North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
Satellite images show North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility

Satellite images from last week show that North Korea is making numerous improvements to the infrastructure at a nuclear research facility, according to a new study.

The images, obtained by North Korea analysis outlet 38 North, come just weeks after President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed an agreement that called for a denuclearized Korean peninsula.

The satellite photos indicate that North Korea is quickly progressing on several adjustments to the Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center.

So much for tRump's nuclear summit huh?

I think an hearty "I told you so" is in order here.
Satellite images show North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility

Satellite images from last week show that North Korea is making numerous improvements to the infrastructure at a nuclear research facility, according to a new study.

The images, obtained by North Korea analysis outlet 38 North, come just weeks after President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed an agreement that called for a denuclearized Korean peninsula.

The satellite photos indicate that North Korea is quickly progressing on several adjustments to the Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center.

So much for tRump's nuclear summit huh?

I think an hearty "I told you so" is in order here.
Duped Dotard does it again, securing the world for democracy and bad hair dews...What a joke of a deal maker.
If anyone with a lick of sense had a brain in the administration then they could easily know that the North Korean leaders have played this ruse more than once.But, leave it to our leader who is infatuated with himself and has a hard time seeing the trees because of the forest.
Im still not sure what they meant by "denuclearization"
Apparently, trump and kims agreement is supposed to go back to an agreement signed by kim and moon a few months ago. The agreement mentions denuclearization AND disarmament.
So, reasonably, they could just be getting new facilities and updating old ones because of nuclear power? Nuclear power must be enriched as well.
So im not sure whether to be outraged about this or not. I have found no clarity to the above confusion.
Satellite images show North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility

Satellite images from last week show that North Korea is making numerous improvements to the infrastructure at a nuclear research facility, according to a new study.

The images, obtained by North Korea analysis outlet 38 North, come just weeks after President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed an agreement that called for a denuclearized Korean peninsula.

The satellite photos indicate that North Korea is quickly progressing on several adjustments to the Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center.

So much for tRump's nuclear summit huh?

I think an hearty "I told you so" is in order here.
I checked your source to see if it was some fringe site and found it is The Hill, a good credible source. Thanks!
Satellite images show North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility

Satellite images from last week show that North Korea is making numerous improvements to the infrastructure at a nuclear research facility, according to a new study.

The images, obtained by North Korea analysis outlet 38 North, come just weeks after President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed an agreement that called for a denuclearized Korean peninsula.

The satellite photos indicate that North Korea is quickly progressing on several adjustments to the Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center.

So much for tRump's nuclear summit huh?

I think an hearty "I told you so" is in order here.

Since you, like most Libs, have simplistic minds that are easily led (astray) , let me offer another explanation. Shortly after the summit with NK, satellite images show a former nuclear research center being repurposed. Now I’m not saying that is what is going on, and given the history of those sneaky little bastards, it is fair to assume they won’t honor an agreement, but nor would I be pounding my chest and shouting I told you so based on such little inconclusive evidence.
I did not know that the National Enquirer had its own satellites?

I'm gonna start reading it more often.
If anyone with a lick of sense had a brain in the administration then they could easily know that the North Korean leaders have played this ruse more than once.But, leave it to our leader who is infatuated with himself and has a hard time seeing the trees because of the forest.
As your link says, NK has been working at this site for a long time, and they have just not recieves orders to stop yet.

Patience, Grasshopper.
Satellite images show North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility

Satellite images from last week show that North Korea is making numerous improvements to the infrastructure at a nuclear research facility, according to a new study.

The images, obtained by North Korea analysis outlet 38 North, come just weeks after President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed an agreement that called for a denuclearized Korean peninsula.

The satellite photos indicate that North Korea is quickly progressing on several adjustments to the Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center.

So much for tRump's nuclear summit huh?

I think an hearty "I told you so" is in order here.

Since you, like most Libs, have simplistic minds that are easily led (astray) , let me offer another explanation. Shortly after the summit with NK, satellite images show a former nuclear research center being repurposed. Now I’m not saying that is what is going on, and given the history of those sneaky little bastards, it is fair to assume they won’t honor an agreement, but nor would I be pounding my chest and shouting I told you so based on such little inconclusive evidence.
What exactly would you repurpose a radioactive site for?
Hrm... The site is a biased media site, written in conjunction with a South Korea Organization. It doesn't look like it's government-backed. Many of the people in South Korea doesn't want us to pull out of the DMZ, they still fear attacks from North Korea. So it's very biased. The satellite information may also be dated from last year or years before as well.

I doubt the information in there is very accurate at all. They're removing the anti- US propaganda and stopped the anti-US parade in the country as well. I doubt they want to screw up relations with America by building something like that.
Little Trumpsters,,,but, but, but!
Sorry buds, but your hero and god is (gasp) fallible.
The taxpayer paid dog and pony show in Singapore was just what it was, all show but no go.
Trump's trade war has exposed notable American victims and there are going to be many more.
His "zero tolerance" policy shows Trump's zero empathy, which has disgraced America.
The Emperor has no clothes.

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