North Carolina Republicans Find Out Tea Party Hero Mark Meadows Is A Fraud

It's also very undemocratic, small d, which the tea party movement was supposedly all about. Of course Meadows put his thumb on the scale for his preferred candidate. Because whatever auspices he went to Congress under—that supposed grassroots anti-establishment tea party ethos—he's a fraud like every other Republican.

North Carolina Republicans find out tea party hero Mark Meadows is a fraud

Seems remarkable.

Have you got a real link? The dailykos is just a lying propaganda hate site.

KOS is be's some stuff more to your liking?

Mark Meadows accused of timing retirement to help elect wife’s friend

"Rep. Mark Meadows' shock retirement — revealed just 30 hours before the filing deadline in North Carolina — has roiled some Republicans in the state who suspect he timed his announcement to benefit a friend of his wife.

The four-term congressman will depart the House for an as-yet-undefined role with President Donald Trump, a decision he disclosed in an interview with POLITICO Playbook that published around 5:30 a.m. on Dec. 19, ahead of the filing deadline at noon on Dec. 20.
Later that day came a campaign launch by Lynda Bennett, a local GOP activist and real estate agent who is friendly with Debbie Meadows, the congressman's wife, according to sources who know both women.

Wary Republicans in the state quickly speculated that she had advance notice of Meadows' retirement.
Online records revealed her campaign website domain had been registered on Oct. 28 by a Scott Meadows, who appears to be the brother of the congressman. The campaign's Facebook page was created on Dec. 18, a day before the retirement. And shortly after midnight on Dec. 19 — about five hours before Meadows announced — Bennett posted photos of herself with the congressman and his wife at local GOP events in the state."

Name one politician than wouldn't want a hand in finding their replacement. No one would give it a second thought if it were a commiecrat. In fact maobama came out publicly, saying the bitch was the most qualified in US history to be president. You commies hypocrisy is astounding.

It's also very undemocratic, small d, which the tea party movement was supposedly all about. Of course Meadows put his thumb on the scale for his preferred candidate. Because whatever auspices he went to Congress under—that supposed grassroots anti-establishment tea party ethos—he's a fraud like every other Republican.

North Carolina Republicans find out tea party hero Mark Meadows is a fraud

Seems remarkable.

Have you got a real link? The dailykos is just a lying propaganda hate site.


If you can show any part of that article is a lie, then put forward your proof. As far as the hate goes, that only comes from this board. As far as those direct quotes from Republicans in the article, that's very easily verifiable from multiple sources, and not in any sense propaganda.

Strike three, you're out dumbass.

I don't give commie hate sites clicks, that's how they make their money.

Not at all, it sucks for you that you aren't intelligent enough to post here.

I love it when you people prove my view of you is 100% correct.

You make it so very easy.

You can't "prove" anything son. You actually think you are a "Conservative" and you aren't. You seem to be the only one who doesn't recognize your silly game. You are a Prog apologist to your core.

I do not think I am a "Conservative". I support smaller government, less spending and more freedom...3 things that you people that call yourselves Conservatives hate

LOL, you're a joke who defends Lefty's at all costs son. You're projecting your self on to me.
You are entertainment, a joke.

I never defend leftys. You are just a moron and think me laughing at you is defending someone else.

Son you are clueless. You defend them at every turn. YOU are the only one who isn't smart enough to see it.
I read some article I can't remember where but it wasn't a lefty rag that talked about how much of a fraud Meadows is. How he says one thing but does another,talks about the swamp but lives IN DC...the man is a piece of shit and unfortunately was my congressman when I was living in NC.

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