Norse woman identifies as a cat

children identify as young as five or six. They should not have hide who they are as children or adults
Bullshit. Children are highly impressionable. Any boy that thinks he's a girl should removed from the deranged household immediately.

Transgender is not a delusion, it is physiological, brain and body out of sink with the genitals that developed in the womb. It is not the person that is the problem but the organs they were born with that are.

Instead of being born with both sets of sex organs, they were born with the wrong ones for their bran and body.

Would you determine the sex of a hermaphrodite for them at birth, or let the person decide which is the right set?

If someone was born with an extra head, would you decide which on to remove or wait and see which one work best of the person. Maybe you remove the wrong one?

People are born with extra organs or limbs. Some with half a brain or half a heart, or organ outside the body. Someone might be born with two wombs or three breasts. Some born with two penii or one, three or no testicals. Some are born with no reproductive organs at all. Why is it so hard to understand a person being born with the wrong organs?
children identify as young as five or six. They should not have hide who they are as children or adults
Bullshit. Children are highly impressionable. Any boy that thinks he's a girl should removed from the deranged household immediately.

Transgender is not a delusion, it is physiological, brain and body out of sink with the genitals that developed in the womb. It is not the person that is the problem but the organs they were born with that are.

Instead of being born with both sets of sex organs, they were born with the wrong ones for their bran and body.

Would you determine the sex of a hermaphrodite for them at birth, or let the person decide which is the right set?

If someone was born with an extra head, would you decide which on to remove or wait and see which one work best of the person. Maybe you remove the wrong one?

People are born with extra organs or limbs. Some with half a brain or half a heart, or organ outside the body. Someone might be born with two wombs or three breasts. Some born with two penii or one, three or no testicals. Some are born with no reproductive organs at all. Why is it so hard to understand a person being born with the wrong organs?

There is NO conclusive scientific evidence. It is nothing but a theory.

There is absolutely no evidence of these people having a physiological condition either. evidence except the STARK REALITY right in everyone's faces that the person isn't gripping physical reality...besides that

Her thinking she's a cat is harmless. If she gets to demand that everyone think she's a cat and accept her delusion, it's harmful. If she gets to force her employer to accept her as a feline, install a litterbox, put up with little catnaps or represent the company wearing ears and a tail, it's problematic.
BINGO :iagree: When it comes to self-diagnosed conditions of non-reality, you can't limit it to just the LGBT phenomenon.. So says the 14th. Equality. Her demands for a litter box would be just as viable as a man wanting to use a woman's shower facility. You can't parse out your favorite mental dysfunctions-parading-as-normal...not allowed..
Transgender is a delusion. It is a dysphoria. It is the same kind of dysphoria in people who imagine they have no arms or legs. They aren't born with the wrong organs anymore than someone might believe they should have been born with no organs at all. There are people who believe they should have been born without eyes. There was a woman not long ago that had drano put in her eyes. They believe they should have been born deaf.

It's all a mental illness.
different is not insane. if she is not dangerous, why does she have to be treated or locked up for her beliefs. Most people that believe in religion and miracles by invisible people are more insane and sometimes more dangerous.

We have all seen stranger outfits in public that a pair of fuzzy ears, mittens and a tail and don't insist they are insane.

We have seen whole groups that are dog phobic, even to the point of violent.

We have seen horrors that so call religious or normal people do to others with some justification.

This is a girl that wants to believe she is a house cat.

Hello 1984, you have arrived.


I'm not big brother making everyone conform. I like to see individuals and uniqueness in people. I love the diversity in the world.........well most of it. I like to try to understand people not like myself and learn something about them or from them. I think everyone should find their own dance. I don't believe in a one size fits all world.

I was not raised like others my age and I enjoyed my freedom. I was never told how to think or what to do. I was not given limits. I was allowed to master many diverse skills and fortunately my children have found their own way to do the same.

I prefer everyone to be unique and to think for themselves. I also believe people have to learn to compromise and learn to get along with others. Not the same as all marching in step.

I don't think all people who are different are insane.

As long as you don't hurt others, people should be free to do what they want. That also requires you being able to think ahead about what you will do before doing it.

You don't want compromise. You want us to conform to what you believe about accepting a dumbass as OK because they feel like they are a cat.

You seem to be considering harm as physical. Not always the case. I we start accepting that someone can be something that cannot occur in reality, doing so is a what can be considered harm from neglect. We neglect to tell the person that they are a retard and allow them to continue to believe something that can't occur can. Letting someone remain stupid is harmful.

Compromise about her right to her individuality? She is not a danger and seems very content with her fur ears and tail.

I don't expect you to be a cat, just let her be herself. Does not matter if you are half way around the world or next door to her, let her be a cat since that makes her happy.

