North Face Follows Bud and Target

Now there’s some stupid new rating companies get for shit like inclusiveness and marketing to trannies and other sick people.

Smart companies would ignore this.

A stupidity index. :laughing0301:
Like this guy said...................the DemonicRats aren't giving companies an option...............

They either adhere to the Demonicreep propaganda, or they suffer harassment, fines, audits, and even shut downs if they don't do as the Nazicrats tell them.

These companies are more powerful than the government. I don't know why they haven't organized a liable and slander suit against the DNC and sue them for all they're worth.........or at the very least have impeachment proceedings initiated by their lawyers against ALL diseased Dementiacreeps!!!!
So patronizing. Let's dredge up the absolute queeniest depiction of a gay man in order to appeal to gay men.

I'm looking forward to their appeal to black people showing a street pimp in full-on 1970s style lime green felt coat with matching fedora, platform shoes and walking cane.
Whereas you are limited to the plus-size shops, I'm sure.

There's just more of candycorn to love. Roll her in flour and look for the wet spot. :laughing0301:

I haven't been back to Target since they started allowing men in women's bathrooms. I have no intention of going back as a customer.

I'm sure they miss you. :rolleyes:

So just asking questions, assuming you're married, do you and your wife have separate bathrooms?
Essentially yes. I have to wonder why any sane company would even consider this stuff.

I blame COVID. The whole country went nuts because of that. The lockdowns, the shutting down of the economy, working from home, the vaccine mandates, and all the hysteria the media pushed on people.

Then half the country was fooled into voting for some demented old fool, thinking he would make everything "normal" again, which was far from what happened. We may never see anything resembling "normality" again. This transgender insanity is the new "normal."
There's just more of candycorn to love. Roll her in flour and look for the wet spot. :laughing0301:


Yeah she's fat.

Do you guys ever get tired of being assholes? Does being mean and nasty ever wear you out? It seems to energize you.

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