North Korea sanctions to remain in effect


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
North Korea will denuclearize, President Trump declared in an exclusive interview with ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos just hours after intense and historic negotiations with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
North Korea Sanctions to ‘Remain In Effect’ – Trump

Well Kim probably won't be to keen on that one but maybe he can work at proving himself and get it all lifted.
North Korea will denuclearize, President Trump declared in an exclusive interview with ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos just hours after intense and historic negotiations with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
North Korea Sanctions to ‘Remain In Effect’ – Trump

Well Kim probably won't be to keen on that one but maybe he can work at proving himself and get it all lifted.
The comment by Chinese officials suggests the US policy of “maximum pressure” on Pyongyang until it relinquishes nuclear weapons is already showing signs of cracking. There have been reports that Kim’s charm offensive over recent months has led China to relax restrictions on trade with North Korea, violating UN sanctions.

Trump alluded to relaxed Chinese restrictions, that have come without substantial concessions from Pyongyang, in a press conference in which he also praised the Chinese president, Xi Jingping, for implementing sanctions. “He really closed up that border … but maybe not in the last couple of months but that’s OK,” the president said.

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