North Carolina Lt. Gov. Refuses To Resign After Calling LGBTQ Community 'Filth'

1. Every president every elected has been a sinner. Christians do not elect pastors; we elect presidents

2. I do not agree with calling people "filth" if that's what he was doing. All people are made in the image of God. Some of them do evil things (I am thinking of people who actively harm others, like genocidal maniacs).

3. Sin is filthy. The Bible says so. It calls our deeds "filthy rags". So to the extent we try to dress up our sin as something pleasant--nope. God is not fooled. Still filthy. So if the Lt Gov was calling the deeds filthy--he is right. So are my sins filthy.

It seems far too many are quite selective as to what they see as sin and which sins they will support and which they will not.

But I agree, calling people filthy is not acceptable.
As usual the perpetually offended cherry picked what someone said, and insert their own meaning.

What he said... "there is no reason to teach little children about transgenderism LGBQT and all that filth".
The meaning is clear, and that meaning the VAST majority of Americans agree with - we shouldn't be teaching kindergartners adult subjects.

But they of course take the meaning and replace it with he is calling all gays etc. filth.
He didn't.
It's so sad to see what has become of religion, particularly the Christian one. If it weren't for the millions of decent Christian folks who know that this nonsense goes against Jesus' teaching, I would say from incidents like this that it seems to be circling the drain. He has to right to practice his religion and he is. But there is no right to be free of criticism, as the Muslims have learned. This is not about hating the Constitution. And it is does not have anything to do with anyone being a communist.

I wonder what, exactly, is being taught in schools about LGBT folks that is so horrifying. Nobody ever says.

ROFLMAO, you obviously have no idea what Jesus or the Constitutions says. And so much for you commies being accepting, diverse and inclusive. That only applies to those that subscribe to your commie party line and the destruction of the country.

ROFLMAO, you obviously have no idea what Jesus or the Constitutions says. And so much for you commies being accepting, diverse and inclusive. That only applies to those that subscribe to your commie party line and the destruction of the country.

That is the disappointing thing. All reason and sense is thrown out for agendas. There is no way this nation survives the direction we are heading. It relies on massive revenues and needs more and more of it to keep not only keep people alive but their heads above water. And they still pay off their favorite groups among the peons while turning their backs to others.
ROFLMAO, you obviously have no idea what Jesus or the Constitutions says. And so much for you commies being accepting, diverse and inclusive. That only applies to those that subscribe to your commie party line and the destruction of the country.

Are you so dumb that the only thing that you can do is fling the word "commie" around? Go read the Sermon on the Mount and all of the stories of Jesus teaching the people he met. I know what the Constitution says. The morons who are masquerading as "Christians" nowadays are making up the entire the entire thing. They are phonies who have dummies and prostitutes like frankie graham running around trying to make a mockery of the religion supposedly founded on Jesus' teaching.
Are you so dumb that the only thing that you can do is fling the word "commie" around? Go read the Sermon on the Mount and all of the stories of Jesus teaching the people he met. I know what the Constitution says. The morons who are masquerading as "Christians" nowadays are making up the entire the entire thing. They are phonies who have dummies and prostitutes like frankie graham running around trying to make a mockery of the religion supposedly founded on Jesus' teaching.

Are you so ignorant as to not know that the moral fabric of a country is the first thing attacked by any commie movement. You slime balls are trying to remake this country in the image of Sodom and Gomorrah. That's not progressive, it's about as regressive as you can get. Also the one quote you can take from Jesus, that pretty much sums up the entirety of his teachings is, "Go and sin no more.". There is nothing in his teachings that would justify what you commies are trying to do to this country.

Are you so ignorant as to not know that the moral fabric of a country is the first thing attacked by any commie movement. You slime balls are trying to remake this country in the image of Sodom and Gomorrah. That's not progressive, it's about as regressive as you can get. Also the one quote you can take from Jesus, that pretty much sums up the entirety of his teachings is, "Go and sin no more.". There is nothing in his teachings that would justify what you commies are trying to do to this country.

Still on the "commie" thing, huh? What "moral fabric" did we ever have? Supposedly "Christian" guys screwing everything they felt like and then acting entitled to marry a woman who has never had sex? Misogyny ingrained in the rule of law? Slavery? Jim Crow? Bashing LGBTs for the way they were born? Demanding to carry weapons of war around in society? Failing to welcome the refugees who arrive here with nothing? You seem unfamiliar with the Sermon on the Mount.
Still on the "commie" thing, huh? What "moral fabric" did we ever have? Supposedly "Christian" guys screwing everything they felt like and then acting entitled to marry a woman who has never had sex? Misogyny ingrained in the rule of law? Slavery? Jim Crow? Bashing LGBTs for the way they were born? Demanding to carry weapons of war around in society? Failing to welcome the refugees who arrive here with nothing? You seem unfamiliar with the Sermon on the Mount.
You believe that African Americans will not take Gay people to task when needed? Inner cities are tough. Machismo is the rule. Moral fabric is just one ingredient. Progs get a lot of mileage from violence in those areas for their agendas. If you expect them to just turn it off then you are very confident.
You believe that African Americans will not take Gay people to task when needed? Inner cities are tough. Machismo is the rule. Moral fabric is just one ingredient. Progs get a lot of mileage from violence in those areas for their agendas. If you expect them to just turn it off then you are very confident.

Your comment is incomprehensible. How did race come into this? I didn't mention it. Men of all races have violated the Christian teaching that one does not have sex before marriage, and then has sex only with their spouse thereafter. And have not repented.

As I said: What "moral fabric" did we ever have? Supposedly "Christian" guys screwing everything they felt like and then acting entitled to marry a woman who has never had sex? Misogyny ingrained in the rule of law? Slavery? Jim Crow? Bashing LGBTs for the way they were born? Demanding to carry weapons of war around in society? Failing to welcome the refugees who arrive here with nothing? You seem unfamiliar with the Sermon on the Mount.
The left wing (democrats) might use Blacks as a political tool but there is little doubt that arrogant woman hating sodomite activists set the agenda for the left wing these days. F.U. Biden goes over their heads but use the other F word (filth) to insult a dyke on a bike and there is hell to pay.
It's so sad to see what has become of religion, particularly the Christian one. If it weren't for the millions of decent Christian folks who know that this nonsense goes against Jesus' teaching, I would say from incidents like this that it seems to be circling the drain. He has to right to practice his religion and he is. But there is no right to be free of criticism, as the Muslims have learned. This is not about hating the Constitution. And it is does not have anything to do with anyone being a communist.

I wonder what, exactly, is being taught in schools about LGBT folks that is so horrifying. Nobody ever says.
They want christian sharia here in the U.S.
The left wing (democrats) might use Blacks as a political tool but there is little doubt that arrogant woman hating sodomite activists set the agenda for the left wing these days. F.U. Biden goes over their heads but use the other F word (filth) to insult a dyke on a bike and there is hell to pay.
Who are these "arrogant woman hating sodomite activists" are doing this? The phony Christians seem to be neck-deep in misogyny. Woman-hating seems to be their specialty. Which women have encountered misogyny from the LGBTQ community that even rivals what women have continually experienced from the so-called "Christians"? So-called "Christian" men have reveled in misogyny for centuries and never claimed responsibility for it, repented of it, and stood in humility. How about some public "we are sorry, our sisters, and we pledge to stand by your side in the future"?

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