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North Korea preparing EMP strike on the United States.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Although the United States and the entire international community is concerned about North Korea’s conventional military capabilities, a new report suggests the regime is contemplating using an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) strike against the United States.


Shock Report Reveals North Korea's Newest Plans To Attack America!

N. Korea omg is Kim on crack or what? Lets hope Trump doesn't prove who can take them out , because an attack would cause well another attack which creates that world war three bs. Because so and so says leave N. K. alone, then other say leave this one alone or that one alone and then it turns into one big cluster fk mess.

Lets' gather more of the same information pick one one of them has got fit someone's little ole credibility list of news reads .........yeah right lol




Thought I'd throw this one in there too since he is using this threat again LOL.

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View attachment 125544

Although the United States and the entire international community is concerned about North Korea’s conventional military capabilities, a new report suggests the regime is contemplating using an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) strike against the United States.

View attachment 125545

Shock Report Reveals North Korea's Newest Plans To Attack America!

N. Korea omg is Kim on crack or what? Lets hope Trump doesn't prove who can take them out , because an attack would cause well another attack which creates that world war three bs. Because so and so says leave N. K. alone, then other say leave this one alone or that one alone and then it turns into one big cluster fk mess.

I suspect everything in the DPRK is well-targeted at this point.

We can't "leave them alone". If they approach ICBM capability, I predict we will act pre-emptively and decisively.
View attachment 125544

Although the United States and the entire international community is concerned about North Korea’s conventional military capabilities, a new report suggests the regime is contemplating using an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) strike against the United States.

View attachment 125545

Shock Report Reveals North Korea's Newest Plans To Attack America!

N. Korea omg is Kim on crack or what? Lets hope Trump doesn't prove who can take them out , because an attack would cause well another attack which creates that world war three bs. Because so and so says leave N. K. alone, then other say leave this one alone or that one alone and then it turns into one big cluster fk mess.

Um was anyone aware that North Korea even had an EMP?

Unless should credible source shows that they have one, people should take this Aaron Klein with a dab of salt.
View attachment 125544

Although the United States and the entire international community is concerned about North Korea’s conventional military capabilities, a new report suggests the regime is contemplating using an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) strike against the United States.

View attachment 125545

Shock Report Reveals North Korea's Newest Plans To Attack America!

N. Korea omg is Kim on crack or what? Lets hope Trump doesn't prove who can take them out , because an attack would cause well another attack which creates that world war three bs. Because so and so says leave N. K. alone, then other say leave this one alone or that one alone and then it turns into one big cluster fk mess.

Um was anyone aware that North Korea even had an EMP?

Unless should credible source shows that they have one, people should take this Aaron Klein with a dab of salt.

First I've heard about that. If it's true then we need to take those weapons out, or take that fat fuck out.
View attachment 125544

Although the United States and the entire international community is concerned about North Korea’s conventional military capabilities, a new report suggests the regime is contemplating using an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) strike against the United States.

View attachment 125545

Shock Report Reveals North Korea's Newest Plans To Attack America!

N. Korea omg is Kim on crack or what? Lets hope Trump doesn't prove who can take them out , because an attack would cause well another attack which creates that world war three bs. Because so and so says leave N. K. alone, then other say leave this one alone or that one alone and then it turns into one big cluster fk mess.

Um was anyone aware that North Korea even had an EMP?

Unless should credible source shows that they have one, people should take this Aaron Klein with a dab of salt.

First I've heard about that. If it's true then we need to take those weapons out, or take that fat fuck out.

On second thought, let's do both.
The EMP effect has to be on re-entry. WELL above the ground. And the only way to do that with what NK has right now might be a submarine launched nuclear missile. Even then, there is no indication that there has been ANY testing on this and it's YEARS away -- if ever.

About now -- it's worth repeating that the Dems KILLED any coherent Ballastic Missile Defense system that we MIGHT have had by now. And most every BMissile launched against the US WILL LAND in the US..

All of the missile shield systems that are fleet launched, or for tactical purposes won't protect the CONUS from this threat..

Good Job Dems... I believe their excuse at the time was "North Korea/Iran wasn't gonna be a threat for at least 20 years.
View attachment 125544

Although the United States and the entire international community is concerned about North Korea’s conventional military capabilities, a new report suggests the regime is contemplating using an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) strike against the United States.

View attachment 125545

Shock Report Reveals North Korea's Newest Plans To Attack America!

N. Korea omg is Kim on crack or what? Lets hope Trump doesn't prove who can take them out , because an attack would cause well another attack which creates that world war three bs. Because so and so says leave N. K. alone, then other say leave this one alone or that one alone and then it turns into one big cluster fk mess.

