North Face Follows Bud and Target

Companies are gonna keep going woke and there ain't shit you can do about it except cry. Some companies were caught off guard initially and weren't expecting the exaggerated outrage, but they're ready for it now and they're gonna start telling MAGAs to go fuck themselves.

I think we've found our "comfortable with homo activism and targeting children" segment of society.
I think we've found our "comfortable with homo activism and targeting children" segment of society.

Yes, I am comfortable with homo activism. Gay people don't frighten me.

The "targeting children" is something you fuckers made up to slander and demonize people. It's a vicious lie that you all use to justify your hatred.
Some people will stop buying their products - for some time.
Indeed. The people who don't agree with your fag agenda will stop buying it, as is their right.
Some may never buy it again. Why do you care? No one is stopping you from drinking a frothy tranny-can beer.
I sure as hell wouldn't be caught dead wearing those fugly things!!!!
They must employ a LOT of blind designers!!!!!

I had a friend in the 90's who loved those Members Only jackets. He had one in every color they made.
Again........NEVER something I would wear.

True story Bro!!!!
I don't like the commercial, but I will not be caught dead on a mountain without my Northface Tri-Climate gear. You can say what you want, but I already know what it's like to lay on the side of a mountain, crippled in sometimes blinding snow and temperature between 6 and 14 degrees, while my son calls the ski patrol from another town over from the slopes, to have me recovered. Expensive, but there is no substitute, in my opinion, because you never know when you might need it.
Indeed. The people who don't agree with your fag agenda will stop buying it, as is their right.
Some may never buy it again. Why do you care? No one is stopping you from drinking a frothy tranny-can beer.

So do you always ask yourself "Does buying this make me a fag?" before you put something in your shopping cart?

Doesn't that get kind of mentally tiring?
Bud he's comfortable with homo activism

That's what happens when you reject God. It happened to the Democrat Party the day they voted God out of the party

D.icrats and anti-God libertarians. Got no use for either

Maybe he's more of a "kill 'em all and let God sort them out" kinda guy. Between you and I, I'm starting to have some issues with those "woke" NGO churches that are facilitating the transfer and settlement of illegals.
What's wrong with Goodwill?

Goodwill has some pretty good deals if you can spot them. I have a pair of police-issue Level IV body armor I picked up there for $4.99. But she's right, most all of the employees that work there are either liberal, fags, or retards.
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The queer isn't doing this on HIS own. These companies are determined to push this abomination on the Christian West.


You fascists love cancel culture, don't you? Why do you guys care who wears what? Are you retards that insecure? :itsok:
More like enjoying the freedom to spend our money as we please. Oh, I see the problem, liberals think other people's money is to be spent as they want.
Like this guy said...................the DemonicRats aren't giving companies an option...............

They either adhere to the Demonicreep propaganda, or they suffer harassment, fines, audits, and even shut downs if they don't do as the Nazicrats tell them.

These companies are more powerful than the government. I don't know why they haven't organized a liable and slander suit against the DNC and sue them for all they're worth.........or at the very least have impeachment proceedings initiated by their lawyers against ALL diseased Dementiacreeps!!!!
Now there’s some stupid new rating companies get for shit like inclusiveness and marketing to trannies and other sick people.

Smart companies would ignore this.

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