North Korea no longer interested in talks.................


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Well, seems that the denuclearization of N. Korea just went off the rails. Seems that Un is no longer interested in holding any more summits as he feels that Trump is getting publicity for it, but N. Korea isn't getting anything.

Still think that Trump is going to get a deal done with N. Korea? I don't.

North Korea uninterested in 'useless' Trump meetings after president's tweet

The leader of North Korea is not interested in another meeting with Donald Trump, even though the American recently signalled they would be coming together soon.

That’s according to a statement from North Korean Foreign Ministry adviser Kim Kye Gwan, who told the state news agency that Mr Trump’s Sunday night tweet saying “See you soon!” was not expressing a mutual desire.

“I interpreted President Trump’s tweet on the 17th to signify a new DPRK-US summit”, Mr Kim told KCNA before adding: “we are no longer interested in these meetings that are useless to us.”

Mr Kim continued to suggest that Mr Trump would like to portray progress on issues in the Korean Peninsula, but that his true intentions were to delay.

“We will no longer give the US president something to boast about for nothing in return, and we must receive from the US what is corresponding to the results that president Trump is already boasting as his achievements,” he said.
I never thought that a deal would happen. Frankly, Trump is doing it wrong.

If I were president I would get with Japan, South Korea and Australia and privately tell the Chinese that, unless North Korea gets rid of their nukes, that the aforementioned nations would create their own nuclear arsenals. I would also tell the Chinese that, in the event that North Korea used a nuke on us or one of our friends, that it would be considered an attack by China and would require a nuclear response against Beijing and other cities.

North Korea is nuclear because China is ok with it. If China didn't want them to have nukes, they wouldn't have them. It's that simple.
Well, seems that the denuclearization of N. Korea just went off the rails. Seems that Un is no longer interested in holding any more summits as he feels that Trump is getting publicity for it, but N. Korea isn't getting anything.

Still think that Trump is going to get a deal done with N. Korea? I don't.

North Korea uninterested in 'useless' Trump meetings after president's tweet

The leader of North Korea is not interested in another meeting with Donald Trump, even though the American recently signalled they would be coming together soon.

That’s according to a statement from North Korean Foreign Ministry adviser Kim Kye Gwan, who told the state news agency that Mr Trump’s Sunday night tweet saying “See you soon!” was not expressing a mutual desire.

“I interpreted President Trump’s tweet on the 17th to signify a new DPRK-US summit”, Mr Kim told KCNA before adding: “we are no longer interested in these meetings that are useless to us.”

Mr Kim continued to suggest that Mr Trump would like to portray progress on issues in the Korean Peninsula, but that his true intentions were to delay.

“We will no longer give the US president something to boast about for nothing in return, and we must receive from the US what is corresponding to the results that president Trump is already boasting as his achievements,” he said.
But...but...but... They're in LOVE!
The Sanctions were never lifted...................No concessions were given...............and he stopped firing the missiles for a time.

So............OP............What is next.................What do you suggest..............

Perhaps it would make you happy if we start the War tomorrow morning............It's what you want ..........hmmmm.............TDS needs Trump to go to WAR with N. Korea so you might win the next election.

What a bunch of Losers the Dems are now.
I admire Pres.Trump for taking the initiative to try and resolve the 60+ year impasse between N. Korea and the U.S.

It was a bold step, and he should be applauded for his effort. ... :cool:
I admire Pres.Trump for taking the initiative to try and resolve the 60+ year impasse between N. Korea and the U.S.

It was a bold step, and he should be applauded for his effort. ... :cool:

hey brain dead lemming, is that what you said about Clinton, Bush and Obama too?
I admire Pres.Trump for taking the initiative to try and resolve the 60+ year impasse between N. Korea and the U.S.

It was a bold step, and he should be applauded for his effort. ... :cool:

hey brain dead lemming, is that what you said about Clinton, Bush and Obama too?

Clinton's Great deal died.......of course yall say it's BUSH'S FAULT..........

And your side didn't even want to negotiate a dang thing under Trump...........There has been a cease fire of the missiles.............That is a good thing...............even if only for a while..........

So.................When you guys ready to go to War............seems that is what your side wants now.......

Shall we say............full bombing and drone attacks at sunup.......
I admire Pres.Trump for taking the initiative to try and resolve the 60+ year impasse between N. Korea and the U.S.

It was a bold step, and he should be applauded for his effort. ... :cool:

hey brain dead lemming, is that what you said about Clinton, Bush and Obama too?

Clinton's Great deal died...

Trump doesn't even have any deal and you fools are sucking him off for a job well done. Pathetic.
Yanno......................still waiting for the denuclearization of N. Korea that is never gonna happen.

Still think that Trump can close the best deals?
The situation is a Mexican standoff and has been for sometime. The only thing Trump has done is made himself look like an amateur
I admire Pres.Trump for taking the initiative to try and resolve the 60+ year impasse between N. Korea and the U.S.

It was a bold step, and he should be applauded for his effort. ... :cool:

hey brain dead lemming, is that what you said about Clinton, Bush and Obama too?
I would not expect a foreigner to know this but clinton, bush, and obama tried to bribe nk with gifts to behave
Well, seems that the denuclearization of N. Korea just went off the rails. Seems that Un is no longer interested in holding any more summits as he feels that Trump is getting publicity for it, but N. Korea isn't getting anything.

Still think that Trump is going to get a deal done with N. Korea? I don't.

