North Charleston: Beautiful young black woman murdered in rolling gunfight on highway; No outrage.

WCSC Victim in fatal Sunday morning drive-by shooting identified

The race hustlers are pushing North Charleston back to its "Top 10 Most Dangerous US Cities" designation it had 8 years ago.

A beautiful young black woman was murdered in a rolling gunfight through North Charleston on I-26. Possibly a mistaken identity target that spilled over from earlier drive by shootings.

The Obama DOJ is currently in North Charleston investigating all 400+ NCPD cops. least the white ones....due to the crime committed by one EX officer who is in jail. Obama's DOJ is intimidating all of NCPD to stand down.

And people are dying. Street thugs are emboldened. Shootings are spiking.

And...its NOT due to "lack of jobs". North Charleston has for many years been SCs #1 city in retail sales. Its home to major industry....Boeing for one. Volvo is bringing its first US plant here. An international airport and several colleges. All sorts of opportunity in North Chuck.

But...oh well. Thugs are gonna be thugs. And innocent folks this beautiful young woman.

Funny...Sharpton and Obama and the NAACP all but sainted Walter Scott. This woman? Wont make it past local news.
Just curious here. What's different about this crime? These things happen all the time somewhere in this country. Shootings are common place, and have been for a very long time. We have gang shootings, drug deals gone bad shootings, domestic dispute shootings, drive-by shootings, cop shootings, suicide shootings, people going postal shootings, and others. It's common. So, again, what's different about this one?
WCSC Victim in fatal Sunday morning drive-by shooting identified

The race hustlers are pushing North Charleston back to its "Top 10 Most Dangerous US Cities" designation it had 8 years ago.

A beautiful young black woman was murdered in a rolling gunfight through North Charleston on I-26. Possibly a mistaken identity target that spilled over from earlier drive by shootings.

The Obama DOJ is currently in North Charleston investigating all 400+ NCPD cops. least the white ones....due to the crime committed by one EX officer who is in jail. Obama's DOJ is intimidating all of NCPD to stand down.

And people are dying. Street thugs are emboldened. Shootings are spiking.

And...its NOT due to "lack of jobs". North Charleston has for many years been SCs #1 city in retail sales. Its home to major industry....Boeing for one. Volvo is bringing its first US plant here. An international airport and several colleges. All sorts of opportunity in North Chuck.

But...oh well. Thugs are gonna be thugs. And innocent folks this beautiful young woman.

Funny...Sharpton and Obama and the NAACP all but sainted Walter Scott. This woman? Wont make it past local news.
Just curious here. What's different about this crime? These things happen all the time somewhere in this country. Shootings are common place, and have been for a very long time. We have gang shootings, drug deals gone bad shootings, domestic dispute shootings, drive-by shootings, cop shootings, suicide shootings, people going postal shootings, and others. It's common. So, again, what's different about this one?

He can hide behind his "concern mask" to cover his "omg can you believe black people" face
WCSC Victim in fatal Sunday morning drive-by shooting identified

The race hustlers are pushing North Charleston back to its "Top 10 Most Dangerous US Cities" designation it had 8 years ago.

A beautiful young black woman was murdered in a rolling gunfight through North Charleston on I-26. Possibly a mistaken identity target that spilled over from earlier drive by shootings.

The Obama DOJ is currently in North Charleston investigating all 400+ NCPD cops. least the white ones....due to the crime committed by one EX officer who is in jail. Obama's DOJ is intimidating all of NCPD to stand down.

And people are dying. Street thugs are emboldened. Shootings are spiking.

And...its NOT due to "lack of jobs". North Charleston has for many years been SCs #1 city in retail sales. Its home to major industry....Boeing for one. Volvo is bringing its first US plant here. An international airport and several colleges. All sorts of opportunity in North Chuck.

But...oh well. Thugs are gonna be thugs. And innocent folks this beautiful young woman.

Funny...Sharpton and Obama and the NAACP all but sainted Walter Scott. This woman? Wont make it past local news.
Just curious here. What's different about this crime? These things happen all the time somewhere in this country. Shootings are common place, and have been for a very long time. We have gang shootings, drug deals gone bad shootings, domestic dispute shootings, drive-by shootings, cop shootings, suicide shootings, people going postal shootings, and others. It's common. So, again, what's different about this one?
It's the underreporting and lack of attention. Doesn't fit the agenda.
No outrage as black lives don't matter. 93% of 50% of all murders are black on black...

