Northam Isn't Learning

The ignorance on this thread is astounding, as is the lack of any concern for safety in the U.S. None of you can show what is to stop any one of you from aiming weapons of war at private citizens, or at police officers, at government officials, or on-duty members of the Virginia Guard. Many of you have made statements that show intent to overthrow the government, which is traitor talk.

I don't "suck up" to anybody, and this is why many of you folks have called me vile names quite often on USMB.

BTW: a "quisling" is defined as "a traitor who collaborates with an enemy force occupying their country." I am not a traitor to the United States and I do not collaborate with any enemy force. I am perfectly within my rights in supporting my state's governor and legislature. This does not involve any nation other than the U.S. We apparently face domestic enemies rather than foreign ones.
Are you supporting the person above that constitution who you like over the nation's survival? For what that governor has done if a Republican would be on perma destroy by the media/entertainment industries. But in a Prog popularity contest, he is okay.

I firmly support the U.S. Constitution, but it does not provide a blank check for anybody. Freedom of speech, for instance, does not include the right to yell "fire!" in a crowded theater. Having these crazy weapons of war in the hands of unknown and perhaps insane or traitorous people does not implicate "the nation's survival" in any way.
BTW: there is absolutely nothing wrong with being for progress and against retrogression. We are supposed to go forward, not backward.
Progressive is a key word to accept communism. Sorry, you're fake patriotism sucks. I think I will buy another AR because the Constitution says I can.

This has nothing to do with communism. Where do you get this crap from? Communism is an economic system, bimbo. You apparently are not "patriotic" about anything. What do you want? Where do you want to steer the nation? I aim to keep it free and going forward for ALL people.
Then you are not a Dem? You care less about freedom if you are anti constitutional, bimbo.
The ignorance on this thread is astounding, as is the lack of any concern for safety in the U.S. None of you can show what is to stop any one of you from aiming weapons of war at private citizens, or at police officers, at government officials, or on-duty members of the Virginia Guard. Many of you have made statements that show intent to overthrow the government, which is traitor talk.

I don't "suck up" to anybody, and this is why many of you folks have called me vile names quite often on USMB.

BTW: a "quisling" is defined as "a traitor who collaborates with an enemy force occupying their country." I am not a traitor to the United States and I do not collaborate with any enemy force. I am perfectly within my rights in supporting my state's governor and legislature. This does not involve any nation other than the U.S. We apparently face domestic enemies rather than foreign ones.
Are you supporting the person above that constitution who you like over the nation's survival? For what that governor has done if a Republican would be on perma destroy by the media/entertainment industries. But in a Prog popularity contest, he is okay.

I firmly support the U.S. Constitution, but it does not provide a blank check for anybody. Freedom of speech, for instance, does not include the right to yell "fire!" in a crowded theater. Having these crazy weapons of war in the hands of unknown and perhaps insane or traitorous people does not implicate "the nation's survival" in any way.
BTW: there is absolutely nothing wrong with being for progress and against retrogression. We are supposed to go forward, not backward.
Progressive is a key word to accept communism. Sorry, you're fake patriotism sucks. I think I will buy another AR because the Constitution says I can.

This has nothing to do with communism. Where do you get this crap from? Communism is an economic system, bimbo. You apparently are not "patriotic" about anything. What do you want? Where do you want to steer the nation? I aim to keep it free and going forward for ALL people.
Then you are not a Dem? You care less about freedom if you are anti constitutional, bimbo.

I support the Democratic Party because it is the sole viable opposition to the primitive scum the republican party has turned into, who oppose the very concept of freedom and want to turn our nation into a cheap-assed authoritarian theocracy. I have never been "anti constitutional."
Are you supporting the person above that constitution who you like over the nation's survival? For what that governor has done if a Republican would be on perma destroy by the media/entertainment industries. But in a Prog popularity contest, he is okay.

I firmly support the U.S. Constitution, but it does not provide a blank check for anybody. Freedom of speech, for instance, does not include the right to yell "fire!" in a crowded theater. Having these crazy weapons of war in the hands of unknown and perhaps insane or traitorous people does not implicate "the nation's survival" in any way.
BTW: there is absolutely nothing wrong with being for progress and against retrogression. We are supposed to go forward, not backward.
Progressive is a key word to accept communism. Sorry, you're fake patriotism sucks. I think I will buy another AR because the Constitution says I can.

