North Pole warmer than Southern California

The stupidity of worthless-assed Righties who don't understand that right now, it should be -30 at the North Pole and that 40 degrees means that a hell of a lot of ice, which is FRESH WATER ice, will melt and then mix with salt water, which generates heat, which then contributes to El Nino - tells me that said worthless assed Righties are far beyond saving.

They just don't get it. Because they are too fucking stupid to get it to begin with.

Another cult member showing they do not understand anything beyond their religious programming!

That, as Discovery explains, is a good 50 degrees warmer than usual, and means that a place now engulfed in darkness 24 hours a day could be warmer than Southern California. "That's absolutely terrifying and incredibly rare," writes meteorologist Eric Holthaus at Slate.

North Pole could be warmer than Southern California today


Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Another far left drone shot down with real science!
Growing sea ice proves global warming.

Had to say it before the moonbats did, because you know it's coming.

Temperatures in the Arctic Circle were hovering around 32 degrees on Wednesday morning, using data from the GFS model. (

“Consider the average winter temperature there is around 20 degrees below zero,” wrote the Capital Weather Gang’s Jason Samenow on Monday. A temperature around the freezing mark signifies a departure from normal of over 50 degrees, and close to typical mid-summer temperatures in this region.
Freak storm pushes North Pole 50 degrees above normal to melting point
Stupid-assed ignorant Righties will just close their eyes, remove their thumbs from their asses and instead stick them in their ears and then scream neenerneenerneener because, well, they are worthless-assed ignorant Righties and absolutely beyond any hope of redemption.

So, pfft.
Stupid-assed ignorant Righties will just close their eyes, remove their thumbs from their asses and instead stick them in their ears and then scream neenerneenerneener because, well, they are worthless-assed ignorant Righties and absolutely beyond any hope of redemption.

So, pfft.

Stupid assed ignorant lefties will close their eyes, remove their thumbs from their asses and instead stick them into their ears and scream.

Speaking of stupid assed and ignorant. That's you pard. To ignorant to do anything but rant about those on the right.
Stupid-assed ignorant Righties will just close their eyes, remove their thumbs from their asses and instead stick them in their ears and then scream neenerneenerneener because, well, they are worthless-assed ignorant Righties and absolutely beyond any hope of redemption.

So, pfft.

Stupid assed ignorant lefties will close their eyes, remove their thumbs from their asses and instead stick them into their ears and scream.

Speaking of stupid assed and ignorant. That's you pard. To ignorant to do anything but rant about those on the right.

Just the cellar-level understanding of science and a little bit of physics is all one needs to learn to grasp that this is a real problem. That fact that you are too ignorant to grasp this is not my problem. I deal with adults, not children.
Stupid-assed ignorant Righties will just close their eyes, remove their thumbs from their asses and instead stick them in their ears and then scream neenerneenerneener because, well, they are worthless-assed ignorant Righties and absolutely beyond any hope of redemption.

So, pfft.

Stupid assed ignorant lefties will close their eyes, remove their thumbs from their asses and instead stick them into their ears and scream.

Speaking of stupid assed and ignorant. That's you pard. To ignorant to do anything but rant about those on the right.

Just the cellar-level understanding of science and a little bit of physics is all one needs to learn to grasp that this is a real problem. That fact that you are too ignorant to grasp this is not my problem. I deal with adults, not children.

The climate has been around for billions of years and will still be here when you are dust.

Well as a child you should deal with them very well. Adults?? Not so much.

Hope your rant makes you happy. It makes me laugh.
Very simply, these extremes mean weather extremes that destroy homes and infrastructure, besides costing live. Look at what is happening in the midwest right now. And what has happened in Texas and South Carolina this year. That is money spent to repair the damage that cannot be spent on other needed items. Make fun all you want, this will be an issue in the coming election.
Ahhh you guys found the Chinook (also known as the Pineapple Express) Strong north westerly winds that blow from Hawaii to Alaska... Gives us a little hint of Hawaii's weather in December, fucking gross let me tell you... Sure it smells tropical, but it brings sheet ice roads every night, and wind storms that knock out power everywhere... My city was out almost all morning, idk what we clocked on the wind, though there was a HUGE gust that actually made the house shake last night (we're down in a bit of pit so mostly protected so I figure that gust was prob. around 70mph or more -- ah I found it they were clocking 100mph in Anchorage so yea easily a 70mph gust I felt -

Anyway, it happens like 15 days a winter every year in Alaska so I'm afraid it's not your global warming or climate change. Just weather heh - Chinook wind - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
... That wasn't the linky I meant to post lol --

This one where you can see the winds rolling straight up from Hawaii to Alaska. Sorry bout that.