She has family and friends, she has seen a psychiatrist, if she were a danger she would have committed by now. Maybe she will grow out of it some day.
She is not anti social or angry at the world. She is not ripping stuffed dogs to shreds or biting people.

Your anger at her seems more harmful than her belief that she is a cat. If her doctor thinks she will grow out of it it is not a true delusional disorder. Many kids have invisible friends that give them comfort and help them process the world. Nona dresses in ears and tail.

As for your insane fear of her eating a mouse, first she has to actually catch one. 80% of the world eat bugs, molluscs, rodents and unconventional foods to the western world menus, if these high protein foods were dangerous most of the world's population would have died long ago

Some diseases are in fact carried by rodents. Not to mention rabies and parasites. It is really not healthy to eat rats because they are dirty creatures (because they are known to be in dirty places and can carry diseases). You would certainly want to avoid eating them (especially uncooked) if at all possible.

You don't have to order it but many people in the world do

The countries where rats are on the menu
Hello 1984, you have arrived.


I'm not big brother making everyone conform. I like to see individuals and uniqueness in people. I love the diversity in the world.........well most of it. I like to try to understand people not like myself and learn something about them or from them. I think everyone should find their own dance. I don't believe in a one size fits all world.

I was not raised like others my age and I enjoyed my freedom. I was never told how to think or what to do. I was not given limits. I was allowed to master many diverse skills and fortunately my children have found their own way to do the same.

I prefer everyone to be unique and to think for themselves. I also believe people have to learn to compromise and learn to get along with others. Not the same as all marching in step.

I don't think all people who are different are insane.

As long as you don't hurt others, people should be free to do what they want. That also requires you being able to think ahead about what you will do before doing it.

You don't want compromise. You want us to conform to what you believe about accepting a dumbass as OK because they feel like they are a cat.

You seem to be considering harm as physical. Not always the case. I we start accepting that someone can be something that cannot occur in reality, doing so is a what can be considered harm from neglect. We neglect to tell the person that they are a retard and allow them to continue to believe something that can't occur can. Letting someone remain stupid is harmful.

Compromise about her right to her individuality? She is not a danger and seems very content with her fur ears and tail.

I don't expect you to be a cat, just let her be herself. Does not matter if you are half way around the world or next door to her, let her be a cat since that makes her happy.

She has family and friends, she has seen a psychiatrist, if she were a danger she would have committed by now. Maybe she will grow out of it some day.
She is not anti social or angry at the world. She is not ripping stuffed dogs to shreds or biting people.

Your anger at her seems more harmful than her belief that she is a cat. If her doctor thinks she will grow out of it it is not a true delusional disorder. Many kids have invisible friends that give them comfort and help them process the world. Nona dresses in ears and tail.

As for your insane fear of her eating a mouse, first she has to actually catch one. 80% of the world eat bugs, molluscs, rodents and unconventional foods to the western world menus, if these high protein foods were dangerous most of the world's population would have died long ago

Some diseases are in fact carried by rodents. Not to mention rabies and parasites. It is really not healthy to eat rats because they are dirty creatures (because they are known to be in dirty places and can carry diseases). You would certainly want to avoid eating them (especially uncooked) if at all possible.

You don't have to order it but many people in the world do

The countries where rats are on the menu

Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam to name few. All top of the list where people are beating down the door to get in.
children identify as young as five or six. They should not have hide who they are as children or adults
Bullshit. Children are highly impressionable. Any boy that thinks he's a girl should removed from the deranged household immediately.

Transgender is not a delusion, it is physiological, brain and body out of sink with the genitals that developed in the womb. It is not the person that is the problem but the organs they were born with that are.

Instead of being born with both sets of sex organs, they were born with the wrong ones for their bran and body.

Would you determine the sex of a hermaphrodite for them at birth, or let the person decide which is the right set?

If someone was born with an extra head, would you decide which on to remove or wait and see which one work best of the person. Maybe you remove the wrong one?

People are born with extra organs or limbs. Some with half a brain or half a heart, or organ outside the body. Someone might be born with two wombs or three breasts. Some born with two penii or one, three or no testicals. Some are born with no reproductive organs at all. Why is it so hard to understand a person being born with the wrong organs?

There is NO conclusive scientific evidence. It is nothing but a theory.

There is absolutely no evidence of these people having a physiological condition either.

What is the physical/physiological/neurological evidence for transexuality? - Quora

Transsexual differences caught on brain scan
children identify as young as five or six. They should not have hide who they are as children or adults
Bullshit. Children are highly impressionable. Any boy that thinks he's a girl should removed from the deranged household immediately.

Transgender is not a delusion, it is physiological, brain and body out of sink with the genitals that developed in the womb. It is not the person that is the problem but the organs they were born with that are.

