to learn to compromise and learn to get along with others. Not the same as all marching in step.

I don't think all people who are different are insane.

As long as you don't hurt others, people should be free to do what they want. That also requires you being able to think ahead about what you will do before doing it.
If she did not have have an escape, would you prefer she become suicidal or dangerous? Reality is not so great a place for some people or at some times.

After war, many people seek an escape of sorts. Some don't come back, others find a balance between two worlds. I escaped into my family and shut much of the world out for years. I would not listen to news or get involved in discussion beyond work, home and a bit of entertainment. Some never enter the horrors of the real world, they are protected by family and friends. How real is that?

She might have a brain injury, or ingested some poison or mold. There might be no other reality for her and she is happy where she is. You are not in her shoes and should give her some benefit for her individuality. We have hippies and bohemians that still live in the 60's. We have people that live beyond society off the grid and live off the land. To some that is insane. I've lived at the ends of the world and now thing anyone that chooses to live in the snow is insane, or too young to know better. You might think people willing to join the army and go to war is insane. We all have our standards of sanity.

Maybe people that spray paint their body and stand around as statues all day are insane? Maybe people that join fantasy role playing games are maybe it is just their way of escape and regrouping.

Maybe the world is insane and only those who can find escape and peace, their own nirvana are the same ones.

Good grief. You cannot be serious with all of this garbage. The woman needs a psychiatrist. There is nothing else for you to argue about.

The woman has a psychiatrist that says she might grow out of it. Maybe she will go into cat grooming or behaviorist. She might be a cat sitter or write books about cats. How do you know if she can be a productive person and still be a cat? She believes she has cat DNA, she has cat behavior, she has night vision.

It might be a fad of sorts or something she will live with her whole life, so what? Lycanthropy is a real syndrome that people manage to live with. Many shaman believe in animalism and being possessed by animals spirits. Tribes believe they descended from animals or birds. They manage to live productive lives.

If she want to wear cat ears on a head band, fuzzy gloves and wear of tail, who is she hurting? If she wants to walk on all fours and is afraid of dogs, what is the harm? A lot of people purr when satisfied or touched in tender ways. So what?

Maybe some her marbles are a bit out of place, but that does not mean she is missing any of them. She is not undergoing physical operations to replace her skin or bones. She is articulate enough in her language that she is making videos and giving interviews. She might turn her "cat" into a fortune and purr all the way to the bank.

How crazy can she really be?

There are people who have had themselves changed to look like cats before. I'm sure that's next on her list of productive things to do with her life. :rolleyes-41: She thinks she was supposed to be a cat. That is what she says.

Some people think they are barbie dolls and go through surgery to look like one. You don't know that they are not leading productive lives.

There are people born with strange formation or skin texture. Some people have forked tongues, some look like turtles, some have snake skin, some are covered in hair/fur, some have rather red to orange skin, some have multi coloured skin, some are born with no colour at all, some have fangs. Many of those people might have reason to feel they are part animal or not normal humans. They each have to find a way to live with their differences.
If she did not have have an escape, would you prefer she become suicidal or dangerous? Reality is not so great a place for some people or at some times.

After war, many people seek an escape of sorts. Some don't come back, others find a balance between two worlds. I escaped into my family and shut much of the world out for years. I would not listen to news or get involved in discussion beyond work, home and a bit of entertainment. Some never enter the horrors of the real world, they are protected by family and friends. How real is that?

She might have a brain injury, or ingested some poison or mold. There might be no other reality for her and she is happy where she is. You are not in her shoes and should give her some benefit for her individuality. We have hippies and bohemians that still live in the 60's. We have people that live beyond society off the grid and live off the land. To some that is insane. I've lived at the ends of the world and now thing anyone that chooses to live in the snow is insane, or too young to know better. You might think people willing to join the army and go to war is insane. We all have our standards of sanity.

Maybe people that spray paint their body and stand around as statues all day are insane? Maybe people that join fantasy role playing games are maybe it is just their way of escape and regrouping.

Maybe the world is insane and only those who can find escape and peace, their own nirvana are the same ones.