This has nothing to do with communism. Where do you get this crap from? Communism is an economic system, bimbo. You apparently are not "patriotic" about anything. What do you want? Where do you want to steer the nation? I aim to keep it free and going forward for ALL people.
Then you are not a Dem? You care less about freedom if you are anti constitutional, bimbo.

I support the Democratic Party because it is the sole viable opposition to the primitive scum the republican party has turned into, who oppose the very concept of freedom and want to turn our nation into a cheap-assed authoritarian theocracy. I have never been "anti constitutional."

The first five words of your post indicate that you are.
Are you supporting the person above that constitution who you like over the nation's survival? For what that governor has done if a Republican would be on perma destroy by the media/entertainment industries. But in a Prog popularity contest, he is okay.

I firmly support the U.S. Constitution, but it does not provide a blank check for anybody. Freedom of speech, for instance, does not include the right to yell "fire!" in a crowded theater. Having these crazy weapons of war in the hands of unknown and perhaps insane or traitorous people does not implicate "the nation's survival" in any way.
BTW: there is absolutely nothing wrong with being for progress and against retrogression. We are supposed to go forward, not backward.
Progressive is a key word to accept communism. Sorry, you're fake patriotism sucks. I think I will buy another AR because the Constitution says I can.

This has nothing to do with communism. Where do you get this crap from? Communism is an economic system, bimbo. You apparently are not "patriotic" about anything. What do you want? Where do you want to steer the nation? I aim to keep it free and going forward for ALL people.
Then you are not a Dem? You care less about freedom if you are anti constitutional, bimbo.

I support the Democratic Party because it is the sole viable opposition to the primitive scum the republican party has turned into, who oppose the very concept of freedom and want to turn our nation into a cheap-assed authoritarian theocracy. I have never been "anti constitutional."
Even though the Democratic party is actually the party that does what you say. You are nothing but a commie liar.
my son asked me to get him a bulletproof backpack for Christmas


You got your understanding of the Constitution in the back of Johnny's Garage somewhere. Me, I studied it for two semesters. You also have no understanding of history, and no regard for the safety of your fellow Americans. You just want to destroy this nation and our freedom.

Apparently, your “study” somehow managed to not include actually reading and understanding the document itself.
Are you supporting the person above that constitution who you like over the nation's survival? For what that governor has done if a Republican would be on perma destroy by the media/entertainment industries. But in a Prog popularity contest, he is okay.

I firmly support the U.S. Constitution, but it does not provide a blank check for anybody. Freedom of speech, for instance, does not include the right to yell "fire!" in a crowded theater. Having these crazy weapons of war in the hands of unknown and perhaps insane or traitorous people does not implicate "the nation's survival" in any way.
BTW: there is absolutely nothing wrong with being for progress and against retrogression. We are supposed to go forward, not backward.
Progressive is a key word to accept communism. Sorry, you're fake patriotism sucks. I think I will buy another AR because the Constitution says I can.

This has nothing to do with communism. Where do you get this crap from? Communism is an economic system, bimbo. You apparently are not "patriotic" about anything. What do you want? Where do you want to steer the nation? I aim to keep it free and going forward for ALL people.
Then you are not a Dem? You care less about freedom if you are anti constitutional, bimbo.

I support the Democratic Party because it is the sole viable opposition to the primitive scum the republican party has turned into, who oppose the very concept of freedom and want to turn our nation into a cheap-assed authoritarian theocracy. I have never been "anti constitutional."

Wait a minute. The first step in authoritarianism is to make your populous defenseless of your authority. You say your concern is about freedom when this Nazi is willing to expand government forces and lock people up for exercising their constitutional rights?
If you are one of those who opposes the rule of law, remember that the laws that you have imposed or want to impose in every state become worthless as a result. It's anarchy time. We will all do as we wish.

The Second Amendment is the law. As part of the Constitution, it is the highest law in this nation, taking precedence over any and all lesser laws.

Anyone who defends violating the Constitution is in no position to speak of the rule if law.

Not every restriction on weaponry is unconstitutional. The Second Amendment was passed at a time when people had muskets that fired only one shot before having to be reloaded. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State." Written with the knowledge that the British might be back, and they were in 1812.

We now have this "well regulated Militia" to defend "the security of a free State." The people who want to be allowed to possess modern, rapid-fire weapons of war, unknown to the writers of the Second Amendment at the time, want to use them to attack the security of the United States and to attack its people from within.

