North Korean Defector (American Conservative) Opines About Soldier Who Crossed Border


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
We have discussed this woman before - interesting.
Park has become popular among American conservative audiences in recent years for comparing the political climate and culture wars in the U.S. to her childhood in communist North Korea.
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We need to leave this little scum ball in the PRNK. He made his choice and it doesn’t really sound like he’d be any great loss.
We need to leave this little scum ball in the PRNK. He made his choice and it doesn’t really sound like he’d be any great loss.
Just like that piece of shit traitor Bergdull. Should have dumped Bradley Manning off on a mountain in Tora Bora as well.

Hell we coulda dumped milions of people off in that shithole come to think of it....
Details how Travis King crossed the border into North Korea:

King, who had recently been released from a South Korean prison, had been escorted by the military to Incheon International Airport outside Seoul, the capital, for possible further disciplinary action in the United States.

But instead of proceeding to his gate, a senior administration official told NBC News, he joined a commercial tour group headed for the joint security area. The truce village, also known as Panmunjom, is about an hour and a half from the airport and is the only place along the approximately 155-mile demilitarized zone where North Korea and South Korea interact.

Sarah Leslie, a tourist from New Zealand who was in King’s group, said the tour was nearing its end and the group was “sort of milling around” under the watchful eyes of South Korean and American soldiers, while soldiers on the North Korean side appeared to be inside a building.

Suddenly, she noticed a man “running what looked like full gas towards the North Korean side,” she told The Associated Press.
I listened to the Fox report on the radio, and they made it sound like the mother was denying he did what he's accused of. As if he's a Dindu.

Looks like his 7 Y/O cousin died and it's sent him into a break down. I'll give him some respect for joining at all, let alone be going to a place that he could be vaporized in if a war did start. He sounds like a kid who might have been successful and had a close family so I hope he can redeem himself and possibly get back to a normal life.

That is assuming he gets out of NK alive.
I listened to the Fox report on the radio, and they made it sound like the mother was denying he did what he's accused of. As if he's a Dindu.

Looks like his 7 Y/O cousin died and it's sent him into a break down. I'll give him some respect for joining at all, let alone be going to a place that he could be vaporized in if a war did start. He sounds like a kid who might have been successful and had a close family so I hope he can redeem himself and possibly get back to a normal life.

That is assuming he gets out of NK alive.
Technically the Korean War never ended and he could be executed for treason.

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