Good grief. You cannot be serious with all of this garbage. The woman needs a psychiatrist. There is nothing else for you to argue about.

The woman has a psychiatrist that says she might grow out of it. Maybe she will go into cat grooming or behaviorist. She might be a cat sitter or write books about cats. How do you know if she can be a productive person and still be a cat? She believes she has cat DNA, she has cat behavior, she has night vision.

It might be a fad of sorts or something she will live with her whole life, so what? Lycanthropy is a real syndrome that people manage to live with. Many shaman believe in animalism and being possessed by animals spirits. Tribes believe they descended from animals or birds. They manage to live productive lives.

If she want to wear cat ears on a head band, fuzzy gloves and wear of tail, who is she hurting? If she wants to walk on all fours and is afraid of dogs, what is the harm? A lot of people purr when satisfied or touched in tender ways. So what?

Maybe some her marbles are a bit out of place, but that does not mean she is missing any of them. She is not undergoing physical operations to replace her skin or bones. She is articulate enough in her language that she is making videos and giving interviews. She might turn her "cat" into a fortune and purr all the way to the bank.

Stop trying to lock her up. If she wants to tell the world she is a cat, let her.

How crazy can she really be?

She also says she uses her night vision to hunt mice at night. :cuckoo: Do you think she's eating the mice too?

There are pet mice and other rodent as well as bugs and foods you might turn your nose up at. There are human eating cats and mice eating humans. Cats eat cats, mice eat mice, humans eat humans. Squirrels and rabbits are rodents as well and humans eat them with gusto. We even eat bats. Many people eat mice and rats.

Cooking Rats and Mice

This is very odd, the way you are twisting and turning to come up with things to defend this crazy behavior. Why would you deny this person needs professional therapy? What if this was your child? What if you awoke in the night to find your child eating a live mouse? Would you just brush that off as being normal or something? Would there be no concern for your child and his or her future and life? This is just unhealthy and nothing more. It shows that the person has very poor coping skills. That's not a good thing and not something to be celebrated.

Does it count if she was pledging a sorority when I caught her eating a mouse??? :2up:
I'd bust her back to Junior College if it wasn't cooked...
There are people who have had themselves changed to look like cats before. I'm sure that's next on her list of productive things to do with her life. :rolleyes-41: She thinks she was supposed to be a cat. That is what she says.

Some people think they are barbie dolls and go through surgery to look like one. You don't know that they are not leading productive lives.

There are people born with strange formation or skin texture. Some people have forked tongues, some look like turtles, some have snake skin, some are covered in hair/fur, some have rather red to orange skin, some have multi coloured skin, some are born with no colour at all, some have fangs. Many of those people might have reason to feel they are part animal or not normal humans. They each have to find a way to live with their differences.
She also says she uses her night vision to hunt mice at night. :cuckoo: Do you think she's eating the mice too?

There are pet mice and other rodent as well as bugs and foods you might turn your nose up at. There are human eating cats and mice eating humans. Cats eat cats, mice eat mice, humans eat humans. Squirrels and rabbits are rodents as well and humans eat them with gusto. We even eat bats. Many people eat mice and rats.

Cooking Rats and Mice

This is very odd, the way you are twisting and turning to come up with things to defend this crazy behavior. Why would you deny this person needs professional therapy? What if this was your child? What if you awoke in the night to find your child eating a live mouse? Would you just brush that off as being normal or something? Would there be no concern for your child and his or her future and life? This is just unhealthy and nothing more. It shows that the person has very poor coping skills. That's not a good thing and not something to be celebrated.

different is not insane. if she is not dangerous, why does she have to be treated or locked up for her beliefs. Most people that believe in religion and miracles by invisible people are more insane and sometimes more dangerous.

We have all seen stranger outfits in public that a pair of fuzzy ears, mittens and a tail and don't insist they are insane.

We have seen whole groups that are dog phobic, even to the point of violent.

We have seen horrors that so call religious or normal people do to others with some justification.

This is a girl that wants to believe she is a house cat.

Hello 1984, you have arrived.