In all of your posts on various threads, you seem to want to live in the worlds of of centuries ago, and even in the worlds of ancient tribal times of 2,000-3,000 thousands years ago.

We live in the present day.

Our founders understood change was inevitable. They had no way to predict what those changes might be. That's why they wrote in an amendment process for the US Constitution; for the majority to decide if articles in the document needed to be updated.
Now, Northam is asking for a $4.8 million, 18-officer team to enforce his proposed plan to confiscate commonly owned firearms categorized by lawmakers as "assault weapons,"

What will they do? Travel throughout the state breaking into houses?

I would think the participant list - names, addresses and other pertinent information - would be leaked in say ... a week?

Virginia governor requests 18-officer team to enforce gun ban - WND

This is a perfect example of why registration of guns in this country should be fought to the last dying day. If a Nazi like this clown ever gets control over the country on a federal level, that registration list would be used to carry out his un-American plans.
Now, Northam is asking for a $4.8 million, 18-officer team to enforce his proposed plan to confiscate commonly owned firearms categorized by lawmakers as "assault weapons,"

What will they do? Travel throughout the state breaking into houses?

I would think the participant list - names, addresses and other pertinent information - would be leaked in say ... a week?

Virginia governor requests 18-officer team to enforce gun ban - WND
The good news is all the Virginia militia-men can now go and volunteer to kick Iran's ass for trump.
Now, Northam is asking for a $4.8 million, 18-officer team to enforce his proposed plan to confiscate commonly owned firearms categorized by lawmakers as "assault weapons,"

What will they do? Travel throughout the state breaking into houses?

I would think the participant list - names, addresses and other pertinent information - would be leaked in say ... a week?

Virginia governor requests 18-officer team to enforce gun ban - WND
The good news is all the Virginia militia-men can now go and volunteer to kick Iran's ass for trump.

They may be needed here.
Now, Northam is asking for a $4.8 million, 18-officer team to enforce his proposed plan to confiscate commonly owned firearms categorized by lawmakers as "assault weapons,"

What will they do? Travel throughout the state breaking into houses?

I would think the participant list - names, addresses and other pertinent information - would be leaked in say ... a week?

Virginia governor requests 18-officer team to enforce gun ban - WND
So the NRA has you tards believing there is some kind of widescale gun confiscation enacted? :lol:
Now, Northam is asking for a $4.8 million, 18-officer team to enforce his proposed plan to confiscate commonly owned firearms categorized by lawmakers as "assault weapons,"

What will they do? Travel throughout the state breaking into houses?

I would think the participant list - names, addresses and other pertinent information - would be leaked in say ... a week?

Virginia governor requests 18-officer team to enforce gun ban - WND
So the NRA has you tards believing there is some kind of widescale gun confiscation enacted? :lol:

Not at all.

The Democrats, on the other hand, have us with their own words over 25 years believing that they would if they could, so pre-emptive warnings/actions are justified.
Now, Northam is asking for a $4.8 million, 18-officer team to enforce his proposed plan to confiscate commonly owned firearms categorized by lawmakers as "assault weapons,"

What will they do? Travel throughout the state breaking into houses?

I would think the participant list - names, addresses and other pertinent information - would be leaked in say ... a week?

Virginia governor requests 18-officer team to enforce gun ban - WND
So the NRA has you tards believing there is some kind of widescale gun confiscation enacted? :lol:

Not at all.

The Democrats, on the other hand, have us with their own words over 25 years believing that they would if they could, so pre-emptive warnings/actions are justified.
I've only heard one Democratic politician in my entire life say he would confiscate guns, and he fell off the map immediately after.
I firmly support the U.S. Constitution, but it does not provide a blank check for anybody. Freedom of speech, for instance, does not include the right to yell "fire!" in a crowded theater. Having these crazy weapons of war in the hands of unknown and perhaps insane or traitorous people does not implicate "the nation's survival" in any way.
BTW: there is absolutely nothing wrong with being for progress and against retrogression. We are supposed to go forward, not backward.
Progressive is a key word to accept communism. Sorry, you're fake patriotism sucks. I think I will buy another AR because the Constitution says I can.

