Northam bans guns but not kkk outfits ahead of gun rally

This may be a defining moment as one governor has taken it upon himself to vacate state and federal laws based solely on suspicion and feelings.
The line has been drawn.

I suspect that rather than risk anything, all these fearless warriors will now quietly calm down and let the gun grabbers get on with the gun grabbing.

Freedom was never free.

If all patriots believe that protecting their liberties and freedoms wouldn't cost them a red cent....well you can kiss your country good bye.

No one wants violence...except the Constitution Busting Gun Grabbers.

'The Tree of Liberty Must Occasionally be refreshed with the Blood of Tyrants and Patriots"
Thomas Jefferson

And remember....Victorious Tyrants are often reveled as heroes and righteous in the eyes of history. Good guys behind a lost cause, soon forgotten.
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Oh, one more important fact......

it was Republicans who invited democrats to take total control in Virginia.

With Trump in the WH, they became complacent and barbecued and line danced on election day, fully confident they were safe behind a Trump shield and their muskets and ammo.

Now that they have been squarely defeated and democrats have a perfect Blue Trifecta in Virginia, they will suffer the consequences. Actually we all will.

Virginia will quickly and easily pass ALL the Liberal laws that remove guns, invite homelessness and wreck the local economy.

Trust me, Republican voters are set to do the EXACT SAME THING Nationally this November.

Repeat after me......."One Trick Pony"
Sounds like a rational move by the Governor of the State of Virginia. After reading the linked article, I agree that 50,000 armed gun rights supporters with possible outside agitators is the last the State of Virginia needs on the capital square, for the safety of all involved.
This is a temporary ban?
Temporary ban at the protest demonstration. Permanent ban for all weapons inside the state capital building and a state office building close by. These are two completely separate actions. Surprised that capital building and office building thing wasn't done a long time ago. Heck, you can't bring your personal weapon inside our count court house when you pay taxes or transfer a title, much less the capital complex in Nashville There isn't a red state redder than Tennessee in the whole country.
Virginia's last election had gun control as one of the topics discussed and run on. They changed both state houses and the governorship blue by small margins for the first time in their history. Elections have consequences. The Governor does not want 50,000 armed gun activist with many coming from all across the country and even Canada at protest demonstration on the capital square for safety reasons. Demonstrate? Fine. Armed demonstration. No way. Governor is right.
A gun rally with no guns. A pet show with no animals
Do they all just high 5 and hug?
This is a temporary ban?
Temporary ban at the protest demonstration. Permanent ban for all weapons inside the state capital building and a state office building close by. These are two completely separate actions. Surprised that capital building and office building thing wasn't done a long time ago. Heck, you can't bring your personal weapon inside our count court house when you pay taxes or transfer a title, much less the capital complex in Nashville There isn't a red state redder than Tennessee in the whole country.
Virginia's last election had gun control as one of the topics discussed and run on. They changed both state houses and the governorship blue by small margins for the first time in their history. Elections have consequences. The Governor does not want 50,000 armed gun activist with many coming from all across the country and even Canada at protest demonstration on the capital square for safety reasons. Demonstrate? Fine. Armed demonstration. No way. Governor is right.
This is interesting because it's been in the news for the past several weeks.

When I was younger I always thought it was not lawful to carry a weapon at a demonstration, protest, etc. or in ANY government buildings but apparently it all depends on which state you're in. California's legislators/representatives are some of the most hypocritcal in the nation as many of them have concealed carry permits and/or carry while denying that right to their constituents.

I predict this will happen all across the nation if Bloomberg ever gets into office.
The line has been drawn.

I suspect that rather than risk anything, all these fearless warriors will now quietly calm down and let the gun grabbers get on with the gun grabbing.

Freedom was never free.

If all patriots believe that protecting their liberties and freedoms wouldn't cost them a red cent....well you can kiss your country good bye.

No one wants violence...except the Constitution Busting Gun Grabbers.

'The Tree of Liberty Must Occasionally be refreshed with the Blood of Tyrants and Patriots"
Thomas Jefferson

And remember....Victorious Tyrants are often reveled as heroes and righteous in the eyes of history. Good guys behind a lost cause, soon forgotten.
Everything Hitler did was legal according to the German courts at the time

progressives are very clever in that way

If progressives, aka liberal democrats, have control of the state government they will couch every move they make in phony lib legality
Finding an excuse, no matter how feeble, to declare a state of emergence, or even better, martial law, is a Democratic politician's wet dream.
Vice ^ | 1/15/2020

In response to what he described as “credible intelligence” of threats of violence at an upcoming gun rights rally in Richmond, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam has declared a state of emergency and will temporarily ban individuals from carrying firearms on Capitol grounds.

The governor said at a press conference Wednesday that authorities believe “armed militia groups plan to storm the Capitol” during the January 20 rally.

He also said that law enforcement had intercepted threats and “extremist rhetoric” similar to what was observed prior to the violent Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in August 2017. “We will not allow that mayhem and violence to happen here,” he said.

The decision to ban all weapons, including firearms, won’t sit well with the thousands of gun lovers who are expected to descend on Richmond to participate in what was billed as an open-carry affair and an opportunity to flex Second Amendment rights.

“No weapons will be allowed on Capitol grounds,” said Northam, a Democrat. “Everything from sticks and bats to chains and projectiles…. The list also includes firearms. It makes no sense to ban every other weapon but allow firearms when intelligence shows that armed militia groups plan to storm the Capitol.”

On the Facebook page for the rally, several attendees are already saying they won’t comply and leave their weapons at home — even though Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney has vowed a hard line on rule-breakers. “Violations of the law will not be tolerated,” Stoney said.