I'm not big brother making everyone conform. I like to see individuals and uniqueness in people. I love the diversity in the world.........well most of it. I like to try to understand people not like myself and learn something about them or from them. I think everyone should find their own dance. I don't believe in a one size fits all world.

I was not raised like others my age and I enjoyed my freedom. I was never told how to think or what to do. I was not given limits. I was allowed to master many diverse skills and fortunately my children have found their own way to do the same.

I prefer everyone to be unique and to think for themselves. I also believe people have to learn to compromise and learn to get along with others. Not the same as all marching in step.

I don't think all people who are different are insane.

As long as you don't hurt others, people should be free to do what they want. That also requires you being able to think ahead about what you will do before doing it.

You don't want compromise. You want us to conform to what you believe about accepting a dumbass as OK because they feel like they are a cat.

You seem to be considering harm as physical. Not always the case. I we start accepting that someone can be something that cannot occur in reality, doing so is a what can be considered harm from neglect. We neglect to tell the person that they are a retard and allow them to continue to believe something that can't occur can. Letting someone remain stupid is harmful.

Oh, this is great. No sure why you mention liberals, she's just a loony.
Can't imagine why... Loony is as loony does...



A majority of Presidents never released their college transcripts.

You Communists sure made a big deal out of Bush releasing his, oh hypocritical hack.
He released it because the press somehow got hold of parts of it; one event in a long string of total incompetence that plagued his administration. I guess he felt he had to after that. He didn't have to if he didn't want to. Especially since no President before him ever made his transcript public.
Good grief. You cannot be serious with all of this garbage. The woman needs a psychiatrist. There is nothing else for you to argue about.

The woman has a psychiatrist that says she might grow out of it. Maybe she will go into cat grooming or behaviorist. She might be a cat sitter or write books about cats. How do you know if she can be a productive person and still be a cat? She believes she has cat DNA, she has cat behavior, she has night vision.

It might be a fad of sorts or something she will live with her whole life, so what? Lycanthropy is a real syndrome that people manage to live with. Many shaman believe in animalism and being possessed by animals spirits. Tribes believe they descended from animals or birds. They manage to live productive lives.

If she want to wear cat ears on a head band, fuzzy gloves and wear of tail, who is she hurting? If she wants to walk on all fours and is afraid of dogs, what is the harm? A lot of people purr when satisfied or touched in tender ways. So what?

Maybe some her marbles are a bit out of place, but that does not mean she is missing any of them. She is not undergoing physical operations to replace her skin or bones. She is articulate enough in her language that she is making videos and giving interviews. She might turn her "cat" into a fortune and purr all the way to the bank.

How crazy can she really be?

There are people who have had themselves changed to look like cats before. I'm sure that's next on her list of productive things to do with her life. :rolleyes-41: She thinks she was supposed to be a cat. That is what she says.

Some people think they are barbie dolls and go through surgery to look like one. You don't know that they are not leading productive lives.

There are people born with strange formation or skin texture. Some people have forked tongues, some look like turtles, some have snake skin, some are covered in hair/fur, some have rather red to orange skin, some have multi coloured skin, some are born with no colour at all, some have fangs. Many of those people might have reason to feel they are part animal or not normal humans. They each have to find a way to live with their differences.
Good grief. You cannot be serious with all of this garbage. The woman needs a psychiatrist. There is nothing else for you to argue about.

The woman has a psychiatrist that says she might grow out of it. Maybe she will go into cat grooming or behaviorist. She might be a cat sitter or write books about cats. How do you know if she can be a productive person and still be a cat? She believes she has cat DNA, she has cat behavior, she has night vision.

It might be a fad of sorts or something she will live with her whole life, so what? Lycanthropy is a real syndrome that people manage to live with. Many shaman believe in animalism and being possessed by animals spirits. Tribes believe they descended from animals or birds. They manage to live productive lives.

If she want to wear cat ears on a head band, fuzzy gloves and wear of tail, who is she hurting? If she wants to walk on all fours and is afraid of dogs, what is the harm? A lot of people purr when satisfied or touched in tender ways. So what?

Maybe some her marbles are a bit out of place, but that does not mean she is missing any of them. She is not undergoing physical operations to replace her skin or bones. She is articulate enough in her language that she is making videos and giving interviews. She might turn her "cat" into a fortune and purr all the way to the bank.