Um was anyone aware that North Korea even had an EMP?

Unless should credible source shows that they have one, people should take this Aaron Klein with a dab of salt.

First I've heard about that. If it's true then we need to take those weapons out, or take that fat fuck out.

Well I agree if NK did have an EMP then the capability to deliver such a weapon would immediately need dealing with.

I have never heard it mentioned until now though that NK has an EMP, I also have never heard of this Aaron Klein until now.
I guess we'll find out if our Gov managed to follow the advice they were given back in 2004 then - http://empcommission.org/docs/empc_exec_rpt.pdf and 2002 (skip to page 22) - https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-111hr5026rs/pdf/BILLS-111hr5026rs.pdf

See also - NATO PA - Sunday 14 November 2010 - Summary of the meeting of the Science and Technology Committee

V. Presentation by Avi Schnurr, President, The Electric Infrastructure Security (EIS) Council, on Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) and related risks to Critical Infrastructures

19. Avi Schnurr informed the Committee Members about a potentially immense, but not yet sufficiently acknowledged threat posed by Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) strikes. They could either occur in a natural way in the form of solar flares or by nuclear detonations above the atmosphere. EMPs could cause major electronic blackouts with immeasurable damage to country’s electronic grids with severe consequences for their extremely vulnerable infrastructure (computers, financial systems, etc.). M. Schnurr suggested that electricity could be out for months or years because the grid would need to be assembled completely anew since its components would melt.

20. On the positive side, many studies on that phenomenon had been conducted in the recent years by US official bodies, and the dangers were now better understood and preventable by upgrading and protecting national electric grids. On the political level awareness of electric infrastructure security had risen and an inaugural summit was taking place in London in September 2010 to set up a new security framework for the US and Europe.

21. Having been asked if the urgency of the EMP threat was well understood, M. Schnurr answered that it would be a relatively new subject and democracies would usually tend to respond only after being hit by a catastrophe and not in advance. However, the potential damage of a severe EMP strike was too significant to ignore preventive measures, M. Schnurr warned.
The EMP effect has to be on re-entry. WELL above the ground. And the only way to do that with what NK has right now might be a submarine launched nuclear missile. Even then, there is no indication that there has been ANY testing on this and it's YEARS away -- if ever.

About now -- it's worth repeating that the Dems KILLED any coherent Ballastic Missile Defense system that we MIGHT have had by now. And most every BMissile launched against the US WILL LAND in the US..

All of the missile shield systems that are fleet launched, or for tactical purposes won't protect the CONUS from this threat..

Good Job Dems... I believe their excuse at the time was "North Korea/Iran wasn't gonna be a threat for at least 20 years.

There's no indication they even have an EMP, I'm sure if they did then Kim Jong-Un would have broadcasted it to the planet by now, considering he broadcasts everything else about what he would like to do.

Here's a recent article about NK and their submarines and their capability with SLBMs, which the article says can travel more than 600 miles, everything NK does is aimed at doing something to South Korea and Japan, nothing they do can in any form reach the American shore.

North Korea's hidden submarine threat is another worry as regime warns it's 'ready' for war

"Experts believe North Korea's navy has around 70 submarines in its fleet, although only a handful today are believed to be capable of firing submarine-launched ballistic missiles or so-called SLBMs. And while North Korea does not yet appear to have a functional, operational submarine-launched nuclear capability they are testing submarine missiles that could some day carry a nuclear warhead.

Last August, North Korean media showed off video of a so-called KN-11 submarine missile being launched from eastern coastal waters. Images of the North Korean dictator pointing to the missile launch were shown on the state television network.

The submarine-launched missile flew about 310 miles toward Japan.

The test set a new distance record for Pyongyang's SLBM program, and experts suggest the ballistic missile has the capability to travel more than 600 miles."

Here's the rest of the article.

North Korea's hidden submarine threat as regime warns 'ready' for war
Also - I guess Alaska will have to save your asses somehow. Doubtful they could even take out all our individual power grids. Luckily we have /lots/ of military "connections" up here to prevent your demise.

But ya know, us Alaskan's are just backwards hicks and trailer trash ain't we. heh
Also - I guess Alaska will have to save your asses somehow. Doubtful they could even take out all our individual power grids. Luckily we have /lots/ of military "connections" up here to prevent your demise.

But ya know, us Alaskan's are just backwards hicks and trailer trash ain't we. heh

You guys can stand down. If Kim Jung Looney wanted to make a first strike --- it wouldn't be on the Yukon. Because about 20 minutes later -- his whole Looney bin would be fused and molten basic chemistry. .
Also - I guess Alaska will have to save your asses somehow. Doubtful they could even take out all our individual power grids. Luckily we have /lots/ of military "connections" up here to prevent your demise.