(awww the link doesn't go straight to the view. Zoom out so ya can see Hawaii, put the timeline at the bottom on "past" then click the "Wind" icon on the top there - it takes a bit to load but it's pretty cool with the huge column of air across the N. Pacific)

I screenshot it for ya'll, cause it's really cool :) (and cause it changes every day - like this is today's which is mild, I don't even want to think about how it looked yesterday heh)

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

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I repeat....Global Warming is a myth

North Pole could be warmer than Southern California today

It's been a bizarre winter, and Wednesday might just bring the weirdest moment yet: It could be as warm as 40 degrees at the North Pole. That, as Discovery explains, is a good 50 degrees warmer than usual, and means that a place now engulfed in darkness 24 hours a day could be warmer than Southern California. "That's absolutely terrifying and incredibly rare," writes meteorologist Eric Holthau

Moron. The question isn't wether the planet is cooling it warming, the question is wether man has anything to do with it. Idiots and scammers such as you like to confine the argument to the warming and ignore the real argument. The reason you idiots do that is because there is ZERO evidence that man has anything at all to do with it.
The stupidity of worthless-assed Righties who don't understand that right now, it should be -30 at the North Pole and that 40 degrees means that a hell of a lot of ice, which is FRESH WATER ice, will melt and then mix with salt water, which generates heat, which then contributes to El Nino - tells me that said worthless assed Righties are far beyond saving.

They just don't get it. Because they are too fucking stupid to get it to begin with.

Another stupid leftie who knows only enough to be able to say stupid shit.

Hey moron, here's a clue since you haven't one:

It's the sun, stupid.
Very simply, these extremes mean weather extremes that destroy homes and infrastructure, besides costing live. Look at what is happening in the midwest right now. And what has happened in Texas and South Carolina this year. That is money spent to repair the damage that cannot be spent on other needed items. Make fun all you want, this will be an issue in the coming election.

The naysayers are missing the point. It's not AGW. It's climate change that is happening at a rate far too fast for the planet to compensate in a way that is combatible with human life.

THAT's the point.

It's entirely possible that the freak warm temperatures from right now, which will only serve to exacerbate the El Nino effect, can actually lead to a far more bitter winter in certain parts of the world next year, which will in turn lead to a steeper rise in polar temps in the year to follow. And the more fresh water as a result of melting glaciers meets salt water, which again results in a hyperthermic reaction of sorts and of course also raises the sea level at the same time, then this is only going to get worse. The earth has both a cold and a fever at the same time. And we are just beginning to see the effects of it right now. This is quite literally the tip of the iceberg. Tornadoes in Ohio in December are just the beginning. Just wait until it starts to snow in Albequerque in July. And there is now no doubt any more that the speed-up in climate change is directly in relation to man-made things, like chemicals being released into our atmosphere, etc. WE are causing this to happen. More than 99% of all scientific studies related to climate change are showing this. The data that is coming in is all pointing in this direction. Hell, even Exxon-Mobile is admitting that it is happening.

The naysayers need to get their heads out of their asses and realize that this problem is real and will only grow worse in the next years. In fact, we must face the slow realization that we may already be past the point of no return. That possibility now exists. Because people put the politics of raw greed over real data.
Well I could care less about the politics. I just don't want to have to leave my house... I love my house. So ya know fire those puppies up. I'm not picky, just enough to keep ice off the roads would be fine really... Above freezing through the winter then you can shut it all down as far as I'm concerned, I'll suck it up and pay through the nose for my gasoline and natural gas, hell I'll even throw some money at the greenies up here; they're trying to make solar panels and wind power more accessible to the public (cause it's kind of illegal to install that stuff on the grid unless you jump through gov hoops for a cut off switch - not too expensive, most folks have one for their generator for the power outages, but greenies up here don't seem to have much money so it's apparently been a problem for them. Maybe Obama will toss them a nice donation in the meantime since he cares so much ~shrug~) oooo ya know if it wasn't dropping below zero every winter, then all that "green" energy stuff would work up here, batteries wouldn't freeze and stuff, heck peeps wouldn't have to run their cars for 15 minutes before going somewhere which means less warming gas right? Its the best compromise ever!!
I repeat....Global Warming is a myth

North Pole could be warmer than Southern California today

It's been a bizarre winter, and Wednesday might just bring the weirdest moment yet: It could be as warm as 40 degrees at the North Pole. That, as Discovery explains, is a good 50 degrees warmer than usual, and means that a place now engulfed in darkness 24 hours a day could be warmer than Southern California. "That's absolutely terrifying and incredibly rare," writes meteorologist Eric Holthau

I repeat....Global Warming is a myth


about time you came around
Very simply, these extremes mean weather extremes that destroy homes and infrastructure, besides costing live. Look at what is happening in the midwest right now. And what has happened in Texas and South Carolina this year. That is money spent to repair the damage that cannot be spent on other needed items. Make fun all you want, this will be an issue in the coming election.
You mean we get to vote on the weather. How cool!
I repeat....Global Warming is a myth

North Pole could be warmer than Southern California today

It's been a bizarre winter, and Wednesday might just bring the weirdest moment yet: It could be as warm as 40 degrees at the North Pole. That, as Discovery explains, is a good 50 degrees warmer than usual, and means that a place now engulfed in darkness 24 hours a day could be warmer than Southern California. "That's absolutely terrifying and incredibly rare," writes meteorologist Eric Holthau

Actually it was a balmy 50 degrees. As reported by a friend who lives there.
No cure for stupid. Cons won't believe in global warming until their houses are under water....oops, Missouri, Illinois, Texas, and Arkansas. Miami floods every high tide. Not long till the whole coast line rises, so that Wall Street is under water. Every coastal city will look like St. Louis. Cons don't worry about the north pole, because it's thousands of miles away.
Is it possible that the hysterical chicken little "discovery" people failed to note the little minus (-) in front of the 40 as in -40? The average temperature at the North Pole is -40 in the winter and even if the temperature rises 40 degrees (today) it will be around 0 degrees.

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