Stop trying to lock her up. If she wants to tell the world she is a cat, let her.

How crazy can she really be?

She also says she uses her night vision to hunt mice at night. :cuckoo: Do you think she's eating the mice too?

There are pet mice and other rodent as well as bugs and foods you might turn your nose up at. There are human eating cats and mice eating humans. Cats eat cats, mice eat mice, humans eat humans. Squirrels and rabbits are rodents as well and humans eat them with gusto. We even eat bats. Many people eat mice and rats.

Cooking Rats and Mice

This is very odd, the way you are twisting and turning to come up with things to defend this crazy behavior. Why would you deny this person needs professional therapy? What if this was your child? What if you awoke in the night to find your child eating a live mouse? Would you just brush that off as being normal or something? Would there be no concern for your child and his or her future and life? This is just unhealthy and nothing more. It shows that the person has very poor coping skills. That's not a good thing and not something to be celebrated.

Does it count if she was pledging a sorority when I caught her eating a mouse??? :2up:
I'd bust her back to Junior College if it wasn't cooked...

Culinary school? :D
Some people think they are barbie dolls and go through surgery to look like one. You don't know that they are not leading productive lives.

There are people born with strange formation or skin texture. Some people have forked tongues, some look like turtles, some have snake skin, some are covered in hair/fur, some have rather red to orange skin, some have multi coloured skin, some are born with no colour at all, some have fangs. Many of those people might have reason to feel they are part animal or not normal humans. They each have to find a way to live with their differences.
There are pet mice and other rodent as well as bugs and foods you might turn your nose up at. There are human eating cats and mice eating humans. Cats eat cats, mice eat mice, humans eat humans. Squirrels and rabbits are rodents as well and humans eat them with gusto. We even eat bats. Many people eat mice and rats.

Cooking Rats and Mice

This is very odd, the way you are twisting and turning to come up with things to defend this crazy behavior. Why would you deny this person needs professional therapy? What if this was your child? What if you awoke in the night to find your child eating a live mouse? Would you just brush that off as being normal or something? Would there be no concern for your child and his or her future and life? This is just unhealthy and nothing more. It shows that the person has very poor coping skills. That's not a good thing and not something to be celebrated.

different is not insane. if she is not dangerous, why does she have to be treated or locked up for her beliefs. Most people that believe in religion and miracles by invisible people are more insane and sometimes more dangerous.

We have all seen stranger outfits in public that a pair of fuzzy ears, mittens and a tail and don't insist they are insane.

We have seen whole groups that are dog phobic, even to the point of violent.

We have seen horrors that so call religious or normal people do to others with some justification.

This is a girl that wants to believe she is a house cat.

Hello 1984, you have arrived.


I'm not big brother making everyone conform. I like to see individuals and uniqueness in people. I love the diversity in the world.........well most of it. I like to try to understand people not like myself and learn something about them or from them. I think everyone should find their own dance. I don't believe in a one size fits all world.

I was not raised like others my age and I enjoyed my freedom. I was never told how to think or what to do. I was not given limits. I was allowed to master many diverse skills and fortunately my children have found their own way to do the same.

I prefer everyone to be unique and to think for themselves. I also believe people have to learn to compromise and learn to get along with others. Not the same as all marching in step.

I don't think all people who are different are insane.

As long as you don't hurt others, people should be free to do what they want. That also requires you being able to think ahead about what you will do before doing it.

You don't want compromise. You want us to conform to what you believe about accepting a dumbass as OK because they feel like they are a cat.

You seem to be considering harm as physical. Not always the case. I we start accepting that someone can be something that cannot occur in reality, doing so is a what can be considered harm from neglect. We neglect to tell the person that they are a retard and allow them to continue to believe something that can't occur can. Letting someone remain stupid is harmful.

Compromise about her right to her individuality? She is not a danger and seems very content with her fur ears and tail.

I don't expect you to be a cat, just let her be herself. Does not matter if you are half way around the world or next door to her, let her be a cat since that makes her happy.