The left is only outraged and the black community is only outraged when it can be used to guilt whites. Sick but true.

I see all these whines as hollow as long as this is so..A racist whine.
WCSC Victim in fatal Sunday morning drive-by shooting identified

The race hustlers are pushing North Charleston back to its "Top 10 Most Dangerous US Cities" designation it had 8 years ago.

A beautiful young black woman was murdered in a rolling gunfight through North Charleston on I-26. Possibly a mistaken identity target that spilled over from earlier drive by shootings.

The Obama DOJ is currently in North Charleston investigating all 400+ NCPD cops. least the white ones....due to the crime committed by one EX officer who is in jail. Obama's DOJ is intimidating all of NCPD to stand down.

And people are dying. Street thugs are emboldened. Shootings are spiking.

And...its NOT due to "lack of jobs". North Charleston has for many years been SCs #1 city in retail sales. Its home to major industry....Boeing for one. Volvo is bringing its first US plant here. An international airport and several colleges. All sorts of opportunity in North Chuck.

But...oh well. Thugs are gonna be thugs. And innocent folks this beautiful young woman.

Funny...Sharpton and Obama and the NAACP all but sainted Walter Scott. This woman? Wont make it past local news.
Just curious here. What's different about this crime? These things happen all the time somewhere in this country. Shootings are common place, and have been for a very long time. We have gang shootings, drug deals gone bad shootings, domestic dispute shootings, drive-by shootings, cop shootings, suicide shootings, people going postal shootings, and others. It's common. So, again, what's different about this one?
It's the underreporting and lack of attention. Doesn't fit the agenda.
Again, very common. Not every shooting in this country makes national headlines. The media covers a very small percentage of the shootings nationwide. This story doesn't appear to be unusual or special. Am I missing something?
Why dont you post white crimes and victims? Because you're outraged?
NO! White on white murders happen at the same rate over most of the country comparatively speaking. White on black murders are almost non-existent, again speaking comparatively. It's the BLACK ON BLACK MURDERS that are rampant in any city with a large population of ghetto blacks and of course, the BLACK ON WHITE murders and beatings that the main stream media covers up so well.
Why dont you post white crimes and victims? Because you're outraged?
NO! White on white murders happen at the same rate over most of the country comparatively speaking.

I know, but yet white lives matter so much you never post about it or get outraged. The OP asked where is the outrage and I ask the same thing.

White on black murders are almost non-existent, again speaking comparatively. It's the BLACK ON BLACK MURDERS that are rampant in any city with a large population of ghetto blacks and of course, the BLACK ON WHITE murders and beatings that the main stream media covers up so well.

That doesnt explain why white crimes dont outrage you
So, you getting outraged at the daily white murders yet or nah?

On a percentage basis, whites are murder only a fraction of the times blacks are.

Again, nearly all the victims of black street violence are black. Yet you make excuses. Do you hate black people?

No. The challenge to you from UnCensored was to post the last white on white drive by.
You responded with the story of the Canadian man who killed his family because he loved them so much.
So, you getting outraged at the daily white murders yet or nah?

On a percentage basis, whites are murder only a fraction of the times blacks are.

Again, nearly all the victims of black street violence are black. Yet you make excuses. Do you hate black people?

The the amount of murders dont matter your only concern is when you figure out the percentage and that guides your outrage?

That and drive by's?

No. The challenge to you from UnCensored was to post the last white on white drive by.

I also asked him if that was everything or did it have to be on a Tuesday? In America? or what other bars needed to be met.
I thought his outrage stemmed from crime itself

You responded with the story of the Canadian man who killed his family because he loved them so much.

:rofl: He murdered his family because he loved them so much!!!?!?! Jesus, thats your outrage? to understand him murdering his own child and wife and sister?

I guess it makes sense when you call a white riot a "celebration" :rofl:
I know, but yet white lives matter so much you never post about it or get outraged. The OP asked where is the outrage and I ask the same thing.

Because murders have been going on since the first amoeba spit up out of the bowels of the earth (according to global warmists). No outrage there because shit happens and has always happened.

That doesnt explain why white crimes dont outrage you

Sheer Volume of white murder percentage is just the norm. No outrage needed. BLACK MURDER RATE VOLUME as a percent of the population is outrageous and accounts for the need of more and more prison keep them off the street for at least 6 to 18 months before the courts/parole board sets the sobs free to kill again. Which happens constantly. But you bleeding heart libs have a tough time understanding that.

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