Instead of being born with both sets of sex organs, they were born with the wrong ones for their bran and body.

Would you determine the sex of a hermaphrodite for them at birth, or let the person decide which is the right set?

If someone was born with an extra head, would you decide which on to remove or wait and see which one work best of the person. Maybe you remove the wrong one?

People are born with extra organs or limbs. Some with half a brain or half a heart, or organ outside the body. Someone might be born with two wombs or three breasts. Some born with two penii or one, three or no testicals. Some are born with no reproductive organs at all. Why is it so hard to understand a person being born with the wrong organs?

There is NO conclusive scientific evidence. It is nothing but a theory.

There is absolutely no evidence of these people having a physiological condition either.

What is the physical/physiological/neurological evidence for transexuality? - Quora

Transsexual differences caught on brain scan
Likely the same differences can be seen in the brain scans of someone with body integrity dysphoria. Having a brain abnormality doesn't make them normal.
People with these kinds of disfunctions are to be pitied and treated. Treatment does not include having the abnormality accepted as normal. This means the woman who thinks she is a cat does not have permission to climb on top of the filing cabinets at work and clean herself. evidence except the STARK REALITY right in everyone's faces that the person isn't gripping physical reality...besides that

I said PHYSIOLOGICAL. Do you know what that means?
Yes I do. If a man looks between his legs and sees a penis and testicles it means he doesn't get to use the women's shower room no matter how many dresses and makeup he wears or how badly he wants to not have been born a man. evidence except the STARK REALITY right in everyone's faces that the person isn't gripping physical reality...besides that

I said PHYSIOLOGICAL. Do you know what that means?
Yes I do. If a man looks between his legs and sees a penis and testicles it means he doesn't get to use the women's shower room no matter how many dresses and makeup he wears or how badly he wants to not have been born a man.

It means the study of living systems, and that would be physical, biological, chemical, etc. I said there is NO PHYSIOLOGICAL evidence of any abnormality in these people. That means there are no "physical anomalies".

Are you understanding what my post was saying yet?
Her thinking she's a cat is harmless. If she gets to demand that everyone think she's a cat and accept her delusion, it's harmful. If she gets to force her employer to accept her as a feline, install a litterbox, put up with little catnaps or represent the company wearing ears and a tail, it's problematic.

I don't really care if she thinks she's a cat. I do care when I'm expected to be stupid enough to believe she is. Same with transgender. I don't care if someone born with male DNA thinks he's a female as long as IT doesn't care I think IT's a freak. However, when accommodations are made at taxpayer expense because someone feels like it, that's a problem and harmful.
Her thinking she's a cat is harmless. If she gets to demand that everyone think she's a cat and accept her delusion, it's harmful. If she gets to force her employer to accept her as a feline, install a litterbox, put up with little catnaps or represent the company wearing ears and a tail, it's problematic.

I don't really care if she thinks she's a cat. I do care when I'm expected to be stupid enough to believe she is. Same with transgender. I don't care if someone born with male DNA thinks he's a female as long as IT doesn't care I think IT's a freak. However, when accommodations are made at taxpayer expense because someone feels like it, that's a problem and harmful.
Hey dummy, this one is XY (and was born looking exactly like the human default sex - female).
Her thinking she's a cat is harmless. If she gets to demand that everyone think she's a cat and accept her delusion, it's harmful. If she gets to force her employer to accept her as a feline, install a litterbox, put up with little catnaps or represent the company wearing ears and a tail, it's problematic.

I don't really care if she thinks she's a cat. I do care when I'm expected to be stupid enough to believe she is. Same with transgender. I don't care if someone born with male DNA thinks he's a female as long as IT doesn't care I think IT's a freak. However, when accommodations are made at taxpayer expense because someone feels like it, that's a problem and harmful.
Hey dummy, this one is XY (and was born looking exactly like the human default sex - female).

Since XY means males, SCIENCE says he's male.

There are plenty of XY that by the age this person is can make themselves look female, the XY says male and that's what matters.

I can take some chicken shit, mix a little mayo, mustard, and spices it and call it chicken salad. It will LOOK just like chicken salad and smell like chicken salad. Would you eat it?
"A woman who believes she was born a cat has opened up about her life as a feline, describing how she has a superior sense of hearing and sight which allows her to hunt mice in the dark"

Too much lead in the water supply.

Since XY means males, SCIENCE says he's male.
Nope. She is female. We also have XX males, and X0 females, only one X. Now what, Mr. Wizard?

Not with XY and that's according to science.

If you're XX, that's female.

You can challenge science if you want, it let you down. What you can't refute is XX and XY.
That is your misunderstanding of science, not science, unless you are planning to call certain humans with this junk females? Tell us, do you, smart guy?


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