She has family and friends, she has seen a psychiatrist, if she were a danger she would have committed by now. Maybe she will grow out of it some day.
She is not anti social or angry at the world. She is not ripping stuffed dogs to shreds or biting people.

Your anger at her seems more harmful than her belief that she is a cat. If her doctor thinks she will grow out of it it is not a true delusional disorder. Many kids have invisible friends that give them comfort and help them process the world. Nona dresses in ears and tail.

As for your insane fear of her eating a mouse, first she has to actually catch one. 80% of the world eat bugs, molluscs, rodents and unconventional foods to the western world menus, if these high protein foods were dangerous most of the world's population would have died long ago
Some people think that the creator of the universe gives personal attention to the pleadings of their admittedly unworthy selves.

Compared to them, cat lady looks sane.
This is very odd, the way you are twisting and turning to come up with things to defend this crazy behavior. Why would you deny this person needs professional therapy? What if this was your child? What if you awoke in the night to find your child eating a live mouse? Would you just brush that off as being normal or something? Would there be no concern for your child and his or her future and life? This is just unhealthy and nothing more. It shows that the person has very poor coping skills. That's not a good thing and not something to be celebrated.

different is not insane. if she is not dangerous, why does she have to be treated or locked up for her beliefs. Most people that believe in religion and miracles by invisible people are more insane and sometimes more dangerous.

We have all seen stranger outfits in public that a pair of fuzzy ears, mittens and a tail and don't insist they are insane.

We have seen whole groups that are dog phobic, even to the point of violent.

We have seen horrors that so call religious or normal people do to others with some justification.

This is a girl that wants to believe she is a house cat.

Hello 1984, you have arrived.


I'm not big brother making everyone conform. I like to see individuals and uniqueness in people. I love the diversity in the world.........well most of it. I like to try to understand people not like myself and learn something about them or from them. I think everyone should find their own dance. I don't believe in a one size fits all world.

I was not raised like others my age and I enjoyed my freedom. I was never told how to think or what to do. I was not given limits. I was allowed to master many diverse skills and fortunately my children have found their own way to do the same.

I prefer everyone to be unique and to think for themselves. I also believe people have to learn to compromise and learn to get along with others. Not the same as all marching in step.

I don't think all people who are different are insane.

As long as you don't hurt others, people should be free to do what they want. That also requires you being able to think ahead about what you will do before doing it.

You don't want compromise. You want us to conform to what you believe about accepting a dumbass as OK because they feel like they are a cat.

You seem to be considering harm as physical. Not always the case. I we start accepting that someone can be something that cannot occur in reality, doing so is a what can be considered harm from neglect. We neglect to tell the person that they are a retard and allow them to continue to believe something that can't occur can. Letting someone remain stupid is harmful.

Compromise about her right to her individuality? She is not a danger and seems very content with her fur ears and tail.

I don't expect you to be a cat, just let her be herself. Does not matter if you are half way around the world or next door to her, let her be a cat since that makes her happy.

She has family and friends, she has seen a psychiatrist, if she were a danger she would have committed by now. Maybe she will grow out of it some day.
She is not anti social or angry at the world. She is not ripping stuffed dogs to shreds or biting people.

Your anger at her seems more harmful than her belief that she is a cat. If her doctor thinks she will grow out of it it is not a true delusional disorder. Many kids have invisible friends that give them comfort and help them process the world. Nona dresses in ears and tail.

As for your insane fear of her eating a mouse, first she has to actually catch one. 80% of the world eat bugs, molluscs, rodents and unconventional foods to the western world menus, if these high protein foods were dangerous most of the world's population would have died long ago

Some diseases are in fact carried by rodents. Not to mention rabies and parasites. It is really not healthy to eat rats because they are dirty creatures (because they are known to be in dirty places and can carry diseases). You would certainly want to avoid eating them (especially uncooked) if at all possible.
Her thinking she's a cat is harmless. If she gets to demand that everyone think she's a cat and accept her delusion, it's harmful. If she gets to force her employer to accept her as a feline, install a litterbox, put up with little catnaps or represent the company wearing ears and a tail, it's problematic.

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