But ya know, us Alaskan's are just backwards hicks and trailer trash ain't we. heh

"But ya know, us Alaskan's are just backwards hicks and trailer trash ain't we. heh"

Alaska is okay, I like this Alaska the best, the one that's Baked and then flambéed at the table :smoke:

Also - I guess Alaska will have to save your asses somehow. Doubtful they could even take out all our individual power grids. Luckily we have /lots/ of military "connections" up here to prevent your demise.

But ya know, us Alaskan's are just backwards hicks and trailer trash ain't we. heh

You guys can stand down. If Kim Jung Looney wanted to make a first strike --- it wouldn't be on the Yukon. Because about 20 minutes later -- his whole Looney bin would be fused and molten basic chemistry. .

Meh depends which way idiot boy wants to go, he /could/ decide to take out the US's Space Missile Defense (Up here primarily) first, although if he's going to go that far, I imagine EMP is the least of the lower 48s problems cause I bet a nuke follow shortly heh

Also: Alaska will /never/ stand down Sir.
Also - I guess Alaska will have to save your asses somehow. Doubtful they could even take out all our individual power grids. Luckily we have /lots/ of military "connections" up here to prevent your demise.

But ya know, us Alaskan's are just backwards hicks and trailer trash ain't we. heh

"But ya know, us Alaskan's are just backwards hicks and trailer trash ain't we. heh"

Alaska is okay, I like this Alaska the best, the one that's Baked and then flambéed at the table :smoke:


NOT Alaskan. It came from New York hahaha He named it Baked Alaska in honor of Alaska's statehood, was also known as the Norwegian Omelette. Hong Kong has a similar dish called Flame on the Iceburg.

Alaska tends to make useful shit; like wood stoves, kayak's, and the floats and skis on air planes that let them land wherever the fuck they want heh
View attachment 125544

Although the United States and the entire international community is concerned about North Korea’s conventional military capabilities, a new report suggests the regime is contemplating using an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) strike against the United States.

View attachment 125545

Shock Report Reveals North Korea's Newest Plans To Attack America!

N. Korea omg is Kim on crack or what? Lets hope Trump doesn't prove who can take them out , because an attack would cause well another attack which creates that world war three bs. Because so and so says leave N. K. alone, then other say leave this one alone or that one alone and then it turns into one big cluster fk mess.

Um was anyone aware that North Korea even had an EMP?

Unless should credible source shows that they have one, people should take this Aaron Klein with a dab of salt.

Guess it sucks I didn't use infowars nobody knows what to use an excuse now bhaahaahha

Nothing is ever CREDIBLE unless it fits the eyes of those who don't know what is credible.

A lover of CBS , NBC, MSN, MSNBC..............ALL CONTROLLED doesn't make them credible. The sooner people figure out how and who controls them maybe it will make sense why they've got half their sheep following their dumb you down lead.

Oh hey OAN is in that chart Yay! They're like the only MSM I even bother putting any stock in anymore :/
View attachment 125544

Although the United States and the entire international community is concerned about North Korea’s conventional military capabilities, a new report suggests the regime is contemplating using an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) strike against the United States.

View attachment 125545

Shock Report Reveals North Korea's Newest Plans To Attack America!

N. Korea omg is Kim on crack or what? Lets hope Trump doesn't prove who can take them out , because an attack would cause well another attack which creates that world war three bs. Because so and so says leave N. K. alone, then other say leave this one alone or that one alone and then it turns into one big cluster fk mess.

Would the effect of an EMP be permanent, irreversible, or would certain things be fixable and be able to be up and running again?

I once read that an EMP just melts everything, resulting in the damage being irreversible.
View attachment 125544

Although the United States and the entire international community is concerned about North Korea’s conventional military capabilities, a new report suggests the regime is contemplating using an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) strike against the United States.

View attachment 125545

Shock Report Reveals North Korea's Newest Plans To Attack America!

N. Korea omg is Kim on crack or what? Lets hope Trump doesn't prove who can take them out , because an attack would cause well another attack which creates that world war three bs. Because so and so says leave N. K. alone, then other say leave this one alone or that one alone and then it turns into one big cluster fk mess.

Would the effect of an EMP be permanent, irreversible, or would certain things be fixable and be able to be up and running again?

I once read that an EMP just melts everything, resulting in the damage being irreversible.

It depends on what they use, how they do it. Hell the Sun could give an EMP like attack on us. Of course the term used would be solar flare but it could do the same thing wipe out the power grid.

It is said if an EMP was set off they would do it in the center of the Country which would take out a large portion of the main grids...

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