North Korea uninterested in 'useless' Trump meetings after president's tweet

The leader of North Korea is not interested in another meeting with Donald Trump, even though the American recently signalled they would be coming together soon.

That’s according to a statement from North Korean Foreign Ministry adviser Kim Kye Gwan, who told the state news agency that Mr Trump’s Sunday night tweet saying “See you soon!” was not expressing a mutual desire.

“I interpreted President Trump’s tweet on the 17th to signify a new DPRK-US summit”, Mr Kim told KCNA before adding: “we are no longer interested in these meetings that are useless to us.”

Mr Kim continued to suggest that Mr Trump would like to portray progress on issues in the Korean Peninsula, but that his true intentions were to delay.

“We will no longer give the US president something to boast about for nothing in return, and we must receive from the US what is corresponding to the results that president Trump is already boasting as his achievements,” he said.
i don't think anyone will get a deal done w/n korea. but i'm not going to fault someone for trying.
I admire Pres.Trump for taking the initiative to try and resolve the 60+ year impasse between N. Korea and the U.S.

It was a bold step, and he should be applauded for his effort. ... :cool:

hey brain dead lemming, is that what you said about Clinton, Bush and Obama too?
I would not expect a foreigner to know this but clinton, bush, and obama tried to bribe nk with gifts to behave

It’s true that Trump didn’t give them food or aid, he however did manage to help legitimize a ruthless dictator because he was so naive
Well, seems that the denuclearization of N. Korea just went off the rails. Seems that Un is no longer interested in holding any more summits as he feels that Trump is getting publicity for it, but N. Korea isn't getting anything.

Still think that Trump is going to get a deal done with N. Korea? I don't.

North Korea uninterested in 'useless' Trump meetings after president's tweet

The leader of North Korea is not interested in another meeting with Donald Trump, even though the American recently signalled they would be coming together soon.

That’s according to a statement from North Korean Foreign Ministry adviser Kim Kye Gwan, who told the state news agency that Mr Trump’s Sunday night tweet saying “See you soon!” was not expressing a mutual desire.

“I interpreted President Trump’s tweet on the 17th to signify a new DPRK-US summit”, Mr Kim told KCNA before adding: “we are no longer interested in these meetings that are useless to us.”

Mr Kim continued to suggest that Mr Trump would like to portray progress on issues in the Korean Peninsula, but that his true intentions were to delay.

“We will no longer give the US president something to boast about for nothing in return, and we must receive from the US what is corresponding to the results that president Trump is already boasting as his achievements,” he said.
i don't think anyone will get a deal done w/n korea. but i'm not going to fault someone for trying.

obama, Clinton and Bush tried too. They got suckered. Just like Trump
I admire Pres.Trump for taking the initiative to try and resolve the 60+ year impasse between N. Korea and the U.S.

It was a bold step, and he should be applauded for his effort. ... :cool:

hey brain dead lemming, is that what you said about Clinton, Bush and Obama too?
I would not expect a foreigner to know this but clinton, bush, and obama tried to bribe nk with gifts to behave

It’s true that Trump didn’t give them food or aid, he however did manage to help legitimize a ruthless dictator because he was so naive
Thats nonsense

The north korean dictatorship is fully in control of the country and has a seat in the UN

So its already a fact of life
Well, the Surrender Monkey NEVER DID A FUCKINGVTHING WITH N.KORES and all we had was missiles flying over Huam and Japan....At least Trump tried diplomacy...if that fails there are always real hard sanctions he hasn't done yet!
Well, seems that the denuclearization of N. Korea just went off the rails. Seems that Un is no longer interested in holding any more summits as he feels that Trump is getting publicity for it, but N. Korea isn't getting anything.

Still think that Trump is going to get a deal done with N. Korea? I don't.

North Korea uninterested in 'useless' Trump meetings after president's tweet

The leader of North Korea is not interested in another meeting with Donald Trump, even though the American recently signalled they would be coming together soon.

That’s according to a statement from North Korean Foreign Ministry adviser Kim Kye Gwan, who told the state news agency that Mr Trump’s Sunday night tweet saying “See you soon!” was not expressing a mutual desire.

“I interpreted President Trump’s tweet on the 17th to signify a new DPRK-US summit”, Mr Kim told KCNA before adding: “we are no longer interested in these meetings that are useless to us.”

Mr Kim continued to suggest that Mr Trump would like to portray progress on issues in the Korean Peninsula, but that his true intentions were to delay.

“We will no longer give the US president something to boast about for nothing in return, and we must receive from the US what is corresponding to the results that president Trump is already boasting as his achievements,” he said.
i don't think anyone will get a deal done w/n korea. but i'm not going to fault someone for trying.

obama, Clinton and Bush tried too. They got suckered. Just like Trump
great. all I'm saying is I am not going to fault trump or anyone else for trying.
I admire Pres.Trump for taking the initiative to try and resolve the 60+ year impasse between N. Korea and the U.S.

It was a bold step, and he should be applauded for his effort. ... :cool:

hey brain dead lemming, is that what you said about Clinton, Bush and Obama too?
I would not expect a foreigner to know this but clinton, bush, and obama tried to bribe nk with gifts to behave

It’s true that Trump didn’t give them food or aid, he however did manage to help legitimize a ruthless dictator because he was so naive

Lol. North Korea is a recognized member of the U.N. and has been under the rule of one family for 70 years. Trump didn't "legitimize" anything you partisan hack.

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