This has nothing to do with communism. Where do you get this crap from? Communism is an economic system, bimbo. You apparently are not "patriotic" about anything. What do you want? Where do you want to steer the nation? I aim to keep it free and going forward for ALL people.
Then you are not a Dem? You care less about freedom if you are anti constitutional, bimbo.

I support the Democratic Party because it is the sole viable opposition to the primitive scum the republican party has turned into, who oppose the very concept of freedom and want to turn our nation into a cheap-assed authoritarian theocracy. I have never been "anti constitutional."
Even though the Democratic party is actually the party that does what you say. You are nothing but a commie liar.

You don't have the faintest idea what a "commie" is. Limbaugh must have taught you to say this.
I support the Democratic Party because it is the sole viable opposition to the primitive scum the republican party has turned into, who oppose the very concept of freedom and want to turn our nation into a cheap-assed authoritarian theocracy. I have never been "anti constitutional."

Wait a minute. The first step in authoritarianism is to make your populous defenseless of your authority. You say your concern is about freedom when this Nazi is willing to expand government forces and lock people up for exercising their constitutional rights?

Orwell called it Doublethink.
Now, Northam is asking for a $4.8 million, 18-officer team to enforce his proposed plan to confiscate commonly owned firearms categorized by lawmakers as "assault weapons,"

What will they do? Travel throughout the state breaking into houses?

I would think the participant list - names, addresses and other pertinent information - would be leaked in say ... a week?

Virginia governor requests 18-officer team to enforce gun ban - WND
So the NRA has you tards believing there is some kind of widescale gun confiscation enacted? :lol:

Not at all.

The Democrats, on the other hand, have us with their own words over 25 years believing that they would if they could, so pre-emptive warnings/actions are justified.
I've only heard one Democratic politician in my entire life say he would confiscate guns, and he fell off the map immediately after.

A criminal rarely announces his intended crime loudly at the bar.
The ignorance on this thread is astounding, as is the lack of any concern for safety in the U.S. None of you can show what is to stop any one of you from aiming weapons of war at private citizens, or at police officers, at government officials, or on-duty members of the Virginia Guard. Many of you have made statements that show intent to overthrow the government, which is traitor talk.

I don't "suck up" to anybody, and this is why many of you folks have called me vile names quite often on USMB.

BTW: a "quisling" is defined as "a traitor who collaborates with an enemy force occupying their country." I am not a traitor to the United States and I do not collaborate with any enemy force. I am perfectly within my rights in supporting my state's governor and legislature. This does not involve any nation other than the U.S. We apparently face domestic enemies rather than foreign ones.
Are you supporting the person above that constitution who you like over the nation's survival? For what that governor has done if a Republican would be on perma destroy by the media/entertainment industries. But in a Prog popularity contest, he is okay.

I firmly support the U.S. Constitution, but it does not provide a blank check for anybody. Freedom of speech, for instance, does not include the right to yell "fire!" in a crowded theater. Having these crazy weapons of war in the hands of unknown and perhaps insane or traitorous people does not implicate "the nation's survival" in any way.
BTW: there is absolutely nothing wrong with being for progress and against retrogression. We are supposed to go forward, not backward.
I agree with moving forward. Trump is who he is. He was in TV. He was the same as he was before TV. Prog politicians seem to be actors. They emote. From Juillard. They are method actors with drama. For every thing. Only its dangerous. The never ending expansions of agendas won with more and more programs that never seem to be enough. And the destruction of hetero marriages and families is going to be a reason for our downfall. Actually demeaning women that get married with some staying home is vile. The taxes must keep rising and will until people spout Kaput. And refuse to do a damn thing.

the destruction of hetero marriages and families is going to be a reason for our downfall. Actually demeaning women that get married with some staying home is vile.

The only people who can destroy hetero marriages are the heteros who are in them. No one on the outside could possibly do it. Demeaning women is vile, notwithstanding any lifestyle they choose as individuals. Men are only demeaned when they choose a marriage and parenthood lifestyle that puts their roles as spouses and parents first, and then it is their fellow men who demean them the most.
Having these crazy weapons of war

Stop lying these are not weapons of war God some of you people are retarded. These ARE the very same weapons law enforcement uses to defend themselves against they very same criminals we are defending ourselves from. Suck it!

Yeah. Like you are defending yourselves from "criminals." Stop joking. Stop being such a fearful little toy-boy and grow up. Are you somewhere where you are besieged by criminals? Where is this? Are you in some foreign, unstable nation?

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