The January 20 event, dubbed “Lobby Day,” was organized by the Virginia Citizens Defense League, a pro-Second Amendment nonprofit, in response to new gun control legislation introduced by the Democratic state Legislature. Northam acknowledged that the organizers had been planning the rally for some time. “I believe them when they say this is a peaceful event — that’s what democracy is,” said Northam. “Unfortunately, they have unleashed something much larger, something they may not be able to control.”

Upwards of 5,000 people said on the Facebook page that they plan to attend. Event organizers have warned the state that as many as 100,000 could show up.

A website for the rally shows that at least 60 buses are scheduled to transport attendees into Richmond on Monday. And there's word that carpools are being organized. What’s more, armed militia groups are also planning to attend, and some have even described the event as a “boogaloo” — a term that the far right uses to describe a second civil war.

In addition to banning weapons on Capitol grounds, Northam also said he’d established a unified command between state police, Capitol police, the Richmond police department, and the city's first responder teams. This is a critical move — one that’s likely borne out of the lessons learned from the massive law enforcement failures during Unite the Right, which left one dead and dozens injured. Months after that rally, an independent review team released a searing 220-page report analyzing how law enforcement’s disorganization and failure to coordinate across agencies allowed the violent, ugly scenes that unfolded that day.


Nothing like the COMMIERATS pushing a Hitleresque policy of confiscation of weapons to start Patriots to defend the Constitution....perhaps a 2nd American Revolution will start in Va.!

The boogaloo is cw2...or spicy time
Its vice so that explains thier ignorant lie
This is a temporary ban?
Temporary ban at the protest demonstration. Permanent ban for all weapons inside the state capital building and a state office building close by. These are two completely separate actions. Surprised that capital building and office building thing wasn't done a long time ago. Heck, you can't bring your personal weapon inside our count court house when you pay taxes or transfer a title, much less the capital complex in Nashville There isn't a red state redder than Tennessee in the whole country.
Virginia's last election had gun control as one of the topics discussed and run on. They changed both state houses and the governorship blue by small margins for the first time in their history. Elections have consequences. The Governor does not want 50,000 armed gun activist with many coming from all across the country and even Canada at protest demonstration on the capital square for safety reasons. Demonstrate? Fine. Armed demonstration. No way. Governor is right.
This is interesting because it's been in the news for the past several weeks.

When I was younger I always thought it was not lawful to carry a weapon at a demonstration, protest, etc. or in ANY government buildings but apparently it all depends on which state you're in. California's legislators/representatives are some of the most hypocritcal in the nation as many of them have concealed carry permits and/or carry while denying that right to their constituents.

I predict this will happen all across the nation if Bloomberg ever gets into office.

Sounds a little like a police state. I am in the Great State of Tennessee. I have carried in my car for years after they made it law, you do not have to have a permit for a weapon in your home, car, or boat as part of the Castle Doctrine. We are 86 miles from Memphis, getting some spill over from that Metropolitan area, straight down I-40. I have owned, trained on and with, as well as trained others on a variety of weapons, as was part of my job. I never had a permit or carried when not on duty until last year, although you can't open a closet without finding something loaded if you look. It just makes sense. I have not needed a weapon for protection except for military duty and hope I never will. All normal, stable adults with good self control should get trained, licensed, practice regularly, and carry or have one handy. You just never know what can come up.
Sadly Northam is willing to start a war between law abiding citizens and do it for personal satisfaction,there is no justification in implementing laws against the American people,take you war against the criminals.To bring this on to the law abiding public,when you yourself Mr. Northam know and admit this is going to turn into a real bad situation,is on your part TREASON AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE...Any one who would knowingly and willingly do this to America should be deported.YOU SIR ARE A DISGRACE TO THE WHOLE OF AMERICA.I hope you pay for your sins..ONE NATION UNDER GOD,INDIVISABLE,WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.
Sadly Northam is willing to start a war between law abiding citizens and do it for personal satisfaction,there is no justification in implementing laws against the American people,take you war against the criminals.To bring this on to the law abiding public,when you yourself Mr. Northam know and admit this is going to turn into a real bad situation,is on your part TREASON AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE...Any one who would knowingly and willingly do this to America should be deported.YOU SIR ARE A DISGRACE TO THE WHOLE OF AMERICA.I hope you pay for your sins..ONE NATION UNDER GOD,INDIVISABLE,WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.
Vermin like him are the ones who make certain we have a steady flow of criminals released from prisons to prey on us.
Sadly Northam is willing to start a war between law abiding citizens and do it for personal satisfaction,there is no justification in implementing laws against the American people,take you war against the criminals.To bring this on to the law abiding public,when you yourself Mr. Northam know and admit this is going to turn into a real bad situation,is on your part TREASON AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE...Any one who would knowingly and willingly do this to America should be deported.YOU SIR ARE A DISGRACE TO THE WHOLE OF AMERICA.I hope you pay for your sins..ONE NATION UNDER GOD,INDIVISABLE,WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.
Vermin like him are the ones who make certain we have a steady flow of criminals released from prisons to prey on us.
I refuse to become a victim Mike.
Sadly Northam is willing to start a war between law abiding citizens and do it for personal satisfaction,there is no justification in implementing laws against the American people,take you war against the criminals.To bring this on to the law abiding public,when you yourself Mr. Northam know and admit this is going to turn into a real bad situation,is on your part TREASON AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE...Any one who would knowingly and willingly do this to America should be deported.YOU SIR ARE A DISGRACE TO THE WHOLE OF AMERICA.I hope you pay for your sins..ONE NATION UNDER GOD,INDIVISABLE,WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.
Vermin like him are the ones who make certain we have a steady flow of criminals released from prisons to prey on us.
I refuse to become a victim Mike.
Me too. Even my wife makes sure I have at least one gun.

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