North Pole warmer than Southern California

Is it possible that the hysterical chicken little "discovery" people failed to note the little minus (-) in front of the 40 as in -40? The average temperature at the North Pole is -40 in the winter and even if the temperature rises 40 degrees (today) it will be around 0 degrees.
No. You are stupid and don't know how to read. Back to the 1st grade with you. Damn, righties are such obtuse baffooms. The entire North Pole is currently way too warm for late December, dangerously warm for that part of our planet.

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I repeat....Global Warming is a myth

North Pole could be warmer than Southern California today

It's been a bizarre winter, and Wednesday might just bring the weirdest moment yet: It could be as warm as 40 degrees at the North Pole. That, as Discovery explains, is a good 50 degrees warmer than usual, and means that a place now engulfed in darkness 24 hours a day could be warmer than Southern California. "That's absolutely terrifying and incredibly rare," writes meteorologist Eric Holthau
It's North Pole, Alaska jackass!
I repeat....Global Warming is a myth

North Pole could be warmer than Southern California today

It's been a bizarre winter, and Wednesday might just bring the weirdest moment yet: It could be as warm as 40 degrees at the North Pole. That, as Discovery explains, is a good 50 degrees warmer than usual, and means that a place now engulfed in darkness 24 hours a day could be warmer than Southern California. "That's absolutely terrifying and incredibly rare," writes meteorologist Eric Holthau
It's North Pole, Alaska jackass!

It could be as warm as 40 degrees at the North Pole. That, as Discovery explains, is a good 50 degrees warmer than usual, and means that a place now engulfed in darkness 24 hours a day could be warmer than Southern California.
Very simply, these extremes mean weather extremes that destroy homes and infrastructure, besides costing live. Look at what is happening in the midwest right now. And what has happened in Texas and South Carolina this year. That is money spent to repair the damage that cannot be spent on other needed items. Make fun all you want, this will be an issue in the coming election.

Look at what is happening in the midwest right now. And what has happened in Texas and South Carolina this year.

You're right, those things wouldn't happen if we de-carbonized. LOL!
I don't think they mean North Pole Alaska, that's a suburb of Fairbanks and located roughly in the middle of Alaska, however, storms such as this Chinook are /normal/ and have been occurring for well longer than we've been polluting; and yes they do usually warm all the way to the North Pole. It just happens to be worse than usual this year, basically because two seasonal storms (el Nino and the Chinook) have joined together amplifying their effects.

Freak storm in North Atlantic to lash UK, may push temperatures over 50 degrees above normal at North Pole

In other news, it should cool back down in a couple days; I just hope enough daytime water gets off the roads before we get back to our below zero temps.
I repeat....Global Warming is a myth

North Pole could be warmer than Southern California today

It's been a bizarre winter, and Wednesday might just bring the weirdest moment yet: It could be as warm as 40 degrees at the North Pole. That, as Discovery explains, is a good 50 degrees warmer than usual, and means that a place now engulfed in darkness 24 hours a day could be warmer than Southern California. "That's absolutely terrifying and incredibly rare," writes meteorologist Eric Holthau

It's North Pole Alaska, not "the North Pole," you fucking moron.

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Again I doubt it's North Pole Alaska (none of the articles I looked at actually said, but they showed pictures of an ocean and there is no ocean in North Pole, Alaska - its in the middle of Alaska.)

Average temps for North Pole, Alaska in December is like -2, not the -20 and -40 they're saying in the articles. ~

Again, however, it is /not/ abnormal for the annual Chinook to raise temps at the /actual/ North Pole.
I repeat....Global Warming is a myth

North Pole could be warmer than Southern California today

It's been a bizarre winter, and Wednesday might just bring the weirdest moment yet: It could be as warm as 40 degrees at the North Pole. That, as Discovery explains, is a good 50 degrees warmer than usual, and means that a place now engulfed in darkness 24 hours a day could be warmer than Southern California. "That's absolutely terrifying and incredibly rare," writes meteorologist Eric Holthau
From the article --> Climate blogger Robert Scribbler... adds that it "reeks of a human-forced warming of the Earth’s climate."

If "human force" is altering our climate and weather it is due to our sinning, not our deodorant cans.
Oh these drones and their silly narratives
: that graph true? Basically debunks global warming. OR...dinosaurs drove a lot of big trucks!!
LOL. Well, that confirms how truly ignorant that you are. The original atmosphere of the Earth was primarily CO2.

And the atmosphere of Mars is 95% CO2, once again the AGW cult narrative falls flat against real science..

According these AGW cult members it was AGW that wiped out the dinosaurs..
I repeat....Global Warming is a myth

North Pole could be warmer than Southern California today

It's been a bizarre winter, and Wednesday might just bring the weirdest moment yet: It could be as warm as 40 degrees at the North Pole. That, as Discovery explains, is a good 50 degrees warmer than usual, and means that a place now engulfed in darkness 24 hours a day could be warmer than Southern California. "That's absolutely terrifying and incredibly rare," writes meteorologist Eric Holthau

It's North Pole Alaska, not "the North Pole," you fucking moron.

Warm there too

Read the story....It is for THE NORTH POLE

Santa is wearing shorts
I repeat....Global Warming is a myth

North Pole could be warmer than Southern California today

It's been a bizarre winter, and Wednesday might just bring the weirdest moment yet: It could be as warm as 40 degrees at the North Pole. That, as Discovery explains, is a good 50 degrees warmer than usual, and means that a place now engulfed in darkness 24 hours a day could be warmer than Southern California. "That's absolutely terrifying and incredibly rare," writes meteorologist Eric Holthau

It's North Pole Alaska, not "the North Pole," you fucking moron.

Warm there too

Read the story....It is for THE NORTH POLE

Santa is wearing shorts

So in other words you have no real science to post, just the same old AGW/far left cult narratives..

I repeat....Global Warming is a myth

North Pole could be warmer than Southern California today

It's been a bizarre winter, and Wednesday might just bring the weirdest moment yet: It could be as warm as 40 degrees at the North Pole. That, as Discovery explains, is a good 50 degrees warmer than usual, and means that a place now engulfed in darkness 24 hours a day could be warmer than Southern California. "That's absolutely terrifying and incredibly rare," writes meteorologist Eric Holthau
You Gorebal Warmers sure love science. Calling North Pole Alaska the North Pole is par for the course.

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